Reborn Girl’s New Life

Chapter 893: Arrange for Gu Yi


Mei Qi pondered for a moment after listening to what Song Yunxuan said, and felt that it was not unreasonable.

Gu Changge's experience back then was also very difficult.

Compared with today's Gu Yi, it is even worse.

The difference is that Gu Changge relied on his father at that time.

But now, the only one Gu Yi relies on is Song Yunxuan.

Gu Changge's father's ability is similar to Song Yunxuan's.

If Gu Yi has Gu Changge's ability, with Song Yunxuan's help, he will definitely be able to grow a lot along the way.

When he grows up, he can be regarded as a figure in this Cloud City just like his mother.

However, it is hard to say whether this child can treat Song Yunxuan's help with a normal heart.

Mei Qi is still thinking.

Song Yunxuan suddenly stopped and frowned slightly.

Mei Qi noticed it immediately and turned around to ask her, "Mr. Song, what's wrong with you?"

Song Yunxuan put her fingers on her stomach and frowned.

Mei Qi immediately became worried: "Does your stomach hurt?"

Song Yunxuan had a painful look in her eyes, and she nodded slightly when she heard Mei Qi ask.

Mei Qi was a little suspicious: "Isn't the due date these days?"

"There will still be some time..."

Song Yunxuan also clearly remembered that her due date was not within this period of time.

Mei Qi still attached great importance to this matter. Knowing that Song Yunxuan was in a special period and could not tolerate any trouble, she immediately supported her and walked forward: "I'll call Mr. Chu right away."

The child carried in Song Yunxuan's belly was Chu Mochen's.

Therefore, if something happens, Chu Mochen must be notified immediately.

Song Yunxuan nodded.

Mei Qi first helped Song Yunxuan get into the car. After Mei Qi called Chu Mochen, she said to him, "I'll have someone take me to the hospital first, and you take Xiaoyi back."

"I'll accompany you to the hospital first."

Mei Qi was a little worried.

Compared with Song Yunxuan's current situation, it is obvious that there is no danger to Gu Yi.

But Song Yunxuan did not agree: "Gu Yi is not safe in the mental hospital. Even if Gu Changle and Shao Tianze have become like this, there is no guarantee that anyone else will want to fish in troubled waters. Therefore, Xiao Yi You have to pay more attention to it.”

Mei Qi knew that Song Yunxuan was very concerned about Gu Yi.

So, after hearing what Song Yunxuan said, she nodded: "Then I will take care of Xiaoyi."


After Song Yunxuan finished talking to Mei Qi.

Mei Qicai carefully asked the driver to take Song Yunxuan to the hospital, and then turned back to find Gu Yi.

When Song Yunxuan went out, except for Mei Qi, everyone around her was arranged by Chu Mochen.

Song Yunxuan is Chu Mochen's wife. Although the formal wedding has not yet been held, she is pregnant. This identity is also known to everyone.

Naturally they are very careful.

Song Yunxuan's situation along the way was told to Chu Mochen by the driver.

Chu Mochen was a little nervous about her, so after driving to meet Song Yunxuan's car, he followed Song Yunxuan's car to the hospital.

The hospital had already received the news that Song Yunxuan was about to be sent here, and she had already been waiting at the entrance of the hospital.

As soon as Song Yunxuan was helped out of the car, a doctor immediately came to see Song Yunxuan's condition.

What doctors fear most is seeing blood and premature birth.

It is not yet the due date of delivery. If the amniotic water breaks or the baby is born prematurely, it will not only be good for the child, but also for the pregnant woman.

Fortunately, Song Yunxuan's stomach hurts.

But when he was sent there, there was no blood.

The doctor checked and found that there would be no premature labor, just ordinary labor pains. Chu Mochen was relieved.

Then he stayed with her in front of her hospital bed and told her not very unhappy: "You should stop running around like this."


Song Yunxuan felt very useful when she saw Chu Mochen caring so much about her.

However, for a flash in front of his eyes, he thought of Shao Tianze in the past.

Shao Tianze in the past was so concerned about her first child.

However, at that time, their feelings had actually begun to change quietly.

If you think about it carefully, the marriage and relationship between her and Shao Tianze has always been a kind of vague love.

They themselves may feel that there is a little bit of love.

But actually

There is no emotion at all, everything is just an illusion.

They are connected to each other because of interests.

Shao Tianze thought that he liked Gu Changge, so he used all possible means to marry Gu Changge and became Gu Changge's husband.

However, in fact, he just took a fancy to Gu Changge's identity and wanted to have a place in the Gu family.

And marrying Gu Changge and becoming Gu Changge's husband is the fastest shortcut.

The so-called love is nothing more than the pursuit of interests under the cloak of beauty.

She lowered her eyes slightly.

When Chu Mochen saw her lowering her eyes, he knew that she was thinking of something else, so he asked her, "What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

Song Yunxuan smiled slightly and looked at him: "I'm not unhappy, I just think you are very special."

"What's so special about it?"

"A feeling I really like."

Hearing Song Yunxuan describe it like this, Chu Mochen stretched out his hand and gently pulled her finger: "You are about to give birth now. Before the due date, you have been waiting in the hospital. When the child is born and is one month old, do you want to I'll be with you no matter what you do."


Song Yunxuan nodded.

Feel the feeling of Chu Mochen's fingers holding his own.

A feeling that is very reliable and worth trusting and relying on.

She likes this feeling and also likes Chu Mochen to be by his side.

Song Yunxuan calmly looked at her fingers held by Shao Tianze, and suddenly thought of Gu Yi, and said, "Shao's matter..."

"Whether it's the Shaw family or the Song family, I will be in charge of the next thing."

"I think… "

Before Song Yunxuan could say anything, Chu Mochen already asked her: "What, are you worried?"

Song Yunxuan smiled: "It's not that I'm worried, it's just that I have an arrangement that I want to discuss with you."

"What arrangements?"

The reason why Shao Family fell into Song Yunxuan's hands now was because Chu Mochen's help was useless.

And now she is about to give birth. After giving birth, there will be a period of time when she will not be able to take care of the affairs of the Shaw family and the Song family.

It is almost inevitable for Chu Mochen to intervene in management.

Therefore, it is necessary for her to agree with Chu Mochen in advance about her current arrangement.

"It's about Gu Yi."

Let’s talk about Gu Yi.

Chu Mochen raised his eyebrows slightly: "Do you have plans for Gu Yi?"


Gu Yi is Gu Changge's only child, although she is now Song Yunxuan.

But her son was still her son, so of course she had to make good arrangements.