Reborn Girl’s New Life

Chapter 897: Xue Tao provoked


When Chu Mochen suddenly said such words, Song Yunxuan's expression couldn't help but change.

However, the change in her expression was extremely subtle.

And it was also very quick. He quickly adjusted, then reached out and held Chu Mochen's finger, and said: "Even if I didn't get pregnant before, I will definitely get pregnant in the future. It will take me so long to be with you." , would you be willing not to give you a child?”

Of course not willingly.

However, no matter how unwilling you are, the result will not be worse than the current result.

She had never thought that in order to give birth to a child, she would have to pay for Song Yunxuan's life.

If I had known that this would be the result, then even if the child was not born, what regrets would there be

In this life, as long as Song Yunxuan is with him, it is enough.

He grabbed Song Yunxuan's fingers, then gently placed them on his cheeks and rubbed them.

Song Yunxuan smiled when she saw him gently rubbing the back of her hand: "Why do you become more powerful the longer I am pregnant?"

"I'm probably going to be a father, so it will change."

Chu Mochen replied like this.

Song Yunxuan had no doubts either.

Indeed, when an adult becomes someone else's parent, he will indeed change a lot.

She looked at Chu Mochen, and Chu Mochen's eyes also looked at her.

But what they were thinking about was not the same thing.

The news that Song Yunxuan was hospitalized and expected to give birth was not only regarded as big news by Yuncheng.

Reporters from Hong Kong City came all the way to wait outside the hospital to receive the first news of Song Yunxuan's birth.

It can be seen from this that Song Yunxuan not only has a lot of influence in Yuncheng, but also has influence in Hong Kong City.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many reporters in Hong Kong City waiting for news about her.

However, those reporters had been waiting here for two or three days, and before the news of Song Yunxuan's successful birth came out, they began to become anxious.

Logically speaking, when the due date has arrived, the child is almost due to be born.

But there was no movement at all from Song Yunxuan's side.

Let alone any news.

Song Yunying was very upset because of Xue Tao's incident.

Although he had already agreed with Song Yunxuan how to deal with Xue Tao, he still had to find a suitable time.

Xue Tao also knew that Song Yunxuan had reached her due date but had not yet given birth.

Therefore, after going out to play late and coming back very late, she would still be drunk and pretend to be concerned to ask Song Yunying what was going on with her sister.

Every time Song Yunying was asked about this matter by Xue Tao, she felt very anxious and wanted to castrate Xue Tao immediately.

However, if he couldn't find a good time, he could only wait for news from Song Yunxuan.

Xue Tao lay down on Song Yunying's bed, smelling of alcohol.

Song Yunying immediately stood up from the bed as if hiding something dirty, and then walked to the side.

When Xue Tao saw Song Yunying's reaction, he sneered: "You insisted on sticking to me at first. Why now, as soon as I lie down on the bed, you want to stay away from me? It's because my Xue family doesn't have your sister. Is it of great use?”

What Xue Tao said is true.

Song Yunying didn't bother to deny it.

When Xue Tao heard that Song Yunying had no intention of denying it, his expression immediately turned bad. He got up from the bed, rushed over and grabbed Song Yunying, then asked her, "Do you really dislike me?"

Song Yunying was already disgusted with Xue Tao.

Now that Xue Tao caught him like this, I felt even more annoyed.

He stretched out his hand to push Xue Tao away.

However, Xue Tao was drunk and a grown man, so she couldn't push him away for a while.

I could only hold hands with Xue Tao like this, but didn't show any weakness at all: "So what? How can you compare with my sister now?"

"Then you followed your sister back then. Why did you run to my Xue family?" She’s half dead, now you think she’s a good person?”

Song Yunying's face turned pale.

When Song Yunying mentioned what happened before, she felt that she was blind.

At the beginning, he really shouldn't have overestimated his capabilities and went with Song Yunjia and Song Yunqiang to deal with Song Yunxuan.

If this were not the case, Song Yunjia and Song Yunqiang would not be reduced to the current situation where one is dead and the other is in jail.

"Let me tell you, Song Yunying, even if you can hold Song Yunxuan's thigh now and let her protect you, when Song Yunxuan gives birth to the child, she will inevitably have to settle accounts with you. Do you think she will forget that you harmed her before? hatred?"

The more Xue Tao said this, the more unsure Song Yunying felt.

She is now protected by Song Yunxuan.

But Song Yunxuan was willing to protect her because he was in a good mood. Who knew when Song Yunxuan would be in a bad mood and settle old scores with her

Seeing Song Yunying's expression change, Xue Tao knew that what he said was still useful.

He continued to talk to her: "Now that Song Yunxuan's due date has passed, but she still can't give birth to a child, do you think she is about to die?"

Song Yunying immediately spoke: "Stop talking nonsense!"

"Am I talking nonsense?" Xue Tao found it funny, "Then you can explain to me why Song Yunxuan hasn't given birth to a child yet?"

Song Yunying was naturally unable to say anything when she was kissed.

She recently even went to visit Song Yunxuan in the hospital, but Chu Mochen refused.

Let alone explain why Song Yunxuan has not given birth even after her due date.

Xue Tao started to provoke again: "I heard that Shao Tianze's sister and Zang Linger from Hong Kong City have gone to see Song Yunxuan today. Look at you, as Song Yunxuan's second sister, at such a critical time, Song Yunxuan would rather go She doesn’t want to meet a few outsiders, like you, my biological sister. It’s easy to imagine that in her eyes, you, my biological sister, are nothing at all.”

Xue Tao said that Song Yunxuan felt a little uncomfortable when she met Shao Xue and Zang Linger.

However, when he thought that the matter of asking Song Yunxuan to help him deal with Xue Tao was not yet a foregone conclusion, he felt that Song Yunxuan's absence from him at this time was also a plan to avoid suspicion.

He calmed down and said, "I have children to take care of, and I can't help Yunxuan much. In this case, why should I bother her at this time?"

Xue Tao sneered: "You are very good at making excuses, but you'd better think about protecting yourself or trying to please me more, lest Song Yunxuan wakes up after giving birth and wants to deal with you, that If you ask me to help you again, I may not help you. "

Xue Tao is extremely arrogant.

However, Song Yunying glanced at him with disgust, broke away from his hand that was holding her arm, then hugged the child on the crib next to her and walked out of the room.

Even if he is plotted by Song Yunxuan in the future, it is better than being plotted by this idiot.

Besides, Song Yunxuan couldn't tolerate her disbelief now.

Otherwise there will be no place to stand.