Reborn Girl’s New Life

Chapter 899: Share with it


Song Yunying subconsciously felt that she could not tolerate not agreeing to this proposal.

Because now Song Yunxuan can control everything.

All her secrets are held in Song Yunxuan's hands. If Song Yunxuan wants to tell her secrets at any time, she can't stop her.

However, fortunately, Song Yunxuan would not say it casually.

As long as she promises her that when her son grows up, he will help Gu Yi and form an alliance with Gu Yi to help each other, then her secret will be kept forever.

No one in the Xue family will know.

"Second sister..."

"I promise you!"

Song Yunying almost couldn't wait to agree to Song Yunxuan's proposal, but she added: "I hope that when Gu Yi grows up, he can treat my son as a subordinate or brother, rather than as a tool."

Song Yunxuan heard Song Yunying's words and nodded: "You can rest assured, I guarantee that Gu Yi will treat your son as a brother."

The best way to employ people is never to treat a subordinate as a tool, but to treat him as a brother.

Gu Yi will be the one to take charge of the Gu family in the future.

Gu Changge is dead, Shao Tianze and Gu Changle have gone crazy, and Gu Yi has no one who can help him or assist him.

Of course, he sent Mei Qi there.

But when Mei Qi raised Gu Yi into a young man, he was already quite young.

According to her understanding of Mei Qi, Mei Qi would definitely not spend the rest of her life on Gu Yi, helping Gu Yi run the Gu family.

After Gu Yi learned what he should learn from Mei Qi's hands.

Mei Qi will let go and let Gu Yi do it.

When the time comes, Gu Yi will have no help from his parents or brothers.

There must be a lack of help around you.

But Song Yunying's child had grown up at that time.

In a few years, he will be able to help Gu Yi with something.

And when the relationship between the two of them is good, the relationship between her and Song Yunying will be better.

If it wasn't for Gu Yi to have a helper in the future, then what was the point of her taking the trouble to help Song Yunying hide it for so long

She is not a good man and a woman of faith, and she must treat those who have harmed her with a bodhisattva heart.

Song Yunying can only be considered Song Yunying's second sister unless she educates her son well and becomes Gu Yi's helper.

If not, then the debt that her second sister owed her may have to be settled.

Although Song Yunying could not hear her threatening words from Song Yunxuan's mouth.

However, as long as you have a brain, you can think carefully before doing something.

Then, many things can be thought of clearly.

Song Yunying agreed to educate her son to help Gu Yi.

Song Yunxuan was also very satisfied with Song Yunying's answer.

After Song Yunying made everything clear and thorough, she was still unwilling to leave easily.

Song Yunxuan knew the reason for this without asking her.

"Xue Tao, you can't wait any longer?"

Song Yunxuan asked Song Yunying.

Song Yunying nodded and answered her: "I can't stand him anymore."

"Then you go back and I'll have someone help you tonight."

I heard Song Yunxuan give her a direct answer on this matter.

Song Yunying felt relieved, and then said to Song Yunxuan: "Thank you for helping me, Yunxuan."

"You go back first."

Song Yunxuan sent Song Yunying back.

Song Yunying asked what she needed to ask and listened to what she needed to hear.

At this moment, Song Yunxuan asked her to go back first.

She had no intention of staying any longer, so she said goodbye to Song Yunxuan and left the hospital.

After Song Yunying left, Song Yunxuan called Mei Qi.

When Mei Qi saw that it was Song Yunxuan who was calling, she immediately picked up the phone.

Song Yunxuan, who was on the opposite side, said: "Xue Tao can do things a little faster. My second sister is a little out of control."

After saying this, Mei Qi responded: "Okay, it's just that the young master..."

"You are so efficient in doing things, I believe you will not delay teaching Gu Yi."

Mei Qi originally wanted to take a few days off while working for Song Yunxuan, and then relax.

But unexpectedly, Song Yunxuan seemed to see through his mind and immediately warned him not to delay teaching Gu Yi.

He had no other choice but to respond: "I understand, don't worry, Mr. Song, I promise to take good care of Young Master Gu."

Song Yunxuan nodded after hearing Mei Qi's cheerful answer.

Song Yunxuan is here to help Song Yunying solve her problems.

On Chu Mochen's side, Zang Linger had already invited the master from Thailand.

Chu Mochen communicated with the master for a long time, with a look of sadness on his face.

And his expression became increasingly gloomy.

Zang Ling'er couldn't help but frown while listening.

Master and Zang Ling'er are also acquaintances.

After all, they also interfered a lot in matters in Thailand.

Now something happened on Song Yunxuan's side.

The masters in Thailand were naturally very attentive.

However, Song Yunxuan's physical condition is indeed not qualified to give birth to a child.

"If Yunxuan gives birth to this child, can both of them keep one child?"

When Chu Mochen heard the master say that Song Yunxuan would definitely die when giving birth to a child, his face turned ugly.

But after all, Song Yunxuan has not started giving birth yet, she is just waiting for delivery.

He felt that there were other ways to save Song Yunxuan.

The master looked at Chu Mochen and shook his head.

Zang Linger, who was next to him, also said with heavy eyes: "I had the same idea as you before, thinking that two people can protect one person after all, but the master said that if you can protect one person, you can only protect the child, not the adult."

Chu Mochen would not have such a deep relationship with a child he had never met before.

Because the prerequisite for liking this child is liking Song Yunxuan.

Only if you love the house and the crow will you like their children.

However, if Song Yunxuan would die because of giving birth to this child, then he would rather not have this child.

The master seemed to know Chu Mochen's thoughts very well.

He opened his mouth and said something.

Zang Ling'er, who was next to him, translated: "The master said that the child will definitely survive. There is no choice. Only the child can survive, or both mother and child die."

Obviously, everyone will think that the best way is to live as long as possible.

However, after being silent for a long time, Chu Mochen suddenly spoke and said to the master: "I want them all to survive. I can give my life to Song Yunxuan, as long as Song Yunxuan can survive."

Hearing Chu Mochen say this, Zang Linger said: "It's impossible. How can there be such a thing as divided life spans in this world?"

Even if there really is such a weird way.

It must be just a legend, or a deception with only a short-term effect.

Zang Linger has no hope at all.

However, Chu Mochen looked at the master in front of him with extremely serious and eager eyes.

I hope the other party can tell him that this method is feasible.

However, after listening to Chu Mochen's words.

But the master frowned and didn't speak for a long time.