Reborn, I Became a Male God

Chapter 24


Shen Ze is not the kind of petty person, not to mention that Jing Ling just made a harmless little joke. After leaving the audition place, on the way back, Shen Ze asked Jing Ling what happened to the audition.

"Speaking of which, I'm angry! Aze, I was cheated by you, you know!" Jing Ling was indignant, "You didn't see the expressions of the judges after I finished the performance, as if I had been constipated for a few days. Later I realized that I made a mistake in the play and played an ordinary person as a perverted murderer... Ah Ze, why did you find me an ordinary person for the role of the murderer that was agreed upon???"

Shen Ze looked at him blankly, "Boss Shang contacted that matter, because everyone in it can be regarded as a murderer, so I asked you for a relatively easy one. I didn't expect such a black hole to appear." Dragon, I'm sorry about that. But I have a question, haven't you read the script before?"

Jing Ling refused to answer this question. He would say that he preconceived that this character is a murderer, so he tried to figure it out with the thinking of a murderer. Honesty, dullness, introversion... Aren't these the common denominators of many perverted killers and criminals

After returning to the hotel where he stayed, Jing Ling simply packed up and saluted, and set off for the airport. Shen Ze booked him a plane ticket for this afternoon before, because he had classes on Monday morning, and he also asked Jing Qiu to go out for a walk in the evening.

The flight from Jiangcheng to Qincheng arrived at 6:30 pm. Jing Ling got out of the airport and hailed a taxi to go back to school, then tossed around in the dormitory for about 20 minutes, and left at almost eight o'clock. Crossing the busy street to the next door to the Normal University, he called Jing Qiu when he arrived at the bottom of the dormitory. After less than five minutes, she came down from upstairs, along with her sister from the same dormitory.

"Xiaoling, this is my roommate Yang Zhenzhen." Jing Qiu introduced the girl, "Zhenzhen, this is my younger brother." She originally wanted to say his name, but she swallowed the words because she thought of Jing Ling Now that he is a star, his "Song of Changle" is not only pursued by people around her, but also heard from passers-by more than once in private. It may be more troublesome if he is recognized.

Fortunately, Yang Zhenzhen was quite nervous, and didn't think about it at all. After looking at Jing Ling curiously, she said with a smile, "Hello, handsome Jing Xiao!"

Jing Ling nodded, "Hello, Sister Zhenzhen."

Yang Zhenzhen came to see Jing Ling to join in the fun, and after seeing it, she said to Jing Qiu, "Have fun" and left. The siblings left the gate of the Normal University, turned right and went directly to the food street in the university town. On the way, Jing Qiu told Jing Ling about recent events, and mentioned the TV series he acted in by the way.

"Xiaoling, let me tell you, the other three people in our dormitory have watched your performance of "Song of Changle". Take a few glances to make up for the wounded heart!" Although they are all surnamed Jing, Jing Qiu's appearance has basically no similarity with Jing Ling, and there are too many people with the surname Jing, she will not contact her with Jing Ling unless she tells anyone together.

When Jing Ling heard the words, he smiled unkindly. The original novel ended with a double kill, but in the TV series it was changed to Zhao Zizhen committing suicide, and the hosta that was originally inserted into Li Yu's chest was replaced by him.

In fact, at the beginning, the screenwriter suggested changing it to a comedy ending, but Jiang Sijin insisted on his own opinion. After many negotiations between the two parties, Jiang Sijin reluctantly retreated half a step—originally two deaths were changed to one death. Because she felt that Zhao Zizhen was such a proud person, even if he had Li Yu in his heart, he would not be willing to share her with others. Emperors have never been in love forever, and Li Yu is no exception. Maybe at the beginning she really wanted to be a couple with Zhao Zizhen forever, but she changed after holding the power of life and death, otherwise she would not have imprisoned him for a long time. Up to six years.

After walking through the food street for less than a third of the time, Jing Qiu was full, so he only focused on the entertainment. Both sides of this street are filled with various stalls, in addition to food, there are also clothes, jewelry, cosmetics and so on. The two walked for a while and came to a stall full of all kinds of plush toys. The boss put up a poster in front, saying that if you can write from 1 to 500 without making any mistakes, you can take the largest one on the stall for free. That teddy bear is as tall as 1.8 meters and covered in white. 10 yuan to write once, no refund if the challenge fails, and a small keychain.

There are many similar businesses, such as throwing a basketball into a bucket, smashing a bamboo can, trapping goldfish, and so on. In fact, it is a kind of deception, and many people know the principle, but the cost is not high, it is just for fun. Jing Ling looked at the few people sitting at the table who were writing carefully, and suddenly became interested.

"Sister, do you want that bear?" He asked Jing Qiu.

The latter looked at the big bear and was a little moved, so he nodded, "I think, but this is difficult."

Jing Ling smiled, "It's only 500, just wait, it will be yours soon!"

The boss just heard this sentence, and said with a smile, "Young man has ambition! There are paper and pen on the table, come on!"

Jing Ling handed over ten yuan, then walked directly to the table, took a paper and a pen, and began to write, with a posture that looked like a foot. Seeing the way he wrote like flying, the boss doubted that he was pretending, so he came over to take a look. He was frightened by this look, and kept a dumbfounded expression until Jing Ling finished writing.

This is a very challenging game. Several people who sat down before wrote wrong numbers one after another, and consciously put down their pens. Due to the nature of the people in the country to join in the fun, they all gathered to see when Jing Ling failed. Then they were as frightened as the boss.

It is normal for this game to write quickly at the beginning, but as time goes on, it will start to hesitate when writing, and then make mistakes. But this point is completely inapplicable to Jing Ling. His speed is very fast from beginning to end, and he does not hesitate at all when writing. He does not know how fast he is. His numbers are written very standard, and there are no words that need to be recognized due to scribble Condition.

Soon after writing the number 500, he put down the pen, picked up the paper and handed it to the boss, "Boss, you can check it. If there is no problem, I will take it away."

I didn't expect that someone could really write it. The boss's mood is broken at the moment, but the stall he set up must continue to operate with tears in his eyes. Even though he watched Jing Ling finish writing the whole process just now, he still checked it carefully. What if there is really something wrong? It's a pity that in the end it turned out that he was thinking too much, not to mention that there was nothing wrong, there was not even a scribbled handwriting, and there was no way to play tricks on porcelain. Although he didn't think about cheating.

The boss, who is 1.8 meters tall, gave the bear to Jing Ling, he gave people a pitiful feeling like a little girl who lost her heart toy. Jing Ling got goosebumps all over the ground, took Jing Qiu away after taking the bear.

Afterwards, Jing Ling went to challenge all the similar games on this street over and over again, making every attempt without fail. Whenever he patronized the stalls, the faces of the bosses all looked like bitter gourds. Fortunately, no matter how powerful he was, he didn't have two hands. Although he smashed a lot of things, he only picked out one or two and took them away. But even so, in the end the hands of both of them were empty and filled with all kinds of things.

When passing by a shopping mall, Jing Ling saw the claw machine outside, and his heart began to stir again. Jing Qiu saw through her thoughts, and suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, "Xiaoling, we really can't take it anymore!"

Jing Ling actually knew this in his heart, so he could only reluctantly give up.

There are a lot of people on the street, and Jing Ling has too many trophies today, which is too conspicuous among the crowd. Jing Qiu is relatively thin-skinned, and she feels a little embarrassed after being stared at for a long time, but she is reluctant to throw these things away.

Jing Ling had seen the map near the university town, and after a little recollection, he led Jing Qiu into a relatively quiet alley. Compared with the hustle and bustle of a street, this alley is like another world, narrow, dark and silent. The road is winding and winding, and it takes a long time to come across one or two houses with lights on. There are mostly low buildings here, even the lights are dim.

While walking, Jing Ling emphasized to Jing Qiu, "Go about 20 meters further, and turn a corner to the back door of the Normal University. Sister, today is a special situation. I couldn't help it because I swept so many things. That's why I took you this way. In the future, don't run this way alone, even if someone else follows you."

"En." Jing Qiu responded. To be honest, she felt a little bit insecure along the way, but she still felt very safe with Jing Ling by her side.

After a while to the exit, Jing Ling was about to say something, when there was a sudden burst of ugly curses in the quiet alley, "Stinky bitch, who the hell asked you to buy toys for this loser?! At the beginning, I shouldn’t be soft-hearted and keep her, but now I have to provide for food and clothing, early, I knew that I would just strangle her, strangle her to death!”

With a bang, the door of the family on the right in front suddenly opened, and something rolled out of the door.

Jing Qiu was startled, and almost dropped the thing in his hand.

"It's okay, it's just a quarrel." Jing Ling comforted her, and stepped in front of her.

With his good night vision ability, he was able to see clearly that it was a woman who rolled out of the door just now, with disheveled hair and obvious bruises at the corners of her eyes and mouth. (83 Chinese.83.)