Reborn, I Became a Male God

Chapter 46


Almost all the men in Jiang's family were five or three years old and as thick as bears, but this younger sister had a soft and cute voice. It was then that he realized that her younger sister was not a creature at all like the rest of the family. Since then, he has become a patient with late-stage sister-in-law syndrome. Following in the footsteps of other men in the family, he ruthlessly strangled to death the peach blossoms that bloomed on Jiang Sijin's way from kindergarten to high school.

He graduated from college last year, and the old man at home decided to throw him into the army. And in order to frustrate his spirit, he was directly sent to the southern administrative region far away from the direct line of the Jiang family. The army is indeed a good place to train people. Jiang Siyang has been in the army for a year, and he dare not say such an exaggerated change. At least he has restrained himself a lot, unlike at home.

A few days ago, when he had time to talk to Jiang Sijin, he was so stimulated by his younger sister's handsome way of talking like a god, and he almost couldn't hold back and rushed out to find someone to settle the score. It was the elder brother who comforted him with a word, "I checked, that kid is a freshman of Yijiao University this year, and the military training happens to be with your army, and it's time to assign you to be their instructor. People are not better."

Jiang Siyang felt that this was reasonable, so he temporarily suppressed his impulse and waited for the freshmen to come for military training. Later, as they arranged, Jing Ling's class was assigned to him. Probably because of prejudice in advance, when I saw the handsome young man in the crowd, I subconsciously felt that this kind of boyish face was not a good thing at first glance. The drama of the boat is coming. Since standing in the team, he has been dedicated to finding fault with Jing Ling, but he has nothing to gain from staring at him all morning.

Students trained in ordinary families and ordinary schools may have good academic performance, but they will be lacking in other aspects. Although the military training for college freshmen only trains some of the most basic content, it is still difficult to do it to a very standard level.

But what about Jingling

"Slow down! Attention!" he shouted.

Someone in the team moves as much as they look.

"Look to the left! Look to the right! Turn back!" he shouted.

The actions of someone in the team are still as eye-catching as their looks.

"Go forward! Go forward!" he shouted again.

Someone's actions in the team are always as standard as their appearance.

Jiang Siyang is so angry! What the hell is he teaching people, obviously here to play tricks on monkeys, but in the end there is always a feeling of being tricked by monkeys! If things continue like this, if others know that he can't even handle a kid who just graduated from high school, how will he behave in the future? !

The afternoon sun was scorching. Jiang Siyang was thinking, wishing that the sun would be so strong that even if the little bastard didn't faint from the sun, he would turn him into black charcoal for me! It turned out that the person he didn't like was fine at all, but the girl standing in front had suffered from heat stroke. Seeing Jing Ling's quick reaction to catch the person, and then the action came in one go. A princess hugged him and went straight to a cool place. Don't get angry. When Jing Ling came back, he couldn't help but say something, and made a fuss about it by the way.

The 400-meter training field has 0 laps and a total of 8 kilometers. He said when to finish the run and when to rest, but the purpose was just to frustrate Jing Ling. Fan, today is over.

Who would have thought that Jing Ling was a total freak, not only did he not embarrass anyone, but was severely mocked by the other party, and his face was slapped!

Jiang Siyang was even angrier. When I was eating, I noticed Jing Ling sitting in the corner at a glance, and I didn't know what to think at the time, so I came over with the plate. As a result, he didn't say a few words, and was choked by the other party so that he couldn't speak.

"Take a good look at my face. Don't you think that under normal circumstances, it's someone else's idea of me?" Jiang Siyang never thought that the other party would say such a thing. The three generations of Jiang's family are basically rough men, no matter whether they end up in the army or politics, they will inevitably go to the army to experience some experience. Born in such a family, Jiang Siyang's aesthetics would naturally be biased towards masculine beauty. What the sisters in the family talked about, such as gentle gentlemen and handsome handsome men, were all the same in his opinion-weak chicken!

But looking at the face of the young man in front of him at this moment, Jiang Siyang really couldn't say anything to refute. As the young master of the Jiang family of the top wealthy family in the western administrative region, there should not be too many people who want to curry favor with them. What kind of beauties have never been seen before, not only women but also men, but none of them can compare with the people in front of them. Nearly perfect outline, exquisite facial features, and flawless skin from a close look, so white that it seems to glow, it is not at the same level as the general public, as if it came from a world that has been infinitely beautified.

This is true, but Jiang Siyang felt that if he admitted it like this, it would make others lose his prestige, so he subconsciously found a place for himself. "What's the use of a big man's bald face and good looks? He's not a woman. She can't carry her shoulders and walk two steps and pant like a dog. Only a blind girl would like this." Kind of people!"

Before he could speak, he realized that the kid in front of him had run 8 kilometers in one breath just now and was alive and well. He was even more frustrated, so angry that he even lost his appetite for his favorite braised beef!

However, Jing Ling seemed to be against him, and continued to plan the rice in front of him. His mouth was like a bottomless pit, and he wiped out the food on the plate at a speed visible to the naked eye. What's even more exasperating is that he finished a plate and then went to play another plate and came back!

Jiang Siyang said with a cold face, "You are a pig for eating so much!"

Jing Ling took time out of his busy schedule to look at him, "Instructor, this is the first day of the one-month military training. I don't think it's a good idea for you to stare at me all the time and prepare to find fault with me. I don't mind. It's a waste anyway." It's your time. But you are Ms. Jiang's older brother, so it's a bit unreasonable for me to bully you like this."

"Do you see if this works? Pick a time and a place. Let's settle this matter in private. Hello, everyone, how are you?"

Jiang Siyang couldn't believe it when he heard the words, "Are you making a fight against me?"

This time, Ms. Zhang didn't stop her anymore, her gaze fell on him until his figure disappeared in the entrance, then she retracted her gaze, raised the corners of her lips slightly, took the mobile phone and dialed Brother Dong's number, beeping twice Connected.

"Come here." After saying two words, he hung up.

Brother Dong came quickly, less than a minute after the call was hung up, knocked on the door politely, and opened the door to enter after getting permission from Miss Zhang.

"Miss Zhang, what do you want me to do?" Dong Ge smiled apologetically. Although he didn't know what happened, but when he came here just now, he met Jing Ling at the corner of the second floor, and the other party said to him-"Miss Zhang may not be in a good mood at the moment, Brother Dong, please bear with me "He was a little confused at the time, what do you mean by being in a bad mood? What do I need to worry about? Jing Ling only said one sentence and left, and he received a call from Miss Zhang, so he couldn't stop to ask about the specific situation, so he could only go upstairs nervously.

Miss Zhang pointed to the seat beside her, "Sit."

Brother Dong quickly moved over and sat down beside him carefully.

Miss Zhang took out a pack of cigarettes from her handbag, took one out and brought it to her mouth. Brother Dong very discerningly took out the lighter and lit it for her. She took a puff and exhaled a small smoke ring, and her voice could not distinguish between emotions and anger, "Where did you find this little friend?" (83 Chinese.83.)