Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 162: A bunch of devils live here! (Please subscribe and ask for a monthly pass



Uchiha Fugaku nodded to Uchiha Yao, then turned and left, walking out of the captain's office of the Konoha Security Department.

After he walked out.

His face turned ugly.

These events that happened one after another made Uchiha Fugaku suddenly realize the dangers of the human heart.

He no longer has any confidence in Uchiha Yoshi.

First, Uchiha Kenryo planned to make Aoyu take the blame by tricking him into going to the woods to the west.

Later, Uchiha Yao meaningfully felt that the disappearance of Uchiha Kenliang might have something to do with him.

Uchiha Fugaku suddenly felt very tired.

In this seemingly united clan, there are still many intrigues hidden in the dark.


Only between relatives can there be no betrayal!

Uchiha Fugaku's heart changed tremendously at this moment. He deeply realized that the only people he could trust absolutely in the future were his wife and children.

Only them.

I won't betray him!

"Going to the torture department again."

Uchiha Fugaku suddenly thought of Aoyu. Deep down in his heart, he did not want Aoyu to be involved in these nonsense.

After all, this was how Uchiha Kenryo wanted to frame him.

In addition, deep down in his heart, he already regarded Qingyu as one of his own.


He also didn't want to involve Qingyu in this whirlpool.



A rapid voice sounded.

Then a figure quickly ran in front of Uchiha Fugaku, it was Uchiha Fugaku's good friend Uchiha Kai.

"Kai?" Uchiha Fugaku's eyes flashed with confusion, wondering why the latter suddenly found him.

"Fugaku, go back quickly, Master Yao is looking for you!" Uchiha Kai said.

"I just came out of Lord Yao's place, and now I'm going to the torture department." Uchiha Fugaku thought there was no update from the Uchiha world.

"No, it was just what happened a second ago. Master Yao asked me to call you back, and I went to the torture department to call someone." Uchiha Kai said.

"Are you going?" An ominous premonition suddenly arose in Uchiha Fugaku's heart. He stared into Uchiha Kai's eyes and asked, "Who are you going to call over?"

"Yamanaka Aoba." The Uchiha answered directly: "This is what Master Yao asked me to find by name."

"I see."

Uchiha Fu suddenly smiled, with a special expression on his face.

"Jie, go ahead, I'm going back."

Uchiha Fugaku left these words and returned directly in the direction of the security department.

This time.

He got it.

Uchiha Yao was doubting him.

This disappointed him.


Not saying Madara's name and the stone tablet was the right thing to do.

Qingyu was studying the young man tied to the stake in the torture department one by one.

He now has a very profound medical theory, but lacks practical experience, so he can practice here.


He doesn't have the conscience to inject any kind of anesthesia into the experimental subjects.

If it hurts, just hurt it!

They all came to the torture department.

You can't have no pain at all!


Just die!

When Qingyu attacks these prisoners awaiting trial, whoever reads the other party's memory first, and then chooses the intensity of the attack based on the other party's situation.

For someone like this who comes to Konoha from another village and is still so arrogant.

Of course Qingyu has to teach him a lesson.

"So this is what the meridians look like!"

Qingyu used chakra to cut the young man's meridians while lowering his head to study, as if he was doing some research.

"woo woo woo woo… "

The young man's forehead was so painful that beads of sweat covered his forehead. The pain felt like ants crawling on his nerves, constantly stimulating his senses.

But the level of pain was not so severe that it would not make him pass out immediately.

I tried to struggle but the rope was too tight.

I wanted to yell but couldn't make a sound at all.

The whole process was incredibly uncomfortable.


Time passed minute by minute.

"about there."

Qingyu feels that he has almost accumulated practical experience, and if he continues, it will be abuse.

"It's time to put your parts back together."

The chakra scalpel in Qingyu's hand looked like a suture needle. Chakra threads as thin as gossamer lingered on his fingertips, penetrating the young man's skin bit by bit, and re-suturing the ruptured area.


This is the devil!

The young man was completely in fear. He could clearly feel the pain in his body, but he was unable to make a sound. His eyes looking at Qingyu were full of fear.

After this incident.

This young man never dared to provoke the people of Konoha Village again.

His impression of the Torture Department had undergone earth-shaking changes.

A bunch of devils live here!

After a few minutes.

After Qingyu sewed up the wound on the young man's arm, he raised his left hand and used the Palm Immortal Technique.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz…

Waves of chakra fluctuations spread out from Qingyu's palm, directly covering the young man's arm, repairing the young man's wounds with powerful life-force chakra.

All of a sudden.

The wound on the young man's arm healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's time to get to your throat."

Qingyu raised his eyes and looked at the young man, and instantly noticed the fear shining in the young man's eyes.

"These are your vocal muscles."

Qingyu held two meat sticks in his left hand and shook them in front of the young man.

"If you cooperate well, I will put this cute little thing back on you. If you move around, it may cause you more harm. Do you understand?" Qingyu asked.

"Woooooo..." The young man nodded hesitantly, indicating that he understood what Qingyu meant.

"Look up." Qingyu said indifferently, with an undoubted determination in his tone.

There is fear in the hearts of young people.

But he didn't dare not listen to Qingyu's words.

He raised his head reluctantly.

Showing the throat.

"I'm going to start."

Qingyu's right hand suddenly reached out, and the palm of his hand was filled with powerful chakra energy. It was the chakra scalpel.

Light blue light appeared on Qingyu's palm.

After this light appeared.

The young man's body shook uncontrollably, and fear spread in his heart.

Now he feels that he has developed PTSD and cannot look directly at the chakra scalpel and palm sensu. Even if he encounters any problems, he does not dare to go to the medical ninja again.

Qingyu couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw the young man's expression. Fortunately, he was wearing a mask on his face, so he didn't have to control his expression too much, just controlled his eyes.


Qingyu controlled the chakra scalpel and slashed the young man's throat.

The precise chakra sealed the wound before it could bleed. Then he picked up the vocal cord muscle, stuffed it into its original position, and quickly sutured and inserted it.

Immediately afterwards.

Streams of chakra containing life energy spread to the young man's throat.

Repair the young man's wounds bit by bit.

It didn't take long.

Qingyu finished everything.

The wound on the young man's throat was then re-sutured, and the surgery to restore the vocal cord muscles was completed.

"Try to talk slowly."

Qingyu looked at the young man in front of him, and suddenly thought of something he had seen before, whether it was news or a joke.

A boy found a girlfriend who was a medical student. He was stabbed multiple times and fell into a pool of blood. During the rescue operation, he found that every stab missed the vital point perfectly.

Qingyu feels a little like this now.

One of the most basic prerequisites for him to conduct experiments on these prisoners awaiting trial is that he can be sure that these people will not die in his hands.


The young man shook his head repeatedly. He did not dare to speak at all. Now his throat seemed to be on fire and the pain was unbearable. The experience of the torture department was like a nightmare to him, and he did not want to experience it again.

"Try it. If there is any problem, I will treat you. If there is no problem, you can write a confession." Qingyu turned around and went to the drawer not far away to take out the confession.

"I wrote… "

The young man seemed afraid to speak. He stared at the confession paper as if he saw a life-saving straw.

Get out of here quickly.

It's terrible here!

The young man feels that every second he spends here is torture.

If only a few more days.

I'm afraid he's going to die here!

After Qingyu treated the young man and wrote a confession, he handed the young man over to the prison guards, and tranquility returned to the small cell.

It didn't take long.

Just when Qingyu thought the next target was about to be delivered, rapid footsteps sounded outside the cubicle.

"Qingyu, are you there?"

A deep voice sounded from outside the cubicle, and the owner of the voice was none other than Morino Itton, the captain of the torture department.

"Captain Eaton?" Qingyu was stunned for a moment, and immediately stood up to greet him.

"It's fine that you're here."

Morinoi breathed a sigh of relief, quickly got into the cubicle, and closed the door with his backhand.

"Aoyu, there's something going on outside right now. You stay in the cubicle and don't go anywhere. Leave the rest to me." Morino Iton seemed to exude a big brother demeanor.

"What do you mean?" Qingyu was stunned for a moment and didn't understand it for a moment.

"The people from the security department are here again. I don't know what the reason is. They call you to help them read the memory." Morino Iton said in a deep voice.


Qingyu responded immediately, his head turning rapidly.

Didn't Uchiha Fugaku just leave

Why did he find his head again

Is it because he said a name like Madara-sama

Aoyu made some calculations in his mind, but he did not say these words out loud. After all, he had just recognized Iton Morino as his eldest brother.

If you have anything to do, go to Brother!

This is what Morino Iton said!

So what else does he have to worry about!

No matter what is waiting for him, he has a big brother to support him. The benefits of this big brother are reflected as soon as he recognizes it.

"Brother Eaton, I leave this matter to you. I don't want to have anything to do with the Security Department." Qingyu said.

"Don't worry. This kind of thing has never happened before in the Security Department. It's just bullying our Torture Department. I'm here, big brother. You stay here and don't come out. I'll come to you after I've taken care of it!" Sen Nai Yidun warned Qingyu.


Qingyu smiled and nodded, but his smile was obscured by his mask.

He knows it very well.

Not as a last resort.

It would be better not to go to the Uchiha clan.

There are a group of madmen with pink eyes over there, and no one can guarantee what they can do!

after all.

People of this clan.

Be aggressive.

Even his own family will be destroyed!

(End of chapter)