Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 188: The thousand origami cranes shining coldly under the moonlight night! (Please order


Qingyu is a very cautious person, he doesn't like to be disturbed by others in his quiet life.


If these intruders from Cloud Hidden Village were just ninjas from Konoha Village, he would not mind their own business at all.

I might even avoid this place.

To avoid being involved.

He had no idea about the upcoming Third Ninja War.

That's what's bound to happen.

If it happens sooner or later, it won't affect him. On the contrary, he won't go to the battlefield!

He just liked Gou's quiet development in the torture department.

Accumulate your strength bit by bit.

Even if he just drew one more detonating talisman and learned some more experiences from memory, this was a step-by-step accumulation for him.


Face these invaders of Cloud Hidden Village.

Qingyu was still feeling quite unhappy, which could be said to be endless.

Do you have to get a blank look before you give up

What kind of character is this!

Even though Qingyu is very cautious and likes to avoid things to avoid getting himself into trouble, this does not mean that he is a coward and must tolerate any unpleasant things he encounters.

These ninjas from Hidden Cloud Village.

He's already been offended.

"Things like flies!"

Aoyu took out the Anbu's cat-faced mask from his ninja bag and put it directly on his face, and his whole temperament suddenly changed.

As the sky gradually darkens.

Qingyu seems to blend into the night, giving people a feeling of nothingness.

If you don't see his figure with your eyes.

His presence is almost imperceptible.


Qingyu's figure flashed and disappeared.

No sound.

No figure.

Qingyu flew quickly and quietly through the woods, like a stalker in the dark night.

The other side of the woods.

Twelve figures moved softly through the woods, jumping around on the branches like fleas.

Their movements are very light.

Make as little noise as possible.

But there will still be normal noises.


At this moment, one of the leading ninjas raised his hand, his dark cheeks making it difficult to see his features clearly in the night.

"Now let's lay out our tactics!"

As the ninja spoke, he dodged and jumped from the branch to the ground. The other ninjas followed one by one and formed a circle.

"Now we have three squads."

"The first team is responsible for observation, keeping an eye on the movements of the Hyuga clan, and passing on information at any time."

"The second team is responsible for making noise in front of the main entrance and attracting the attention of the Hyuga clan."

"The third team will infiltrate directly into the Hyuga clan and find the target quickly. It is best to find a girl. The younger the better!"

"You all heard it clearly!"

The ninja explained that he was the captain of the three chunin teams this time and gave an overview of the sneak abduction mission.


These ninjas from Hidden Cloud Village nodded at the same time, indicating that they understood what he said.

All of a sudden.

Everyone has an extremely solemn expression on their face.

They all know.

The mission is about to begin.

"This mission is very important. For the sake of Yunyin Village, you have to sacrifice when you have to. I hope everyone can come back alive!"

The leader of the chuunin said seriously. As he spoke, his eyes passed over everyone's face in turn, and he looked at each ninja.


These ninjas nodded at the same time. When they received this mission, they were already mentally prepared to sacrifice.

This mission is not a mission for one of them or a team!

It is the mission of the entire Yunyin Village!

For Cloud Hidden Village.

Certain sacrifices are necessary!

They have all thought about it very clearly. They are all conscious ninjas and do not care about personal gains and losses at all.

"I stress again, Lord Ruri Uehara has tried his best to attract the attention of the top combat power of Konoha Village. This mission is our best chance!"

The chuunin's face was extremely serious, and when he said this, his voice paused slightly.


He said in a more serious and steady voice.

"Only success is allowed, no failure is allowed!"


These ninjas nodded in agreement again. Their emotions and fighting spirit had been ignited and driven by these conversations, and everyone was ready to fight.


Seeing that everyone's emotions had been aroused, the chuunin nodded slowly, waved with satisfaction and said.

"Captain, wait, what is this?"


Just at this time.

A ninja from Hidden Cloud Village asked, pointing to a white shadow that appeared silently above his head.

All of a sudden.

The ninjas in Yunyin Village all focused their attention on the direction pointed by the man's finger.

In their sight.

There is a paper crane.

It was flapping its wings and flying beside them.

There is also a small black circle painted on the head of this paper crane, which looks like an eye staring at them.

Such a sudden scene startled these ninjas instantly, making them feel creepy.

"This is… "


"Look over your head!"

"There's something wrong here!"




The twelve ninjas of Yunyin Village suddenly raised their heads, and the scene in front of them completely shocked them.

The originally dark sky above the grove was now filled with dense white paper cranes.

Each paper crane has a black circle on its head.

It looks like it has eyes.

At a glance.

No boundaries in sight.

Those paper cranes seemed to cover the entire sky!

"How is this going?!"

The leader, the chunin of Cloud Hidden Village, widened his eyes for a moment. He had been observing the surrounding situation just now, but he did not feel any chakra fluctuations, nor did he notice anything unusual.

Just before he said those words.

He was still standing on the branch.

He can be 100% sure that there are absolutely no paper cranes here!


When did these paper cranes appear

How did it appear again

A lot of little question marks popped up in the heads of everyone in Yunyin Village. At the same time, goosebumps appeared all over their bodies, and chills appeared in their hearts.

"There's something wrong with this grove!"

"We can't stay here any longer!"


"Let's go!"

"Everyone leave quickly!"

The chunin of Kumogakure Village shouted at the top of his lungs. At this time, he didn't care about whether others would find out.

This place is so weird!

If you continue to stay here…

Even if nothing happened, he would be scared to death and there would be no way to complete the mission.


All of a sudden.

These ninjas from Hidden Cloud Village immediately stood up and prepared to leave this small forest that was full of weirdness.

But at this time.

The paper cranes all over the sky suddenly moved!


These paper cranes are all flapping their wings in a fixed rhythm, and every paper crane is moving.

But this time.

All the paper cranes stopped flapping their wings and remained fixed, with all their heads staring at the ninjas of Cloud Hidden Village.

This sudden change.

Immediately attracted the attention of every ninja in Hidden Cloud Village.

Instantly, all the hairs on their hair stood on end.

Immediately afterwards.

The wings of these paper cranes were raised, and the color of the paper suddenly changed from milky white to bluish white.

The paper crane's body began to sparkle in the moonlight.


After seeing this scene, the chuunin of Yunyin Village suddenly roared hysterically. He smelled the breath of death on the shimmering paper cranes.

That's not paper anymore!

Those are all blades!

After this sudden change, the paper cranes all over the sky have changed from the texture of paper to the texture of blades.

All of a sudden.

Paper cranes made of folded paper.

It has turned into a blade that shines coldly under the moonlit night!

Just when the chunin of Kumogakure Village shouted his last words.

Paper cranes all over the sky rushed towards the twelve ninjas from all directions at extremely fast speeds.

Extremely fast.

The quantity is huge.

There is absolutely no way to avoid it.

Can't even block it!

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

The sound of piercing the air resounded throughout the area, and each paper crane carried its sharp-edged wings and body and charged towards the twelve ninjas crazily.

In an instant.

Blood is spilled on the land here.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and residual limbs fell randomly.

In just a few breaths, these twelve ninjas seemed to have fallen into a meat grinder, and they all fell into a pool of blood. Even their completed bodies were invisible.


Every ninja.

All left behind a head.

The expressions on these heads are almost the same. They are all pale and frightened, their eyes are wide open, their eyes are full of disbelief, their pupils are slightly dilated, and they can't even believe what they saw before they died. everything.


The paper crane in the sky flapped its wings again, making a series of startling sounds.

As these wings flap.

The blood drops on the wings were thrown off drop by drop.

Every piece of paper is extremely white, and no blood has penetrated into any of them.

These paper cranes are flying in the air.

It's like countless hands are dismantling them, returning them from the stacked state to square-shaped white paper.

Pieces of white paper floated in mid-air.

There are no signs of folding on the white paper.

If anyone sees this scene with their own eyes.

It will be very shocking.

These papers seem to be alive, presenting a gorgeous picture.

next moment.

These papers moved toward the area in mid-air and instantly took on the shape of a person.

The paper is getting thicker and thicker.

The appearance of the person is becoming clearer and clearer.

Until the last circle of paper is attached to the person's body.

A figure wearing ANBU costume and a cat face mask suddenly appeared.

This man's feet are in the air.

It's like it has no weight.

A pair of indifferent and cold eyes focused on the pool of blood below through the eye holes of the cat-face mask.

"Can you run away?"

Qingyu whispered to himself, staring at the incomplete body in the pool of blood, without any emotion of joy or sorrow in his tone.

These words.

Those ninjas from Hidden Cloud Village could no longer hear it.

They remain until the moment of death.

They don't know whether it was a human or a ghost who killed them.

Didn't even see him face to face.

Qingyu's body fell slowly, but there was still a small distance from the ground. Now he has become more and more comfortable in controlling the ultra-light heavy rock technique. He can control the weight of his body to fly high and low at will.

It feels like swimming.

It's just that others swim with water, but Qingyu swims with air.

Qingyu always kept a distance from the blood on the ground, and then came to the fallen heads of these corpses.

His right hand reached out.

They touched each one one by one.

"Ding dong..."

"Ding dong..."

"Dong dong..."


Electronic beeps kept ringing in Aoyu's head, and he acquired ninjutsu one after another.

It's just that the levels of these ninjutsu are not high.

There are also some that are obtained repeatedly and only add some proficiency.

"Three chunin and nine genin. Even with Uehara Ruri attracting attention, it would be too arrogant for them to dare to break into the Leaf Village and arrest the Hyuga clan!"

A flash of disdain flashed in Qingyu's cold eyes. With such fighting power, if he really sneaked into the Hyuga clan, he would still be beaten to death by the ruthless Bagua Palm of those in the Hyuga clan.


By that time.

The leader of the ANBU of Yunyin Village, Ruri Uehara, who is currently negotiating, has even more say.

Think of this.

Qingyu couldn't tell the difference for a moment.

After all, Uehara Ruri wanted to take the opportunity to kidnap a girl with Byakugan.

I still want these people to die to give Yunyin Village a chance to raise prices or attack Konoha Village!


It has both of these points!

It would be best if you can get a girl with Byakugan. If you don't get it, you can take the opportunity to show your power to the Leaf Village.

"Um… "

Aoyu nodded slowly. He felt that this explanation was the most reasonable. After all, this was the way Hinata Hizashi was compromised and died.

Regardless of whether the mission is successful or not.

Yunyin Village always makes a profit without losing money!


Yunyin Village is obviously on the side of the invaders!

How could he be so arrogant

All they relied on was the powerful strength of the Hidden Cloud Village and the compromise and stupidity of the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

After patting the heads of these people one by one, Qingyu took out their ninja tool bags scattered on the ground and took away all the coins and valuables inside.


Qingyu took out the zombie water from his ninja bag.

"There's only half a bottle left of this thing. It's almost gone. I have to find a way to get more. It's really a good product for killing people and stealing goods!"

Qingyu stared at the corpse-transforming water in his hand.

He found this thing at the base of Aburame Ryoma.

That day he went to the ninja shop for a walk.

I didn't find any such thing as corpse-turning water for sale.

It must be specially designed for dark areas or roots, and it is difficult to buy it outside.

Ever since Qingyu got this corpse-transforming water, the more he used it, the more useful it became. It was so convenient.

Qingyu opened the cap of the corpse-turning water.

Drop the water inside evenly into the pool of blood.

Chi chi chi chi chi…

All of a sudden.

White smoke rose from the ground, smelling of decay.

Just after the zombie water dripped on the ground.

Whether it is blood or the remains of limbs and meat in the blood, they are all dissolving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a few minutes.

There was only a pool of black water left on the ground, and it continued to seep into the ground. There was no trace of any living people.

So far.

All the invaders of Yunyin Village were wiped out.

Aoyu, who had completely killed these intruders, leisurely carried the box Minato gave him and walked back into the depths of the grove.

The whole process took about half an hour.

Not too long, not too short.

However, it did not have much impact on Qingyu.

After all the corpses of these Kumoyin Village invaders were dissolved, not only did Kumoyin Village's plan to kidnap the Hyuga clan members fail, but it also gave them no basis for their idea of launching an attack on Konoha Village.

Not even a body was left behind.

It was as if these people had never been here at all.

Not to mention that it is impossible for their Yunyin Village mission to enter the grove of Konoha Village and search inch by inch.

Even if the location of the battle is found, it can only be concluded through final identification that corpse water has penetrated into the soil.

But what is it that these zombie waters dissolve...

Except for Qingyu who did this.

No one can get the answer!

Qingyu can be said to have solved this problem directly from the root cause, more or less assisting the third generation.

Deep in the woods.

Qingyu formed a seal with his hands and immediately displayed thousands of shadow clones, which instantly appeared in the woods.

These shadow clones were divided into several groups with great tacit understanding.


Papers were flying all over the sky.

It was like a tornado surrounding these shadow clones.

Finally fixed together.

Transformed into a hill through the art of God's Paper User.

Completed the disguise and concealment of the shadow clone.

Aoba carried the box Minato gave him and embarked on the road back to the ANBU dormitory.

This time.

He did not let the shadow clone draw the detonating talisman, nor read these books, but consolidated the sealing technique he had learned previously.

Bit off more than you can chew.

Qingyu still understands this truth.

Unless the ninjutsu is obtained through the system's memory reading, it can be directly imprinted in the soul, as if it is innate.

Otherwise, any ninjutsu he learned the day after tomorrow will require time and energy to be continuously consolidated and deepened, and then accumulated experience, before it can be used by him.

Qingyu was not that impatient.

Rather than running fast, he preferred to walk steadily step by step.

He wanted to read the book that Minato brought over this time slowly.

Qingyu knows very well.

As long as he can stabilize the situation in the ninja world.

He will have a lot of time to accumulate his own strength so that he can more calmly face various situations that may occur in the future.

After Aoyu returned to the Anbu dormitory, he placed the box full of books next to the bed, then jumped up and lay down directly on the iron bed.

"Let me see what other tricks you ninjas from Hidden Cloud Village want to play!"

Qingyu slowly closed his eyes and pressed his hands on his temples.

In an instant.

Scene after scene appeared in his mind.

It's like watching a movie.

Carefully read the memory images of these twelve Yunyin Village invaders.

Thanks to the boss of [yy Lucky Fish] for the reward and support!

(End of chapter)