Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 225: All for Kirigakure Village! ([L5??] Ten thousand rewards


This chapter is [L5? ?]The boss will give you 10,000 rewards and more updates!

Qingyu said this.

Everyone among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen's eyes lit up.

As long as there is a way.

Then it is possible to save the future of Kirigakure Village.

As long as there is even a glimmer of hope.

They won't give up easily!

Qingyu's eyes looked around these seven people, and then his eyes fell on Loquat Juuzang.

"I just said that the spy from Yunyin Village will walk out of the front of Konoha Village tomorrow morning with the Book of Water Escape and rush towards the camp of Yunyin Village. We can take advantage of this opportunity. , snatch back the Book of Water Escape."

Qingyu's eyes were shining brightly. Now after his instigation, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen have turned their attention to Kumogakure Village, which will no longer pose any threat to Konoha Village. .

Not only that.

The meaning of the Seven Blades.

It will change the entire situation of the Third Ninja War.

Bringing the ninja world into a whole new pattern!

"It makes perfect sense."

Loquat Juuzang nodded. He understood what Qingyu meant. The root of everything lies in the Book of Water Escape. All they need to do is let them get the Book of Water Escape.

"Is it that simple?"

Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost was stunned for a moment. He had thought about grabbing it directly, but he thought that Lian Tailang in front of him had a better way. He never thought that he would just grab it directly.

Several other people among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen also stared at Qingyu dumbly, not expecting that he would tell such a simple and crude method.

All of a sudden.

These people were dumbfounded.

"Hahahahaha of course!"

Qingyu suddenly smiled. If you are not allowed to snatch it, how can it cause conflict with Yunyin Village? Can it be given to you for free

"but… "

Qingyu put away the smile on his face, his expression became serious for a moment, and the change in his expression touched the hearts of these seven people again.

"Even if it is a direct grab, we must have a grab strategy and cannot blindly attack!"

As Qingyu spoke, he took out a notebook from his pocket and pointed it at these seven people.


Qingyu took out a pen from his hand.

Such an action immediately made everyone in the Seven Ninja Swordsmen look confused.

My mind is full of little question marks.

He had no idea what Qingyu was going to do.

Under the suspicious gazes of these seven people, Qingyu lifted up the book, took a pen, and drew a semicircle on it.

"This is the map of Konoha Village..."

Qingyu only drew a semicircle, not even a single extra stroke. Compared to those soul painters on the Internet, it can be said that they don’t even have a soul.

It is a picture that is extremely simple.

Immediately afterwards.

Qingyu drew a vertical line after half a year, and then drew a small square in the middle of the semicircle corresponding to the vertical line.

"This line is the Hokage Rock of Konoha Village. This is the gate of Konoha Village. Tomorrow morning, the spies from Kumogakure Village will walk out of this gate, and then I will follow him. When he goes out, Sending you a signal.”

Qingyu gestured towards the seven people with the painting in his hand, and the seven people didn't know what kind of expression he should put on.

What kind of painting is this

There is no information at all!

To put it nicely, it is called the map of Konoha Village; to put it worse, it is just a half circle.

Can this also be called a map

Loquat Juuzang complained silently in his heart, but he did not say it out loud. After all, he could see that Lian Tailang tried his best and could not damage the other party's self-confidence.


This picture…

never mind.

Loquat Juuzang gave up in his heart to continue looking at this picture. Even if he had never been to Konoha Village, he could still find the gate of Konoha Village. This picture can be said to have no core features at all.

"You guys hide around here..."

Qingyu picked up the pen and drew a stroke on the main entrance of Konoha Village. It was just outside the official road in the woods, and there was a place to hide.

"When I send the signal tomorrow, we will go together to capture the spy from Hidden Cloud Village, get the Book of Water Escape, and then return to Hidden Cloud Village together!"

Qingyu laid out the whole thing. He said everything according to his layout, so that the plan would unfold according to his script.

This way.

Others work in Konoha.

The ninja world is already in chaos.

Qingyu's idea is simple.

Since because of his arrival, his little butterfly accidentally entered the ninja world, after flapping its wings, it caused changes in the historical process of the ninja world, making the third ninja war come early in this way, then he I don't mind adding more material to the Third Ninja War to make this battle more complicated and intense.

Yunyin Village cannot be allowed to benefit a single village.

It would be best to involve all the villages.

Both of them have greatly consumed their strength.

No one has it easy.

Wait until everyone is beaten to the point of injury.

It can stop.

Then everyone began to recover peacefully and entered a new era of relative peace in the ninja world.

"Rentaro, I don't understand. Isn't he just a spy from Hidden Cloud Village? In terms of strength, he is no more than a chuunin. Do you need us to plan an ambush like this and do it together?" Loquat Juuzang asked in confusion. As a spy of Hidden Cloud Village, An elite Jonin, he has his own pride and is unwilling to treat such a person with conspiracy and siege.

"Juzou is right. The spies in Cloud Hidden Village will never exceed the chuunin. One of us can deal with it. It's nothing to worry about. Besides, it's nothing to hide and wait for a signal. Tell us his location." , let’s just break into Konoha Village and capture him tonight!” The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon said disdainfully. What he was holding in his hand was the powerful Samehada used by Future Kisame, and he looked completely complete. Is a militant.

"Yes, I think so too!"

"There's no need to carry out any more plots!"

"Just a chuunin."


The rest of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen also nodded. They all agreed with Loquat Juuzang's idea, that is, there was no need to adopt a siege posture. As long as one of them moved his fingers, he could be decisive.

"I think it's better for you not to underestimate the enemy!"

Qingyu's voice suddenly became serious, and he stared at the seven people solemnly, his whole person in a very serious state.

"If I guess correctly, there is someone behind the Cloud Hidden Village spy. That person will go with them tomorrow. It's just that I don't know the identity of that person yet, but I can be sure that he is definitely a jounin or above. strength."

Qingyu's eyes once again swept across the seven members of the Seven Blades, and finally fell on Loquat Juuzang.

"Loquat Juuzang-sama, we are ninjas. What we have to do is to complete the tasks assigned by the village. We are not here to start a war. Although you are all big shots in Kirigakure Village and I am just a little spy, but in the As for the situation, I, as a spy, can see it more clearly, after all, we have been working for the overall situation of Kirigakure Village since we were born!"

Qingyu's eyes twinkled. He had now assumed the role of Lian Tailang. He did not make these things up, nor did he come from his feelings. They were all obtained from Lian Tailang's memory.

Only by truly experiencing the life of a spy can you best understand how dangerous a spy must endure.

Every decision and every move must be made carefully, as you may be discovered at any time and sacrifice your life for the village.


For spies.

Death is just a small matter.

If you can die smoothly, take some nerve-disrupting drugs before you die, and take all your secrets to the grave, then there will be no problem.

I'm afraid that if I'm not careful and I don't die, I will face long-term torture that is worse than death. It is very cruel and cold.

Whether they are spies from Kirigakure Village or spies from other villages, they all have one thing in common.

That's all thinking about the village.

Focus on the overall situation.

No one is selfish and only thinks about himself.

if that happened.

It's hard to survive a career as a spy.

Even though he was as powerful as Kabuto Yakushi, when he was working as a spy, he kept those thoughts deep in his heart, worked hard for his current master, and completed all the tasks set by his master.

As soon as Qingyu said these words.

All the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, including Loquat Juzo, fell silent.

The way they looked at Qingyu suddenly became different.

Became in awe.

They never cared about spies before.

Now they suddenly realized that the spies were the same ninja as them, but their division of labor was different, and they even understood the spirit of sacrifice better than they did.

Think of this.

Loquat Juzo took a deep breath.

"Rentaro, I'm sorry, it was our fault just now. We shouldn't underestimate the enemy." Loquat Juuzang said seriously. This person is quite cute. He is able to take things up and let them go. He is not a character who only insists on his own opinions and is willful.

Qingyu glanced at Loquat Juuzang and nodded. He needed to vent some emotions to make these people stand on the same side of him and believe that they were in the same camp and for the same goal.

"My lords, listen to me. Our goal is the Book of Water Escape. As long as we get the Book of Water Escape and bring it safely back to Kirigakure Village, we will have completed our mission and we will be the heroes of the village. " Qingyu stared at the seven members of the Seven Blades and said seriously. His tone and attitude were very frank, and he looked like an honest man who could not tell lies.

"That's right!"

Loquat Juuzang nodded.

The other members of the Seven Blades also nodded.

They all felt that what Qingyu said made sense.

"We can fight at any time, but now is the best time for Kirigakure Village to undergo transformation since its establishment. We must not pull our hips at this time."

Qingyu began to continue to instill the importance of this mission in the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Enemy identified.

The importance was determined again.

After these very important mental constructions.

He has subconsciously raised the importance that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen attach to the Book of Water Escape to a terrifying level.

Now this time.

In the hearts of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

The Book of Water Release has been equated with the future of Kirigakure Village.

For the future of Kirigakure Village.

They can do whatever it takes.

Even if it means sacrificing his life!

"If we rashly break into the Leaf Village at this time, regardless of whether we pose a threat to the Leaf Village, we will become the mortal enemy of the Leaf Village!"

Qingyu continued to explain that he already had the right to speak here, and every word he said was recognized by the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

"The most important thing for our Kirigakure Village now is development. What we need to control is not the gains and losses of small things now, but the future of the entire village."

When Qingyu said this, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen nodded continuously.

The more they listened, the more they felt it made sense.

There is no need to care about that.

This made them admire Qingyu even more.

To be precise, I admire Lian Tailang.

When they looked at Qingyu who was disguised as Lian Tailang, a word came to their mind.


This is the difference in structure, but it is also a difference in vision.

"If we offend the Hidden Leaf Village now, and the Hidden Leaf Village waits for this period of time, it may attack the Kirigakure Village. In this case, the development of our Kirigakure Village will be stagnant, our strength will be weakened, and extremely unnecessary consequences will occur. There were casualties, and that was just because we were unwilling to put down the ambush and acted on impulse... "

Qingyu's words were like sharp knives, piercing directly into the hearts of the Seven Blades, especially the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost who just wanted to fight.

All of a sudden.

Everyone in the Seven Blades had guilty expressions on their faces.

Those impulsive fires in their hearts.

They were all extinguished as well.

Each one showed unprecedented calmness.

He began to listen carefully to Qingyu's plan, and analyzed it calmly and seriously.

"This is why I said we would carry out a sneak attack. We can't offend Konoha Village, and we can't offend Yunyin Village. After you deal with the spy from Yunyin Village tomorrow, I will fake the scene to look like it was done by a Konoha Village ninja. Yes, in that way we not only achieved our goal and took away the Water Release Technique, but also could put the blame for stealing the Book of Water Release on Yunyin Village, and turn the blame for killing the ninjas of Yunyin Village onto Konoha Village. , so that our Kirigakure Village can step aside, get the maximum benefits, bear the minimum cost, embrace the future, and develop steadily."

Qingyu said one sentence after another. From his words, he had already arranged the Kirigakure Village to the finale.

These words immediately stunned the seven ninja swordsmen of Kirigakure Village.

Everyone looked at Qingyu with wide eyes.

He was amazed by Qingyu's words.

Their minds are not particularly smart. If you let them think about this on their own, they will not think of it, but after telling them, they can understand it.


Loquat Juuzang took the lead in applauding. His eyes when looking at Qingyu changed again and again, and he finally understood why this spy named Rentaro could achieve the position of ANBU ninja in Konoha Village.

This man is extremely talented!

With such wisdom, it can shine in any position.

Loquat Juuzang couldn't help but start to feel lucky, thinking that having such a person in Kirigakure Village was simply the village's luck.

"Lian Tailang, you are really amazing. I have never seen anyone who can reach your level of resourcefulness. He has wisdom and structure, can understand the situation most clearly and carry out tasks calmly. I really think you should Return to Kirigakure Village!”

Loquat Juuzang said seriously, he had already seen the shadow of Elder Yuanshi in Qingyu.


Some years later.

The spy in front of him is Lian Tailang.

It is very likely that he is the elder of the new generation of Kirigakure Village.

There is such a person sitting in Kirigakure Village.

Why worry about Wuyin Village not having a bright and brilliant future!

Now Loquat Juuzang already feels that Lian Tailang continues to be a spy, which is a bit of a waste of talent. Kirigakure Village, which has obtained the Book of Water Escape, needs such talents to come back and develop. There is enough room for development here.

"This is all taught well by Mr. Yuan!"

Qingyu instinctively threw out the benefits, kept a humble posture, and slapped him hard on the ass.

This is a habit Qingyu brought over from modern society.

Wear it a thousand times, but never wear it!

Throughout the ages, everyone likes to hear nice words. This is an eternal truth.

Aoyu has no interpersonal skills, and he is not an emotional intelligence expert. Whether in modern society or the ninja world, he only has one or two friends and keeps his own small circle, but he is rarely disliked by others. , and also got many opportunities, just because he mastered a core password - flattery.

It can be said that Qingyu shoots whenever there is an opportunity, and never makes any objections if he can say something nice.


Take advantage of this.

Except when surfing the Internet.

Although Qingyu is just an acquaintance with many people, especially at work, he is definitely a subordinate who is loved by both his superiors and his boss.

For Qingyu.

I don’t mind saying nice things at all.

Just using your mouth can make others happy, and when others feel happy, you can make them feel comfortable, so why not do it!

After Qingyu transferred Loquat Juuzang's praise to Yuanshi very skillfully, his expression became serious again.

"Listen to me..."

"Tomorrow's task must be based on speed and accuracy."

"If you can win by sneak attack, never fight head-on!"

"If you can kill with one strike, you won't leave any time for the opponent to breathe."

"Take the Book of Water Escape and retreat immediately."

"Try your best not to reveal your identity."

"All for Kirigakure Village!"

Qingyu clenched his fists and instilled his theory into the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. After listening to these people, they nodded involuntarily and felt that it made more sense.

"Tomorrow I will come out with the Yunyin Village spy. When I think the time is right, I will shout..."

When Qingyu said this, his voice suddenly paused. He wanted to find a suitable and special code, but for a moment nothing came to mind.

Qingyu felt the gazes of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, an idea flashed in his mind, and he blurted out.

"Smash Varudo!"

(End of chapter)