Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 234: ANBU has a spy!


Now this high tower can be said to be Qingyu's rare secret base.

He has moved many things here.

This is a period of war, and servants will not come here easily.

He's doing pretty well here.

After all, after passing the ANBU team directly under the Hokage, it can be seen that things cannot be left casually in the ANBU dormitory.

"After this period of time, I should build an underground base similar to Orochimaru's stronghold. It will be safer that way."

Qingyu thought silently in his heart, judging these things based on the information he obtained.

He lives in Konoha Village, and there will always be some accumulation and secrets in him.

These things need to be stored somewhere.

as far as I can tell.

There is still a chance that this tower will be discovered.


Qingyu's eyes flashed slightly, and he thought of a possibility, but he was not sure yet whether that would have a positive effect or a negative effect.

"Genbu should only know now that these two men came out to do the assassination mission and did not go back, but the specific route of action and final trajectory should not be determined for the time being."

Qingyu looked through the memories of these two root ninjas again and found that they did not leave any marks behind during the assassination process.

That is to say…

They are simply performing assassination missions.

The status of these two people at the root is actually relatively low.

After all, they were just chunin.

Even if they were on assassination missions, they would only kill chuunin.

This is enough to show Danzo's contempt for that small organization.

Not even a jounin was willing to be sent out.

These people who reported to the Third Hokage were not taken seriously at all.

Since there is no action track.

As long as these two people are not allowed to escape.

Then this tower should still not be found.

Qingyu silently calculated in his heart, made a series of judgments through the memories of these two people, and felt a little relieved.


If the roots are really focused on this side.

Then there is nothing he can do.

We can only find a new secret base.


Qingyu got up and walked down from the third floor of the tower until he reached the dojo on the first floor of the tower.

He raised his hands.

Stretch out two fingers of each hand and interlock them together to form a mudra gesture.

"The art of multiple shadow clones!"

Qingyu immediately used the technique of multiple shadow clones, and instantly there were a thousand more Qingyu in the hall, all of which were his shadow clones.

"Continue to carry the Book of Water Escape."

Qingyu took out the Book of Water Escape and placed it in front of these shadow clones. Just as he was about to memorize the contents, he was interrupted by two root ninjas who suddenly invaded.

It was a last resort.

Qingyu must take back all the shadow clones to ensure that he is in the best condition to face the enemies who come here.

The shadow clones can now be rearranged.

All of a sudden.

These shadow clones took out the scrolls and began to write down the contents of the water escape technique, and carefully memorized the words on it.

Qingyu just wanted to carve the seal of the Book of Water Escape into his head.

In this way, he can memorize the Book of Water Escape at any time, and he will become the Book of Water Escape.


One night passed.

Qingyu returned to the dormitory the next morning through the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Now the two root ninjas are still on the third floor of the tower and have not changed places. Their heads are covered with charms that can keep them sleeping, and their bodies are completely sealed. There are shadow clones watching next to them. There won't be any problems.

Qingyu returned to the ANBU dormitory. After washing, he walked directly out of the door of the ANBU dormitory and went straight to his torture department cubicle.

It didn't take long.

The young man came to the cubicle.

There is no one in the cubicle now, and he has released the chickens he caught two days ago.

Some time passed.

There was still no one sent into the cubicle. The feeling was similar to the time when the war had just begun.

At that time no one came in all day long.

I already have that feeling now.

After some time passed.

Tap tap tap tap tap...

Footsteps sounded outside Qingyu's cubicle.

As the footsteps approached, they finally stopped at the door of the cubicle.


Accompanied by the sound of a door opening.

The cubicle door was opened.

The person standing at the door was not the prison guard who used to send people into the cubicle, but an ANBU ninja wearing a mask.

"In half an hour, meet at the Hokage's office!"

The ANBU ninja said to Qingyu, and after finishing speaking, he added another sentence.

"All ANBU ninjas are going this time, no one can be absent, so hurry up."

Say it.

The ANBU ninja left and walked towards another cubicle.

Because the work of the torture department has been redistributed.

There aren't many torture department ninjas still working in cubicles.

So it’s not a big workload to notify.

No need to knock on doors one by one.


Qingyu responded lightly, a small question mark popping up in his head.

What's going on

Why did they gather all of a sudden

Could it be related to those two root ninjas

Not that much...

Qingyu felt that it was not that exaggerated. After all, the two Anbu ninjas were only Chuunin and had only been missing for one night. There was no need to mobilize troops like that and let all the ANBU ninjas gather.

Besides, it's still in the Hokage's office.

It should be something else.

Qingyu immediately walked out of the small cubicle, followed the ANBU ninja's instructions, and walked towards the main door of the torture department.

Just when Aoyu walked to the exit of the torture department, he saw Morino Iton waiting there.

"Brother Eton?"

After Qingyu saw Morino Iton, he immediately realized that the latter should be waiting for him here.

No matter what happened recently, Morino Iton took good care of him.

Although there is a utilitarian component.

But this big brother is not called in vain!

"Aoyu, I'm waiting for you. You should have received a notice. All ANBU ninjas must gather in the Hokage's office, even me." Morino Iton stared at Aoyu and said, his eyes filled with tears. With a solemn light, his expression looked quite serious, as if he was aware of what was going to happen.

"Brother Eton, does he know what is going on?" Qingyu asked doubtfully. Now he hopes to get some information from Morino Eton so that he can be mentally prepared.

"There are spies in the ANBU. Now we have to screen them all, no one is exempted." Morino said in a deep voice. He shook his head helplessly and said: "This kind of thing doesn't happen every day or two. It's just that the village has been I didn’t deal with it ruthlessly because I was afraid that the screening of all employees would have a bad impact. Now that we are in a war period, we can’t take care of so much. If we don’t deal with many things, it will be even more detrimental to the village.”

"I see!"

Aoyu nodded, and he instantly understood what Morino Iton meant.

He had never thought of the existence of spies among ANBU ninjas before.

Until the two spies from Kirigakure appeared.

Qingyu just realized that the ANBU had already been infiltrated by other villages.

It's like having someone from a terrorist organization in the FBI.

If it is not dealt with immediately, it will definitely leave serious consequences.

However, the Third Hokage was still an indecisive person. He was afraid that doing so would have any negative impact. He was afraid that the ANBU ninjas would think that the village was suspicious of them, and it was even more difficult to deal with those spies, and he was afraid of causing disputes between the villages.

"Go quickly. This is a big deal. It's too late. Besides, you may have to contribute to this inspection. I waited here specially to give you a vaccination."

Morino Iton nodded to Aoyu and motioned for Aoyu to go to the Hokage's office quickly. After he finished speaking, he raised his hand slightly as usual, but this time he quickly pulled it back. Looks extremely skilled.


Qingyu nodded, turned around and walked out of the torture department, heading towards the Hokage's office.

He understood the meaning of what Morino Iton said.

The so-called contribution.

It should be referring to the ability to read minds.

It seems…

This time the two spies from ANBU completely made the village decide to take good care of it!

Qingyu probably knew what was going on in his heart.

Half an hour later.

In the alley outside the Hokage's office.

Hundreds of ninjas wearing ANBU costumes stood there.

Among them was Qingyu.

The crowd was very quiet.

No one spoke.

The overall atmosphere is quite depressing.

Qingyu felt the number of ANBU ninjas here and knew that there were definitely not all ANBU ninjas here.

At least some jounin should not be here, but fighting on the front lines with the ninjas of Cloud Hidden Village.

Here should be all the ANBU ninjas left in Konoha Village.

A few minutes later.

A man wearing a red and white Hokage robe walked out from the rooftop of the Hokage's office.

The man had a pipe in his mouth.

The moment his figure appeared, he instantly attracted the attention of all ANBU ninjas present.

this person.

Everyone knew everyone there.

Even people who don't know him know his identity when they see the person's clothes.

The Third Hokage of Konoha Village, Hiruzen Sarutobi!

The third generation stood on the rooftop, feeling the focused gazes of the people below, and was silent for more than ten seconds.

All of a sudden.

The atmosphere at the scene became more oppressive.

"Ahem... cough..."

The third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, cleared his throat, directly breaking the quiet atmosphere, attracting everyone's attention, and making everyone's hearts rise. With the simple sound of clearing his throat, everyone Everyone realized that he was about to start talking.

All of a sudden.

The ANBU ninjas gathered here in front of the Hokage's office all looked at the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"I believe many of you know that a big event happened in the village in the past day!"

Sandai's voice sounded slowly. His voice was magnetic and could bring people into that situation in an instant.

"The Kumogakure village jonin Kashii who killed the Uchiha of the Konoha Security Department has been hiding in Konoha Village for a while, but we did not find him!"

The third generation's voice sounded again, but this time there was a kind of blame and introspection in the words.

"but… "

"Just yesterday!"

"We found him!"

The third generation's voice became sharp. He was not blaming the ANBU ninjas present, but was using his tone to let everyone know his dissatisfaction.

"The Kasai who killed Uchiha and captured Uchiha's Sharingan..."

"Under the disguised escort of two ANBU ninjas, they walked swaggering from the main entrance of Konoha Village..."

"Leave the village in a dignified manner!"

All of a sudden.

As soon as Sandai said this.

Everyone at the scene became even more silent, and anyone could hear the anger in the third generation's voice.

This kind of thing.

The impact is really too bad.

It has made people in the village panic.

Almost the entire Konoha Village knew about such a thing, even ordinary people knew it, let alone them ANBU ninjas.

"This incident made me feel a lot of pressure, and I found that I didn't do enough before!"


"This matter is also the responsibility of the Security Department and Patrol Department."

"It's just that I will hold them accountable in the future to prevent them from being lazy like this anymore and readjust the overall defense of the village."

As Sandai was talking, he already had the intention to hold the Security Department and Patrol Department responsible, but he realized that he was going a little off and quickly brought the topic back.


The third generation changed the topic and his voice became cold.

"but… "

"The biggest problem in this matter is that there is a spy in the ANBU!"

"After investigation by the ANBU team directly under the Hokage, the identities of the two missing ANBU ninjas have been determined."

"One of them is named Satsuma Rentaro and the other is named Yushima Hiro. They are both spies placed by Kirigakure Village in our Konohagakure Anbu!"


The ANBU ninjas all burst out with exclamations in the crowd!

There are actually spies among the ANBU? !

This is the normal reaction of every ANBU ninja. They usually wear masks and hide their identities in order to better perform their tasks.

But if there are spies among them.

Then their identity information is no secret to outsiders at all.

This made many ANBU ninjas become solemn.


These are normal ANBU ninjas.

Among them, the spies who were hiding inside felt a little uneasy.

They could feel from Sandai's words that Sandai was really angry.

So what is waiting for them next, even they themselves can't guess.

"Don't worry, everyone, just listen to what I have to say!"

The third generation's voice sounded again, drawing everyone's attention back to him.

"This time we gathered you all here to conduct a thorough screening of the ANBU!"

"Now please follow me to the lobby on the first floor of the Hokage's Office."

"Everyone just sit back and wait."

"We will find out the spies among you one by one."

"certainly… "

"If any of you are willing to admit your identity, then it can save me some energy!"

After Sandai finished speaking, he smiled slightly. He understood that such words were just words. The purpose was to create some psychological pressure on these spies and make them panic naturally.

Say it.

The third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, turned around and left. His figure messaged from the rooftop and returned to the Hokage's office.

Just after the third generation left.

An ANBU ninja wearing a white robe directly under the Hokage appeared in everyone's sight.

This person is the captain of the ANBU directly under the Hokage.

I saw him wave his hand.

One after another, figures shot out and stood around the large ANBU ninja force. Each person stared at more than a dozen people, surrounding the entire ANBU.

"Now all your actions are subject to my command. If anyone resists, they will be your spies by default!"

The ANBU captain directly under the Hokage said coldly. From his tone, everyone could feel that the third generation was really determined to clean up the ANBU this time.

"Let's go!"

This white-robed figure jumped down from the high platform and took the lead in leading everyone towards the Hokage's office.

This is what I have said now.

Of course no one dares not to listen.

The Anbu team, including Aoyu, entered the Hokage's office building one after another.

This is the first time Qingyu has come to the Hokage's office building. He has never been here before, but now is not the time to be curious about it.

The ANBU ninja team followed the white-robed ANBU leader to a spacious area on the first floor of the Hokage's office building.

Now in this area, there are already more than twenty tall and tall ninjas wearing Konoha Village ninja costumes. They wear Konoha Village forehead protectors on their heads, and their overall hair color is mainly golden brown.

After seeing these people, Qingyu's eyes suddenly froze.

He has seen all these people in his memory.

They are all from the mountain clan.

They don't belong to the Anbu or the Torture Department, they just belong to the Yamazaka clan.

After Qingyu saw these people.

I probably knew in my heart what was going to happen next.

No way…

It’s not like the memory is being read!

Qingyu was shocked, but there was no expression change on his face. He knew very well that there must be no emotional fluctuations at this time, otherwise he would be easily regarded as a spy.

All ANBU ninjas came here and sat down.

The white-robed ANBU captain stood at the front of the crowd, his sharp and cold eyes looking through the eye holes of the mask towards the ANBU people who were sitting down.

"Within the ANBU, the people from the Yamazaka clan are the first to come out!"

There was an unquestionable majesty in the voice of this white-robed ANBU captain.

As soon as his words came out.

Qingyu's mood suddenly fell to the bottom.


It was the same as he imagined.

It should come.

Finally came.

Qingyu bravely stood up together with the other members of the mountain clan in the ANBU.

Now he has locked the Flying Thunder God's technique on the tower through his mind perception.

I hope the mind reading system is powerful!

Qingyu murmured silently in his heart that no one should know what he had done.

If it is not possible.

Then we can only rely on Flying Thunder God to leave.

In a moment.

One by one, the Anbu ninjas from the mountain clan came out and stood in front of these Anbu ninjas.

"We know that the Yamanaka clan is loyal to Konoha Village, but this time we are screening the entire Anbu. We will not easily doubt anyone, but we will not completely trust anyone. I hope you can understand! "

The white-robed ANBU captain's tone softened slightly. After all, there were many members of the Yamazaka clan standing next to him, and the three families of Ino Shika Die played a decisive role in Konoha Village.


Several people, including Qingyu, nodded in response.

Those people except Qingyu.

It seems that no one is very confident about themselves.

If you are upright, you are not afraid of slanted shadows.

They have never done anything to betray the village, so naturally they are not afraid of being used to read minds.

"Your mission is very simple!"

The white-robed ANBU captain glanced at these ANBU ninjas from the mountain clan.

"You must first be inspected by the seniors of the mountain clan!"

"After passing..."

"You guys will check out the remaining ANBU ninjas with your seniors!"

(End of chapter)