Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 275: Qingyu’s sexy moves!



The advisor of Yunyin Village immediately took the scroll handed over by the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder, put it away carefully, and did not open it immediately at this time.

He has known the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder for a long time.

He is very aware of the working habits of the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder.

If it is a task that you can see in person, then the sealed scroll will not be given to you, but the task book will be given to you directly in person, and someone will explain the contents of the task.

But when the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder gives you a sealed scroll, it means that it is a secret mission that he does not want others to see. That is, he does not want you to see it in person, and it is something that cannot be known to others.

"The envoys of Yunyin Village this time are nominally the envoys of Yunyin Village, but in fact they are all people from the Kingdom of Thunder. You must be clear about this. I will send three staff to follow you. The main force in the negotiations, strive to stabilize the situation in the Country of Fire and maximize the benefits!" The name of the Country of Thunder said in a deep voice, with unquestionable majesty in his tone. These words he said were completely That's the order.


The advisor of Yunyin Village nodded immediately, he already realized the seriousness of this matter.

The entire envoy group of Yunyin Village is composed of staff from the Kingdom of Thunder, and there are no people from Yunyin Village at all.

This can be said to be...

The Daimyo of the Land of Thunder took over this matter!

Like the parachute executives of a company, Yunyin Village's right to negotiate was emptied out. To a certain extent, it was not only to achieve a deeper purpose, but also to be disappointed with the failure of the last negotiation by the Yunyin Village envoys.

"You go back and communicate with Raikage, and then prepare. After a while, I will send someone to find you. As a team of envoys from Kumoyin Village, we will go to Konoha Village to negotiate with the third generation Hokage of Konoha Village!" Lei The country's daimyo ordered directly.


The advisor of Yunyin Village immediately responded, then bowed and left the meeting room of Daming Mansion in the Land of Thunder, and immediately returned to Yunyin Village to explain the matter to the third generation Raikage.

The memory in this.

Qingyu quickly skipped this memory.

He accurately found the time when the advisor of Yunyin Village opened the seal scroll.

All of a sudden.

The vision in Qingyu's consciousness was combined with the memory of the consultant of Yunyin Village.

The whole scene is like Qingyu experiencing this personally.

The surrounding scenery is in a room shrouded in mist in Cloud Hidden Village.

This is the room of the advisor of Kumogakure Village.

I saw.

The advisor of Yunyin Village stretched out his hands and began to open the sealed scroll.

All of a sudden.

Lines of text.

came into Qingyu's eyes.

Task 1: Complete the most basic negotiation tasks to ensure that peace negotiations can be conducted with Konoha Village.

Mission 2: Rescue Ruri Uehara as much as possible, and there is no problem in paying part of the price.

Mission 3: Find the whereabouts of Kasei, the rebellious ninja of Cloud Hidden Village!

Task 4: Record in detail the specific location of the Hyuga clan in Konoha Village and draw an easy-to-understand map.

Task 5: Confirm the status of the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki in Konoha Village.

Mission 6: Observe the armament situation of the Country of Fire and Konoha Village along the way.

There are 6 tasks in total.

Clearly listed on the scroll.

This is the secret mission that the advisor of Cloud Hidden Village is going to Konoha Village this time.

After Qingyu read it.

Suddenly I felt dull.


It's nothing more than a few appearances, asking about the status of the Hyuga clan and looking at the status of the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

Even if it is a temporary truce.

The purpose remains the same.

Once there is a chance in the future, he will still find the head of Konoha Village.

Although these are secret missions written on scrolls, Qingyu actually knows them very well.


The premise is that he is a person who has traveled through time.

Ever watched Naruto!

Otherwise, let go of the present moment.

Still don’t know!


Qingyu still understands why the name of the Land of Thunder wrote this mission on the scroll.

The tasks on this scroll, whether it is to observe the Hyuga clan, prepare to steal the Byakugan, or keep an eye on the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, these are not things that the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder can bring to the table.

Regardless of whether there is anyone around the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder.

This is not a good thing after all!


Qingyu slowly opened his eyes and retreated from the memory of Yunyin Village consultant. He had already understood the most intuitive and simple content.

As for the rest.

That’s not what we need to look at in a hurry now.

With this time I opened my eyes.

Qingyu saw that some team members were starting to become more active.

One by one, they began to look at the corpses in the hands of other teams, wanting to settle some exchange matters.

after all…

They have no way to get anything through memory!

Those dead bodies were all ninjas from Cloud Hidden Village.

They don't know anything about it!

At this moment.

Qingyu simply looked at these people without saying anything, silently waiting for the end of this mission.

Just as Qingyu judged.

Now these Anbu ninjas from the mountain clan are getting angry.

As time goes by.

Each team has been deeply accessing their memories for a long time.

No one knows now.

Which group of people will suddenly appear, saying that they have discovered something, and thus get the opportunity to be promoted.

The more no one stands up.

The more it makes everyone nervous about each other.

All of a sudden.

The whole room was filled with an anxious atmosphere.


There are exceptions.

Qingyu's position is an exception.

Whether it was Qingyu or Lu San not far away from him, these two people seemed to have no sense of participation, as if the mission here had nothing to do with him.

Some time passed.

Lu San saw that Qingyu had woken up.

After a little hesitation.

Still, he moved towards Qingyu little by little and came to Qingyu's side.

"Qingyu, who do you think will get the chance to be promoted?" Lu San walked to Qingyu and asked Qingyu.

As soon as these words came out.

Qingyu was stunned for a moment.

He has no performance or action.

It's like I didn't hear it at all.

He simply ignored Lu San’s question.

Seeing such a scene, Lu San couldn't help but blink his eyes. At first, he was waiting for Qingyu to give him an answer. Later, after he was sure that Qingyu was ignoring him, he felt extremely dissatisfied.


Inside this ANBU.

Among the clans in the mountains.

He is just the second best loser!

He is not the most useless one in the clan!


The most useless person in the clan actually ignored him like this!

It looks like you haven't seen him!

This was simply unbearable in his heart!

"Qingyu, who do you think may be promoted?" Lu San asked Qingyu again. He didn't want to know the answer, and even chatted with Qingyu from time to time. He just wanted to see what Qingyu would do. Will not answer his words.

This time.

Qingyu turned his face slightly.

Those pitch-black eyes focused directly on the ANBU ninja of the Yamazaka clan named Shikazo behind him through the eyeholes of the cat-faced mask.

"Do these things have anything to do with me?" Qingyu said indifferently.

"you… "

When Lu San heard Qingyu say similar words again, he felt extremely unhappy and wanted to say something unpleasant.


Just at this time.

He suddenly thought of what Akira Yamanaka, the elder of the Yamanaka clan not far away, had told him.

There can be no disputes or other behavior here.

Now he really does not intend to read the memory, nor does he intend to take this opportunity for promotion, but he still cannot disturb others, after all, others still want this opportunity!


Lu San immediately adjusted his breathing and took several deep breaths to calm down.

"Qingyu, I'm actually a little confused. Don't you want to be promoted?" Lu San is still bored waiting here and wants to chat with Qingyu. After all, the only person who can chat with him is Qingyu. .

"What does it have to do with you?"

Qingyu used such words to slap Lu San back again, and then didn't even look at Lu San, completely acting like a stranger.

These two sentences were learned by Qingyu in the real world.

It can be said that it is a versatile statement.

One is "What does it have to do with you" and the other is "What does it have to do with me". They can be used in almost any situation that can trigger offensive words.

No matter what you say to the other person.

As long as you don't want to continue talking to him.

That’s it!

After Qingyu said this, he ignored Lu San, but Lu San beside him was so angry that he felt very unhappy, and he didn't know what to say to Qingyu.


over time.

Several hours passed.

The ANBU ninjas in the whole room almost stopped reading memories and began to couldn't help but exchange corpses with each other.

Now they gain nothing.

I already want to replace other people's bodies and see if I can find anything else.


throughout the process.

No team came to Qingyu and the others to exchange.

Qingyu didn't say another word to Lu San.

Since this time.

Qingyu was sitting in the corner of the room, and Lu San was sitting next to him in the corner of the room. The two of them were out of tune with the competitive environment around them.

Qingyu sat in the corner.

There was no problem when it was earlier.

It's getting longer now.

It makes him feel more and more bored.

If he had known this earlier, he would have arranged the shadow clone in advance before coming out.

Thinking about it.

Qingyu suddenly took out a notebook from his ninja bag.

Hot red cover.

It was the notebook given to him by Fugaku Uchiha.

He quickly opened the book to the middle. Now he has finished half of the book, and the content has reached an extremely exciting part.

"Um… "

Qingyu looked at this book, and what was being serialized on it was the story of Teacher Bai from the Ninja School. He happened to have nothing to do right now, so he had nothing to do, so he would write a little more.

He had a vague premonition.

Wait until he returns from this incident.

Iton Morino was about to find him to urge him to update.


Qingyu took out a pen and began to write words in the notebook under the dim candlelight.

Lu San has been observing Qingyu from the side.

He saw Qingyu's eyes flickering with doubts when he was writing these contents.

What did Qingyu write

A question popped up in Lu San's head, and his instinctive reaction was what Qingyu was writing about memory.

But this black skull.

Is it really possible to read the memory

No way…

Seeing Qingyu's appearance, Lu San felt suspicious again.

He wanted to go over and see what Qingyu was writing.

But he was afraid that Qingyu would attack him again.

He still wants to lose face!

It's okay to be talked about by others, but if even Qingyu, a famous sick man, talks about him, he really can't accept it!

Lu San hesitated for a while, but still did nothing. He chose to continue.


Another hour passed.

Qingyu has completely entered the state of writing. The pen in his hand is constantly scratching the notebook. The tip of the pen is shining with light against the candlelight, looking like an elf leaping on the paper.

During this hour.

Lu San kept staring at Qingyu.

I felt a little sleepy until the end.

Right now.

Lu San shook his head violently.

"Did Qingyu find something on this skull, so he ignored me all the time, let alone answered my questions about promotion? Could it be..."

At this moment, Lu San had an idea in his mind, and suddenly a thought came to his mind, and as the thought appeared, the feeling in his heart became more and more obvious.

After this idea appeared.

It's like it can grow automatically.

Suddenly it began to spread in his heart.

No way!

No way!

Is there really any secret in this black skull? !

Think of this.

Lu San could no longer suppress his curiosity. He glanced at Qing Yu from the corner of his eye, and when Qing Yu wasn't paying attention, he walked directly towards the skeleton on the iron platform.


He came to the edge of the iron platform.

stand right here.

He looked at Qingyu again.

After making sure Qingyu didn't notice him.

Slowly stretched out his hands.

This time.

He abandoned all prejudices in his mind.

The face behind the mask suddenly became serious. The thumbs of both hands were pressed on the temples of the black skull, directly into the gap of the skull.

This isn't over yet.

He placed the remaining four fingers on the skull's cheek.

He assumed a posture that was different from the conventional mind-reading secret technique.

This is the key to Lu San being able to enter the ANBU.

He is a member of the Yamanaka Clan. Apart from the most basic ninjutsu, he cannot learn any other ninjutsu. Among the secret arts of the Yamanaka Clan, he can only learn the secret art of mind reading, and even other mind-turning techniques. Neither.

Although he is called a waste like Qingyu in the mountain clan, his name is still above Qingyu. The most important thing is that he has achieved some specialization in the secret art of mind reading. .

Specialization in the secret art of mind reading.

This is what Lu San is best at.

He can control the influx of chakra into the opponent's brain very accurately, discover some detailed parts that are difficult for others to discover, and then read some key information.

Such a thing.

Lu San didn't tell anyone.

In the past.

He thought everyone was like this.

He is just the most ordinary one among them.

There was even a period of time when he had self-doubt because he was unable to learn a slightly more complicated ninjutsu, thinking that he was not as good as others when it came to reading memories.

Until one day.

Lu San suddenly discovered.

Not everyone is like this.

It turns out that he also has strengths!

He can read the memory to the greatest extent under extremely harsh conditions!

Just this.

No member of the mountain clan he knew had this!

"Let me try it!"

Lu San immediately closed his eyes, pulling extremely detailed chakra on the ten fingers of his hands, and began to go deep into the inside of the skull, carefully trying to discover the contents inside.

He had no expectations.


When he saw Qingyu starting to write continuously.

Suddenly, he faintly realized a strange thing. Could it be that Qingyu is not a complete waste, but has some other outstanding abilities hidden under his weak body


Lu San decided to give it a try.

If there really is any important information on this black skull, Qingyu cannot be allowed to exclusively enjoy this promotion spot.


Lu San thinks he is different from Qingyu.

Just when he formed the team, he had already seen everyone's behavior in his eyes.

Who is actively seeking promotion opportunities

Whose eyes have deeper longing

Who is betting on their luck just to try it out

He had looked at every ninja present, and he had been striving for the chance to join any team.


No team picked him at all.

After the last team was successfully formed, he once thought about forming a team with the other remaining person.

But when he saw that the remaining person was Qingyu who was completely salty and didn't go to any team at all.

He gave up the idea immediately.

Instead of teaming up with Qingyu.

It's better to be on your own as a team.

Maybe there is still a chance of success!


All his fantasies.

Everything was broken after seeing the black skull.

Not interesting!

This mission is boring!

There is no way to get promoted!


Lu San cherishes this opportunity to be promoted.

He wants to get some help from it,

He has a relatively special ability to read minds, and he needs some more space to display his talents.


Over time.

He slowly discovered that things didn't seem so hopeless.

Now, none of the people who formed the team in the room had obtained any key information, and they had already begun exchanging corpses with each other.

To know…

Each team decided to exchange the bodies after digging deeply into the bodies.


Now that we have reached the stage of exchanging bodies.

It means that there is no valuable information in those corpses!


Lord Danzo gathered them here.

It cannot be that there are no problems at all.

If there was nothing to discover, it would be impossible to make such a big splash.

In addition, Qingyu didn't know what was written there.

After these things are added up.

Lu San's heart suddenly moved.

He suddenly realized.

Is an opportunity coming

Qingyu must not let this opportunity be taken away from him, otherwise he will be very upset.

He also thought that Qingyu was so bad that he must have discovered something, but he didn't say anything.

Qingyu must not be allowed to succeed!

With such a mood in mind, Lu San began to pour his chakra into the black skull bit by bit.

He immediately cast his secret mind-reading skills.

Carefully search for the part of the skull that may contain memories.


Lu San began to enter a state of exploration.

This black hole was empty, and the hot flames erupted from the detonating talisman directly evaporated the brains of the Yunyin Village advisor, leaving only a hollowed-out skull.

despite this.

Lu Sandu has not given up yet.

Little by little, he searched for possible traces on the upper edge of the skull.

after all…

Even if the brain matter is evaporated dry.

It was still steamed and dried brains.

Maybe there are traces of neurons left somewhere.

This allows you to find memory points.

To get a little bit of information


Lu San was immersed in the state of reading memories.

Fine beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead, which soaked the mask and dripped down the lower edge of the mask.

At this moment.

Lu San's state attracted Qing Yu who was writing a book in the corner.


Qingyu's eyes fell on Lu San. When he saw that Lu San was trying his best to read the memory of the consultant of Yunyin Village, the corners of his mouth behind the mask were slightly raised.


It seems that this person can still be used!

Qingyu has been waiting for this moment.

Now it's finally here.

He was very sure that it was impossible to read any memory from that black skull because the brain tissue was completely gone.


He can actually help Lu San.

After all, someone still needs to discover some information here and provide this information to Danzo before the mission here can be ended.


Qingyu's wrist flicked.

He still maintained the posture of writing a book, but a piece of black paper fell from his fingertips.


This is not discolored paper.

Instead, it was paper covered in black seals.

This is a special sealing technique that can transfer chakra between two seals to complete a special kind of communication.

It's just that this technique must be done at a closer distance.

The principle is like transmitting sounds to a specific person's head during the Fourth Ninja War.

It's just that Qingyu's seal is a little crude.

This black paper does not only contain this one spell, there are also a bunch of useless spells covering the entire paper.

The purpose is simple.

That's what hides the color of this paper.

Keep people from noticing.

After the black paper floated out, it immediately began to transform, using the origami hand, it turned into a small paper crane.

As soon as the paper crane took shape, it flew towards the iron platform at an extremely fast speed and stuck to the bottom of the iron platform without anyone noticing.


The paper crane began to adjust its position.

Keep moving under the iron platform until you stop next to the dark skull.

at the same time.

The paper crane began to disintegrate.

It turned back into paper and stuck firmly to the bottom of the iron stand, waiting silently.

Time passed by minute by minute.


Lu San has been struggling with this skull for more than half an hour.

His clothes were soaked with sweat.

Nothing was discovered at all.

The head of this skull is completely empty, with no neurons at all. No matter how sophisticated his secret mind-reading skills are, there is no way to achieve any breakthrough in this.

"Damn it!"

Lu San complained fiercely in his heart, and he gradually began to realize in his heart that this skull was indeed unable to read the memory, and he would miss this mission.


Just at this time.

Because his mood fluctuated, the chakra on his fingertips also fluctuated.

He couldn't help but probed towards the lower edge of the black skull.

All of a sudden.

The chakra of Shika San using his secret mind-reading technique collided with the black skull and the iron platform, just enough for the paper below to receive it.

Such a scene.

Qingyu's eyes lit up.

This was the moment he had been waiting for.


Qingyu raised his hands and pressed them on his temples, controlling the chakra on his fingertips to completely protect his brain, leaving only one nerve.


He communicated the spells under the iron platform.

Attract Lu San's chakra.

In an instant.

Shika San's chakra impacted the nerve he only exposed.

"Ding dong! The system has detected an intrusion from an external force and has started the automatic protection program. Some of the host's memory fragments have entered a shielded state!"

A crisp electronic notification sound suddenly sounded in Qingyu's mind.

at the same time.

His brain entered a special state.

You can add any memory fragment.

Shown to those who read his memories.

That is Lu San over there who is about to fall into a state of self-doubt.

“It turns out you can really do this!”

A touch of excitement appeared on Qingyu's face behind the mask. When he saw this technique, he thought of such a cool operation, but it was only at the theoretical stage. He was not sure whether it could really be done. .

Just give it a try now.

The system’s beep confirms success!

Proving his previous assumptions.


A more exciting thought suddenly appeared in Qingyu's mood. Can he read other people's memories through such a reverse operation

for example…

Put a piece of paper inside someone else's hat.

Qingyu decided to find an opportunity in the future and try this method to connect the chakra in his right hand with the paper on the opponent's head. If he could complete the memory reading, he would not have to repeatedly raise his hand and touch his head in the future.

But this is something that I will try slowly in the future.

As for now…

Qingyu directly played a wonderful memory clip from Yunyin Village Consultant to Lu San.


This is not the original complete memory.

It is a memory that has been edited, deleted and processed by Qingyu.

The purpose is to reveal what he wants to reveal to Shikazo, and then tell Danzo through Shikasan's mouth!

(End of chapter)