Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 287: Kirigakure Village is the spear used to stab Kumogakure Village! (


After Qingyu completed his disguise, he walked directly towards the location of the vendors from the Kingdom of Water.

Now this time.

They were still talking about it.

It's all about the cat-faced demon.


At this moment, a boo sounded, and the owner of the voice was the leader of the vendor from the Kingdom of Water. Just a boo showed his dissatisfaction.

"Can you guys be more careful what you say? We are still in Konoha Village now. If someone hears us and arrests us, it will not be that easy to come out completely like this."

The leader of the Water Kingdom vendor said coldly, with deep dissatisfaction and helplessness in his tone.

As the saying goes, misfortune comes from the mouth.

He felt it all too clearly now.

In the past, these traders who followed him liked to have fun.

Likes to say some nonsense.


He didn't stop it in time.

This led to today's tragedy.

They could have walked out of the torture department unscathed, but they were caught back in such an outrageous manner.

I really can’t stand it anymore!

The leader of the merchants in the Kingdom of Water did not want this to happen again.

After the leader of the vendors from the Kingdom of Water finished speaking, the vendors from the Kingdom of Water closed their mouths one after another, and no one spoke anymore.

At this time.

They all knew that what the leader said was right.

After they came out of the cubicle for the second time, they faced the same situation as the first time.

But they said they didn't dare to stay nearby.


Just as they walked out of an intersection.

The guard who was waiting there stopped him.

Just take them out so easily...

Such a phenomenon.

Let them cry without tears.

It turned out that it was so easy to walk out. It seemed that the cat-faced demon was right. He did let them go, but they just stood there and did not leave.

It’s not just a matter of not leaving.

They also stood at the door of the cubicle and scolded the cat-faced demon.

The final result is...

Their first time is gone!

Most of them now only suffered superficial injuries. These injuries were not serious, but the injury process was extremely thrilling, leaving them with no hope of getting out alive.

The mental pressure I endured was enormous.

Looking back now, they feel particularly horrified, and their minds are filled with frightening memories.

Among these traders from the Kingdom of Water, the one who suffered the most severe injuries was the one whose wrist was cut off.

Except for that person.

Everyone else was just a scratch.

"You still dare to come!"

At this moment, a low voice sounded, clearly reaching the ears of these traders from the Kingdom of Water.

All of a sudden.

These traders from the Kingdom of Water are looking for fame.

Their eyes were fixed on a man wearing a cloak.

In an instant.

The expressions of these vendors from the Kingdom of Water have changed.

They all looked towards the man in the cloak and hat.

"Who are you?"

The leader of the vendors in the Kingdom of Water said in a deep voice. After what happened in the torture department's cubicle, he had become much more cautious and his eyes became quite solemn.

The person being watched by the merchants of the Land of Water was none other than Aoba, who had just transformed into the appearance of Rentaro Satsuma through the transformation of the God's Paper User's Technique.

"it's me."

Qingyu spoke slowly, lifting the hat on his head as he spoke, exposing his entire face to everyone's sight.


Everyone, including the leader of the merchants in the Kingdom of Water, widened their eyes with disbelief.

The people they, the Water Kingdom traders, have often cooperated with over the years are the few Kirigakure spies who stayed in Konoha Village.

Those Kirigakure spies shared the information they collected with the vendors in the Land of Water.

The traders from the Kingdom of Water will then pass the information back.

among these spies.

There is Rentaro Satsuma.

Aoba once saw this method of transmission in Rentaro Satsuma's memory, and wanted to go fishing and pass the wrong information to the Kingdom of Water, just like he passed the wrong information to the third Kazekage.


The other party didn't give him a chance at all.

This is the first time a merchant from the Kingdom of Water has come here since Rentaro Satsuma was killed by him.

The main purpose of these Water Kingdom traders coming here is to find out if there is any news about Rentaro Satsuma in Konoha Village.

Not yet for them to ask.

Satsuma Rentaro himself appeared in front of them.

This is too easy...

All of a sudden.

Very strange thoughts appeared in everyone's mind.

They vaguely felt that something was wrong. After all, things that happened too easily could always be fake.


They think of the recent past.

The cat-faced demon still released them in a very simple way.

If you look at them together.

Maybe it really doesn't matter.

It's possible that some problems occurred just by coincidence.

"What did you do!"

Qingyu imitated Rentaro Satsuma's tone and said that he had imitated this person countless times and had already gained insights and experience.

"I was actually taken directly into the torture department. Fortunately nothing happened, otherwise the problem would have been serious!"

Qingyu's indifferent voice had an accusatory tone, and he seemed to be very dissatisfied with the performance of these traders from the Kingdom of Water.

Such preconceived blame.

This directly caused the vendors of the Kingdom of Water present to fall into a kind of silence.

All of a sudden.

All the traders from the Kingdom of Water were brought into this emotion.

Although they are a bit confused.

They don’t know why Satsuma Rentaro suddenly appeared in front of them.

This is inconsistent with the information they have obtained.


It feels completely like someone else is playing the role, which is a very strange feeling.

All of a sudden.

The eyes of these traders from the Kingdom of Water were all focused on Qingyu, with different expressions in their eyes.

But they already understand.

Don't talk nonsense before you figure out what's going on, otherwise it may lead to bad results.

Qingyu felt the gazes of these people, and his expression did not change at all, but he found it quite interesting.

These merchants from the Kingdom of Water would never have thought that the Satsuma Rentaro standing in front of them now was the cat-faced demon who had just ravaged and tortured them.

"This is not the place to talk. Take me to a quieter place." After Qingyu looked around everyone, he finally landed on the leader of the vendors from the Kingdom of Water, and nodded to the leader of the vendors from the Kingdom of Water. nod.

"Come with me."

The leader of the vendors in the Kingdom of Water also felt that things were a bit strange, but he didn't completely think there was anything wrong with Rentaro Satsuma, so he had no choice but to lead this man towards the warehouse they were temporarily using.

These warehouses are temporarily rented by traders from the Kingdom of Water.

Responsible for transporting the seafood products they transported here.

It's extremely humid inside the warehouse.

The air around me smelled of sea salt.

It is very quiet in comparison, and there are not many people coming and going. It can be said that it is a place where you can talk.

As vendors from the Kingdom of Water entered one after another, Qingyu followed them and finally stopped in a quiet corner.

"I don't know why you came to Konoha Village at this time, but if I guessed correctly, you probably want to investigate my news, right?" Qingyu looked around at these Water Country vendors and said It's just a guess. In fact, I have read the memories of these people a long time ago. They are completely playing games with their cards revealed. The key is not their own cards, but their opponents' cards. It is like a clue.


The leader of the vendors in the Kingdom of Water hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly. After hearing Aoyu say these words in the tone of Rentaro Satsuma, he became more and more convinced in his heart that this person was Rentaro Satsuma. .

Not only the leader of the vendors from the Kingdom of Water, but also the other vendors from the Kingdom of Water, everyone nodded repeatedly to express their agreement with what Qingyu just said.

"You are indeed here to find me!"

Qingyu immediately felt like he had guessed, and then his eyes changed slightly, the corners of his mouth raised into a smile, and he raised his head slightly so that everyone could see his face more clearly.

"Loquat Juuzang must have sent you here!"

Qingyu said slowly, as if he had made a very random guess. Now he does not need any special guesses and wisdom at all. He can just rely on the huge advantage brought by the information gap to make these Water Country merchants It's so tight.


Including the leader of the merchants in the Kingdom of Water, everyone nodded to Qingyu. Now they completely believed Qingyu's words. After all, not many people knew about such a thing even in the Kingdom of Water, let alone Not to mention Rentaro Satsuma who is far away in Konoha Village.

"Loquat Juuzang is still too impatient!" Qingyu sighed.

"Rentaro, why are you in Konoha Village? According to Juuzang-sama, you should have been captured by Kasaii!" The leader of the merchants in the Kingdom of Water immediately asked Qingyu, in his head There were a lot of question marks, but he still picked out one important point. After all, according to the information he got, Satsuma Rentaro was taken away directly by Kasai after leaving Konoha Village and never returned to Konoha Village. .

"It's a long story, and I don't want to explain too much to you about what happened here. You just need to know that Gashiyi's follow-up mission has changed. He is no longer going to save Uehara Ruri, but to kill Uehara. Liuli, then we reached some kind of consensus, so that's it." Qingyu waved his hands to these Water Country vendors, and he used a special speaking technique, that is, I don't want to explain to you, but All I have to do is explain.

This will bring some hints to these Water Country vendors.

It seems like there are a lot of things going on here.

This is just one of the trivial things.

But they will pass this matter back and tell it to the Seven Ninja Swordsmen in Kirigakure Village.

"The Leaf Village is not at peace now. If you have nothing to do, just go back quickly. I have some words for you to take with you and tell them to Loquat Juuzang." Qingyu explained in a cold voice.


These merchants from the Kingdom of Water responded in unison. They all believed Aoyu's words and regarded Aoyu as Rentaro Satsuma.


They looked at Qingyu with deeper doubts in their eyes.

Everyone wants to know.

What news will Lian Tailang send back

Although their normal occupation is traders, for them, as long as they are transmitting information, they will have great curiosity.

It can be said…

They are not only passing on information, but also satisfying their own desire for gossip.

"Tell Loquat Juuzang that I am still doing intelligence work in Konoha Village."

Under the gaze of these people, Qingyu slowly spoke, his eyes flashing with brilliance, and he began to tell these Water Kingdom merchants the words he had prepared in his heart.

"You must pass the following information to Loquat Juuzang accurately and ask him to report it to the Mizukage in the village to take precautions in advance."

Qingyu's tone became serious, as if he was warning these Kirigakure merchants, and his voice became more solemn.

"The first point is that the people of Kirigakure Village's attack on Cloud Hidden Village have been grasped by the people of Konoha Village, but it should not have spread to Cloud Hidden Village yet, so you have to let them make a decision as soon as possible, or Control Konoha Village to prevent anyone from reporting this matter to Yunyin Village at any time, or carry out preventive strikes against Yunyin Village, and take action before Yunyin Village reacts and takes action against Kirigakure Village." Qingyu directly said The first point was raised and all the solutions to this matter were given to them.


The vendors in the Kingdom of Water nodded repeatedly.

They all could understand what Qingyu meant.

I can even understand these words.

But if you let them think about it by themselves, they won't be able to think of these things. This is the difference in ability.

The leader of the vendors in the Kingdom of Water immediately took out his notebook and began to record the information Qingyu said in it.

He recorded this information in a notebook.

Report to Loquat Juzo when preparing to go back.

Now he doesn't dare to hand over these contents to these men to record. If there are any problems again, he really can't afford it.

"Second point, according to my investigation, there are some problems within Yunyin Village. These Yunyin Village envoy teams have two different purposes. The purpose of Yunyin Village advisor and Kahii is to kill Uehara. Liuli ensured the progress of the war, while Bray planned to rescue Ruri Uehara. Because of this, the two sides clashed, which ended with Brey killing the advisor of Yunyin Village. Now both Bray and Gasii have disappeared. If If we want to deal with Yunyin Village, we might as well make a fuss about these things, which may cause cracks in the place from within." Qingyu raised his second finger and said to these Water Kingdom traders again.

After hearing what Qingyu said next, these Water Country merchants no longer had any doubts.

This method of intelligence plus judgment.

Not everyone can do it.

It is not only necessary to ensure the importance of intelligence information, but also to have a big overall view, and the thinking needs to be extremely clear.

To be able to express such content and insights.

That's definitely not something everyone can do.

At this time.

These traders from the Kingdom of Water have understood why adults like the Seven Ninja Swordsmen care so much about existences like Qingyu.

The leader of the vendors in the Kingdom of Water quickly took a pen and recorded what Qingyu said.

These contents can completely prove Lian Tailang's identity.

"Third point, when I was following Kasei, I found a piece of information. It is not completely confirmable now, but there is a 70 to 80% chance that it is true. That is Kasei's move towards the third generation of Sunagakure Village. The Kazekage carried out a sneak attack. Such an action would definitely offend Sunagakure Village of the Wind Country. In addition, Iwagakure Village, which has been watching eagerly from the side, and Konoha Village, which is at war with Kumogakure Village, can be said to be the current state of Kumogakure Village. We are at a stage where we are under attack from both sides. If possible, we should unite with the other villages as much as possible and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to jointly attack Yunyin Village!"

Qingyu directly gave the third point.


All three points point to Yunyin Village.

Anyway, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen had already attacked Kumogakure Village, so they simply started a war between Kumogakure Village and Kirigakure Village.

The fragile agreement between the two villages had long since ceased to exist.

Qingyu planned to use this method to guide the ninjas on the Water Kingdom side to attack Yunyin Village when the merchants from the Kingdom of Water passed the message.

In this way, it will be difficult for Yunyin Village to send more ninjas.

Immediately, the entire ninja world will fall into a tense atmosphere, eventually making the upcoming third ninja world particularly chaotic.


The leader of the vendor in the Kingdom of Water responded immediately, and he took a pen and quickly recorded it in the notebook in his hand.

All of a sudden.

The water country vendors on the scene looked at Qingyu with subtle changes.

so amazing!

He actually has so much information.

It's simply unbelievable.

They couldn't believe it.

There are actually so many things happening between Yunyin Village and Kirigakure Village.

the most important is…

These traders in the Kingdom of Water have received a very important piece of information.

That means Kirigakure Village is going to fight Kumogakure Village.

"And one last thing!"

At this time, Qingyu's voice slowly sounded, once again focusing the attention of these Water Country merchants on him.

"According to the reliable information I have received, Uehara Ruri is not dead at present, but remains with Danzo in a disabled posture. It is very likely that he has become Danzo's subordinate. Regarding such a matter, you will send the news Spread it out and let the people in Yunyin Village know the news, which will cause them to have internal strife and finally get unexpected gains."

After Qingyu said the last point, the corners of his mouth curled up even more. For him now, Kirigakure Village is the spear used to pierce Kumogakure Village!

It's been so hot lately, I'm dizzy while typing, please support me with a monthly vote, Tianfeng will update as much as possible!

(End of chapter)