Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 345: poor person must have something mean! ([July


This chapter is a supplementary update for [accumulated 1,300 monthly votes in July]~

The moment Uchiha Fugaku's eyes fell on Aoyu, his first impression was that Aoyu could read Kidosuke's memory.

The thought only passed through my mind.

Then he realized something more deeply.

That is, Qingyu is not only a ninja from the Yamazaka clan who can use the secret technique of mind reading, but also a unique presence in the torture department.

"The class is doing something wrong!"

Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but sigh. He felt that he should have handed over the interrogation and torture to Qingyu just now, and shouldn't have been yelling here for a long time.

The security department has always been like this.

After catching the criminal.

Just ask.

After completing the transcript.

He reported the whole story to the prison in Konoha Village, and then handed it over to the ninjas of the torture department to find out the details of the crime through torture and write a confession.

The reason why Kidosuke was not handed over to the torture department now, but was left to the security department for questioning.

There are two main reasons.

The first point is that the torture department is now off work, and even if it is handed over, it will not be until the next day.

The second point is that he wants to interrogate Kidosuke personally, what made him become what he is now, and why he killed those people.

"green… "

Uchiha Fugaku just called out Aoyu's name, and then thought of Aoyu's explanation and the fact that there were two people here, he stopped talking.

"Now it's time to test you. I'll hand him over to you. I hope you can let him tell you everything that happened within half an hour."

Uchiha Fugaku suddenly felt that he needed to make full use of the resources. Now that Qingyu was by his side, he was a ninja from the torture department, so how could he not make good use of it.

"Can't you do this on your own?"

Aoyu glanced at Uchiha Fugaku. Now he was sleepy and his head hurt a little. He actually wanted to be interrogated again here

"Help me." Uchiha Fugaku smiled at Qingyu. He now regarded Qingyu as a friend, so he didn't care about the face issue at all. As long as this person entered the torture department, By spitting out what needed to be spit out, he had not worked hard on this case in vain.

"All right."

Qingyu nodded and stood up directly.

at the same time.

Uchiha Fugaku sat down with peace of mind, pretending to be watching a show. He had not seen Aoba interrogate the prisoner yet.

Such a scene.

Falling into the eyes of Nara Saki.

Her beautiful eyes were filled with confusion.

what does it mean

These two are playing riddles!

Can't you speak more clearly

You guys are making it hard for people to even understand the show!


Nara Saki had already begun to think. She looked up and down at the clothes Aoba was wearing. She was at least sure that he was from ANBU, but she didn't know which department of ANBU he was from.

Under the watchful eyes of several people.

Aoyu stood up and walked towards Kidosuke step by step.

"I know who you are."

Aoba looked down at Kidosuke, his tone was very calm, as if he was chatting with an ordinary person, and did not directly ask him questions like Uchiha Fugaku.

It was as if Kidosuke didn't hear Aoyu's words, he just sat there silently without saying a word.

"They must have done a lot of harm to you!"

Aoyu said indifferently. As he spoke, he raised his right hand and touched Kidosuke's head.

"Do you know that the feature that really betrays your identity is your white hair."

Aoba grabbed Kidosuke's head with his right hand, then pulled Kidosuke's white hair, lifted Kidosuke's head up, and looked at the latter's face.

This is a wizened face.

There is no blood.

It looked like he was about to die.

The eyes in the sunken sockets looked so cloudy and dull.

"Ding dong! Read the memory successfully! Obtained: Nirvana Abode Technique!"

Accompanied by a crisp electronic prompt, an illusion appeared in Qingyu's mind. After being cast, phantom-like feathers can fall down in a very large range around him, causing enemies within this range to fall into a coma. state.

It can be said to be a large-area AOE hypnotic illusion.

The adaptability is quite high!

This made Qingyu very satisfied.

He just made these actions just to read the memory of the prisoner named Kidosuke in front of him. Just because there were two people watching next to him, he used some words and actions to attract their attention. to assist him in completing the task of memory reading.

"Do you think you can drag things out without saying anything?"

While Aoyu was speaking, he did something that dumbfounded Uchiha Fugaku and Nara Saki.

I saw.

Qingyu sat down directly on the ground.

He happened to be sitting right in front of Kidosuke.

He stared at Kidosuke with wide eyes.

It was as if he wanted to see through Kidosuke's heart.


Question marks appeared in the heads of Nara Saki and Uchiha Fugaku. After seeing Aoyu's performance, they were both a little dumbfounded.


Very puzzled!

I have no idea what Qingyu is doing!


They didn’t dare to ask!

Not only were the two of them surprised, but Kidosuke, who was sitting silently on the chair, was a little dumbfounded. He could see Aoyu in his sight, especially when he saw Aoyu's movements. The whole person is very puzzled.


He wasn't interested at all.

Love is what it is.

He didn't want to talk anyway.

After Aoyu sat on the ground, he also said nothing. His eyes were wide open, and it seemed that he was staring at Kidosuke. In fact, the picture played in front of him was exactly Kidosuke's memory.

Scene after scene.

Just like this, it flashed through Qingyu's mind.

Four days ago.

When Kidosuke was preparing to commit a crime for the first time, his hands were still trembling, but it could be seen that he was extremely determined in his heart. He directly took the ruler and beat Yamato Ishida who was trapped on the tree trunk one after another. .

"You're just a piece of shit!"

"You're just a piece of shit!"


Kidosuke was like a repeater, venting his dissatisfaction to his heart's content. After beating the person to death, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the ninja school.

"High Stone Swallow."

"This is my gift to you."

"Repay your debt from back then."

"You may not even remember me!"

"It doesn't matter."

"I don't care what you think!"

"As long as I'm happy!"

"In the last period of my life, I have to take revenge and complain. Anyway, I am going to die. You can't even think about it easy!"

After Kidosuke said these words, he immediately took the blood-stained ruler, turned around and walked into the woods, leaving the scene of the crime.

are you sick

Aoba discovered two very important pieces of information from Kidosuke's description.

The first one is that Kido Suke seems to be dying soon, so he embarks on the road of revenge starting from killing Yamato Ishida.

The second is that Kido Suke's revenge target for killing Ishida Yamato was not Ishida Yamato, but Ishida Yamato's mother, Takaishi Tsubaki, a female teacher who worked at the ninja school.

Especially the last point.

This was unexpected by Qingyu, but it was understandable.

What disease do you have

With this question in mind, Aoba immediately looked at the memories in front of Kidosuke. In less than a day, he discovered Kidosuke's treatment records at Konoha Hospital.

In the third-floor clinic of Konohagakure Hospital.

After a medical ninja showed it to Kidosuke, he sighed and shook his head at Kidosuke.

"You have a blood disease."

"If I'm not wrong."

"Your father or mother died when you were 21 years old."

"And as white-haired as you."

The medical ninja stared at Kidosuke and said, his eyes flashing with helplessness. This disease is caused by genes. He has no way to treat it. If he has to give a definition, then it can be Say this is life!

"My mother died at the age of 21, but I don't know if her hair was gray. I have no impression of her anymore." Kidosuke said in a deep voice.

"Then there should be no problem. This type of blood disease is just like normal people. After the onset of the disease, your hair will turn white directly, and it will suck all the vitality in your body within seven days. You only have the last seven days. If you have any unfulfilled wishes, just go and fulfill them as soon as possible!" The medical ninja shook his head at Kidosuke. He had not seen this kind of blood disease many times. He wanted to help Kidosuke, but he also Nothing can be done.

"I see."

After Kidosuke heard the last words of the medical ninja, he suddenly felt less uncomfortable. Instead, he looked away. The burden in his heart was instantly put down, replaced by a heart burning with the fire of revenge.


Kidosuke left Konoha Hospital directly without going to the medical ninja team. He began to think while walking on a familiar road.

It didn't take long.

Kidosuke walked to the gate of the ninja school and looked through the guardrail at the familiar teaching building inside. Scenes of memories from the past appeared in front of him.

"High Stone Swallow!"

Kidosuke's tone became fierce, as if it was squeezed out from between his teeth, giving him a very fierce feeling.

There's no one around here.


If anyone hears it.

It is absolutely certain that Kidosuke and Takaishi Tsubaki have a grudge!

Immediately afterwards.

Kidosuke did not walk towards home, but walked along the Ninja School towards the bustling area of Konoha Village.

Another moment passed.

Kidosuke came to a teahouse.

He stared coldly at the wall on the second floor of the teahouse.


As if he was confirming his goal, Kidosuke turned around an intersection and looked towards the bookstore not far away.

Through the glass door of the bookstore.

You can just see the female shop assistant who is busy inside.

"Dead woman!"

Kidosuke said coldly.

He didn't even know the names of the fat man and the clerk.

So he just said it using the adjectives he could think of.

His actions did not arouse anyone's curiosity.

After all, this is a time of war, everyone has too much time to take care of themselves, and no one wants to meddle in other people's business.

Kidosuke walked in the other direction, and after a while, he stopped outside a hot spring club.

Far away.

He could see the woman at the front desk of the hot spring club.

"Takeuchi Souna!"

Strong murderous intent instantly shot out of Kidosuke's eyes, and now he had remembered the locations of these people.

at last.

Kidosuke walked towards his home.

Until we reached an intersection.


Looking towards the building not far away.

That's where the Nara clan lives.

"Tetsu Nara!"

"It's a pity that you are dead!"

"I don't know if you have any relatives!"

"We'll see what happens then!"

After Kidosuke said these last words, he walked directly back to his home.


Aoba retreated from Kidosuke's memory.

He didn't read too many memories.

Because there is not so much time now, it is impossible to dig deeper. It can be seen from Kidosuke's condition that it came too suddenly. After he completely lost the belief in living, he began to have revenge. Complain for complaint.

Everything that had been accumulated in the past burst out at that moment.

I don't know how long these things have been accumulated for, but they were completely released at the moment when his illness was confirmed. If we dig deep into his memory, it may take many, many things to find the touching point.

At least.

Just talking about Gao Shi Yanzi.

That person was the female teacher of the ninja school, and the killed Yamato Ishida was the son of Takaishi Tsubaki. Looking at it this way, the anger may have been accumulated during the ninja school period.

Such a thing…

It is difficult to investigate in a short period of time.

As Aoyu's consciousness returned, his eyes refocused on Kidosuke who was sitting on the chair in front of him.

"You still have... two days!"

Aoba spoke calmly. He had just calculated that from the day when Kidosuke's hair turned gray, to the time he went to Konoha Hospital for examination, and the last things he did, he could calculate the final time of Kidosuke.

The sun will rise soon.

It will be the penultimate day after Kido helped his life.

This kind of thing seems quite reasonable. They are all going to die anyway. It doesn't matter if they are caught or not, and it doesn't matter if they are told or not. It doesn't matter at all.

Kidosuke didn't want to talk anymore.

It can even be said that we are ready to face the end.

I had already realized this in my heart.

This way.

It's like a frustrated person waiting to quit the game. He has no intention of paying any attention to the things in the game.


After Qingyu said these words.

Kidosuke's eyes changed slightly, as if he didn't expect that the masked ninja in front of him would immediately recognize his physical condition.

But that's all.

He had no intention of continuing to speak.

"Do you want to take these things to the grave?" Qingyu spoke again. He looked at Kidosuke with doubts, asked a question that even he didn't understand, and said: "Don't you really? Do you care if those who died know that you did this?"

Kidosuke heard Aoyu's words, but he remained silent and had no intention of answering.

"You think your goal is accomplished, but in fact the problem is still there. Since you are about to die, why bother yourself and say everything you need to say? It is far more satisfying than holding it in your heart!" Qing Yu said slowly. After finishing speaking, he stood up from the ground, turned around and prepared to walk towards where he was just now.

"I can't interrogate you."

"If a dying person doesn't want to speak."

"Then no one can pry his mouth open."

"I'm not even afraid of death anymore."

"What else is there to be afraid of?"

"You are right!"

Aoba's eyes swept over Uchiha Fugaku and Nara Saki. His words seemed to be addressed to them, but in fact they were meant for Kido Suke.

"What's the meaning?"

After hearing Aoyu's words, Uchiha Fugaku was immediately stunned for a moment, and then his eyes widened with helplessness flashing in his eyes.


"you mean… "

"He's about to die?!"

The last thing Uchiha Fugaku wants to encounter is such a scene. If a dying person's last wish is to kill his former enemy and he does it, then there really is no regrets and he has nothing to fear. .

Nara Saki next to Uchiha Fugaku widened her beautiful eyes, full of curiosity. She seemed to understand, but she didn't seem to understand. These things were something she had never experienced before. She suddenly felt that this The two people's life experiences are far richer than hers.

"That's right." Qingyu nodded and confirmed what he just said.

"Then there is no other way..." Uchiha Fugaku spread his hands and made a helpless gesture, and shook his head and said: "I said how did Kidosuke become like this? It turns out that he is about to die, then if he doesn't want to If you say that, who can know anything else, you will take the problem directly to the grave.”

Uchiha Fugaku's words just hit Kidosuke's heart.

That's what Kidosuke thought.

Take them all together to his grave.

All the treatment he had suffered back then.

Let all these disappear with his death.

So he didn't want to say a word.

Those were his own secrets, his business, and had nothing to do with anyone else, especially the two people in front of him who ruined his final plan.

"Kidosuke, if I guess correctly, after you kill this girl named Saki, you will have to find a place to wait for death." Aoba spoke slowly and brought the topic back to For Kidosuke, he still wanted to use his own way of speaking to express the words in Kidosuke's heart, because it was far easier for Kidosuke to say it himself than to look it up through memory.

"A little disappointed."

Qingyu suddenly shook his head, and then glanced at Nara Saki. There was no expression at all on the masked face.

"Everything you do is inexplicable in the eyes of the dead!"

"Wrap this Nara Saki!"

"She doesn't even know what you are doing now!"

"I just thought you were a psycho!"

"If I were you… "

"Since I am about to die, I will definitely let those who are killed by me know who I am, and I will tell us here freely what kind of feats you have done!"

"It's a pity that I'm not you, and you are not me!"

"Brother Fugaku, let's go. He won't say anything anymore. Let him take these things to his grave."

Qingyu said one sentence after another, using his own way to influence Kidosuke's heart, trying to make the latter's judgment of him deviate as much as possible.

"All right!"

Uchiha Fugaku stood up directly and followed Aoyu. He vaguely felt that Aoyu was acting. After all, in his opinion, Aoyu was a master of torture in the torture department. There would be no such thing as giving up without even torture. status.

This is not the professionalism of a torture ninja at all!

To know…

In the torture department.

All kinds of suspects awaiting trial may be encountered.

Anyone may need to be tortured.

How could the torture stop just because a person was about to die

Don't say you're going to die...

Even Kidosuke would have died on the spot!

Aoba will seriously read the memories of Kidosuke after his death!


Uchiha Fugaku felt that Aoyu was acting, but at this time he decided to cooperate with Aoyu's performance and left with him.


Nara Saki was here preparing to eat melon. She was waiting, but what she waited for was the news that she was leaving. This made a big question mark appear in her mind, and her eyes were filled with confusion.

What the hell

Is this a torture expert

Just quit when faced with difficulties

Just leave like that

Waiting in vain

A feeling of regret suddenly arose in Nara Saki's heart. If she had known that things were like this, it would be better not to wait here and go directly to find Ling. She had let Ling go here.

After hearing Aoyu's words, Kidosuke felt that there was some truth in his heart. He has lived for 21 years and has always been depressed and aggrieved. It can be said that he is particularly depressed. He has never felt sorry for himself. And lived.

A few days ago, I killed all my former enemies in anger!

This could have been the most outrageous thing for him to do!

According to his plan...

After doing this, he can officially say goodbye to this world, and there will be no future.


Qingyu's words.

Suddenly it woke him up.

It was just like what he heard the medical ninja said in the Leaf Village Hospital.

They have different approaches but similar effects.


"I'm all about to die!"

"There's nothing else I can't say!"

"What else do I have to be afraid of!"

"I just want revenge!"

"I just want to kill all those people!"

"I don't think I have any problems. This is what I have to do. I have completed it all. I have no regrets. I can face the result calmly, and I can even speak out about everything I have done. !”

"I'm fearless!"

As Kidosuke spoke, he raised his face and looked straight at Qingyu and the others. His eyes were indifferent and calm. It could be seen that he was in a very peaceful state inside. He was not pretending at all. He was looking down on life and death. The feeling of freedom and ease that only appeared later.


The corners of Aoba's mouth behind the mask were slightly raised, and he made a confused sound. He was referring to the way the medical ninja from Konohagakure Hospital spoke.

It was the words of the medical ninja at that time that activated Kidosuke, the white-haired murderer.


He can do the same.

Activate this killer who is ready to take all secrets to the grave.

"I thought you didn't dare to say anything anymore!" Aoyu said calmly, and gave Kidosuke a booster shot.

"This sentence is redundant. Your stimulating method is of no use at all. I just figured it out on my own." Kidosuke said calmly. He could hear that Qingyu's last words were full of meaning. It was skillful, and he could also hear that what Qingyu said before was also stimulating him, but he thought it was not because of himself, but because he had figured out what kind of attitude towards life he should use to face this mere Only two days to live.

"So you are willing to say it?" A smile appeared on Uchiha Fugaku's face, and he silently praised Aoyu in his heart. He is indeed a master of negotiation. A master is a master. He is really powerful.

"That's right." Kidosuke's tone was still very calm. It could be seen that his heart had reached another level.

"Everyone, sit down."

Uchiha Fugaku looked towards Aoyu, nodded to Aoyu, and then turned his eyes to Nara Saki next to him, signaling the latter to return to his original position.


Nara Saki's face calmed down. She now understood that this was not a reversal of the story at all, nor was it the person in front of her who had thought clearly, but the credit of the person wearing the mask next to her.

He is indeed an expert in torture.

The whole process is inexplicable.

He just grabbed a handful of Kidosuke's hair.

Apart from that, there was no physical contact with Kidosuke, and the torture ended just like that.


Nara Saki has never seen the torture situation in the Torture Department, but her former teammate Yamanaka Shikazō successfully entered the ANBU and entered the Torture Department. Occasionally when they were on missions, Yamanaka Shikazō would show off. Some scenes of torture and interrogation.

Now it seems…

Yamanaka Shikazo is simply weak compared to this person!

It’s not the same level of operation at all!

Nara Saki couldn't help but glance at Aoyu from the corner of her eye. She was now even more curious about this person's identity. She really wanted to use the Kage Shinmijutsu to control him while Aoyu wasn't paying attention, and then put the mask on him. pick up.

"You ask, no matter what the question is, I can answer it truthfully." A smile appeared on Kidosuke's face. It was a free and easy smile, full of calmness between life and death.

"Why did you want to kill Ishida Yamato?" Uchiha Fugaku asked immediately. He had been wondering about this question for a long time. According to the information he had about Ishida Yamato, it can be said that there is no intersection between him and Kidosuke. If It's okay if it's just aimless revenge on the Leaf Village, but it seems like it's obviously a revenge killing. He doesn't know what kind of grudge there is between Kidosuke and Ishida Yamato.

"Yamato Ishida!"

The smile on Kidosuke's face faded, and his overall posture still looked very calm, but one could still feel the ups and downs of his mood from the faint changes in his breath.

"He died for his mother!"

"His mother is a teacher at the ninja school. Her name is Takaishi Yanzi. She was my teacher in that class!"

"I still remember when I first entered the ninja school..."

"Gao Shi Yanzi was a teacher in my class that year, and she happened to be pregnant. This was not a bad thing originally, but she vented all the negative emotions during her pregnancy on us."

"Of course, not everyone, and I'm the heaviest one!"

"Every time, Gao Shi Yanzi would take out a ruler and hit me hard on the head, and then insult me with the words 'You are just a piece of shit'. This sentence and her tone of voice at that time , I still can’t forget it!”

When Kidosuke said the last words, his face began to gradually become ferocious and distorted. The calm and indifferent demeanor just now suddenly disappeared, and his whole person was filled with that kind of hatred. At that time, Gao Shiyanzi's actions gave him The huge damage caused to his young heart left an unforgettable impression on him, so before he died, the first person he thought of was Gao Shi Yanzi.

"Takaishi Yanzi beat you with a ruler, so you used the ruler to beat Yamato Ishida to death. Then why didn't you beat Takaishi Yanzi to death?" Uchiha Fugaku frowned tightly and asked a logical question that he thought was very important.

"It's very simple!"

Kidosuke suddenly grinned, and matching his skinny appearance, he looked very charming.

"I observed it later."

"Takaishi Yanzi is an excellent teacher in the ninja school!"

“So many students are so grateful to her!”

"That made me realize one thing."

"That is, Takaishi Tsubaki himself is not a bad person, but he became a bad person because he was pregnant with Ishida Yamato."

"Then of course I will shoot Ishida Yamato to death!"

Kidosuke's last words could almost be said to be yelled, which shocked Nara Saki who was sitting in the middle.

In just a few sentences.

Kidosuke seemed to have a different face.

Not long ago, I had looked down on the free and easy attitude of not caring about life and death.

But now it has turned into a devil.

"What kind of logic is this!" Uchiha Fugaku's face suddenly became extremely gloomy. He suddenly felt that he didn't know Kidosuke. The person in front of him seemed to have changed his soul. It was completely different from the one he remembered. People look very scary.

"That's my logic!"

Kidosuke said coldly. After saying these words, he immediately felt very happy, which made him want to say more without any intention of stopping.

After Qingyu heard Kidosuke's words, the mystery in his heart was also solved.

I see.

No wonder Kidosuke was so angry when he shot Ishida Yamato to death.

And like a repeater, he kept repeating the phrase "You are just a piece of shit."

Also used is a ruler specially used by ninja school teachers.

Kidosuke has completely transferred his hatred for Takaishi Tsubaki to Ishida Yamato, and in the same way, in an almost extreme posture, he directly beat Ishida Yamato to death.

Now that the problem is clear.

Qingyu gradually had no doubts in his mind.

The few remaining people.

It must have angered Kidosuke to varying degrees.

It may be friction in life.

It could also be something more embarrassing.


That was a thing of the past.

But it was firmly remembered by Kidosuke.

It was completely vented at this moment.

You still have to be kind to others!

Qingyu silently warned in his heart, this does not mean that he has no confidence in himself, but he must be careful in everything and not be contaminated with unnecessary hatred, so as to avoid more troubles.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves missing you.

If someone accidentally offends such a small-minded existence, and he doesn't even know about such a thing, wouldn't it be dangerous

"What happened to the bookstore clerk? Why did you kill her?" Uchiha Fugaku asked again. He had already solved the secret of Ishida Yamato's death, and now he was even more curious about the other three people.

"That dead woman!"

When Kidosuke mentioned the clerk, he narrowed his eyes slightly, with a cold glint in his eyes.

"When I was a student at the ninja school, I once went to buy a book, but I had no money, so I had to secretly put the book in my school bag, and then planned to walk out directly." Kidosuke recalled. .

"You are stealing books!" Uchiha Fugaku immediately interrupted.

"Yes, I was stealing books, but I was about to succeed. I had already reached the door of the bookstore, but that dead woman discovered me. She pulled me back, pointed at me and said I had stolen it. The books in the bookstore were watched and laughed at by many people at that time. You have no idea how embarrassing that scene was!" Kidosuke's chest rose and fell violently when he thought of this, and his whole mood was not very good. Obviously this was something that jolted his memory.

"You were caught stealing books, shouldn't I give you a few words of education?" Uchiha Fugaku frowned tightly. He suddenly realized that there was a big problem with the quality of Kidosuke sitting in front of him. He couldn't help but realize that perhaps Takaishi Yanzi's education to Kidosuke at that time was not to vent her anger about the pregnancy, but because Kidosuke was stubborn and difficult to discipline, so she devoted more energy and even used corporal punishment. Methods.

"If that damn woman hadn't pointed it out to me and scolded me, would I have been so embarrassed and embarrassed? In the end, she forced me to apply for a bookstore membership card. That card cost me a lot of money and caused me a lot of damage. It had a very big impact, and after I applied for the membership card, I never went to that bookstore again!" Kidosuke's face twisted again, and judging from his expression, it can be seen that, He suffered a lot of pain in his heart, but the pain was inexplicable.

"So you used your membership card to hack that clerk to death?" Uchiha Fugaku's face was full of black lines. He no longer knew what to say. Now he felt that Kidosuke was a complete lunatic and had no right or wrong at all. Good and evil can be said.

"That's right! I used the membership card she applied for me with her own hands and chopped her to death on the way home. Seeing her struggling, I felt so happy. However, I regret it now. I should have told her who I was at that time, so seeing her surprised expression would have made me feel better!" Kidosuke's mouth slightly raised, showing a hint of indifference, and his eyes were fixed on Uchi in front of him. Bo Fugaku, he found that just as the masked man said, after saying these words, he did feel better, very happy, indescribably happy.

"Have you been blackmailed by the tea house owner about the pudding?" Uchiha Fugaku now knew the general idea in his heart after hearing this. Perhaps only in this matter could Kido Sukeka be said to be innocent. It's just that Kidosuke's way of handling it was still too intense.

"Very smart!"

Kidosuke nodded to Uchiha Fugaku, the expression on his face changed again, and he recalled an unforgettable memory.

"A few years ago."

"I can't remember exactly how many years it was."

"When I was working as an auxiliary medical officer at Konohagakure Hospital, I met a very beautiful woman in the ward. She was Sona Takeuchi!"

Kidosuke did not talk about the teahouse owner, but directly jumped to Souna. However, Uchiha Fugaku did not interrupt him and still listened carefully to what happened to him.

Next to Uchiha Fugaku.

Nara Saki kept blinking her big eyes, listening to Kidosuke talking about the past, she felt a feeling in her heart that she didn't know how to express.

She thought there would be some big event here.

But they are all small things that happen every day.

These little things contribute to the tragedy.


Life itself is trouble!

Nara Saki held her chin in her hands. Even though she felt that life was very troublesome, she was still curious about what Kidosuke had to say in the end.

This time.

Even Qingyu became confused.

Could it be...

Is there any connection between the fat man in the tea house and So Na in the hot spring

Now we are clearly talking about the teahouse.

But it made Kidosuke talk about Souna.

This caused a feeling of doubt in his heart. He also stared at Kidosuke intently, waiting for what the latter would say next.

Kidosuke seemed satisfied with the looks in the eyes of these three people.

"That's what it feels like!"

Kidosuke's eyes opened wide, with excitement shining in his eyes. Now he began to like this feeling, that is, to be noticed and noticed, and he was trying hard to make up for it. The part of the excitement that was lost because I didn't share my identity with these dead people.

All of a sudden.

Kidosuke's eyes swept over the three people in front of him, and finally fell on Uchiha Fugaku again.

"At that time, I was attracted by Souna's beauty, so I started to pursue her while I was in Konoha Hospital."

"Now that I think about it, it was a very wonderful time..."

"I am very clean every day and try my best to please someone. As long as I see her smile, I will feel that everything I have to do is worth it!"

"I don't know if you can understand how I feel!"

"I was really happy during those days!"

When Kidosuke told these words, although he did not tell any details about the relationship between the two people, it could be seen from the slightly intoxicated expression that he really liked Souna and was interested in her. This relationship is very serious.

"But all this changed when Souna was discharged from the hospital!"

Kidosuke's tone suddenly changed at this point. It can be seen that he is not very good anymore, especially the expression on his face, which has completely changed. He is no longer immersed in love just now. That feeling of intoxication turned into an angry gesture like a madman.

"one day."

"Suna asked me to have tea."

"It's at the teahouse owned by that damn fat guy."

"I dressed up happily for a long time, prepared a lot of confession words accurately, and then went on my first date with Souna."

"That was the date."

"I found out that the teahouse also sells pudding!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha… "

At the end of the sentence, Kidosuke suddenly laughed loudly. The laughter was full of ridicule. He looked very unhappy. His face became particularly angry when he smiled, and his whole body trembled.

"You may not know it yet!"

"The pudding in the teahouse sells for 1,000 taels per plate!"

"There is no such thing as pudding on the regular menu, only on the special menu for insiders!"

"That pudding is specially designed to deceive those of us who are carried away by the illusion of love!"

"I was cheated by So-na for 3 plates of pudding!"

"Not only did I spend 3,000 taels to walk out of the teahouse, but I also got a beating from that damn fat man."

"The thing that I can't accept the most is..."

"After Su Na made money for that fat guy, she got the fat guy's favor and followed the fat guy into his room and made even more money!"

"It was then that I realized that the love in my heart was nothing compared to those dirty money. There was simply no comparison."

"Do you think I'm ridiculous?"

After Kidosuke said this, his rapidly rising and falling chest slowly calmed down, and his whole mood calmed down again. The ferocious look on his face completely disappeared, and he looked indifferent to life and death again. look.

"So I killed Su Na and I killed Fatty. They all deserve to die."

Kidosuke's last words were very calm. He found that when he said all these things, he was indeed very happy, but it only lasted for a while. After feeling happy, he felt boring and lost interest in an instant.

"I understand what you said above, so why did you attack Saki? What was the reason why you attacked her?" Uchiha Fugaku immediately asked in a deep voice. He needed to know this reason, and it was more important to him than this. Said it was very important, he wanted to know who else Kido Suke had any grudges with later.

"Yes, why are you dealing with me? I don't even know you!" Nara Saki asked equally puzzled. After listening to what Kidosuke said, she just felt that this person was, how should I say, pitiful? People must be hateful, that's how it feels, but she has no interaction with this person, so why should she be kidnapped

"I don't know her at all."

Kidosuke's eyes fell on Nara Saki, and he repeated the name Uchiha Fugaku just said.


"Your name is Saki."

"Nara Saki."


Kidosuke's eyes had dimmed. When he mentioned this name, he was not like the four people in front of him at all. His eyes were filled with light.

Now it looks very normal.

It's like speaking to a completely insignificant person.


Nara Saki nodded, her eyes showing confusion. The more she listened, the more she felt there was something wrong. She had no interaction with this young man named Kidosuke at all, and they even had no contact with each other. know.

"You know Tetsu Nara, right?" Kidosuke said calmly.

"I know. He is a member of our Nara clan. He caused a lot of trouble some time ago. I can't comment on his affairs. Could it be that this matter has something to do with him?" Nara Saki's brows jumped sharply. You must know that because of Nara Tetsu's incident, the Nara clan was almost punished. Fortunately, the Third Hokage protected them and silenced the condemnation faction headed by Danzo.

"One day I drank a bottle of drink and threw it into the trash can. I didn't throw it in, so I ignored it and was about to leave. But at this moment, my body suddenly couldn't move and something appeared under my feet. There is a shadow, and the owner of the shadow is Nara Tetsu." Kidosuke said slowly, his tone was already very calm, and then continued: "Nara Tetsu used the shadow resemblance technique to control me to pick up the bottle, He threw it into the trash can and told me to be careful not to throw things away in the future."

"That's it?" Uchiha Fugaku was dumbfounded after hearing this. Isn't this person too pretentious? Can't he even say a word when he did something wrong

"That's it." Kidosuke nodded.

"You're not going to kill me because of this, are you?" Nara Saki's beautiful eyes widened with a strange light flashing in her eyes. She could no longer believe her ears. She said such a thing It simply made her too disillusioned.

"That's right." Kidosuke nodded, then stared at Nara Saki and said: "It's a pity that you were rescued before I took action, but it doesn't matter, the old man Tetsu Nara is already dead. Such a result It’s still acceptable.”

"..." Nara Saki was completely speechless.

"Why her?" At this time, Uchiha Fugaku still maintained the seriousness of the ninjas of the Security Department. He was too keen to reach the end of the matter and asked a very important sentence.

"For no reason, I just walked around outside Nara's house and thought she was the one I met, so I met her." Kidosuke said casually.

"Because of this?" Uchiha Fugaku was stunned for a moment.

"That's what I thought." Kidosuke nodded.

"You're fine!"

Uchiha Fugaku nodded and gave Kidosuke a thumbs up. He had nothing more to say and everything that needed to be said had already been said.

"Saki, you can go back, but it's not dawn yet and it's still very dangerous. I still have things to deal with, so let him send you back." Uchiha Fugaku stood up directly and put his hand on Qingyu's shoulder. After patting him, Qingyu didn't fall down for them anymore.

"I don't want him to give it away!" Nara Saki pouted and said. She didn't have any good impression of Qingyu at all now, and felt that he was just a dull pimple.

"Saki, I'm looking for teammates for you. Your Chunin Exam team is short of someone!" Uchiha Fugaku patted Aoyu's shoulder again and said, "He is a genin who has never taken the Chunin Exam. , and he is from the mountain clan, so he can just complete your trio!"

"Are you from the mountain clan?"

Nara Saki's eyes suddenly widened. She felt that there were too many things she encountered today and it seemed a bit difficult to accept. She immediately tilted her head and asked.

"What's your name?"

20,000 words + updates, please vote for me~

(End of chapter)