Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 39: You are a real ANBU ninja! (Please collect)


Minato's tone was very serious, even commanding.

He needed a positive answer from Qingyu.

In his current status.

It's not too difficult to apply for a vacation for a friend who is in ANBU, but it's definitely not that simple.


It wasn't that he thought it was inappropriate to apply for a vacation for Qingyu.


He was worried that after applying for leave for Qingyu, the latter would be stubborn and unwilling to rest.

after all.

He knows something about human nature.

Based on his understanding of Qingyu's experience, he can feel that Qingyu has a strong self-esteem.

Don't look at the way Qingyu usually talks about his poor health in a joking manner.

But Qingyu cares about this matter more than anyone else.

Minato thought he knew Aoyu very well, and his heart was full of sympathy for Aoyu's situation.

"I… "

Qingyu assumed a hesitant posture, and after thinking about it carefully, he shook his head resolutely.


"I appreciate your kindness."

"But I can't rest."

"Captain Eaton told us..."

"During this period, the ninja world is in chaos, and a war may break out at any time. The Torture Department is not only relieved of the task of collecting intelligence during the war, but also needs to deal with possible unrest within the village during this short period of peace."

"Now is not my time to rest."

"I can't rest!"

Qingyu's eyes suddenly became extremely determined, but his pale face looked like he was showing off his strength, and his words reflected a great sense of honor for the village.

It's not so much that Minato knows Aoyu.

It would be better to say that Aoyu understands Minato better.

Now this time.

The appearance of Qingyu that Minato saw was what Qingyu took the initiative to show to Minato.

But Qingyu knew very well that Minato was the future fourth-generation Hokage, and he was favored by the third-generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

This is a man with the will of fire!

Someone who can think from the Hokage's perspective!

If you want to ask such people to help you ask for leave, you must not be passive and slow down. Minato has something to do with it, but if you want to use Minato's back door, you still have to choose the right posture.

This is why Qingyu chose to refuse again and again.

Not only because he was cautious and wanted to find the most suitable opportunity to completely dispel Minato's concerns.

This is the first time Aoyu seeks help from Minato.

But he felt it wouldn't be the last time.

There will be many opportunities for the two of them to interact in the future.

Since it's not a one-time thing.

So the first feeling is very important!

If it is not handled properly.

It will not be so easy to use the back door in the future.

"Why are you so stubborn!"

Minato gritted his teeth angrily at Aoyu's words, and his heart was filled with helplessness. At the same time, he also respected Aoyu's persistence. He recognized Aoyu in his heart and felt that Aoyu and he were the same kind of people.

"Aoyu, listen to Minato and rest when you should. I understand your determination to contribute to the village, but if you think about it from another perspective, if you are exhausted, wouldn't it be a drag on the village? "Kushina said softly immediately. She had not spoken just now, just listening to the conversation between the two of them attentively. He had a hot temper but a delicate mind, and understood that it is often more important to listen than to talk.

"Yes! You need to rest now! Only by resting can you contribute more strength!" After hearing Kushina's words, Minato immediately found an angle of persuasion and continued: "You also said just now, The genin world is in turmoil, and a war may break out, but hasn't the war not broken out yet?"

"That's what I said..." Qingyu gave an embarrassed smile.

"There's no war now, so you can just rest!"

Minato directly interrupted Aoyu, not giving Aoyu a chance to defend himself.

"What do you think..."

"If you insist on being so tired now, when the war breaks out, you will be exhausted and unable to work, and it will have an impact on the village!"

"Is that what you want to see?"

"If you think about it again..."

"If you use this time now to take a good rest and fully recover your energy and spirit, when the war breaks out, you will be able to better contribute to the village!"

"Think carefully if this is better!"

Minato persuaded one after another.

In this case.

He said this based on Qingyu's feedback.

He understood from Qingyu's words that Qingyu was someone who loved the village and was willing to contribute to the village.

Even if he is weak and exhausted, he is unwilling to leave his post.

This kind of person loves the village more than himself.

This is the will of fire that the village can continue to pass on!

Wherever the leaves are flying, the fire is endless!

Every leaf is burning to contribute light and warmth.


Minato wants to make a contribution to the village and let Qingyu know what is the best choice for the village.

"this… "

Qingyu was stunned immediately, a look of deep thought appeared on his face.

Minato didn't continue, but gave Aoyu something to think about.

Kushina also stared at Qingyu without saying anything.

The noodle shop at Ichiraku Ramen suddenly became quiet.

"What you said makes sense, but..."

Qingyu was about to say something when he was interrupted by a voice.

The master of the voice.

It is the owner of Ichiraku Ramen.

"Stop being a butt, there's nothing to bet on. Minato is right, you should rest. Don't dwell on this topic. If you don't eat, your noodles will become lumpy!" Tate said seriously.

"Okay... okay..."

Qingyu knew that the time had come, and it was this time. If he didn't agree, it would have the opposite effect.

This is the perfect time.

"Minato, I understand. I listen to you. I will have a good rest and then contribute more to the village!" Qingyu nodded.

"That's right!" Minato grinned, and his whole body became happy.

"Hehehe~" Kushina also laughed, and the atmosphere became much more relaxed.

"but… "

Aoba spoke again, his expression serious and solemn, drawing the attention of Minato and Kushina again, causing the smiles on their faces to freeze.

"There is something I must say clearly."

"I just have to accept the leave."

"Relocation will not be accepted."

"I want to be in ANBU!"

"I want to contribute to the village in my own way!"

"If I leave ANBU, I might be a useless waste..."

Qingyu spoke with great emotion, and through his superb acting skills, he portrayed a physically disabled and strong-willed perseverant who burned his life for the village.

"Do not worry."

Minato nodded heavily, his blue eyes staring deeply into Aoyu's pale face.

"Aoyu, to be honest, I admire you very much. You are a true ANBU ninja!"

Thanks to the [fat guy who has no money to live in the house] for the reward and support!

(End of chapter)