Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 49: Secret mission (please collect it)


Qingyu felt the suspicious glances from the people around him.

It was a little embarrassing originally.

It feels even more awkward now.


The eyes of those people are gradually undergoing subtle changes.

It's like looking at a fool...

At this moment.

Qingyu suddenly understood words that he had not taken seriously before.

Social death!

If I had known earlier, I would have changed my name and stopped looking for Minato all the time.


Qingyu is also very helpless!

He doesn't know many people in the ninja world, and he can't just make up a name and look for it, it has to be someone who exists!


I was looking for Minato just now.

You can't immediately switch to finding someone else.


Never imagined!

Some naughty child brought Minato!

"Qingyu, I heard that you are looking for me all over the street. What happened?"

Minato walked towards Aoyu enthusiastically, and as soon as this opening statement came out, Aoyu's already embarrassing situation became even more embarrassing.

"No... no... let's talk somewhere else!"

Qingyu was about to say that it was okay, but suddenly felt that it was even more inappropriate, so he could only avoid the topic actively, walked quickly towards Minato, pulled out Minato's elbow, and dragged Minato away.

"Why didn't you pat him on the head?"


Someone's voice sounded from the crowd.

There was a lot of doubt in his tone.

"Yes! Why don't you take pictures?"

"Isn't the photo taken just now very smooth?"

"I seriously doubt that you are deliberately looking for trouble!"

"Can't you recognize me with yellow hair and black hair?"

"Boy, don't let me see you again!"


Voices of protest suddenly erupted from the crowd. These people had all been patted on the head by Aoyu. Now that they saw the real Minato with yellow hair, their defenses were slightly broken.

Qingyu lowered his head.

No words were spoken.

Quickly pull Minato and run.

This place is too dangerous to stay for a long time!


Just at this time.

Qingyu felt like someone had patted him on the head.

The one who slapped him on the head.

It was Minato.

"What do they mean by patting on the head? Is it like this?" Minato asked confused.

"Almost..." Qingyu said casually.

"Then why didn't you take a picture of me?" Minato continued to ask.

"Didn't I recognize you..." Qingyu smiled awkwardly.

"It doesn't matter if you recognize me!" Minato tilted his head slightly and said with a smile, "How about you pat me too, so they won't be angry."

"No, no, absolutely not." Qingyu shook his head repeatedly and refused without hesitation.

"Why?" Minato was immediately curious.

"It's not time yet." Qingyu pulled Minato hard and left the panicked crowd. The surrounding atmosphere suddenly became much cleaner.

"When?" Minato obviously had no intention of letting this matter pass and continued to ask.

"Minato, this way, when you become the Fourth Hokage, I will definitely touch your head personally!" Aoyu said with a serious face. He kept telling himself in his heart that he could no longer admit his mistake to Minato. This method is not Okay, almost overturned.

"Then why did you slap your head when you mistook them for me just now?" Minato was still confused.


Qingyu raised his right index finger and placed it in front of his lips, making a silent gesture.

As soon as this posture comes out.

Minato's curiosity was immediately brought to its peak.


"Listen to my explanation."

"I'm on a secret mission."

"Looking for possible spies in the village."

"So I just used your name as a cover to admit my mistake."

"You really think I'm stupid!"

"With your yellow hair, how can I admit your mistake to such an exaggerated level?"

Qingyu hurriedly used words to smooth things over. Fortunately, he had the foundation of memory reading during the six months in the torture department, and learned some ideas through various methods of suspects lying.

"So that's it..."

Minato suddenly realized. He had been wondering just now. It wasn't like he and Qingyu hadn't seen each other for many years. How could he admit his mistake everywhere? He thought that there was something wrong with Qingyu's body and it was linked to his head, causing problems with his eyesight and brain.

"so… "

"Are you okay with me?"


"It should be said that you are not looking for me at all?"

Minato was stunned for a moment, a helpless look flashed in his blue eyes.

The clown turned out to be myself!

Minato's curiosity, which had just emerged, collapsed in an instant.

"Thank you for helping me apply for leave."

Qingyu said with a serious face, since he has met Minato, if he should be grateful, he should still be grateful.

Although he didn't know the details of his vacation application, he believed that Minato must have told him, otherwise Morino Iton wouldn't have given him such a long vacation so easily.

"That's a polite thing to say."

A smile as bright as the sun appeared on Minato's face, but just halfway through, the smile suddenly shrank.

"I almost forgot about the holiday if you didn't tell me!"

"Didn't we agree to have a good rest during the holidays?"

"Why are you still running out to perform the mission?"

"Can't someone else do this task?"

"What's going on with your torture department?"

"Can't we just let people rest?"

Minato's face showed a look of dissatisfaction. When he applied for a vacation with the third generation, he specifically emphasized that Qingyu should have a good rest. Why is it that now he has to perform secret missions during the vacation? Can this still allow people to rest


Qingyu once again made a silent gesture, moved slightly closer to Minato, and whispered: "Secret mission, this is a secret mission."

"Secret missions won't work either!" Minato had deep dissatisfaction on his face. He stared at Qingyu helplessly and said, "I know you love the village deeply, but you have to take care of yourself. It's not good for you to perform such a mission desperately." It’s not a good thing.”

"I know I know… "

Qingyu could feel that Minato really cared about him, but he didn't expect that by some strange combination of circumstances, he would show his professional side in front of Minato.

"Qingyu, I know a lot of things have happened in recent days. I hope you don't care about these things, have a good rest, and let yourself relax for a while. Don't be so strong. Just listen to my advice." Minato grabbed Qingyu's shoulders with both hands. The tone was quite strong.

"Okay... okay..."

Qingyu nodded, he didn't have any mission, and knowing that Minato had reached this emotional point, he still wanted to maintain the friendship with Minato, so naturally he would not go against Minato's wishes.

"That's pretty much it!"

When Minato saw Qingyu agreeing, a sunny smile appeared on his face again.

"I have no tasks today."

"You happen to be on vacation again."

"Let's go eat Ichiraku Ramen!"


"your treat!"

Minato suddenly returned to his child-like appearance, ignoring Aoba's disapproval at all, and walked directly towards the direction of Ichiraku Ramen.

Thanks to [Chen Jiyang 01] for the reward and support!

Thanks to [book friend 130601084601763] for the reward and support!

(End of chapter)