Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 509: Luxury package!


This chapter is an update for the boss [Wu Miaojun] who will give you a million rewards!

After Sanshouyu Hanzo heard Qingyu's words clearly, he wished he could open his mouth immediately. He first stabilized the mysterious existence in front of him and reminded him not to be impulsive. He would definitely be obedient.

But these words...

He couldn't tell at all.

He was still completely unable to move, which made him frightened and a big question mark popped up in his head.

How is this going

Why did it become like this


Or poison

Or is it a sealing technique that is very rare in the ninja world

Sanshouyu Hanzo could only see a little black pattern through the corner of his eye, and he had no more information at all. This made him have many doubts in his heart, and he couldn't tell what the thing on his body was. .


This ninja in front of me.

He didn't say anything.

According to the principles among their ninjas, wouldn't they come up with such a new gadget to educate their opponents and show how awesome they are

I have never seen a ninja who talks so little!

Whether it was the abyss-like black barrier around him or the black symbols crawling on his body, there was mystery everywhere, but the other party didn't mention a word or explain it at all, so that he was now confused in his head. It's a question mark, not knowing its situation at all.


And that white piece of paper.

What are these things for

Sanjiao Hanzo has never been so speechless in his entire life. Now that he thinks about everything that just happened, he feels that it is inexplicable, as if it was a joke.

Just when Sansho Hanzo was confused, Aoyu slowly closed his eyes, and the life of Sansho Hanzo flashed before his eyes.

It was like super fast forwarding, like the editing technology of a movie, quickly flashing from small to large, instantly giving Aoyu a rough idea of what happened to Hanzo the Sansho Fish.

At least.

Qingyu is certain.

That is, from the daily behavior of Sanshouyu Hanzo, we did not find that this person has any special hobbies. However, this is just a rough observation and does not delve into the hidden corners of this person's heart, so it cannot be completely like this. Confirmed.


Aoyu leaned over and stared at Sansho Hanzo, with an evil smile on his face behind the mask. Of course, Sansho Hanzo couldn't see it, he could only see Aoyu's smiling eyes.

"Sansho Fish Hanzo."

"Ninja demigod."

"The leader of Yuyin Village."

"Perhaps the whole world never expected that you would fall into my hands in this way."

"What people won't even think of is the attitude you showed after you fell into my hands."

"Do not worry!"

"No one will know except me!"

Qingyu said slowly, he gradually entered his state, just like he was in the torture department, able to torture those who were sent in with ease. Compared with Sanshouyu Hanzo, they are not that big. s difference.

"There is no need to introduce yourself. Knowing too much is not a good thing for you. Now tell me what I am going to do to you!"

Aoba decided to tell Sanshouyu Hanzo in advance what he wanted to arrange. This was a completely different order of operations from when he arranged it for Danzo.

Different things need to be dealt with by different people.

Danzo is afraid of death.

But Hanzo the Sansho Fish is more afraid of death.

Faced with such a person who is afraid of death, letting the other person clearly understand the threat of death will make subsequent matters more convenient.

The super words came out.

Sanshouyu Hanzo wished he could take back control of his body, then he pricked up his ears and listened carefully to Aoyu's words.

In his opinion…

What's next for you.

Will decide whether he can keep his integrity!

"I will first place a confinement spell in your heart. This spell can control your actions to a certain extent. As long as you are obedient, it will not have much impact on you, but..."

When Aoyu came to the end of his words, his tone suddenly paused and he spoke for a long time, which directly made Sanshouyu Hanzo think.

Sansho fish Hanzo cannot move.

But eyes can still change.

As the saying goes, the eyes are the windows to the soul, and different emotional changes can be shown in the eyes.


After Qingyu keenly caught the change in the eyes of Hanzo the Sansho Fish, he understood that the latter was like a fish that had bitten the hook and was completely caught by him.

"If you don't obey..."

"This confinement spell can destroy your heart at any time!"

"You will die immediately!"

"Even gods can't save you!"

Qingyu said coldly that there was no need for him to elaborate. The heart and brain are the core of the human body. As long as they are destroyed, it will basically be fatal. Hanzo Sanshouyu is very clear about this.

Sanshouyu Hanzo wanted to nod, but couldn't. He wanted to speak, but couldn't. This made him eager to express his attitude, but he was completely restricted.

"You don't need to say anything!"

Aoyu seemed to have seen through Sanshouyu Hanzo's emotions. He spoke calmly and waved his hands. Judging from his body movements, he felt extremely relaxed.

"I will only look at your actions, not your words!"

"No matter how nice you say it, if you do it wrong, you will still die!"

"I've made it very clear!"

"This confinement spell cannot be removed by your own strength, unless you can find someone else to help you remove this confinement spell!"

"but… "

"It's not like I don't have any coping methods."

The corners of Qingyu's mouth behind the mask were slightly raised, revealing a smile, but all of this had been blocked by the pure black mask, and Sansho Hanzo couldn't see anything at all.

"what's next… "

"I will put a mark on your throat that will eliminate the evil of tongue!"

"I don't know if you have heard of this seal. Let me briefly introduce it to you. This is the sealing technique that Danzo gave his disciples. It can make the sealed person unable to say anything about the person who performed the technique. matter."

"In this case..."

"You can't mention my existence to anyone, and you can't talk about me. Then there's no way to tell others that you have the confinement spell I planted on you."

"but… "

"I don't think this is complete insurance!"

"After all, you can be called Sanho Hanzo, the top ninja demigod!"

"I decided to nest a mutually multiplying detonating talisman on top of your confinement talisman!"

"As long as the confinement talisman in your heart is damaged by external force, the mutual detonating talisman will be activated immediately. At that time, hundreds of detonating talismans will be detonated in your heart in an instant!"

"If you can still survive at that time, then congratulations, I will personally take action against you!"

Qingyu said one sentence after another. He revealed all his plans. There was almost nothing to hide. There was no need to hide these things. After all, he was going to do it in a while. In the process, Sanshouyu Hanzo He was involved in the whole process, so naturally he knew everything.

The purpose of saying this now is to let Sanshouyu Hanzo truly know the situation he is currently experiencing.

Qingyu's tone didn't have any specific ups and downs.

It's like saying something normal.


the content of these words.

It made Sansho Fish Hanzo's hair stand on end.

The confinement talisman, the tongue-eradicating seal, the mutual detonation talisman...

This loop after loop made his scalp numb and his whole body felt bad. Let alone finding someone to untie it, he had no such trustworthy person at all.

If there is a problem in any part of this, he will be killed directly!

Betting on something like this...

Might as well just be obedient.

"Since you have no objection, let's get started now..."

Aoba took Sansho Hanzo's silence as acquiescence, and seemed to have ignored Sansho Hanzo's inability to speak.

He came up with the combination of the confinement talisman + the seal of tongue bane when he was treating Danzo. He wanted to use this method to control Danzo, but he faintly discovered that Danzo had been trying to crack it. The confinement spell just didn't let the words come out of his mouth.

Danzo understands the seal of tongue that eliminates all evil!

Naturally, we understand how difficult it is to restrain the seal of the tongue!


In the subsequent thinking, Qingyu upgraded this package, added the mutually multiplying detonating talisman to this package, and also included the Flying Thunder God technique, merging it into a new luxury package.


Aoyu walked up to Sanshouyu Hanzo, raised his hand and moved the latter's body, bringing him down and lying down.

The sight in front of Sanshouyu Hanzo didn't change much. It was still dark and he couldn't see anything, but it felt different from just now. Just now, he felt like he was standing in the darkness. Now he is lying in darkness.

"Forgot to tell you."

"I'm a medical ninja."

"So in the process of implanting the spell into you."

"It won't be as simple and crude as inserting it directly."

"so… "

"You don't have to be afraid of pain!"

Aoyu's tone suddenly became softer. It looked like he was coaxing a child, but in fact, he had completely grasped Sanshouyu Hanzo. After all, it was the first time for the latter to be implanted with a charm, so it was inevitable that he would feel uneasy. Yes, as a being that is about to be controlled by him, he can still appropriately appease the latter's mood.

After Aoyu finished speaking, he directly reached into the ninja bag. When he came, he was already prepared to do this to Hanzo the Sanshouyu, so he had prepared the tools in advance.

"These are disposable gloves."

“Clean and hygienic.”

“You don’t need to worry about giving you an infection!”

When Aoyu was talking, he immediately put on his gloves. After all, he had to enter Sansho Hanzo's body and put on his gloves to protect everyone. He was not completely sure now whether a leader like Sansho Hanzo would be able to protect everyone. He might have some special disease, and he didn't want to capsize in such a gutter.

Immediately afterwards.

Layers of dark blue chakra appeared on Qingyu's hands.

These chakras wrapped his hands, forming a protective shell of chakra, which looked like wearing another layer of condoms.

When Sanshouyu Hanzo saw such a scene, he couldn't help but have more doubts in his heart.

Is this man really a medical ninja

It is obvious that a ring of gloves can be formed through chakra, but one has to put on another pair of gloves. So what's the point of that pair of gloves


Sanshouyu Hanzo doesn’t understand.

This is called double insurance!

If by accident, something is missing in the chakra protective coat during operation, there will at least be a layer of gloves inside.


Just after Qingyu's chakra glove appeared, his palm trembled slightly, and the chakra in his hand began to change, directly forming a chakra scalpel.

"I'm going to start!"

Aoba informed Sansho Hanzo very thoughtfully, and then took the chakra scalpel and inserted it straight into Sansho Hanzo's heart.

Such a scene.

Hanzo was so shocked that he broke into a cold sweat.

If he hadn't heard Qingyu explain so much in advance, he might have thought that this was a plan to kill him...

(End of chapter)