Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 70: Who are you? (Please collect)


"You really know?!"

Awu was stunned for a moment. He stared at Qingyu, and the anger that had just emerged in his heart instantly subsided.

Could it be that…

Did you misunderstand

Lord Yuta is with Qingyu

All of a sudden.

Awu was a little confused.

"This way."

Qingyu said lightly, and after finishing speaking, he took this step and walked into the woods, facing Awu directly with his back, as if he was completely defenseless.

"Uh... ok..."

Awu looked at Qingyu's back and recalled what Mr. Yuta said.

Aoyu Yamanaka is a person with a weak body, quiet personality, practical work, and doesn't think too much and doesn't ask random questions. He is very suitable for taking advantage of.

Either use Qingyu to open up the situation of the disappearance case, or use Qingyu to take the blame for the mastermind behind the disappearance case...


Great to take advantage of!

Awu pursed his lips, but still decided not to take action for the time being, and followed Qingyu to see what was going on.

Maybe this was planned by Mr. Xiongtai!

It really doesn’t work…

It’s not too late to take action!

In Awu's perception, Qingyu's sickly and frail body was not worth mentioning at all.

As long as he wants.

Qingyu can be killed at any time.



Awu followed Qingyu and walked towards the woods.

The two of them were in tandem.

Move forward slowly.


Half an hour passed.

"Qingyu, what's going on? Haven't you arrived yet?" Awu's tone sounded a little impatient.

"We're almost there." Qingyu replied calmly.

"There is no sign of Mr. Xiongtai here. Are you kidding me?" Awu felt something was wrong in his heart, but he still wasn't too nervous. The most fundamental reason was that he felt that his strength had Qingyu under control. .

"Don't worry, we'll be there soon." Qingyu didn't say anything more and continued to move forward.

"You'd better stop playing tricks." Awu glared at Qingyu coldly, but still followed Qingyu. His main purpose this time was to find Mr. Xiongtai, and the second was to deal with Qingyu.

Another ten minutes passed.

"Qingyu, what do you mean? My patience is almost exhausted. If you don't let me see Mr. Xiongtai again, I will be rude to you!" Awu suddenly stopped and stood on the spot. He had already I am 90% sure that I have been deceived.

"It's right here."

Qingyu nodded and stared at the ground in front of him. There was a piece of freshly renovated soil with a few grasses blowing in the wind.

"It's been a few days since I saw you. You're looking pretty strong!"

Qingyu looked at those green grasses. At that time, he just grabbed them casually, but he didn't expect that they survived.

It just confirms the verses I learned in school.

Wild fire, in spring!

"What the hell?"

A Wu frowned, his face full of impatience. He was led into such a deep forest by Qing Yu, and now he heard Qing Yu say such words inexplicably.

All of a sudden.

Ah Wu felt unspeakable irritation in his heart.

The anger that had just subsided not long ago suddenly came back again.

"You fool me!"

Awu glared angrily, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes, as if he was about to attack Qingyu.

"You may have misunderstood me. If I didn't bring you to see Mr. Yuta, I would be teasing you, but I brought you here!" Qingyu raised his finger and pointed at the renovated floor and said, "This is Yuta gentlemen."

"You said Mr. Xiongtai is a fool?" Awu felt that he and Qingyu were not on the same channel.

"No, no, no, this is Mr. Xiongtai's gravestone. I have buried Mr. Xiongtai for free." Qingyu waved his hand and said.

"What?!" The anger in Awu's eyes almost burst out, but he still tried to calm down and wanted to ask the matter clearly, so he asked in a deep voice: "You said this is the burial ground of Lord Xiongta? "

"To be precise...the ashes burial ground." Qingyu corrected.

"I am going to kill you!"

Awu roared angrily, and the sound shook the forest.

at the same time.

He put his hand into the ninja bag on his waist, took out a shuriken in an instant, and threw it at Qingyu.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

The shurikens instantly cut through the void and flew towards Qingyu. The blades of the shurikens were very sharp and shone with dazzling light.

"Awu, I brought you here for two reasons."

Qingyu said softly.

While talking.

His body was very agile and moved around within a small area.

Effortlessly dodging the intensive shuriken attacks.

"The first reason is that you want to see Mr. Yuta, so I will give you a ride to reunite you."

"The second reason is..."

"I'm not afraid of you at all!"

After dodging these shurikens, Aoyu stood back where he had just stood, as if he had not moved.

Although he did not undergo high-intensity systematic physical training, with the speed and strength brought by the immortal body, these throwing ninja tools could not harm him at all.


After hearing Qingyu's words, Awu sneered, then moved his ankle, suddenly exerted force, and rushed towards Qingyu.

Based on the information he obtained from Mr. Xiongda and the scene he saw when selling Qingyu Tanghulu.

The young man in front of me is an out-and-out sick man!

Physically weak.

Not vulnerable at all!

What Qingyu showed just now was just a pretense.

Want to use this method to deceive him.


Awu rushed in front of Qingyu in an instant, then quickly spun his body and whipped his leg straight towards Qingyu's face.

To deal with weak people, just use physical skills to attack at close range.

"Earth Release: Hardening Technique!"

The moment Awu attacked, Qingyu quickly formed seals with his hands, and a thick earth escape chakra covered the surface of his body, making his whole body become extremely hard.

Just after Qingyu's body became hard.

Awu's leg whip hit Qingyu's raised left forearm.


The collision of their bodies caused an explosion.

"so hard!"

Awu's body flew backwards directly after the collision. There was a strong soreness in his right calf, and he could clearly feel that bruises would definitely occur.

"How is this going?"

"Shouldn't your body be very weak?"

"Why are you so hard?"

"That doesn't make sense!"

Awu did not continue the attack immediately, but stared at Qingyu with doubtful eyes.

At this moment.

There are too many little question marks in his head.

"Could it be..."

"Aren't you Qingyu?"

"Who are you?"

"Who are you anyway?"

Awu's eyes widened instantly. After these two rounds of fighting, he felt something was very wrong. The conclusion he could think of was that the person in front of him was not Qingyu!

Thanks to [Lin Taiyin] for the reward and support!

(End of chapter)