Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 914: Gathering in Konoha


Aoba and Namikaze Minato talked a few more words about this matter.

After Namikaze Minato got a very clear answer, he already knew that Aoyu would definitely come to his Hokage succession ceremony and witness everything that happened.

With such a premise, he felt very comfortable in his heart.

After all, no matter what angle you look at it.

Namikaze Minato has already regarded Aoyu as a very good friend, and at this stage, he really hopes that his best friend can attend.

"Besides, is there anything else I need to pay attention to?"

Namikaze Minato asked Whale again. He couldn't think of much about the Hokage Succession Ceremony, especially the matters involving the Third Generation and people from other villages. It was all Aoba who said it, so he I have great trust in Qingyu's keen sense of smell.

After making this clear.

Namikaze Minato very much hopes to get more answers from Qingyu.

"I think you can handle everything else on your own."

Qingyu said lightly with a smile on his face.

At this time.

In fact, things have really come to a head and are within the control of Namikaze Minato.

To some extent.

Namikaze Minato did not encounter any particular obstacles in this matter.

These difficulties were all added to him by Qingyu.


Namikaze Minato didn't know these things.

So those things are settled.

For Aoba to be able to achieve what he is now, it has actually been completed. For Namikaze Minato's improvement, the previous things are no longer so important.

Namikaze Minato's thinking has changed now, and he understands the cruelty of the world and that there are few things that can be accomplished without such difficulty.

It is precisely because of this.

Namikaze Minato can now fully take charge of his own business.

Aoba also wanted to interfere with Minato Namikaze without too much interference in such a situation.

So I don’t have anything to say now.

I knew Namikaze Minato would definitely come over there and ask some questions.

So I was also waiting for Minato Namikaze, and told Minato Namikaze through that book that he must be spicy sometimes, because history is written by scholars.

Under such a basis.

Just let Namikaze Minato handle the rest.

Namikaze Minato, the great master of science, can handle all the things he has to do very well.

"you understood!"

Before Namikaze Minato said those words, he immediately looked towards Aoba, and the expression on his face suddenly became serious, and his whole person showed forgetfulness, whether or not he showed this solemn posture.


"Thank him for that time!"

"With Wu's help, you would be where you are now!"

"Thank you so much!"

Before Namikaze Minato said those words, he bowed deeply to Aoyu.

In terms of etiquette, Shiba Feng Shuimen still has a very weak upbringing.

In fact, I had never thought about that day, but I never imagined that that day would come so slowly. I thought I would not thank Qingyu until I became the real Hokage.

But I never thought it would come now.

Now that the transfer of power has been completed and there is no opponent in that ceremony, I am actually the Hokage now.

On such a premise.

Namikaze Minato felt that there was no need for me to explain to Aoba.

"He was polite."

Aoba smiled slightly, I actually felt very useful in my heart, even though I didn't expect anything in return when I helped Namikaze Minato.

But to be recognized by Namikaze Minato is a very wrong thing for me.

Especially Namikaze Minato, the future Hokage will truly appreciate me before being helped by me.

That also gave Qingyu a very weak sense of accomplishment.

If Lai Hong said that I had no inner fluctuations at all, he would definitely be lying. Everyone enjoys such moments.

"Slow down and do what he should be busy with!"

Aoba warned Minato Namikaze, because I know that the next thing Minato Namikaze has to do is to hand over the Hokage, and there are many things outside waiting for me to do.

Before anything like that was done.

Namikaze Minato nodded eagerly.

Judging from my expression and eyes, I have officially said goodbye to Qingyu.

that time.

Namikaze Minato had a very strong feeling in his heart.

Even I can express that feeling, as if I could no longer communicate with Qingyu calmly in that way before I became Hokage.

Although before becoming Hokage, I will not change at all.

But that's just my personal feeling.

To some extent.

Other people's views on me will definitely change, and Namikaze Minato's psychology is very vague at that point.

But I know that the feelings between Qingyu and I will remain the same.

In my heart, I was very suspicious of Lai Hong, and whether he would change with me because of those trivial things.

But no one can be sure about such a thing.

Especially at that time point.

All issues are still at an unknown stage, and the relationships between all parties are at a relatively leapfrog stage, where they are bidding farewell to an old era and welcoming a new era.

Exactly because of that.

When Namikaze Minato said goodbye to Aoyu, he was actually very worried in his heart.


That feeling faded away just moments ago.

I know there's no point in worrying like that.

Instead of doing this, it's better to relax.

On the other side.

Because tomorrow is the day when the Hokage of Konoha Village succeeds Kodori.

There were very few people in Konoha Village today.

It was less than at any time in the past.

Although under the rules of Konoha Village, it is expressly prohibited for people coming from the inner group.

And anyone can come to Konoha Village at that time.

But Xiaojia also retreated tacitly.

Even the ninja guarding the gate understood.

In addition to the day when the Hokage succeeded Xiaodian, we actually needed some tourists from other villages.

When these people come there, they actually need to see some actual conditions there before they can take them back. If we don't see anything, it means that we have all the information. If the Dharma is passed back, it is actually not a generally good thing for Konoha Village.

In another direction, we will be a little more relaxed that time. Even if we know that some people are retreating into Konoha Village, as long as we are experts, we will blatantly show up in front of our eyes in a very special way. If we retreat in a stupid way, we will all choose to turn a blind eye.

That was not just our personal idea, but we also received orders from below.

Konoha Village was actually afraid of anyone at that time.

So as long as no one can retreat into Konoha Village, we are not afraid that we will cause trouble, because Konoye Village has already learned among the small families to voluntarily monitor those who want to cause trouble.

Logically speaking, that part of the work should have been handed over to the ANBU. However, due to the huge losses after installing the wiring and the lack of manpower, that part became a matter of whether or not to take over, and the various small families The lower-level experts ordered the ninjas of their families to do those things.

Those were not orders from Namikaze Minato, but also orders from the lower levels of Konoha Village, but those families did it voluntarily, and the reasons for doing so were also very complicated. This is that once something happens, it will mean that we are gone. Some achievements can prove one's loyalty to Namikaze Minato.

Precisely because of those ordinary things, the gatekeeper ninjas of Konoha Village have also relaxed. Until now, various small forces, few scattered people, and even people from the original Konoha Village have quietly returned to Konoha Village. In the leaf village.

It's just that everyone hid because they still had the Hokage successor code.

Even the people who returned to Konoha Village were also hiding.

Now that time.

Everyone is suitable to reveal their true identity.

After all, it will involve some very troublesome things, and the time is also very ripe.

Among them, there are some ninjas who returned to Konoha Village from inside. We all carefully maintained our identities and helped monitor others who sneaked in and retreated.

All of a sudden.

Many forces in the ninja world gathered in Konoha Village.

On the night after the Hokage succeeded Xiaodian, there was an undercurrent in Konoha Village. Almost everyone brought by the forces had the same mission and purpose. Although our missions one after another could be said to have declared victory. , but we also have some other measures in the future.

Arrangements are being made intensively in the entire Konoha Village, but the public opinion of Danan has not yet been completely dispelled. Few people also want to know what happened under Danan, especially these Someone who just sneaked into Konoha Village.

Da Nan is still a relatively two-faced character.

There are some evil opinions and some good opinions under Danan. Those two kinds of opinions are intertwined to form a general identity.

It's precisely because of that.

Now many people are eating noodles at a ramen shop and want to meet Danan.

There is even less understanding of the situation in Konoha Village.


Those in the village discovered something that shocked us.

This is why if you want to eat a bowl of ramen in Konoha Village, you have to apply for a membership. There is no way to withdraw the membership, and there are so many people outside. This grand occasion surprised us.

That's why.

Before the people of Konoha Village knew those things, they no longer had a lower sense of tolerance for Ichiraku Ramen.

(End of chapter)