Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 915: Will they really apply for membership? (Please subscribe


Regarding Ichiraku Ramen, people felt very unhappy at first because they did not have the habit of requiring membership to eat noodles.

Everyone initially tried to make fun of Ichiraku Ramen, but found that the latter became more and more popular.

Especially when Konan in Ichiraku Ramen spreads various whirlpools of public opinion.

As a result, many people in Konoha Village were eating melons and watching the show, and the vast majority of them eventually became members of Ichiraku Ramen, which also accelerated the growth of Ichiraku Ramen.

From now on.

People are now gradually accepting the matter of being a member of Ichiraku Ramen.

In just a few days, the opinions of the people in Konoha Village have changed greatly, and even they themselves are not aware of this.


That's not the point yet.

The most important thing is at this time point, because Namikaze Minato is about to become the fourth generation Hokage of Konoha Village. This is the real fourth generation Hokage in name and in fact, and it has also caused many people to come to After leaving the Leaf Village, I heard stories involving Konan.

Regarding these things about Konan, they all wanted to know what happened in Konoha Village during this period.

This also leads to a very interesting point.

When people think about these things, they have different plans in mind.

At first, people thought that these things were all tricked by Ichiraku Ramen, but after the first group of people entered, although they didn't eat anything from Xiaonan, they got an indescribable feeling in their hearts. A sense of satisfaction that makes them feel noble.

This kind of feeling will not exist in other stores, because even here, even the former Hokage has to stand in line here. Everyone is on the same level. There is a relatively Fairness exists.

This kind of fairness is actually very difficult.

There is no fairness in the ninja world.

The ninja world has had a very strict class system since a long time ago. It is very difficult for everyone to break through the class and requires a lot of effort. However, you only need to sign up for a membership in Ichiraku Ramen to enjoy it. Everyone is the same, because there is no other identity here, everyone is just a member or not a member.

This caused the first batch of people to apply for membership to have very strange thoughts in their hearts. They felt that they had received strong attention, and they were also distinguished members of Konoha Village Ichiraku Ramen, and they were among the first batch to become After becoming members, they also really met Xiaonan. Although they didn't ask Xiaonan anything, it also made them feel that they had a strong sense of participation in their hearts.

As the second and third batches of people started to apply for membership, the first batch of people felt even more comfortable in their hearts, because they could be said to have bought early and enjoyed it early, and became a member early. Ramen members have an indescribable sense of entertainment in these matters.

From then on, a series of changes began to occur in their psychology.

People who apply for Ichiraku Ramen membership in the future also have a very simple mind. They can successfully enter Ilraku Ramen and enjoy the same treatment as everyone else, and they can also be on the same equal relationship with everyone. , and there is no problem just because they handled it later.

So after they went through the process, they had a very indescribable feeling of being in a small circle. Although there was nothing special about each of them, they felt that they belonged to a small circle in their hearts. These circles are called a small circle. Members of Le Ramen, every time they enter a ramen, they will sit inside and eat noodles with their chests raised and their heads raised. They will have a very strong sense of accomplishment, and other people who are also eating noodles will feel that they They are the same kind of people. At this time, various statuses have been discarded, and they are all the same.

As time goes by, at this time, Konoha Village is about to usher in the era of the Fourth Hokage. Various people from other villages have come here. They want to witness this moment and may also want to pass on some information. Or have any other tasks or plans.

After these people came to Konoha Village, the very simple thing they thought of was to go to Ichiraku Ramen and see something about Konan, because anyone who entered Konoha Village would have heard about it. Regarding Xiaonan's question, everyone also knows the public opinions and information that Konoha Village has been passing on in the past few days.

This is a very necessary point for them to understand the current situation of Konoha Village, because when they just arrived in Konoha Village, what they could hear and find out was not the news that Namikaze Minato was going to become Hokage. It involves the two different public opinions of Xiaonan and the contradictory things done by the three generations during this period.

In fact, they don't care that much about the third generation in their hearts, because the scandal of the third generation has spread throughout the entire ninja world. Except for the Leaf Village, other villages already know about it, but the top leaders of each village have no idea about it. The understanding of these situations varies. Some villages feel that the third generation is a fool who has finally been exposed. Looking at the current effect, some villages feel that the third generation is making his own sacrifice for the sake of Konoha Village.

But no matter what their understanding of the third generation is, the current situation is doomed. The third generation will not make waves in all positions, and the future will be entrusted to the next one.

Under such a premise, they actually don't care that much about the third generation in their hearts. Even if they tell each other their different ideas, for the stage the third generation is in, they know that this is just a transition. .

But the problem now is that Xiaonan has actually become a ninja of Konoha Village, and the approval is for the third generation.

This shows that Xiaonan becoming a ninja of Konoha Village can be said to be the last thing that the third generation did during his tenure.

There is a very strong sense of it.

To a certain extent, people in Konoha Village do not care so much whether Konan has become a Konoha ninja, but because the third generation turned Konan into a Konoha ninja without passing various reviews. It's a rule breaking.

After all, Xiaonan is a very contradictory existence now. He has positive news and negative questions here. These two things have not been fully understood. Even what happened to the child and his identity are They haven't fully figured out what it looks like. Under such a premise, the third generation was actually allowed to directly plan Konan to become a Konoha ninja, which greatly impacted their cognition.

This kind of thing is very outrageous.

But often the more outrageous things are, the more likely they are to happen.

This is what life is like.

The world is like this too.

Many things are subverting people's cognition.

Many times people originally thought that this kind of thing was impossible to happen, but after seeing his real existence, they felt that they should wash their eyes. After all, when there are many people, anything can happen, no matter who. There may be.

But at this time point, this kind of thing happened to the third generation, especially the last decision made by the third generation before resigning as Hokage. So many people were involved in it and received a hint of conspiracy. These people are not The ninjas of Konoha Village, but the ninjas from other villages who came to Konoha Village, wanted to investigate some situations involving Konoha Village, especially before Namikaze Minato became Hokage.

So now is an excellent time.

At this opportunity, they also wanted to find out clearly what happened to Konan in Ichiraku Ramen.

What kind of arrangement is there

Is this what happened to Xiaonan or to the third generation

What role did the third generation play in such a thing, and what role did Xiaonan play

What exactly are their plans for Konoha Village

These questions constantly appear in everyone's mind.

They didn't know exactly what happened here, but they felt that if they didn't figure these things out, they wouldn't be able to confirm what Namikaze Minato becoming the Hokage of Konoha Village would mean to them...

The most important thing is that they don't know that the third generation is here. How should they treat it? Is this a sinner of Konoye Village or a hero of Konoye Village hidden behind the scenes? He has contributed his own share to Konoye Village. All the power still added a touch of uncertainty to Konoha Village before leaving...

There are many things here that these outsiders who have just arrived in Konoha Village can't understand at all. They no longer understand why Konoye Village has become like this. Logically speaking, Konoye Village is the earliest village that appeared in the ninja world. , it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the leader of several great ninja villages.

It is such a village that is ahead of the ninja world in every aspect. Konoha Village took the lead in establishing a ninja school and pioneered the collective training of ninjas. It caused many villages to imitate and put everyone in the same condition to make continuous progress. under a situation.

In addition, Konoha Village has successively established institutions such as Konoha Hospital and ANBU.

This also caused other ninja villages to rush to imitate.

Even if everyone refuses to admit it, almost every village knows that Konoha Village is actually at the forefront of the ninja world. Every move he makes is worth imitating by other villages. After imitating it, it will bring about The result is that their village will become better.

Based on this principle.

So now that such a change has occurred, they are very clear and curious in their hearts. They all want to know what will happen here, and what kind of plan is behind such a thing. .

But it is precisely because of this situation that when people come here now, they find that Konoha Village is different from what they imagined, because Konoha Village found that there are actually membership-based shops in the shops. Only members can enter.

This greatly impacted their cognition and left them with a very strong sense of doubt about what they had thought about in the past.

In many cases they don't know what this is all about.

Because this was beyond the scope of their understanding, they did not think that such a situation would be truly successful, but it happened to appear in their sight, which was completely beyond their comprehension.

Even until now, they have no idea why there are so many people in Konoha Village applying for Ichiraku Ramen membership, and they are standing in line here now. When they want to go in and take a look at Konan, they will I found that there was no one left in this long queue, and no one who entered the Ichiraku Ramen shop came out at all.

This situation made their minds a little confused, because they had never seen such a situation before, and this had a very unspeakable feeling in their hearts.

Even they are still thinking whether this kind of membership-based store will be successful if it is moved to their village

I have never felt this way before.

Because in the past, when they saw the ninja schools, hospitals and even ANBU in Konoha Village, they felt that these things could be transplanted to their village, and when they saw these institutions, they would instantly understand the meaning of these institutions. , understand what they want to do, and marvel at the creativity and thinking of Konoha Village. They have changed the ninja world in many cases.

But when they saw the membership-based reform of Ichiraku Ramen, and it was completely successful, there were long queues of people who were very happy when eating noodles, which made them not clear about the core of this matter. Where and why has this success been achieved

And if they imitate the past, it is not clear whether doing so will bring a positive guidance to the village, but if Konoha Village does this, it will make them feel that this kind of thing should be followed.

If there is not a certain degree of follow-up, it is very likely that these things will change.

The most basic thing about this change is that they will be farther and farther away from the Leaf Village. Because they have not followed up on other measures taken by the Leaf Village, they will feel a certain degree of lagging behind in this game.

But if they follow up rashly, they don't know the meaning of doing so. Is it to gather the wealth of the people in the village together

But Ichiraku Ramen is obviously not run by Konoha Village, it is more like a private operation, but is this the right way to raise funds for these private operations

Suddenly, many little questions lingered in the heads of these people from other villages.

Everyone almost wants to break their head, not knowing how this happened, so they hope to enter Ichiraku Ramen and experience it deeply.

Because of this thought, people from other villages all lined up outside a ramen shop, waiting to enter.

But after seeing such a situation, the smile on the face of the person inside the ramen became even brighter, because they had stopped all the people from other villages, which gave them a very strong sense of accomplishment.


A voice sounded from within Ichiraku Ramen.

It instantly focused everyone's attention.

"Should we go out?"

This person spoke immediately. This person was not arranged by them, but a real spontaneous person from the Leaf Village.

After this person spoke, the people in Ichiraku Ramen immediately looked towards him and looked over, with doubts in their eyes, because in the past they sat inside and never went out at all, but now that it involved taking the initiative to go out, they all felt Very surprised.

At any time in the past, they would leave after eating. This is a habit developed in Konoha Village. However, after Ichiraku Ramen became a membership store, every member who entered it shouted They didn't leave after eating, and they gradually developed this habit.

Under such a habit, someone said that they wanted to leave before going to bed, which directly broke their habit.


This habit actually brings a lot of burden to them.

At the beginning, there was no problem for them to sit inside all the time. But as time went by, after they all sat inside, it was inconvenient for them to leave even if there were some things, because they always felt that if they left Just sorry for their time here.

In their minds, the time here has been added to the time for that bowl of noodles. It seems that it takes five hours to eat a bowl of noodles here. If four hours are gone, then an hour will be wasted for them. It is said to be very disadvantageous economically.

But they just sit here without any other actions or plans. Instead, they just waste the time. But they have such a feeling that if they go out, the time will be wasted. For people like them now The waste is even more serious.

Over time an experience that had them sitting here turned into a burden.

So much so that at this moment, many people are no longer willing to stay there any longer.

"What's the meaning?"

"Why are you going out?"

"We are very good here!"

“It feels so good especially when I see people from other villages who can’t afford the food at all!”


Among the Ichiraku Ramen, voices sounded one after another, seeming to express the unwillingness deep in their hearts. After all, these people are all genuine members.

At any time in the past, as long as you signed up for membership, you could eat noodles freely there.

He actually wants to go out now!

Such things are hard for them to accept!

"You have to think this way!"

At this moment, the ninja who just spoke immediately spoke, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the people inside Ichiraku Ramen.

"If we free up the space, those from other villages will be embarrassed. Will they really apply for membership?"

(End of chapter)