Reborn Into a Primitive Society to Raise Babies

Chapter 11: Baby names and feeding issues


The baby has been born for almost a week, but it doesn't even have a name yet. Li Feng feels that he is unqualified as a father. If it were in modern times, the baby would have already thought of a lot of names before he was born, and the Kangxi dictionary would be full of them.

However, he hadn't come before, so you can't blame him for this. But now that he's here, the baby has been born for almost a week, and he didn't even think of getting one for the baby. Aren't these two dads very happy? incompetent? It has always been the cry of baby, baby, and now I am busy doing various chores every day, bathing the baby, washing animal skins, and there are no diapers yet; busy making bowls and spoons, there were too few bowls before, only two , now that I have a baby, I need a set for everything.

The baby is a good baby. He eats and sleeps well every day. Except for crying when he urinates and poops, and when he is hungry, he usually doesn’t cry much. In fact, a baby who is only one week old doesn’t even want to open his eyes. It was normal to sleep there all day long, but Li Feng felt that his baby was very well-behaved and would be a successful person in the future. As for what he could achieve in this backward primitive society, he didn't think about it. Moreover, his baby was considered a God-given Lin'er. After all, he was born as a man. Fortunately, the tribe did not think he was a monster and burned him to death. Instead, he thought he was a God-given gift. How wonderful!

What should I call my baby? Li Feng thought about it over and over again but couldn't think of a good name. The more he wanted to choose a good name, the less sure he became. Moreover, the names in the tribe all had one word, so it was even harder to choose. He didn't want the baby's name to be the same as someone else's. .

Names are really torturous. This is a name that the baby will carry throughout his life, so he must be careful. As a result, there were too many names, and he didn’t know what to do. In the end, it was easier to just call An. . It's very simple. It means peace and well-being. Li Feng couldn't find a better one even if he wanted to refute it. He originally wanted to call it Yu, but then he thought about it. Although Dayu was a hero in controlling floods, he had three faults. Not being able to enter the house is no good. You can't do this to your baby. We want to be heroes and heroes, but we must also be filial!

No children have been born in the tribe for a long time, or they died soon after birth. In short, there is no wet nurse in the tribe who can provide milk. The baby can only eat yellow fruits and drink some boiled broth and bone soup every day. , but you can’t drink too much broth, after all, the baby’s intestines and stomach are too weak.

Speaking of this bone soup, it really took Li Feng a lot of effort to convince Li Feng to get it. The bones in the tribe are not eaten, but are used as decorations or polished into various tools. Therefore, even the bones are very important and are never wasted, especially the larger bones such as skulls, leg bones, and ribs. They were all used by the tribe to make various tools.

At first, Li Feng only wanted to cook some rotten broth for the baby. He was also a little nutritious and could only drink fruit juice all day long. Just when he was making soup, he found that Li Zheng was bringing a large fresh spine of an unknown animal with a little bit of meat and fascia on it. Li Feng was instantly excited. Bone soup, if there is any The ribs are even better, now let’s fix the spine first.

He took the bones from Li's hand and wanted to clean them and find a stone knife to chop them off so that the bone marrow inside could be better integrated into the soup. But Li refused to let him go, saying that he had to work hard to prepare the tools. Li Feng was so angry that the baby was the most important thing now. What tools do you care about

"Hey, give it to me quickly. This is for making soup for the baby. Didn't you see that the baby is so thin now and can only drink juice all day? This soup is the most nutritious. Give it to me quickly. You want to make it. What tools can't be replaced by other things? Wood can't be used?" Li Feng exploded now because of the baby. He, who has always been a good man, actually resisted.

"Give it to the baby? Can the baby drink it?" Li Feng felt a little loose when he heard that the baby was given something to drink. Their baby was indeed very thin. Because Li Feng didn't have this function, he never drank milk, so he could only drink juice. .

"Can these bones be eaten?" Li Zhen was doubtful. There was nothing on the bones, and almost all the meat on them had been picked clean. Where could there be anything edible

"Yes, that's it. Give it to me first. I'll make it for you and you'll know. If it doesn't work, I won't make it next time. You can just let me try. For the sake of the baby." Li Feng Gongxin All the tricks have been used, hum, the baby needs food, why don’t you still give it to me if you don’t want it

In the end, Li was defeated. Feng never made trouble unreasonably. It might work, so let him try it first. At worst, he would need another one when he goes out hunting again!

Li Feng washed the bones and chopped them into several sections. After blanching them in water, he kept them boiling in a pot. The spine bones did not have much fat and were not as greasy as the soup from the tube bones, so they were more suitable for babies to drink.

Although the bone soup that has been simmered for several hours has a light taste, and the foam floating on it has been skimmed off a few times, what is left now is nutritious. It is good to pour it out and add some salt to take a sip. Li Feng is afraid. The baby's small stomach can't stand the greasy food and tends to have diarrhea, so I put some purslane in it. It would be better if there were white radish or winter melon, so that a little more greasiness can be removed.

Li Feng poured out a little bit of the bone soup and did not add any salt. The taste was a bit bland, but Li Feng still felt it was a bit greasy, so he added some more water and continued to cook for a long time before giving it to the baby to drink, and he did not give it to him. Drink a lot, just half a bowl is enough. Too much can easily cause diarrhea, and then the gain outweighs the loss.

Li Feng knew that the bone broth could be simmered several times to fully extract the nutrients, so after they finished drinking it, they could keep adding water and continue cooking.

The baby's nutrition problem has been temporarily solved, but it is not a long-term solution. If the baby drinks too much, he will definitely have diarrhea, so he has to find something suitable for the baby to eat. Well, milk is definitely the best, but there is no human milk now; it is better to find animals. I will ask Li later to see if I can catch a live female animal that is still lactating, preferably a sheep or a cow. Herbivorous animals like these are more convenient to raise in this way, and milking them is also easier, and there is no danger to their lives.

If it really doesn't work, then we have to think of another way. How about catching some fish