Reborn Into a Primitive Society to Raise Babies

Chapter 23: Go hunting


Since Mo Zi has lived in Li Feng's house, he has gained a little helper. Oh, no, maybe it is more appropriate to call him a nanny. Now he is almost the one taking care of the baby. Li Feng is now relaxed. He has to do all the things he has to do every day. There are still many things.

Although I could do things while taking the baby with me before, I always had worries. I had to take care of the baby for a while, and the efficiency was compromised. Now it’s better. Mo likes taking the baby with him, and the baby is used to being taken care of. With ink.

Li Feng's body is much better now, and Ruo also went hunting with the tribe. After all, he is a man and the main force of the tribe. It is almost late autumn, and winter will soon be approaching. There is still a need to prepare food for the winter. There are a lot of them, so food must be stored in the fall when the animals and fruits are most abundant.

Anyway, they don't have to worry about salt now. They can't finish it even if they look at a big salt mountain. Now the tribe has formed a habit and has a fixed day to collect salt. Now is the time when the fruits are ripe, so the tribe members have been going out very frequently recently, and they go out to pick fruits almost every two or three days.

Li Feng is busy every day now. Although the baby already has Mo, he has recently dug a lot of sweet potatoes and taro, which he plans to save for the winter, and some of which will be used as seeds for next year. Many people in the tribe followed Li Feng and dug a lot back. Li Feng told them roughly how to eat it, and then warned them to keep it as food for the winter, so that even if they didn't hunt any prey, they wouldn't be hungry that day. abdomen.

However, Li Feng is very dissatisfied now because he has searched all over the safe zone and cannot find anything else to eat. There are not many sweet potatoes and taro. Although everyone in the tribe has dug them, there are not many. . Li Feng estimated that what they had at home could barely last through the winter, but what others in the tribe had certainly wouldn't be enough.

Therefore, Li Feng decided to go hunting with Li Feng and the others. This way he would have a wider range and would definitely be able to find more food. Li Feng mentioned this idea to Li and the others, but unexpectedly they all collectively objected, saying that he was too weak and had no hunting experience, so it was too dangerous to go hunting with them.

Li Feng thought to himself, I am not going hunting, I am mainly looking for more food to see if I can help everyone survive this winter. Of course, Li Feng would not say what was in his heart so directly, but he tried hard to persuade them to let him go, "Hey, I'm a man too, okay. It's going to be winter soon, and the baby is also wearing ink. Maybe I'll go with him." I can still help you, not to mention that we still have to find food, so don’t forget that I found a lot of food now."

Li Feng and the others were a little silent when they heard it. What Li Feng said was true. Although the animals are fat in autumn now, they are also very ferocious. Their hunting is not easy, and the danger is much greater. They don't have much left over every day just from hunting alone, so they follow Li Feng's instructions to find other food. They all have something. Just eating prey is not enough every winter, and some people starve to death because of it.

"You can go, but you can't go alone. You have to follow me." Li thought about it and finally decided to ask Li Feng to follow him. Although his body was much better, he was still much thinner than a man who often hunted. No muscles either. However, Li thought it would be much better if he followed him closely. After all, Ruo also followed Bu, right

Li Feng quickly thought about the pros and cons, "Okay, I definitely won't run around." He has to dare to let him run around. This is not a modern forest park with beautiful scenery. There are not only beautiful scenery but also wild animals. Running around is not asking for death.

The next day Li Feng got up early and prepared to go hunting with Li and the others. As for Bao Bao and Mo's meals, he was ready. Then he would let Mo cook or bake some sweet potatoes, taro or something, and Bao Bao He also told Mo how to make the fruit and taro powder. Mo had learned how to cook from Li Feng before, so it should be no problem now, after all, these are relatively simple.

Li Feng is now fully armed, and his feet are also wrapped with animal skins. Originally, they were basically barefoot in the tribe, and they would only wrap them up when going hunting, so they don't have to worry about injuries to their feet that will affect hunting. Or maybe the smell of blood attracts wild beasts.

In addition, after collecting it, I also took a stone shovel and stone knife, and also carried a backpack. There is another point that needs to be mentioned in particular. That is, the previous mussel shells have been sharpened, and then Li Feng inlaid them on the front end of the smooth wooden stick. The gap dug out by the lottery is sealed with fur or resin similar to peach trees. Dead, the shovel or ax made in this way will be stronger and not easy to loosen.

This kind of knife and shovel is now very popular in the tribe. It is light and sharp. Just don't use too much force or it will break easily. However, some shells are still very strong. Li Feng has made many and they are not heavy anyway. He has brought several with him. Planting tools, such as knives, shovels, axes, etc., although they are not made of iron, they are much sharper than stone tools.

Hunting requires going deep into the mountains, and those outside have been driven inside. Li Feng curled up his toes in the animal skin. After all, there were no comfortable shoes. He felt uncomfortable walking, but he couldn't go barefoot. Thinking that he had to come, he was too embarrassed to say it, so he could only follow Li closely. It was just that the animal skin sometimes felt uncomfortable when he stepped on stones or protruding branches, not to mention the animal skin. It's still not breathable. He could only walk and secretly curl his toes and exercise, and the sweat from the wrapped feet would come out.

Li may have noticed Li Feng's discomfort and walked a little slower. Then he walked to Li Feng and asked him to sit on a dead tree nearby. He squatted down and gently rubbed Li Feng's feet. Feng wanted to retract his foot when he first picked it up, but Li's strength was too great, and he couldn't pull it away after a few attempts, so he could only let Li hold it gently. At that moment, Li Feng felt that the warmth on Li's hand passed through the animal skin wrapped in it, spreading from his feet to his heart, and then to his face.

"Okay, let's go now, don't get left behind." Both feet were rubbed, and Li Feng felt much better, so he quickly urged Li on the way.

At this time, Ruo Hebu who was behind them caught up and said, "Oh, why are you walking so fast and making out here?" Li Feng's feet were still held in Li Feng's hand.

"Are you kidding? We just saw that you haven't come up yet and are waiting for you. Who knows what you are doing behind you when you are walking so slowly." Li Feng put his feet on the ground and his eyes deliberately glanced back and forth on Ruo's body. Several times, as if to say I already know, stop pretending.

Although they didn't do anything and just walked normally, Li Feng looked at him with an ambiguous look as if something happened between him and Bu Zhen. He was about to retort when Bu Zhen said, "Let's go quickly. This is not the place to stay, hurry up and catch up with the tribe." As soon as Bu, who usually spoke very few words, opened his mouth, Li Feng still listened very carefully. After all, it’s hard for someone to say something if they usually don’t speak, so you have to give them some face, right

Li Feng and the others had walked further and further in. They encountered a lot of wild fruits along the way, but they were not special. They were all found in the fruit forests below. What's more, fruits cannot be stored for so long at a time. They are not winter food.

However, Li Feng was not without gains. Along the way, he actually discovered a lot of natural seasonings. Sichuan peppercorns, perilla, fennel, Houttuynia cordata and the like were trampled under their feet by Li and the others as if they were weeds. Li Feng dug them up. He picked up a lot of them to see if they could be planted again, and then he also picked up a lot of fruits, stems and leaves, etc. in the backpack. Fortunately, these were not heavy. Li and the others were already used to Li Feng's behavior of picking grass. He must pick it only when it can be used. Wasn't that the case with the sweet potatoes and taro before? They even helped pick a lot, and because Li Feng said they went out to look for food, they also carried a backpack, so now they have a total of two backpacks, which can hold a lot of things.

What can the beasts in the mountains eat the most? It must be herbivorous animals such as wild boar, bison, sheep, deer, deer and pangolin. The meat of ferocious carnivores such as tigers and leopards can only be skinned. Need their fur to keep out the cold. It's just that who knows what you will encounter in the mountains and forests. Wild animals also eat people, and in their eyes people are just their food.

Along the way, Li Feng watched Li Feng and the others skillfully find traces of various beasts. Li Feng was looking for edible plants. The vegetation in the mountains was dense and there were many rattan plants. Li Feng thought about getting some. Traps and the like, this is much better than using brute force. When Li Feng mentioned this idea to Li and the others, they raised their eyebrows. Li Feng was confused. What's wrong? Did he say anything strange

Li and Bu were both a little excited. They never thought that although they would catch animals secretly or kill them directly with wooden spears, they never thought that there would be traps. How to make traps

Li Feng pulled up a rattan and tied a slip knot, and then tied the other end to the big tree next to it. The grass here was so dense that the loop of rattan would not be visible at all if it was thrown in. Quickly and simply The traps have been made, but I don’t know if they can be caught. There are so many canes here, so I just need to make a few more. Moreover, they said that there will be cattle, sheep and other herbivorous animals coming here. I can catch one.

Li Feng briefly explained the principle and conducted an experiment to show them. As long as a prey steps into this vine circle, it will be trapped by the simple mechanism made by Li Feng as soon as it moves. In addition, Li Feng also asked them to dig a deep and large pit, which is a place where prey is densely packed and easy to get to. Then they spread thin branches on top and sprinkled grass leaves. Generally, you would not know this place unless you carefully distinguish it. There is a big hole.

The clan leader was very excited and appreciative of the two traps Li Feng mentioned. Generally, wild beasts would not climb into the pits. As long as they were deeper, they would not be able to jump out or climb out. If this is the case, then they won't have to hunt so hard in the future. Although it is still hard work, it has reduced a lot of danger for them.

The clan leader took other clansmen to place traps where there were more prey, and they set up traps nearby. Li Feng thought about whether to tell the clan leader about burying sharp tree stumps in the pit, but after thinking about it, he still felt that it was not possible. It was so heartless that they didn't say anything in the end. After all, they couldn't climb out of the hole dug so deep, so there was no need for such bloody methods.

Li Feng placed a more eye-catching sign next to each trap he made, so that he would not catch the animal but end up trapping one of his own. Li Feng and the others were excitedly setting up traps, but Li Feng felt that he wanted to find something more, so he walked around and was not far away from the trap they had set.

Just when he was worried that nothing would happen, Li and the others were busy and forgot to look at the dishonest Li Feng. They thought Li Feng was beside them or just a few meters away. Who knew that Li Feng was already there? We were twenty or thirty meters away from them. Li Feng, who lives in the modern concrete forest, has unconsciously forgotten the dangers here because he didn't see any wild animals along the way. He thought it was as safe as the modern scenic hills, and unknowingly he was a little away from Li Feng and the others. Far.

At this moment, Li Feng suddenly saw patches of yellow-green in the distance. He was so excited that he wanted to run over, but before taking a few steps, he stopped. It wasn't that he didn't want to go, but that now He couldn't walk at all. Not far in front of him, there was a beautiful tiger that was approaching him slowly and silently with graceful steps. The tiger had to look like the docile one seen in the zoo. He was bigger than the animal tiger, and his eyes looked lazy but were actually so sharp that it almost made Li Feng unable to turn his eyes away.

No, it's too dangerous. He has to run away. Li Feng kept repeating this sentence in his heart, but where should he run? Can he outrun the tiger? Can he be as strong as a tiger? Can he look at the bloody mouth and still run away without weak feet and legs

It's obviously impossible. Li Feng can't move even if he wants to. Hunting is definitely not something he, who has never seen killing and blood, let alone experienced the test of life and death, can face calmly. The tiger stepped closer. The white sharp teeth, blood-red tongue and mouth in the open mouth made Li Feng unable to move for an instant.

The tiger doesn't care whether you are scared or not. When it sees its prey and calculates the hunting distance, the tiger suddenly launches an offensive and pounces towards Li Feng...

What did Li Feng suddenly see that made him so excited that he didn't notify Li Feng that he was getting further and further away from them in such a dangerous forest