Reborn Into a Primitive Society to Raise Babies

Chapter 25: Prey in a trap


Li Feng and the others returned to the trap. Several trap pits were destroyed, which meant that prey had stepped into the trap. In addition, the most eye-catching thing is probably the wild sheep hanging in the air like swings, as well as herbivorous animals such as deer, elk, and deer.

Li and Bu thought about killing them all and taking them back together, but Li Feng stopped them. It's a joke. These live prey are much better than dead ones. They should keep them as backup food for the winter. "We can tie these with vines." Just lead them back by their necks. How can we take the dead ones? There are so many and they are so heavy. Although there are enough of us, there may be a lot of prey this time!" This is just hanging on a swing. There are almost ten of them, and I haven’t seen the ones in the pit yet.

Li Feng put down his backpack and hurriedly ran to several traps that had already exposed large pits. Before he got there, he heard the sound of sheep bleating. He looked inside and saw that it was lively now. It was red inside. Green, white, white and yellow are so colorful! There were three or four deer, as well as muntjacs and deer that looked like both deer and sheep. Of course, what probably made Li Feng most happy was that there were several sheep inside, including rams with long horns and several ewes with big bellies. .

Li Feng and the others dug a total of about five or six large holes in this area. Because they didn't have any good tools, they could only dig so many holes. It took them a whole morning to dig just these holes. The prey in five or six pits is quite spectacular.

Li and the others were simply overjoyed. They hadn't had such abundant prey in a long time. It was more than what they had taken risks. In the past, the prey they caught was just enough for their tribe to eat. Now, it was better. Just a few of them actually hunted so much!

Li Feng used a clam knife to cut a lot of vines, and then tied them around the necks of the prey. Li Feng asked Bu to tell the clan leader to follow this method to get the prey back. Because they are all herbivores, they are relatively easy to raise after being brought back.

Li Feng asked Li to use vines to pull up all the prey from the pit, and then several people held a few of them, leaving one person behind to catch them. Li Feng followed behind with a basket full of food on his back. The patriarch and the others also led the big and small ones back. There are a few small ones that follow their mother resolutely even if they are not being led.

This time it was considered a bumper harvest. Except for Li Feng who was almost eaten by a tiger at the beginning, although the others were a little bruised, overall the harvest was quite fruitful, especially when Li Feng also found a large area of corn. Hedouzi, you don’t have to worry about food now, especially now that their traps have made great contributions.

When they take the prey back, the trap is restored to its original shape, so that the next time they come back, they can harvest the prey directly. It's just that this kind of trap is crude after all. Li Feng thought that after at least ten times, the animals would become smarter, and they might not catch as many prey as the first time.

The herbivorous prey here are relatively docile and don't realize the danger of traps or anything like that. That's why Li Feng and the others caught a lot of them the first time. Generally, herbivores are large carnivorous beasts that live in groups to prevent predators. Therefore, this kind of big pit trap is the most suitable. You can trap many in one catch.

Now the men in the tribe admired Li Feng even more. Not only did he hunt tigers, but he also figured out how to trap, and actually caught so many prey that they would never dare to think of. Their eyes changed when they looked at Li Feng. , everyone almost regarded Li Feng as the hero of the tribe.

Along the way, Li Feng was admired and admired by Ruo and some of the more lively men in the tribe. He asked questions about this and that, and his vanity instantly reached a peak. You must know that he is usually regarded as a more powerful person in the tribe. A man who is weaker than a woman, this will hurt him for a long time. Especially the men, who laughed at Li for a while when they saw him taking him hunting, are finally proud. I can still catch prey without using any effort, and there are more prey than you.

It was relatively safe along the way and I didn't encounter any large beasts. Even a few of the more ferocious ones didn't dare to go directly forward when they saw so many of them. Li Feng was actually frightened, especially when he saw a few of them. When looking at wolves with saliva, you must know that wolves are a ferocious and united race. Once you encounter a large number of wolves, I am afraid it will be dangerous. However, fortunately, they were lucky. There were only a dozen wolves this time, but there were nearly a hundred of them. They finally returned to the tribe without any danger.

What greeted the women and children were cheers and admiring looks. The patriarch divided the prey among each family. The tiger Li Feng caught was his own. Originally, the tiger meat was to be shared equally by everyone, but There is so much fresh and tender meat now, which is much better than tiger meat, and they don't care. Another one is that Li Feng asked the team leader for a few small animals and several female beasts, which were the future food for his babies. Of course, some of these little animals were male, so Li Feng and his family were given several big-bellied animals of various kinds.

Especially sheep, deer, deer, muntjac, etc. There were a lot of prey this time, and each of their families could get several live animals. Li Feng told them that they didn’t need to kill them immediately if they couldn’t eat them all. They could keep them first and feed them regularly. Just plant some grass, and then kill and eat it in winter when you really can't catch any prey.

After hearing the news, the tribe cheered again, so that they can eat fresh meat in the future. You must know that the prey they caught before were all killed and dragged back, so no one thought about raising them themselves. Now Well, now that there are living animals, it will be much easier to raise them. In this way, women will not have to rely too much on men in the future, as long as they feed them grass regularly every day.

Li Feng led several of their animals back, and then asked Li and the others to nail a large wooden stake to the corner of the yard, and then tied up the prey with animal skin ropes. This can't be tied with vines, otherwise they won't let it go.

I randomly pulled some branches, leaves and weeds and put them in front of them and let them eat by themselves. After a while, these frightened animals slowly lowered their heads and started to eat.

Li and the others went to deal with the tigers. Although Li Feng felt cruel, this was life, especially in such a cruel environment. If they didn't kill the tigers, they would have to eat them. By the way, Li Feng really liked tigers, they were majestic and majestic. Cute, like a big cat. But it was impossible for him to be tamed, and leaving him would only be dangerous, so he would not stop Li and the others from dealing with it. But he didn't dare to look at it. He told Li Laohu that his whole body was a treasure and every part should be kept, especially the tiger bones and tiger meat. They could treat rheumatism in the tribe caused by living in cold and damp caves for a long time. In fact, they all have it, but they haven't noticed it yet. Each of them needs a little treatment.