Reborn Into a Primitive Society to Raise Babies

Chapter 64: 65 This moment lasts forever


The next morning, before Li and the others woke up, Li Feng and Ruo were informed that they were going to the patriarch's house for a gathering. Li Feng looked at Li and the others who were still lying down, and frowned. He was definitely going to this party, but what should Li and the others do, not to mention Mo, Bao Bao and Lu? He and Ruo both left, leaving them at home. OK? But if you take all the children with you, then no one at home will really look after them. Alas...

Li Feng cooked and fed Baobao and the others, and asked them to hang up the door inside, watching Li and them, while he and Ruo De went to the clan leader's place. When they went out, the fence door outside was also hung up. It's broad daylight, and there are still people patrolling in the tribe, so it should be fine. Li Feng comforted himself, and then went to the meeting with worried Ruo.

When we arrived at the patriarch's house, it was already packed with people. After all, it was too cold outside and the snow had not yet melted, so they could only squeeze into the room. Fortunately, the house of the patriarch's house was large and empty, which was a lot more convenient. There are so many people in one room and it still feels warm.

However, Li Feng looked at the room full of disabled people. As long as they were able to move and were awake, they all came over. The more Li Feng looked at it, the more he thought about Li. He didn't know if he was awake or if Mo and the others would stay at home. What could happen? Could the brazier be overturned and catch fire? It would be too late to save him... His mind was filled with all kinds of accidents and disasters, which made him nervous and thinking I wanted to finish my meeting quickly and go home. Why does it feel like a long time has passed just after I came out

Sighing in his heart, Li Feng turned to look at Ruo Ye next to him. Although his face didn't change much, his eyes were full of anxiety. It seemed that both of them were the same, thinking about the man lying at home. Man, I hope they wake up when they go back...

Everyone knows the purpose of this gathering. This wolf attack has caused too much damage to the tribe. If it happens twice more, the entire tribe will be ruined. So the top priority now is to think of a better way to stop it. It would be good to be prepared before the wolves attack. This surprise must not happen again.

"Chief, how about we cut more thorns and pile them up at the intersection, so that the wolves can't get in?" Someone suggested. After all, the wolves did not seem to get in through the thorn bushes.

"Yes, this is a good idea. As long as the wolves don't come in, won't we be safe?" someone agreed.

"That's not right. If the wolves can't come in, we can't go out either. We always go out hunting...?" Someone retorted. Although there are less prey in winter, they still have to go out as long as the weather is good. After all, They can't eat everything, and their food may not be enough to survive the whole winter. They have to go out.

Moreover, it is absolutely impossible to keep cats at home all winter. You must go hunting. Otherwise, not only will technology deteriorate, but people will also easily become lazy. If they don’t hunt all winter, they will probably hunt even simple prey in spring. Not here.

"Oh, that's true, but what should we do?" They can't think of any good solution now. In the past, they just carried it by force. In any year, they could only wait for the wolves to attack. What can be done

"Li Feng, tell me, is there any way?" The clan leader looked at the tribesmen below who were chattering and unable to come up with any results, so he asked Li Feng directly. He always has some novel ideas, no matter what This is always good for the tribe, so even if he has some doubts, he will not do anything. Sometimes it is better to turn a blind eye.

Li Feng didn't know what the clan leader was thinking. He was still thinking about Li and the others at home. He didn't even hear the clan leader calling him. The person next to him patted him before he came back to his senses, "Ah, What's going on?" He was a little confused, what's wrong, what happened? Aren't the tribesmen gathering? Why call him

"The clan leader asked you if you have any good ways to prevent wolves?" Ruo reminded in a low voice next to him. He had listened a little just now.

"Oh..." Li Feng nodded. He had been thinking about this matter before coming here, but after he came here, he completely forgot about it. He put his whole heart at home and did not bring it with him. However, now that the clan leader has asked by name, let him first express his thoughts.

"Well, I think we can first make a gate, which is a fence gate, and then cut down trees to block the main road, and finally wrap the wood with thorns..." This can be considered as... This is a relatively simple method in winter, but it is not suitable in other seasons.

"But we said before that we won't be able to get out after the thorn bush is released?" Someone asked, and the clan leader also looked at Li Feng.

"Didn't we make a gate? Let's go through the gate. Moreover, the fence gate must be solid. It is best to make it directly from wood, so that the wolves cannot break it or break it. As for the thorns, There will definitely be gaps when we make the wooden piles to surround the fence, and we don’t have so much time to prepare so much wood. We can only smash a wooden pile at a distance and then surround it tightly with thorns, so that the wolves You can't get in." Li Feng saw that the tribesmen were listening, and continued, "The other thorn bushes around our tribe were planted in the summer, when the weather was still a bit hot, so they survived. Now If we plant it, it won't work at all, and if it weren't for the thorns coming out of it, they will die quickly, and they will just pile up on the roadside, easily buried by snow or blown away by the wind. It’s useless. But it’s different when it’s wrapped around a wooden stake. It’s much stronger this way, and wolves don’t dare to break through.”

"Well, not bad, what do you think?" The clan leader nodded and asked the clansmen.

"Then if there are wooden stakes, why don't we just use the method of building houses to surround the tribe?"

Li Feng nodded secretly in his heart. This person is quite smart. No one has thought of it before. This thinking is too limited. Many people would not think of building such a large city wall. "The weather is not suitable for this now." Mud bricks, if the temperature is too low, they will not be strong enough if they are not exposed to the sun. They will fall easily when exposed to rain or snow, and it will take a long time. I don’t think we can afford to wait now!” He had also thought about making a city wall before. Come out, anyway, there are no enemies here, only wild beasts. With the wisdom of wild beasts, you still can't get in. But later I remembered, what season it is now, it is too late to dry the mud bricks now, and it does take too long. , it is definitely not something that this primitive society can do in a short time. You know, it took them several months to build the house, and that was because the weather was very good and the mud bricks dried quickly.

Everyone thought it made sense when they heard it. Although they thought it might take a little long, they couldn't think of any better way. This method is more suitable at the moment.

"Patriarch, what do you think? I just think so. I don't know if it will work. Can you guys see if there is a better way?" Li Feng sat down directly after saying this. This method is considered to be the better one he could come up with. This is a way. Other city walls are simply unreliable now. They need to solve the current difficulties now. The city walls can be built after the winter has passed. It is not too late. The key is to get through the current difficulties.

The clan leader stood up and signaled the clan members who were discussing to be quiet, "I think this method proposed by Li Fengti is feasible. What do you think? If anyone has better opinions, we can improve them. If not, we will start preparations now." .. ... "

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. For a while, no one expressed any opinions. The clan leader nodded. It seemed that no one had any opinions. "Then follow this method. I will divide the work later and chop down the trees that need to be cut down." , those who cut thorns cut thorns, those who weave fence gates..."

Li Feng originally thought about digging a ditch similar to a moat to see the snow outside. If it wasn't filled with water, it would be useless. If water was filled in, it would freeze quickly in this weather. It's no use, forget it, let's do the protection first. With the protective fence, it shouldn't be a big problem. If there are any better ways to improve it later, after all, he doesn't specialize in engineering or traps, he only knows about these. Some people in previous lives knew common sense.

After the clan leader arranged the work, Li Feng and Ruo hurriedly went home. After all, there were sick and injured children at home. The clan leader also understood that they were anxious and didn't make any arrangements for them, so he just let them go back. After reading After that, the two of them went to chop wood together, and then the women cut thorns nearby. After all, they couldn't cut the thorns around their tribe, so they could only cut them back near the foot of the mountain while the men went together. It should be much safer when cutting wood.

Those who still have labor in the tribe have to go out to cut down trees, and then weave fences after cutting down, or some people cut down and others make up fences, and some others have to guard the tribe and patrol. No one can be idle at this time.

After Li Feng and the others listened to the clan leader's arrangements, they hurried home. They were worried to death. Both the adults and the children were worried. It was really like returning home, even though it was only a little bit closer to home...

Quickly opening the door and returning home, the warmth in the room made people breathe a sigh of relief. However, Li Feng and the others didn't care about this. As soon as their eyes came back, they glanced directly at the blanket...

He saw Mo holding the baby and Lu Zheng sitting nearby, chattering around Li and Bu. Li Feng felt that he couldn't hear anything. He only heard Mo's words, "We are going to tell Uncle Li Feng that Uncle Li is awake." Already..."

Li woke up, really woke up. There was only one sentence in Li Feng's mind. He should be happy to know that Li woke up, but he suddenly felt a sense of nostalgia, fearing that this was a dream. During the days when Li was in coma, he would dream whenever he fell asleep, and Li in his dreams would look at him with a gentle look on his face after waking up. What he had been thinking about really happened, but now he just stood by the door and didn't move...

On the other hand, the person next to him, Ruo, immediately rushed to Bu and carefully hugged Bu, who was half-sitting up. Ruo, who hadn't cried much before, was crying like a child at this moment, having suppressed worries for too long. And the worry finally found an outlet. I didn't dare to show too much despair before, because I was afraid of affecting Li Feng and the children, so I could only endure it and force myself to mature. But after all, I was still sad. It's better now. Bu and the others woke up, finally woke up. !

Li raised his head and looked at Li Feng, who was standing motionless at the door. He couldn't help but want to put on a smile to reassure him, but in the end he pulled the wound on his body. He frowned in pain and let out a faint pain involuntarily. Huh, this sound woke up Li Feng, who didn't dare to step forward for fear that it was a dream. As soon as he saw the severe pain, he quickly ran forward, "How is it? Is it okay? Why are you moving? You just woke up." Are you so dishonest?" Li Feng carefully helped Li lean against the wall, and placed a soft animal skin pillow with a thatched heart behind him.

"Haha..." Li just looked at Li Fengxiao who was carefully supporting him against the wall. He had been sleeping for a long time. It was great to wake up and see him again! She didn't want to take her eyes off his face again, as long as she could keep looking at him like this.

"What are you laughing at? Why don't you hurry up and take a good rest?" Li Feng rolled his eyes at him, but after seeing Li's gentle and lingering gaze, his face felt a little feverish. Originally, he thought he would be like what he did just now after seeing Li wake up. He hugged Li and cried like that, and then laughed happily. Who knows, now besides being happy, he also feels extraordinarily calm in his heart. It's a bit contradictory, but it's really his current mood.

He was very happy when he woke up, but he didn't know how to describe it? It's peaceful because people finally wake up and all disasters are over. Don't they all say that surviving a catastrophe will lead to good fortune in the future? After this time, their family will live a happier and happier life. Everything will be fine, no matter what it is, as long as they wake up!

Li didn't speak, but now he was listening to Li Feng's nagging in a low voice, but he felt that it was extra caring. It was a blessing to hear this nagging that was not gentle again!

"Well, you... what are you..." Holding the newly made Li Feng, Li Feng was hugged and kissed before he could react. After only having time to make these few sounds, all that was left was The sound of 'tsk tsk' mingled with lips and tongues.

Li Feng wanted to push away, but as soon as his hand touched Li's body, he stopped, and his hand changed from pushing to gently hugging. Forget it, let him. He had already agreed before that as long as he Wake up and do whatever you want, and now he himself needs to use this kind of intimate contact to confirm that this is not a dream, this is the reality he has been looking forward to for a long time.

The soft warmth is transmitted to each other through the lips, confirming each other's existence and making sure that they are okay with each other. The lingering kiss that was originally just a gentle touch, after a shallow trial, turned into a deep communication and blending, the tip of the tongue They entangled, sucked, licked, and bit each other, making them immersed in it, forgetting everything around them and the existence of other people.

It wasn't until Li Feng was almost out of breath and Li himself had difficulty breathing, and his wound almost burst, that they reluctantly separated. The eyes that had been staring at each other were still reluctant to separate. It wasn't until the baby who had been held by Mo slapped Li's wound next to him that the two people's consciousness came out of the pink bubble where they were alone.

Only then did Li Feng remember what he had done, and he suddenly felt like the world was spinning. Although he decided to accept Li Feng when he woke up, he didn't want to kiss the child and Ruo for so long directly in front of them. He wanted to scold him, but after thinking about it, he agreed and it was not his fault alone. He could only pretend to pat the baby's butt with a feverish face.

The baby hasn't been held by Li for several days, and his two fathers just ignored him. He didn't care, he wanted to hold him, so he wanted to remind his father, no, seeing the fathers Looking at myself, the baby was very excited. It was moving around in Mo's arms and was not at all honest. It even opened its small hands towards Li to hold it, and spit bubbles came out of its mouth.

"The baby can't do it. Dad is injured now. Can we hold the baby again after Dad gets better?" Li Feng kissed the baby's little face and said softly. Li couldn't make any big moves now, otherwise it would be difficult for him to use it. The wound that had been sutured with catgut and the thinnest fish bone needle burst open again. Li Feng's stitching of this wound was not very good, but it was much better than his previous sewing skills. He had to be very careful when sewing, after all, the sewing was on flesh, and it was still sharp. , although Li was still unconscious at the time, the pain still caused Li a lot of pain, and his muscles spasmed because of the pain, so Li Feng became more and more careful, but the process took a long time, and it was not easy to suture it. At that time, Li Feng himself I felt like my eyesight went dark and I almost fainted. It was because I had been concentrating for too long. As soon as I relaxed, my eyesight naturally turned black and I felt dizzy.

At that time, in order to sew up the wounds of Li and Bu, he even killed a sheep to use the sheep's intestines to make thin threads. He didn't know whether this sheep intestines were better than the intestines of other animals, but what he said It has been mentioned on TV or sometimes in magazines that doctors in ancient times used catgut for suturing. To be on the safe side, they must have only recognized this type.

At that time, he scared Luo Hemo and others to death when he was sewing. They never thought that this man's skin could be sewn together like animal skin. However, after Li Feng finished sewing, they all felt it was magical and admired it. , the wound is indeed smaller, this is definitely much easier than applying medicine directly to the wound. Now they have almost dug a big hole in the bottom of their pot.

Moreover, when Li Feng told the clan leader and the others, they almost killed them because they looked at them as monsters. However, after seeing Li Feng's stitched wounds, they all had the same expression as them, surprise, sigh and disbelief. , in short, it is all kinds of complicated and worshipful. The wound after such suturing is beautiful and easy to heal. Everyone knows that the smaller the wound, the faster it will heal. It's just that it was too painful during the suturing, not only the physical pain but also the mental pain, especially for those who didn't faint. They wanted to see it but didn't dare to look at it. If they didn't look at it, they were curious. As a result, their hearts collapsed even more after looking at it. It's tight, but it's for their own good to be together. We all understand. Of course, the women will be sewing later, and Li Feng has to go back to take care of Li and the others...

Now Li Feng checked Li from head to toe and found that there was no sign of bursting from the sutured wound. Except for a few tiny blood streaks oozing out in a few places, it was probably due to Li's movement just now. Therefore, Li Feng After Feng gave Li the medicine, he told Li to stay there as if he were in a vegetative state. He could either lie down or sit. Anyway, he was not allowed to move and let Li choose by himself.

Li smiled softly, and finally chose to sit strangely. After all, he had been lying down for several days, and his bones felt hard and he was too tired. Sitting was still comfortable, and he could still look at Li Feng when he wanted to kiss him. You can also kiss directly. After he woke up, Li Feng became much more docile. He didn't jump around like before when kissing in front of Ruohe's children. He just changed the subject with a slight blush. It was so cute. Such Li Feng made him want to hold him in his arms all the time. The impulse in my arms.

In the past few days when he and Ruo were in coma, Li Feng must have been worried to death. He had to take care of them and comfort the frightened children. He was worried and frightened. There were still many things to do outside, and his heart ached. Such a thin Li Feng was now He looks thinner and his chin is much pointed.

"Li Feng..." Li called to the side who was collecting the basin for him to wipe his body with. Originally, they didn't take baths in winter, but Li Feng said that he was afraid that the wound would be too dirty and infected, so he had to boil water to wipe it. Now that it has been wiped, he is cleaning it up.

Li Feng raised his head, "What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Does the wound hurt?" Li Feng was a little nervous. He had wiped it carefully. Could it be that it was still rubbed? Li didn't say anything just now, but now he can't help it

Li still smiled softly and gently, "Come here."

Li Feng thought he was feeling uncomfortable, so he hurried over. Who knows, as soon as he got closer, Li Feng gently hugged him into his arms again, with a very warm embrace, a very steady heartbeat, and then the warm breath hit his ears. Li's hoarse voice also sounded, "Li Feng, I will be good to you, very good, very good, we will be very, very happy!"

There were no polite words such as thank you or thank you for your hard work, but only slow, pious, and vow-like words. They were not loud confessions or romantic feelings, but they were the voices and words that touched Li Feng's heart the most. It is more beautiful and thoughtful than the vows of eternal love; it is closer to the heart than a suit ironed with an iron!

At this moment, Li Feng's tears no longer stayed or were suppressed. They were allowed to flow from his eyes and fall on Li's shoulders, leaving a shallow watermark. The hot temperature made Li feel like he was being burned. Feeling sad but also moved...

At this moment, the two people hugged each other quietly; this moment seemed to be eternity; this moment seemed to be the most beautiful frozen world...

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