Reborn Into a Primitive Society to Raise Babies

Chapter 87: 89 dance


The heat in the air is only rising, but in this heat, many crops are ready to be harvested without realizing it. The corn and soybeans planted earlier have matured. During this period, Li Feng and his family have eaten a lot of young corn. And edamame, boiled corn, grilled corn, corn and green beans, etc., or salted edamame, pickled edamame, fried edamame, etc. In short, when all these are edible, Li Feng will never let them go. Have these delicious ones.

Anyway, he is pregnant, so he doesn’t have to do anything else. He just cooks various delicacies to eat every day when he has nothing to do. Moreover, Li Feng’s morning sickness has long passed. He didn’t vomit for long at first, and now he eats more deliciously. The key is that he eats more. When others say it, he confidently says, "We are two people now, so of course we have to eat more."

Autumn tigers are the most terrifying, but in this season they still have to harvest in autumn, but fortunately they only need to harvest corn and soybeans, while other taro and sweet potatoes have to be harvested from September to December, so they don’t have to harvest them at all. Squeeze in one time.

The ears of corn were first broken off, skinned, flattened and placed in the yard to dry. As for the remaining corn stalks, they were chopped off and dried in the morning and evening when it was cooler, and then stacked to be fed to the animals. Or just light a fire. As for the soybeans, they are piled to the side. They are almost mature when harvested, but they have not yet exploded. They can be harvested after being exposed to the sun for a few days.

The strong wind didn't help at all when harvesting these crops. The most he could do was cook a meal and wash clothes. However, there was no clothes to wash in this kind of weather. Most of them were just a thin jacket wrapped around his waist. Thin animal skins, and they are not changed every day. As for the underwear inside, Li Feng is required to change it every day. However, Li Feng only washes those of himself, Li and a few children, and the others. Just wash it yourself.

Li Feng's belly is getting bigger and bigger now. It's already August. Counting the days, Li Feng was born in April or May, because the time when he fainted and confirmed that he was pregnant was probably when the wheat was harvested in June. , Li Feng and the others didn't feel it for about two months, and now it's been almost four or five months.

The belly that was not covered by much clothing already looked round. Although Li Feng felt that it was much smaller than the pregnant women with belly as big as a bucket that he had seen on the street before, in the eyes of others, it was already quite big. Yes, Li Feng is so good at eating. In the past, even Li Feng couldn't tell when she was pregnant with the baby. Even when she was about to give birth, they thought it was the flatulence in the stomach or the lack of digestion. , some people used to think that the pregnancy resulted in no childbirth for more than a year. In the end, it was not until the woman died that they found out that there was no baby in her belly, it was just water.

However, Li Feng's belly was obviously bulging, and sometimes he could even see the baby's squirming through the stretched belly. Everyone else knew that Li Feng was eating too well, so the baby would Growing up, but everyone also envies that the most important thing is for children to grow up healthy.

Li Feng is the only one who is not very happy. He has recently started to get tired when walking or standing for a little longer. Sometimes when taking a baby to learn to walk, the baby will die before he feels tired. He can only let Li or others teach him. When the baby started walking, Li Feng felt very sorry. What he was thinking about was that he had to integrate into every bit of the baby's growth little by little. However, now he felt a little powerless. However, when he saw the baby walking towards him with its short legs, all the regrets disappeared. In fact, he was participating in the baby's growth every day. He just didn't realize it.

After thinking about this, Li Feng started to carry and watch the baby every day, fan him to drive away mosquitoes when he was sleeping, or tell him stories, play games with him, and make faces when he was bored. Tease him, or force them to dance for the baby. Ever since Li Feng held the baby and asked Li to dance for him when he had nothing to do, the baby began to like the habit of watching Li dance. Sometimes he would even follow Li and twist left and right in Li Feng's arms. The little butt and two little fat legs were also jumping around. Li Feng looked frightened and feared that the baby would accidentally jump too happily and kick Li Feng in the stomach.

"You little guy, you want to jump before you can walk?" Li Feng kissed the baby's little nose and smiled affectionately as he watched him move around in his arms following Li's movements.

The baby didn't know what his father was talking about, and he couldn't understand it anyway. However, he didn't forget to turn around and give Li Feng's father a big smile and a sweet "Dad" before Li Feng lowered his head and prepared to accept it. When the baby kissed me with saliva, the baby turned his head and stared at Li Yi who was dancing and screamed. The baby stopped talking when he encountered something happy, and all his words were "babble". ah'.

Li Feng curled his lips and glared at Li fiercely, "Huh, grab the baby from me, the baby always likes me the most!" Li Wuxin, you asked me to dance this dance. You taught me the mechanical dance, zombie dance, moonwalk, etc., you taught me all that...

No matter, it’s all your fault anyway. You see, the baby doesn’t even look at me now, it’s all your fault!

Li Wannai, I can't compete with you. Who made you my lover? You are the biggest in everything. It's all my fault. Don't be angry, okay? Li Feng used his eyes to explain while jumping. Li Feng deliberately pretended not to understand, "What's wrong? Your eyes are cramped. Then stop jumping." In fact, Li's dance is quite beautiful, plus Li's slender and well-proportioned figure The half-naked body, the popping effect and the viewing significance are much better than Li Feng, especially the classic crotch grabbing action, which makes Li Feng blush every time.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on Li Feng, because every time Li does this action, the movements his eyes and body make are Hong Guoguo's teasing and seduction. It was such a simple action, but it ended up being forced by Li Feng. It's so 'dirty'. Of course, these are what Li Feng said, but it's actually quite eye-catching. Otherwise, it would make Li Feng's cheeky face turn red and his heart itch.

Speaking of which, they haven't done that for a long time. Since the pregnancy, the two of them have only helped each other with hands and mouth to relieve each other. They have never entered. No wonder both of them are blushing and their hearts are beating in this hot day. Only the baby is the purest, with big innocent eyes open, drooling, clapping his little hands and happily following Li's movements, swaying and twisting. However, after seeing Li suddenly stop, the baby tilted his head and looked at Li's father in confusion. , why did you stop

"Do you think my eyes are cramped or something? Huh?" Li walked up to Li Feng and whispered into his ear. The last long and deliberately drawn tail sound, with a swaying and seductive flavor, made Li Feng's The ears instantly turned red like braised pig ears.

"Hey, stop it now. Is the baby still there?" Li Feng pushed away Li who was licking his ears and glared at him fiercely.

Li looked at Li Feng's flirtatious look and smiled, "It doesn't matter, the baby doesn't know anything."

"Dad, jump, jump... jump..." The baby has now learned a few more words and phrases, but every time the baby except for the title "Dad", most of the other words are reduced to one word.

Li Feng grinned, "I didn't hear that. Your precious son wants you to keep dancing. Go quickly, don't stop!" I see you have the nerve to act like a hooligan.

Li sighed, kissed Li Feng on the lips, then quickly stepped away, then tapped the baby's little nose, and looked at the little guy smiling with his little white teeth showing, "You little scoundrel actually ruined your father's good deeds, next I won’t dance for you once!” Even though he said that, Li still continued to start after doing a few preparatory movements.

Even though there were no instruments or music, Li's dance was still very beautiful. Although Li Feng also taught them music, it was because Li Feng himself had a tone-deaf voice that the others couldn't learn it after learning for a long time. Li Feng was so angry that he wanted to take it away. He finally understood why the teacher hit people when he hit them with the teaching stick. Sometimes he just couldn't control himself and was so angry! But it’s even more painful when you’re a student. When you meet such a teacher, it’s really hard to cry without any way to complain! In particular, Li Feng, the teacher, is still a dabbler. He is just tone-deaf. He is born with something that cannot be changed, let alone forced. The key point is that Li Feng wants to teach music notation, but he doesn’t know how to do it at all. He only knows how to do it. 1234567, drfsx still doesn’t know if the pronunciation is accurate

At the end of the day, everyone couldn't stand his teaching and everyone ran away. Only Li wanted to run and had nowhere to go. He was pulled by the strong wind and had to let him learn. At worst, he sang out of tune, but I can listen and correct it for you. You have to learn it. Li Feng hasn't even finished learning a song according to this method now. He can only dance based on his feelings and the beats that Li Feng plays according to his own feelings. Li Feng looks very eye-catching. And the baby likes it too. Just for this reason, the little guy Mo has been learning from Li for a long time. However, it's a pity that Li only danced once, and Li Feng gave verbal guidance for the rest. Poor Mo, Li didn't like dancing except for Li Feng and Baobao. What other people see is that the baby is what Li Feng wants. If it were Li Feng himself, he would rather hold the baby and play tossing.

As the saying goes, the Mid-Autumn Festival in August brings people together when the moon is full. Li Feng didn’t know how the lunar calendar calculated it, so he could only celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival according to August 15th of the Gregorian calendar. Last year, he had nothing and no time to spare, let alone remember that there was something else. The Mid-Autumn Festival is about to be celebrated. At that time, eating was very tight, but it is different now. Although there is no big meal and they have not reached a well-off society, at least they can have enough to eat now. As for clothes, this is also It's on the way.

After more than a month, I have become a little more proficient with the loom, and I have woven a few decent pieces of cloth. Although they are not big, because the flax silk has long and short lengths, I have not yet mastered the techniques of splicing and merging. The cloths are all relatively small, and the largest one is as big as a table, but that is already amazing. When the first piece of cloth was woven, everyone's eyes and expressions were so beautiful. They watched step by step from plants to rotting into silk and then to working hard to make the most crude loom. Of course, this was for Li Feng. , others feel that they are quite amazing for being able to create such complex and beautiful things.

Needless to say, the hardships and difficulties involved in the final process of weaving the fabric into cloth are all gone by the time the piece of cloth comes out. As for the first pieces of cloth that were woven, those that were large enough to make clothes were used by Li Feng to dress the baby, and the rest were made into diapers. Nowadays, babies don’t need diapers in summer, but they will still need to be used in winter for babies and babies who are about to come out of the belly.

After failing more than a dozen times, I finally figured out a trick. The cloth on the loom is now relatively long, and it has not broken yet. I feel happy and accomplished when I look at the cloth being dragged behind. Full of confidence, of course, it won’t take long for everyone in the family to have clothes made of cloth. And according to Li Feng, when winter comes, the chicken and duck feathers, bird feathers, and You can make down jackets and duvets out of wool. They are warm and light. It makes you feel happy and full of energy.

So much so that the first thing he does when he wakes up every day is to run to the loom to weave. Except for eating, sleeping and going to the toilet, he is weaving almost all the time. The strong wind cannot stop him and he is unwilling to let him rest. Bu looked complaining and feeling distressed. Why are you working so hard? There is still a lot of time. They are not in a hurry. Didn't they just come here without Bu? Although this cloth is indeed soft and comfortable to touch, there is no need to be so anxious. It is so distressing that I don’t even know how to rest.

Li Feng looked at his current life and home, and decided to have a reunited and happy Mid-Autumn Festival this year. On this day, all of them didn't have to do anything else, just listen to her arrangements, especially Ruo, early in the morning. It's time to take a rest. It's just a good time for everyone to take a rest today. The autumn harvest has just been completed and the corn and soybeans have just been put into the granary.

Although the Mid-Autumn Festival was mentioned, Li Feng was not sure which day it was because he had been counting according to his time in the previous life since he was reborn. The solar terms were almost the same, but the specific time was not accurate. However, it doesn't matter, just wait until the day when the moon is the fullest. He started looking at the moon every night for several days ago, and finally made a decision when the moon was almost full. Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and in this sky The moon is really big and round, maybe it is the Mid-Autumn Festival in the lunar calendar, Li Feng thought in his heart. However, none of this is important. What is important is that the festive atmosphere is the kind of spiritual comfort they want.

The author has something to say: I am speechless. Some time ago, I said that I was improving the server or something to make it better. I will basically stop using it in the future. As a result, it is still very bad and many functions in the background cannot be opened. More text It’s all hard work! The key thing is that the result of the improvement mentioned a few days ago is the newly added Taobao pop-up advertisement in the lower right corner. I am really speechless!

Comments are even more so. I swallowed 24 of my comments in one week. Ahhhhhh... I'm so crazy. I can't see the comments basket anymore. I can only see the number of deleted ones. , I really want to beat him to death! ! ! ! ! !

I have no motivation to update. Many authors have not updated because the backend is still pumping. The basket is really powerless. However, don’t abandon the basket and leave comments. If you swallow too many, there will always be a few that you can’t swallow. There are only five comments that can be displayed recently. The number of comments on the last two chapters is so overwhelming...

You are truly the most invincible and invincible person in the universe! ! ! ! ! I've updated it, I hope it can be posted. If it doesn't, I can't blame the basket. I really tried my best. I posted it countless times without getting any response and in the end it ended up being garbled! Beat him to death

I’m so disappointed, I can’t post the article... It’s not the fault of the basket if I don’t update next time, it’s really not good enough...