Reborn into A Slash Game

Chapter 39


Sophie cheered up, although in the game Amya is a pitiful existence, an NPC who won't provoke him if you don't mess with him. However, eating a cut grows a wisdom, So Feike no longer dares to underestimate anyone here.

None of them are simple goods, and if you take it lightly, you are joking about your own life!

Amya pushed in the door, he had already cleaned up, wearing a crescent white silk robe, the sleeves were very wide, and the cuffs had fine purple patterns, which complemented his unique long hair, and was even more elegant. .

His eyes are slender and slightly raised, and when he speaks seriously, it gives people the feeling of being discharged at any time, not to mention that he is still very serious at the moment.

"Well... You guys are done making out? Although the pairing of demons and elves is relatively rare, this one is wild and uninhibited, cold and noble, and unexpectedly very touching. Don't worry, I'm not racist, as long as it's true love, don't say yes Demons and elves, even trolls and dwarves, I can also accept it..."

Sophie: Crap, where did you come from so much nonsense! But... trolls and dwarves... OMG, I don't even talk about you!

Compared with Sophie who still complains, Su Miao pretended he didn't hear it. He looked at Amya calmly and got straight to the point: "Did you stab Eugene Hall?"

Sophie is shocked, big brother, isn't this open door a little too big, is it really a man to go straight to the subject

Amya was stunned for a while, then said with a look of grievance: "It was obviously me who saved old Eugene, why do you say that I am the murderer now, and I will be misunderstood for doing good deeds, I really... "

Su Miao smiled and touched his waist with his left hand.

Amya was shocked: "Hey, hey, don't be rude, don't you give people a chance to explain?"

"Okay, then explain why you appeared in Eugene Hall's cabin in such a timely manner and saved him so timely? Eugene's cabin is at the very edge of the village, and the dwarves didn't notice anything unusual. Why are you the first? The time has come." At the end, he calmly put the Shura Blade in his hand, clearly intending to make Amya unable to laugh.

After a while, Amya sighed helplessly, and then looked at Su Miao with a 'sorrowful' eyes. Sophie, who was on the sidelines, said that it was really resentful! He got goosebumps all over the place!

"Doing a good thing only once in hundreds of years and being questioned like this, is it really unskilled in business?" He sighed again, spread his hands and said, "This matter has to start from my identity."

"My name is Amya. I'm the prophet of the goblin family. Well, you know what a prophet is... Actually, it's not as mysterious as it sounds. The only thing that is special is that I have a unique ability." He smiled in a low-key manner, " predictable."

Emiya: Come on, come on, admire me!

Amya: Tzuo! Why don't these two people worship me with a surprised look! Predicting the future, don't you want to have a divination? !

In fact, if Sophie hadn't known it long ago, he would still be very interested in meeting a live magic stick with his urine... It's a pity that in this world, Sophie himself is a half-assed magic stick, so right I really have no interest in this profession.

Seeing that they didn't say anything, Emiya in the cold field had to clear her throat and continue: "I did a little divination and found out that there was a fire disaster here, so I hurried over here, just to save the old Eugene. Come out. Don't ask me who did it, I was on fire when I came, and there was no one else but old Eugene, who was in a coma."

"You know Eugene Hall?"

Amya was stunned and said: "I heard... the only divine craftsman in the entire Yalansi."

"Don't tell me, you will give a divination to important people in Yalansi every day."

"How could it be! Then I must not die of exhaustion."

"So," Su Miao looked at him, "why Eugene Hall."

Amya was silent for a while, and finally compromised: "It's because of you."


"Okay, okay, I first divination to find the materials needed to repair the Shura Blade, I believe that old Eugene has already told you, and then I pay close attention to the old Eugene's movements, I came out of Baynes City, I feel that something is wrong , I gave old Eugene a peek, and found that something was going to happen to him, so I hurried over, luckily, I caught up." Amyah said this in one breath, and then took a deep breath. Say, "I'm helping you, doing good deeds!"

Su Miao was still looking at him, and Amya sighed again: "As for why I help you, this can only be said to be entrusted by others... As for who, even if you cut me with a knife, I will not say." Then he deliberately stared at those slender eyes, pursed his lips, and looked like Liu Hulan. Well, this adjective is contributed by Sophie.

"okay, I get it."

Amya asked worriedly: "Don't you suspect that I am the murderer?"

Su Miao asked back, "When did I doubt you?"

Amya: "Ale, didn't you ask me just now?"

Su Miao smiled: "Don't ask that, will you say so much?"

Amya was stunned.

Sophie, who had been watching, suddenly realized! From the beginning to the end of the relationship, Su Miao did not make Amy Adam a suspect? Speaking of which, if it was really Amya's fault, he wouldn't be so stupid that he would hurt someone and then rescue him by dragging himself into this muddy water, right? And the old Eugene is no longer in the way. If you want to know what happened, just wait for the old Eugene to wake up and ask the person concerned

And Su Miao put the hurting hat on Amya's head at the beginning, obviously to put pressure on him to say all the following words in order to justify himself. So far, there seems to be a lot of plausibility in this bunch of words.

Prophet Amya, who had figured it out later, was furious: "Luonai, you are just..." Halfway through his words, he stopped abruptly, and he quickly covered his mouth.

Su Miao turned to look at him, her purple eyes sharp: "Go on."

Amya was stunned for a long time before continuing, "Just... just... just playing me like a monkey!"

Su Miao narrowed her eyes dangerously.

Amya turned into Liu Hulan again, stressed her own dignity, and then said, "Okay, okay, I've said what I should say." I almost said what I shouldn't say, "I have to go back, As a prophet, you shouldn't leave the elf territory. Goodbye!"

After that, he ran faster than a rabbit.

Sophie wanted to shout out: scumbag, put on your enchanting skin, don't act like a second-hand!

If Sophie had doubts about Amya just now, it is basically gone now. Amya is indeed hiding something and has plans, but at present, it seems that it is biased towards them, not trying to harm them.

Moreover, Sophie also figured out one thing. Old Eugene is a dwarf, and the aura of the master craftsman often makes people forget that he is also a powerful warrior at the same time, especially the axe is very good. And Amya, apart from the ability of flying scuds and the ability to predict, is a waste that is weaker than him. Trying to get old Eugene under control and hit him hard would be overestimating him.

Obviously, Su Miao had thought of this long ago, so from the beginning, he just misled Amya and deliberately set his words. And this dummy fell for it so easily.

Thinking of Amya's last half sentence, Sophie asked Su Miao, "Did you know Amya before?"

Su Miao shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Sophie frowned: "But it feels like he knows you. Listening to the tone, he seems to be quite familiar?" After saying this, Su Miao didn't speak. It's true that this character has never appeared before... At least not in the game.

The game plot related to Emiya is the previous curse, and there is really nothing else involved.

Sophie was acting like a contemplative, when Jonah the dwarf ran over excitedly: "Grandpa is awake, elf, grandpa is awake, he wants to see you." The little guy repeated excitedly.

Sophie was a little surprised to wake up so quickly, which shows that old Eugene's physical fitness is indeed very good, and it's worthwhile for him to drink eight bowls of porridge... Well, don't mention the scandals, let them go with the wind …

Sumu and Sophie and Jonah go to the Dwarf's medical center.

Old Eugene was already half-sit up and was enjoying himself leaning on the pillow. The dwarf Evelyn carefully fed him a bowl of porridge by spoonfuls. Old Eugene was satisfied, Sophie blushed, Nima Yo, this familiar scene is hitting him in the face, and his face is all red!

Seeing the elves and the demons come in, Old Eugene hurriedly took a spoonful, and then thanked: "Elves, thanks to you for saving the old man!"

Sophie hurriedly said that this was nothing, it was the responsibility of a doctor (Mist). By the way, Sophie took a moment of silence for Amya, obviously this evildoer has also made great efforts, so no one pays attention to him...

After expressing their affection for each other, they seriously asked what happened.

Old Eugene thought for a moment and said, "There's only one person, he should be a god-level assassin with extremely high agility. I couldn't dodge and was hit by a single blow. But looking at the size, it should be a demon!"

The two races with the highest agility, one is the elves and the other is the demons, and the explosive power of the demons is the best, so the possibility of a god-level assassin being a demon is very high.

But why? Why would a demon come to attack old Eugene

Old Eugene was very calm about this: "I have a bad temper, and I have offended many people. I used to rely on being in the dwarf territory to be fearless, but now it seems that I have to move, and it is much safer to live in the main city. "

As for the problem of bad temper, when Sophie recalled the strange old man who lived alone, he suddenly felt that the old Eugene who had no pervert in front of him was too amiable...

Old Eugene said regretfully to Sophie and Su Miao: "I heard that you have collected all the materials, but unfortunately my body has not recovered, so I don't dare to activate it rashly. If it fails, I want to find it again. These materials are difficult.”

Old Eugene's scruples are quite right, especially for casting, which requires high physical strength, especially arm strength and wrist strength. Even if the physical strength is restored, the mental state is also very important, and there is a sudden change. Even though the mental head of old Eugene is very good now, he is actually frightened deep in his heart. It is too reluctant to activate the only holy artifact in such a state.

Sophie was a little regretful, but also knew that it was impossible.

He proposed to give the nine materials to Old Eugene first. Old Eugene shook his head and said, "Keep it and put it with me. If there is any accident, I will go bankrupt."

Sophie had to put away the materials again.

Sophie can't stay here and wait for old Eugene to recover now. He has already obtained the teleportation talisman, and all he wants to do is return to Valinor to rescue Wei Xian, so he proposes to leave.

The dwarfs moved to the main city of the territory, and the safety factor has been fully guaranteed, Sophie is very relieved.

However, when he thought of Jonah's evasive temperament, he was a little worried. Before leaving, he took out the beast pill of the Frostfire Beast and instructed Jonah and Evelyn: "This beast pill is close to the body. Put it away, there are two skills in it, one is the attacking skill of the fire element, and the other is the defensive skill of the ice element, if there is danger, just use this, self-protection will definitely be no problem.”

Although Jonah's personality is out of line, he is determined to become an excellent foundry like his grandfather. He has extremely keen senses for all materials, and he can see at a glance the value of this beast pill. But Sophie took it out and gave it to them, just to keep them safe.

It was just this intention that made the dwarf's heart soften. He did not accept the beast pill, but said to Sophie: "Elf, I can't ask for this, you have already helped us a lot."

Sophie is not good at these evasions. He is really worried about these dwarfs. They are warm and sincere, and they treat people with sincerity. Just the thought of old Eugene's future being dark because of this little fellow's death made his heart twitch.

But Jonah insisted on not accepting it, and he said to Sophie very seriously: "Elf, encountering beasts in the jungle has taught me a great lesson. I clearly know that I am not strong enough to protect myself, let alone protect my relatives. But," he paused, then said more firmly, "I can't accept this beast pill, with it, I will rely on the power it brings, and then continue to fall, and I will never be able to improve myself. I want to become stronger. , is that I really become stronger, strong enough to protect everyone!"

These words shocked Sophie fiercely.

Su Miao took the beast pill in Sophie's hand and said to Sophie, "I remember that you have a lot of rare cultivation secrets in your space bag, why don't you give them to Jonah."

Sophie was still in a trance, Su Miao's words made him suddenly come back to his senses, he hurriedly looked down at the space bag, turned over a large pile of books suitable for warrior cultivation, and gave them all to Jonah.

Jonah was surprised by so many books, but when he saw the titles of the books, his big eyes sparkled. This time he didn't shirk and said sincerely, "Elves, Demons, thank you!"

Saying goodbye to the dwarves, Sophie and Su Miu left the dwarf village.

Sophie was in a trance, until it was only the two of them, Sophie looked up at Su Miao and asked in a trance, "Have I been relying on you."