Reborn into A Slash Game

Chapter 76


Sophie is completely stupid, he doesn't know what happened, why would he attack Su Miao? Why can't I control my body

The feeling of being so helpless to see himself but helpless filled his heart with panic.

His own hand, the short sword he used to use, pierced into Su Miao's chest at this moment, the person he loves and trusts the most!

Do not! This is impossible!

Seeing that the clothes on Su Miao's chest were stained red with blood, and Sophie's eyes were hurt by the blood-red thorns, he couldn't control his body, but he felt very distressed, the sword seemed to be stuck in him on your own heart.

Do not! No matter what happened, he shouldn't be like this!

He wants to control his body, he wants to resist!

Such thoughts rose rapidly, Sophie began to resist this strange force, and concentrated on the snatch. He felt that he was in a strong competition with a stranger.

A frantic race for control of this body.

At this time, although Sophie didn't understand, he vaguely knew that he must be in the Dao and was controlled by someone with strong mental power.

This kind of thing is completely unfamiliar to Sophie, he has never encountered but it is not unheard of. Puppet Master, Yalansi's hidden profession. There is actually a puppet master here.

Sophie felt a chill in his heart, but he didn't dare to think about it. He knew that he had to be tough at this time, and he couldn't be weak, otherwise he wouldn't be able to fight against foreign invaders.

Sophie didn't dare to look at Su Miao, didn't dare to look at him, he was afraid to see Su Miao's expression, no matter what it was, it was enough to make him collapse instantly. He believed in Su Miao, and at the same time knew that Su Miao believed in him. But just because I believe it makes me more afraid.

How would Su Miao understand his behavior? In a calm situation, if he was just a bystander, he might be able to accurately judge that he was being controlled. But even Su Miao, Sophie is not confident. At such a time, in such a situation, can Su Miao make a calm judgment

He was afraid, afraid to see even the slightest disappointment in Su Miao's eyes... Such emotions would distract him and prevent him from continuing to snatch his body. So he didn't dare to look at Su Miao.

But in fact, with such a thought, he was in a weak position. How shrewd the enemy he was fighting against, he instantly felt Sophie's fear. Persist, the body stiffened a lot.

But the man was still able to control it, Sophie was forced to look up and look at Su Miao, the fear in his heart almost made him want to scream. But he had no choice, all his emotions were accumulated in the depths, there was no way to vent, he could only be stuck there, doubly uncomfortable.

He looked at Su Miao with fear, and looked at those beautiful purple eyes. When he finally saw Su Miao clearly, the fear in his heart subsided instantly.

Su Miao was looking at him, there was no doubt in his purple eyes, instead he was softer than usual. He saw Sophie looking at him, and gently opened his lips and said, "Don't be afraid, hold on."

At this moment, if Sophie could control his body, he would cry loudly. Su Miao knew that even in such a situation, Su Miao knew it. He knew he couldn't hurt him, he knew he was being controlled. The blood in his chest couldn't stop gushing out, but even so, Su Miao was still concerned that he was encouraging him and believing in him!

All the fears disappeared, he got the strongest support, Su Miao believed in him, he also believed in himself, he would definitely be able to do it, he would definitely be able to regain control of his body!

The strong willpower to fight back actually allowed him to gain control of his body. The most urgent task was to pull out the dagger and quickly treat Su Miao.

But the moment he pulled out the dagger, the scene in front of him made him lose his mind for a moment.

Those 'Sofi' all attacked Su Miao collectively. Su Miao had no time to dodge with such an offensive at such a distance and close siege, but... he could fight back!

As long as Su Miao raised his hand slightly, these 'Sophies' could die instantly. Then, with Su Miao's ability, he must be able to evade all attacks.

But... Su Miao didn't fight back, he didn't even move, he endured all the attacks abruptly.

At this time, Sophie suddenly realized that Su Miao may not be able to determine which is the real him at all... Yes, the dolls copied by such high-end puppet techniques are completely imitating him, not only It's just a simple appearance, because of the spiritual invasion, the demeanor and behavior of those dolls are completely similar to him.

It was impossible to tell, like a reflection in a mirror... No one could tell except himself.

But he couldn't speak, couldn't tell Su Miao.

And because of Su Miao's behavior, Sophie was very distressed, and the momentary absence gave the puppet master the upper hand, and the original initiative was lost. He couldn't go and treat Su Miao...

Sophie tried her best to regain the initiative again, but the damn puppet master had already figured out his pulse. And Sophie himself has long been mixed in the puppet, and the attack is also paused, but his eyes are nailed there from beginning to end, and he can't dodge if he can't control it.

He could only watch helplessly, watching Su Miao's scars, watching him bear it even though he could easily fight back, and watching this powerful and proud man fall so embarrassed just because of him.

How could he still be able to concentrate while watching him like this

Do not! no!

Sophie kept telling herself, why did Su Miao do this? It was because of his incompetence that he was so incompetent that he was controlled and used to threaten him! Under such circumstances, he is still weak!

If this goes on, Su Miao will only endure more, how can he do this! All the reasons are excuses, so he is a complete scum compared to Su Miao. How could he be worthy of Su Miao? !

Do not! He has to be strong, he has to concentrate, as long as he takes control of his body, as long as he defeats this damn puppet master, he can save Su Miao.

This is his own war, and only he can do it.

He can no longer rely on Su Miao, if he wants to save Su Miao, he will definitely be able to do it!

Such thoughts played in a loop in his mind, Sophie finally regained his strength, and began to fight against the puppet master extremely powerfully.

Thrall in this state is actually miserable. He has never been in such a difficult situation since he was born.

Xia is his mediator, the best doll in the entire Yalansi, a doll that belongs to him alone. It is because of Xia's existence that he can invade other people's thinking and then completely imitate a person.

But he never tried to invade two people at once.

Hel is an emerald green dragon who has lived for thousands of years. If it weren't for his trust in Thrall and the fact that he was seriously injured and trapped in the endless abyss, he would not have been able to control Hel so easily.

But even if it was controlled, Hull himself has been resisting, but Thrall is confident. As long as Xia exists, it will not be a problem to slowly swallow Hull a little bit. Although it takes some time, it can be done.

In the end, it turned out that he did succeed. He invaded Hull's mind, and he knew how to awaken Luo Nai.

This joy made him a little smug, and then his behavior was a little out of nature and careless.

He never looked down on Sophie, this weak elf, if it wasn't for Luo Nai, he might not even have the ability to survive. This elf is just coveting Lonai's power, hoping for his protection. Such a fragile creature, its spiritual power must also be very weak.

Therefore, he has no doubts about operating Sophie at all, so even if he controls two people at the same time, he is very sure.

It was exactly as he thought at the beginning, this stupid elf was easily invaded by him, and he successfully betrayed Su Miao.

What could be more cruel than such a fatal blow

Thrall was very proud, he could almost imagine Su Miao's desperate look and then awakened to become that ruthless and powerful dragon god without any emotion.

But... the result was beyond his expectations, Su Miao did not wake up, and his expression did not change from beginning to end... What went wrong

Isn't Su Miao really in love with this elf

No, it's impossible, Thrall believes in Hull incomparably, Hull definitely knows Su Miao very well, and what he said is absolutely true.

What is the reason for that

Could it be that... Su Miao actually saw through his plan? Did you know that Sophie was being controlled? how is this possible? Under such circumstances, how could he have no doubts at all? How could he trust a vile elf so much

The anger in Thrall's heart was burning.

And at this time, he actually felt the desperate counterattack of this damn elf, this cowardly and despicable thing actually wants to fight for the control of the body!

He would not let him succeed. He immediately instructed Xia to spread the mental power that suppressed Hull to Sophie. He wanted to completely conquer this damn elf, even if he completely destroyed his brain and made him an idiot!

Sophie suddenly felt an even greater pressure, even a heavy tearing force and a severe headache.

But this time he didn't retreat, he kept looking at Su Miao. Originally, such a scene would make him afraid, make him panic and distract him, but now he looked at the patient Su Miao and looked at the bruised Su Miao but all All turned into motivation to motivate him to fight.

Only he can save Su Miao, and only when he is strong can he be worthy of Su Miao's feelings for him!

With such a belief, Sophie's spiritual power is unbelievably powerful.

Thrall could only constantly adjust and suppress Hull's mental power to compete with Sophie. He made a ruthless attempt to completely destroy Sophie, but heard Xia Bing's cold voice: "Master, because of the transfer of mental power, it is no longer possible to do so. Suppress Hull."

Thrall was slightly startled, and finally said with gritted teeth: "Give up the suppression of Hel, I will completely destroy this elf."

"Yes Master."