Reborn Lady: Unparalleled Daughter of Concubine

Chapter 10: It's not that enemies don't get together


Du Suxi opened the door gently. He didn't look at Murong Fu's inquiring expression. Instead, he raised his head, looked at the blue sky, and turned to look at the Jingwei who were walking out behind him. Smile gently.

"The sun is so nice today. Jingwei, you are too thin. You should get more sun."

"Yes." A blush flashed across Jingwei's pale face, but he managed to squeeze out a smile and nodded.

Murong Fu stared at the two of them with wide eyes, his mouth opened wide, and a look of astonishment on his face. He looked at Du Suxi, then at Jingwei, and said in surprise.

"How did you do it? To make Wei Qing change so much?"

It was obvious that he could only take advantage of his identity as a savior after all his efforts. It was good for this woman. It didn't take long for Wei Qing, who had a heart as strong as stone, to turn into a magical creature with just a few words. Changed

"Mr. Murong, Wei Qing has died with the Wei family. I am Jingwei." Jingwei showed a sweet smile, not showing the slightest hint of sadness that he felt when they first met.

Murong Fu's eyes lit up and he looked at Jingwei in surprise. "So, you agreed?"

"Yes." Jingwei nodded lightly.

Du Suxi lowered her gaze from the blue sky, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart. The sky in ancient times was so good. It was not like the 21st century, full of haze, just like a "fairyland on earth" filled with smoke, but No one can see anyone clearly.

She sighed in her heart and forced herself to accept the reality that she had traveled through time. She raised her head and looked at Murong Fu.

"Mr. Murong, I would like to take Jingwei to live with me temporarily. I will teach her personally."

"You have the final say on this. For other things, just tell me what you want to do." Murong Fu shrugged helplessly.

After looking up at the sky, Du Suxi hurriedly looked at the old house. I am quite satisfied with everything I look at. I feel that not only the scenery here is beautiful, but the location is also prosperous. As long as we cooperate with good publicity, I am afraid that tourists will come like clouds.

After leaving all the decoration and rectification of the brothel to Murong Fu, Du Suxi took out a bunch of various publicity plans that she had made, discussed them with Murong Fu while revising them, and finally finalized two sets of designs. What happened next? Du Suxi just walked away from the shopkeeper and left everything to Murong Fu.

The sky gradually brightened and the day turned to dusk. When I was busy, I didn't realize that Du Suxi had finished her work. Then she realized that she was already hungry. Without even thinking about it, Du Suxi was preparing to blackmail Murong Fuyi. Dun, after all, he is a rich second generation, if not blackmailing him, who would he be blackmailing? This is called robbing the rich and giving to the poor! Du Suxi thought comfortingly, her heart suddenly became enlightened, and the remaining embarrassment disappeared.

Arriving at Hongfu Inn, Murong Fu asked for the best room. Du Suxi frowned secretly, but unexpectedly the waiter pulled a sad face and looked at Murong Fu's attentive smile.

"My guest, please listen to me. It's an unlucky day that all the private rooms are full. Do you think..."

The waiter winked. Du Suxi finally understood what the waiter meant and nodded. He casually found a big table and sat down, greeting Murong Fu with a dark face.

"Come here, come here. It would be nice to have a place to cook. Where can I eat? I'm too lazy to go upstairs."

Jingwei smiled slightly and sat down with Du Suxi. Both pairs of eyes looked at Murong Fu.

This woman! Really! Murong Fu glared at the waiter and looked at Du Suxi's delicate little face. No matter how angry he was in his heart, it suddenly disappeared. Mo Mo sighed deep in his heart, and Murong Fu walked over angrily with his head lowered. His face was as ugly as a storm approaching and dark clouds covering the sun.

Du Suxi laughed again when she saw Murong Fu's appearance. She raised her face and looked at Murong Fu.


"Aren't you quite rich? Why don't we continue to open a restaurant when we are free?"

Murong Fu raised his head, glanced at Du Suxi, who was smiling brightly, and pursed his lips in contempt.

He looks like a rich man again.

"You can do it if you want. At least I won't have to look at other people's faces when I eat." After Murong Fu said this, he snorted coldly from his nose. It seemed that he really held a grudge.

This Murong Fu can't tell that he still has such a childlike mind! Du Suxi shook her head. She was about to say something teasing when her eyes fell on a piece of black clothes at the door. Suddenly, there was no smile on her face anymore. She happened to pick up a piece of braised pork. She was so stunned. Inadvertently, the braised pork rolled down from under the chopsticks and fell on the table.

It's him? Helian Kuang! How come he is here

Du Suxi's pupils shrank and she couldn't help but watch him go up to the second floor. As if feeling something, Helian Kuang suddenly stopped and looked in her direction...

She hurriedly lowered her head, and then realized that Murong Fu was looking at her with a puzzled look.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" She swallowed guiltily and pretended to be nonchalant.

Murong Fu shook his head.

"Master Du? Just now you have been staring at that man. Could it be that he is an old friend of the master? If so, how about Murong and Master Du go together to rekindle their old friendship?"

Du Suxi's heart skipped a beat, and she casually picked up a piece of meat. She threw it into her mouth without looking at Yan's fatness and redness, and deliberately chewed it carelessly, mumbling.

"I don't know him. I just think he looks familiar. Maybe I saw him when I was shopping for groceries one day."

How dare she hang out in front of Helian Kuang? That is simply courting death!

How come this cunning little woman can't even tell a lie now? How could the Seventh Prince He Liankuang, who was clearly the Heavenly Saint, be someone who could be seen in the vegetable market? This woman is talking nonsense! What nonsense! It's just that they must know each other, but judging from this woman's intentions, I'm afraid she still has some grudges with Helian Kuang...

Murong Fu was thinking in his heart, but he didn't intend to expose Du Suxi's lies. He just smiled with his eyebrows crooked, like a big-tailed wolf with its tail between its legs showing kindness to others.

"In that case, I would like to know who he is and why he can go upstairs but I can't?"

"Perhaps they thought they had too much money and no place to spend it, so I took it." Du Suxi raised her eyes. She never expected that Murong Fu would be so focused on this topic. She was anxious and afraid that Murong Fu would be there. He was entangled in this issue endlessly and quietly changed the topic.

"Why don't you come up with the chicken that was chopped for nothing?"

"Isn't the white-cut chicken right in front of you?" Murong Fu pursed his lips and looked at Du Suxi with a half-smile.

"Yes, really? I really didn't see it." Du Suxi smiled awkwardly. Just as she was about to pick up a piece of chicken, she was about to put it into her mouth. When she saw a tall figure walking towards her, she was stunned. Living.

"Why are you here?" He looked at Du Suxi with an inquiring, suspicious, and slightly wary look.

"I..." Du Suxi trembled subconsciously, and her hands under the table suddenly tightened, couldn't they? Did he recognize himself? No, definitely not, right

She clearly dressed herself up as a real man. She disliked her willow eyebrows for being too weak, so she deliberately painted a few strokes to turn them into sharp eyebrows that looked like a man's upright man. She also deliberately traced the entire fair and delicate little face with toner, although there were still some differences in body shape. She is weak, but she is completely different from her previous image of a charming girl. If He Liankuang can still recognize her, he must be a ghost!

Worrying about myself

Should he turn around and run away, or should he stay still? Murong Fu stood up and looked at Helian, raising his eyebrows crazily.

"Why can't I come?"

The corner of Helian Kuang's mouth twitched, and his peripheral vision faintly scanned the noise around him, and a faint sarcasm appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Murong would be reduced to sharing a table with others in Tiansheng?"

Murong Fu's face suddenly turned green. He glared at He Liankuang and then at Du Suxi. He quietly and carefully grinded his teeth to calm down the anger in his heart.

"Maybe I like it, it's none of your business."

"I just feel that it is inappropriate for the young master. I didn't expect that the young master is so informal, but I am so troublesome." Helian Kuangqing smiled lightly, his eyes passed over Du Suxi, paused, fell on Wei Qing, and said with a smile .

"This girl is Young Master Murong's new love? She is indeed a stunning beauty, but this is a heavenly sage. Young Master Murong should act more safely."

It seemed that Helian Kuang did not recognize himself. Du Suxi breathed a long sigh of relief. Somehow, she felt like she was surviving a disaster. It was much clearer after being brought to the spiritual platform, and only then did he realize the meaning of Helian's wild words.

Du Suxi understood the meaning of these words. This was a declaration to Murong Fu that this was Heavenly Saint, not a place where you could do whatever you wanted.

This Helian Kuang is really capable, even saying despicable things so calmly.

Du Suxi secretly raised her head and glanced at Helian Kuang, her teeth itching with hatred.

The first second she appeared in this world, what she saw was not the blue sky and white clouds, nor was she a beautiful woman in bed. Before she even opened her eyes, she drank a lot of water. She felt sour and uncomfortable in her stomach. She wanted to vomit, but a lot of water was poured into her.

She struggled desperately and threw herself on the shore of the lake in embarrassment. Before she could vomit the lake water in her stomach, she fainted. Fortunately, she had a good and loyal maid. Qingzhuang begged her grandfather to sue her grandmother, and then she was dragged to the imperial doctor of the mansion to rescue her. She finally saved her life.

She has never been so embarrassed as a killer.

This account must be settled with Helian Kuang no matter what. Du Suxi thought to herself.

It's just that he is still young and cannot fight against Helian Kuang, who is already an old fox at such a young age. He could only lower his eyebrows, clenched his fists, and secretly said that it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge, and his face returned to a calm look.

Murong Fu naturally understood the meaning of He Lian Kuang's words. He held the porcelain white celadon in his hand tightly, raised his head and looked at He Lian Kuang, his momentum was not lost.

"When a tiger falls in Pingyang and is bullied by a dog, Helian Kuang, don't be too proud."

"Really? The book says..." He Liankuang dragged out the sentence for an extremely long time, let it slip, glanced at Murong Fu sideways, and then continued.

"Those who achieve great things don't stick to trivial matters. Why should the young master be so angry?"

After saying that, he raised the corners of his mouth into a sneer, turned around and left.

That look, that posture, was just like when he came, he was really arrogant.

Seeing the man in black clothes finally disappear at the corner of the stairs, Murong Fu still looked angry, frowned, and thought secretly in his heart, there must be some kind of grudge between Murong Fu and Helian Kuang, right? I really don’t know what kind of story can make two people so at odds with each other, and make them lose their harmony even when they meet.

But this is good, they have a common enemy, at least they don't have to worry about Murong Fu stopping him when he takes revenge. Looking at the situation today, if Murong Fu doesn't help spread the salt when he arrives, then I'm afraid It's not Murong Fu anymore.

Thinking of this, Du Suxi couldn't help but quietly raise the corners of her mouth.

(End of chapter)