Reborn Lady: Unparalleled Daughter of Concubine

Chapter 132: When you meet an opponent in chess, you will meet a good talent (3)


"Hey, can you put away your cross-eyed eyes and turn your head away from me now?"

Seeing the arrogant and dignified looks on her all the way, Du Suxi finally couldn't help it and said. Taohua was not affected by it at all and continued to look at Du Suxi and snorted coldly.

"Hmph, you are the one who is cross-eyed. Your whole family is cross-eyed! Do you think I am willing to look at you? Old witch, I will destroy you on behalf of the moon!"

"..." Du Suxi almost bit her tongue. This peach blossom really shined with some scenery. She shouldn't have told her the story of Moonlight Pretty Girl in the first place. We should talk about Pleasant Goat and lower her IQ!

After complaining a few words in her heart, Du Suxi suddenly felt a lot of resentment in her heart, and then she took a long breath and spoke calmly.

"Do you know, what is the identity of that little girl? She is the royal princess. If you let her come to Moshang Xiangfang, do you know how much trouble it will cause? All of this is not something you and I can afford. If Mingyue were to be here today, If you really brought me into Mo Shang Xiangfang and spread the word, then we, Mo Shang Xiangfang, are finished. Do you understand?"

Taohua blinked, with a look of understanding on her face. Du Suxi looked at Taohua's confused look, took a deep breath, and continued to speak.

"So, as for Mingyue, you'd better not mess with her. She is a princess of the royal family and is destined to be different from us."

Tao didn't argue, with a thoughtful look on her face, as if she was considering what Du Suxi said.

Seeing Tao Hua's appearance, Du Suxi could only sigh, close her eyes, and stop talking.

Zhong Lingxi, who was sitting in the carriage, saw such a strange situation and closed his eyes very wisely without speaking. The atmosphere became very quiet, and the silence was full of depression.

The carriage was standing outside the back door of Moshang Xiangfang, and Du Suxi and a group of people were about to get out. Then he suddenly remembered something, glanced at Taohua and the others, and suddenly showed a smile.

"Whether you believe it or not, my real name is Dusha."

After she said that, she jumped out of the car without looking at their expressions. The happy smile on the corner of her mouth could not be hidden at all. She may not have known that since she was reborn, she seemed to have very few Showing such a smile. On weekdays, most people are fighting and scheming for their own survival, but it is rarely like this today.

But, as the saying goes, good times don’t last long and good flowers don’t always exist. When she accidentally saw a dark golden carriage approaching her from the corner of her eye, Du Suxi stopped smiling, and suddenly a bad premonition flashed through her heart. Somehow, she always felt that something would happen. yes.

Sure enough, the woman's sixth sense was extremely correct. With a loud laugh, the blue car curtain was suddenly opened, revealing a little girl with two round hairdos and a pink dress and pink skirt. When the girl came, she looked at Taohua who was getting out of the car. Her eyes were like a mouse seeing a cat. She shouted and immediately attracted Taohua's attention. Taohua's originally somewhat depressed expression changed when she saw the bright moon. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and his eyes showed joy. Without thinking, he walked towards the bright moon with his two short legs.

The two little dolls immediately hugged each other tightly, looking like good sisters who had been separated for many years and finally reunited.

Du Suxi couldn't help but twitch her eyelids when she saw this scene.

He started twitching and looked at He Lianheng bitterly. Without thinking, he directly blamed him.

"Why did you come so fast? Can't you even handle a child of several years old?"

"..." He Lianheng was somewhat embarrassed by what Du Suxi said. He looked up at Du Suxi helplessly, his face turned slightly red, and he said helplessly. "Didn't you also fail to get the peach blossom? We are even."

Du Suxi took a deep breath and was about to fight back. Seeing the two little girls hugging each other happily, she finally calmed down and smiled awkwardly. "You... okay, even."

"Great, I thought you would never come again! Just now this old witch said that you are different from us. I was still thinking about taking you to Pisces Valley to let my grandpa see what's wrong with you. , how are you different from me? Now it seems that nothing is wrong with you."

Taohua took Mingyue's pulse very seriously and spoke with a confused look on her face. He looked at Du Suxi subconsciously. Narrowing his eyes slightly, he obviously realized that what Du Suxi just said was lying to him.

Du Suxi's rare face turned red, she looked at Taohua looking at her, and said, holding her forehead. "I have a hunch that my Moshang Incense Shop may be destroyed. When the time comes, can Your Highness give me some compensation?"

He Lianheng pondered for a while, looked at the glint in Du Suxi's eyes, and answered affirmatively.

"Well, I don't have any money."

Du Suxi gritted her teeth again, "I can accept other things!"

He Lianheng raised his eyebrows, looked like he was thinking, nodded and said. "Well, then you can be the third prince's concubine, and I'll make sure no one dares to bully you."

"…go to hell."

After entering Moshang Xiangfang in a lively manner, Du Suxi immediately closed the door and left the backyard space to the two little guys. She didn't care about He Lianheng and went to bed happily. She didn't sleep well yesterday. Just now in the Du Mansion, there was another round of intrigues, and I was really tired. Now I wish I could just stay in bed forever.

As a result, He Lianheng was very embarrassed and wanted to leave, but how could Mingyue be willing? Aren't you leaving? If Mingyue stays here, if Mingyue acts up, exposes her identity, and spreads the word, she will definitely make Long Yan furious. In desperation, he almost transformed into Mr. Mighty's version of a full-time nanny, helplessly following Mingyue all the way, supervising her every word and deed, for fear of causing anything.

Even he usually didn't notice that Mingyue, who was originally obedient and obedient, actually had such a naughty side. Seeing the two little girls getting together and playing in the mud very happily, He Lianheng felt a little touched in his heart, and he even couldn't help it. The resident was thinking about what his daughter would be like in the future. The more he thought about it, the warmer his heart felt. Unknowingly, a silly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The moon is missing and full, and the wind and moon are boundless. At the end of what was supposed to be a lively banquet in the Du family, there was instead a sense of desolation. Although there were still many people cautiously keeping company, so many things happened today

But as the sun and moon dimmed and the night gradually turned dark, the Du family's birthday banquet had already ended hastily. The Du family's servants also knew what had happened, and each of them was very smart and did not ask any more questions. After doing their own thing, they hurried back to the room to discuss the gossip in their hearts, but the subject of the gossip still revolved around Du Suxi.

Some people think that this world

It's really amazing that there are people so similar to each other. Some people think that these two people are basically the same person, coming to take revenge on the Du family. Some people say that it was God's will that made this scene happen, while others say that Du Yunxi has done so many evil things that even God can't stand it, so he sent someone to deal with her, but unfortunately Du Qifeng was also hurt.

There were divergent opinions, and there was no conclusion to be drawn from the discussion. Instead, the arguments became more and more outrageous. Astonish people with their wonderful imagination.

However, this situation is silently circulating among more than half of the dignitaries in the capital.

No sleep tonight.

Du Yunxi smashed everything he could see and touch without hesitation. A room that was originally very exquisite turned into a mess in an instant. Coupled with Du Yunxi's ferocious face, it seemed that the house that was originally the residence of the boudoir lady had turned into a hell like Shura.

If you look closely at this time, you can see that on Du Yunxi's face, neck, hands, wherever there is breast skin, you can see small, but densely packed red spots all over. On the hand, it looks like chicken skin and looks very hideous and terrifying.

Ye stood far away and tried to step forward several times, but Du Yunxi roared and stopped her from approaching. She didn't want anyone to see her in such a miserable state.

At this time, Du Yunxi's hair was disheveled. How could she look like a lady? Completely like a street shrew. From time to time, he would use his carefully cared for nails to scratch the little red dots on his hands, which would make his porcelain-white skin turn red, which looked shocking.

"Medicine, why isn't the medicine ready yet?" Mrs. Ye felt very distressed when she saw this, and kept urging the maid who was accompanying him with a look of panic on her face.

Hong Luan lowered his head and answered respectfully. "Go back to Madam, Qingshuang has already gone to pick it up. I believe it will be delivered to you soon."

"Damn it, it must be the fault of that bitch Du Suxi. She is indeed the daughter of that bitch. This despicable temperament has definitely imitated her! Where is the master? Call him over here. , just say I have something to say!”

Hong Luan hesitated for a moment, then looked at Ye's furious appearance and hurriedly answered.

"Reply to Madam, Master, Master, he is at Mrs. Yunge's place now, I'm afraid, it may be a little inconvenient." Just as Hongluan finished speaking hesitantly, Mrs. Ye frowned, venting her anger, and raised her foot to the ground. When Hong Luan saw Hong Luan fall to the ground, not only did he not have any sympathy, but his brows furrowed even more, showing a sharp and mean look, he looked at Hong Luan and cursed directly.

"Go tell the master, if he doesn't come, then we, mother and daughter, will die in front of him!"

"Yes, yes. I will go now." Hong Luan nodded immediately and left with lowered eyebrows, but secretly made up his mind in his heart. He must find an opportunity to find the second young lady and take her in!

Du Yunxi still shouted with a crazy expression. Tears gradually appeared in the eyes looking at Ye.

"Mother, mother, please kill me. This, this feeling is worse than death. Mother, please kill me!" Her scream was so sad that it made Ye feel even more sad. Her hatred for Du Suxi has reached an extreme level. If Du Suxi were standing here right now, she would definitely go up and fight to the death with Du Suxi regardless.

(End of chapter)