Reborn Lady: Unparalleled Daughter of Concubine

Chapter 136: Miserable, miserable, miserable Sen Mujun


After a long time, He Lianheng let go of Du Suxi. Unknowingly, the blush on that handsome face became even thicker. It was obvious that he was too excited and lacked oxygen.

Du Suxi, on the other hand, just lay lazily in He Lianheng's arms, with his head lowered and his expression unclear. But thinking about it, I'm afraid the sky is full of red clouds on my face.

Thinking of Du Suxi's compliance just now, He Lianheng felt happy. He thought that Du Suxi might be planning to accept him at this moment. Holding Du Suxi's waist tightly, He Lianheng suddenly made a decision in his heart. , looked at Du Suxi in his arms, sighed, and spoke solemnly.

"Du Suxi, please marry me. I will work hard to make you my true concubine."

He clearly felt the body in his arms stiffen. The figure sleeping on his chest slowly raised his head and looked at him with an incredible look. His eyes were cold, and even on his cheeks, there were traces of blood. There was no blush as he suspected.

He Lianheng was stared at calmly by those eyes, and suddenly he had a bad feeling in his heart, which made him couldn't help but feel his heart pounding.

Sure enough, Du Suxi's face was cold and hard, but she raised her head and looked at He Lianheng calmly, and said. "He Lianheng, I think you should go back. It's not a good thing to be too close to Mo Shang Xiangfang."

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head expressionlessly, found her waist, calmly pushed He Lianheng away and held her hand. Just as she was about to leave, her hand felt warm, and He Lianheng held it directly. her hands. His eyes turned in confusion, looking at the peerless beauty in front of him, and he cautiously opened his mouth to test.

"Du Suxi, trust me, I will keep you safe."

His eyes fell on Du Suxi's slightly red and swollen lips. The magnificent color made her want to lower her head again and kiss them. But just when he was about to subconsciously lean down and kiss her, Du Suxi frowned and calmly stretched out her hand to cover her lips, silently protesting He Lianheng's attack.

He Lianheng's movements paused slightly, and then a mysterious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He ignored Du Suxi's defense, nodded slightly, took Du Suxi's slender fingertips in his mouth, and used his teeth to exert slight force. , biting it carefully. Du Suxi wrinkled slightly and felt her hands were numb. When she lowered her head, she met He Lianheng's smiling eyes, winking gently at her. It was obvious that he was doing this to please her.

Du Suxi was slightly startled, and a trace of guilt flashed in her heart.

All this time, it seemed that He Lianheng was helping her quietly. Even when she stabbed him defensively, he never resented her in the slightest, but kept saving her.

That time the jade seal in the palace study was stolen.

This time, he was dying of poisonous poison.

The man who stole the thousand-year-old ginseng will protect her pregnancy this time.

She was criticized by thousands of people in the Du family, but he stood behind her unwaveringly and became her supporter.

All along, he has been silently telling her through his actions that she is never alone.

There has never been such a person before, and in this life, she has never been looked at like such a treasure.

The so-called friendship between her and him was just an unexpected start of drinking and talking.

It was simply impossible for her to reject such a person, so she still let He Lianheng do whatever he wanted twice without doing anything to stop him.


The guilt in his heart became thicker and thicker, and the light in He Lianheng's eyes became dimmer and dimmer, with a hint of despair.

Du Suxi shook her head, and then smiled firmly. He took the initiative to reach out and hooked He Lianheng's neck.

Her body was only sixteen years old. Although she was a little underdeveloped, she was already almost 1.7 meters tall. Standing in front of He Lianheng, she had to stand on tiptoes slightly and use both hands to push forward. He Lianheng pulled down and placed a gentle kiss on He Lianheng's forehead.

"He Lianheng, do you know what I want?"

He stared at He Lianheng with round eyes. There was no expectation or sadness in his eyes, but only endless silence and calmness as far as the eye could see. He Lianheng's Adam's apple rolled and he asked subconsciously. "What?"

Du Suxi raised her eyebrows and tried to speak in a more relaxed tone, but unknowingly, her voice was slightly hoarse as soon as she spoke.

"I know I won't live long, but please don't try to accommodate me for this reason. You once promised me that if you are the king, I will be the queen. I don't know if this sentence still counts. Doesn’t it count?”

"Of course it counts. My queen, there will never be anyone except you." He Lianheng replied firmly immediately.

"Really? That's good." Du Suxi chuckled, and suddenly looked at He Lianheng with a look of contempt.

"Then do you understand now what you are doing? You are destroying the Great Wall. You are paving the way for Helian Kuang. You are destroying Helian Kuang or others step by step. Use your corpse to become their stepping stone and send them to the throne of God."

"I..." He Lianheng wanted to argue, but his voice was stuck in his throat and he couldn't say anything. I can only helplessly confirm that what Du Suxi said is indeed correct at all.

He is indeed destroying the Great Wall.

Du Suxi looked at the hesitation on He Lianheng's face, her eyes became clearer, and she emphasized every word.

"From now on, I hope you will fight for the throne well and with all your heart, not only for yourself, but also for me. I will not marry a defeated general. The husband I want to marry must be If only he were a great hero."

There was no hint of hoarseness or threat in her voice. She was so calm and calm, but He Lianheng's eyes gradually became firmer.

"Okay, I promise you."

Back at Moshang Xiangfang, Mingyue refused to leave. He Lianheng and Du Suxi coaxed them for a long time before finally comforting them. The two little guys also made a decent agreement with the palace, and then reluctantly said goodbye. After a lot of trouble, the sun was approaching evening without even noticing.

There is no need for Du Suxi to arrange the affairs of Moshang Xiangfang. The people she trained will naturally arrange the arrangements. There is no need to worry about the business. It’s just that Taohua has been throwing cups and bowls because Mingyue left. Du Suxi directly chose to ignore all of this, but she didn't expect that Taohua became even more angry when she saw her such a calm look, and immediately puffed up angrily. With a small face, he ran to Du Suxi and asked in a hateful voice.

"Hey, why don't you speak?"

Du Suxi glanced at her sideways, and then continued to fight with the big lobster sent by He Lianheng on the table, not paying attention to the peach blossom at all.

Open your mouth? Just a joke? He didn't say anything when he saw Taohua lose his temper, but he still licked his face and hit the muzzle of the gun? She doesn't have such a weird hobby. Continuing to ignore Taohua, Du Suxi continued to fight the lobster.

Taohua looked at Du Suxi's leisurely look, grinned even more angrily, and threatened Du Suxi.

"You, you, you, if you dare to eat again, I will put laxatives in the bowl for you. Even if you drink my blood, it will be useless!"

Du Suxi finally stopped and looked at Taohua helplessly.

"First, she is a princess, are you?"

"Second, they are in the palace, are you there?"

"Third, what else would you do besides using poison? Act cute? Sorry, it doesn't work for me!"

After leaving three words coldly, Du Suxi had no intention of eating. She wiped the corners of her mouth and walked towards the door of her room, but she was somewhat speculating in her heart. If Taohua really gave herself laxatives, what should she do? manage? Fight with her? …

She was thinking in her mind, and she didn't notice at all that a look of determination flashed across Taohua's miserable little face at this moment.

"Stop!" The little short legs seemed to explode at this time, and they ran towards Du Suxi very quickly. With their hands stretched out, they directly blocked Du Suxi's path. threatened.

"If you don't agree to take me to the palace to play, I will call that little Mongolian prince over and ask him to deal with you! When the time comes, I will come to your Moshang Xiangfang to ransack your house! I will confiscate all your property."

Taohua said proudly, not noticing Du Suxi's gloomy expression.

Sure enough, those who are close to vermillion are red and those who are close to ink are black! This peach blossom just played with Mingyue for a day and slept for a night, and she actually learned all the styles of that princess! Frowning, Taohua didn't know that her arrogant attitude had angered Du Suxi.

Taking a deep breath, Du Suxi directly grabbed the corner of Taohua's clothes, and very skillfully threw Taohua towards the small dark room that she had specially arranged. Regardless of Taohua's stubborn resistance, she locked the door directly and ignored Taohua inside. The constant yelling went away.

There's so much going on these days. She must sort it out and make a reasonable plan for these variables.

It’s just that my body…

Sighing, Du Suxi raised her head, looked at the bright moon, and tried to comfort herself.

"It should be fine. Maybe if I die here, I will be reborn in another world? According to Leonardo da Vinci's theory, there are many parallel but non-overlapping spaces in this world...

But Du Suxi understood that such comfort would not help her at all. Once she was reborn, her life was already in danger. Did she want to do it a second time? She doesn't know any magic, so why is she so whimsical

However, I don’t know when Murong Fu will come back.

Maybe, maybe, you won’t come back

fair enough.

Subconsciously touching her belly, a trace of sadness flashed in Du Suxi's eyes. Now that the child is gone, her fate with Murong Fu can be regarded as over.

(End of chapter)