Reborn Lady: Unparalleled Daughter of Concubine

Chapter 154: Buzhou Mountain


The next morning, Du Suxi woke up early. Seeing He Lian Kuang still sleeping, she didn't think much about it. She thought about the expressionless look on He Lian Kuang's face when he ate snake meat yesterday. The soldiers were afraid that they wouldn't be able to find them for four or five days, so they simply went to the lake to see if there were any fish and made Helian Kuang a fish soup for breakfast.

After searching in the cave for a long time, Du Suxi finally found a bamboo pole. She took off her socks by the lake, rolled up her trouser legs, and started fishing in the river.

I don't know why, whether it's because her body is cold or because the lake is too cold to the bone, Du Suxi always feels that the lake is unusually cold, but the longer she stays in the lake, the better she becomes. When she got up, she would have felt a chest tightness when she was weak, but after working so hard yesterday, she did not feel any weakness at all. On the contrary, there was a faint feeling of replenishing energy after drinking the ginseng soup.

This feeling made Du Suxi very happy and felt that the lake water was a treasure. I couldn't help but think of the story in Jin Yong's novel The Legend of the Condor Heroes, where the little dragon girl jumped off the cliff and made an agreement with Yang Guo for sixteen years. I remember that the little dragon girl was poisoned by a strange poison and raised many bees. , with the help of the ice of the lake to remove the severe cold, he was able to remove his toxins. The water in this lake is also very cold, and it might also have such therapeutic effects.

Since her soul traveled through time, Du Suxi began to believe in some unexplainable things, and she even believed in her heart that this lake must be a treasure! Maybe he can really help her, but it's a pity that he is a desperado now and has no time to study the mysteries here. After he escapes, it's not too late to come back here.

In a happy mood, Du Suxi no longer felt how cold the lake was. On the contrary, she felt refreshed. After a while, she caught three fish, which was probably enough for the two of them. Du Suxi stopped fighting. After neatly disemboweling and cleaning the fish with a dagger, Du Suxi quickly made a fire and cooked the fish soup. When the fish soup bubbled gurglingly and exuded the aroma, Du Suxi Su Xi then crushed some wild fruits she had collected that could be used for seasoning, and added some fresh wild vegetables, washed them and put them in. When they came out of the pot, they were colorful and very beautiful.

The sun gradually rose. Du Suxi didn't know how to look at the ancient time. She looked at the height of the sun's rise and estimated that it was probably nine o'clock. She looked at Helian Kuang who hadn't gotten up yet. He simply walked over and shouted.

Du Suxi yelled a few words, but Helian Kuang didn't seem to hear him. He closed his eyes and looked like he was dead asleep. Subconsciously, Du Suxi felt something was wrong. Looking at He Lian Kuang who had his eyes closed tightly and never spoke, he shouted a few more times tentatively, squatted down and shook He Lian Kuang's body, but He Lian Kuang still didn't react at all.

not good! Something must have happened!

Du Suxi's heart thumped, and she put the back of her hand on He Liankuang's forehead. She felt as if she had come into contact with an extraordinarily warm stove, which was very hot.

He has a fever? ! I think I slept on the floor last night, so...

Du Suxi thought in her mind and considered all the causes and consequences, and felt a bit of deep guilt in her heart. I was negligent and forgot that Helian Kuang was seriously injured and was already weak. Just as he was thinking about this, He Lian Kuang suddenly opened his eyes.

The eyes that were usually full of energy were now filled with confusion and discomfort. As soon as he made a sound, his voice was as hoarse as a broken gong and drum, not at all as deep and sweet as usual.

"Where am I? Why is this happening? I feel so uncomfortable all over?"

Du Suxi stared at him quietly, and the gentleness in her tone made her feel a little surprised. "You are sick, maybe you caught a cold last night. You go to the hospital to have a rest first, and I will bring you a bowl of fish soup."

He Liankuang lowered his head speciously, took the bowl and chopsticks from Du Suxi's hand, drank the boiling fish soup, and felt much better.

After drinking several bowls of fish soup, He Lian Kuang's pale complexion gradually turned rosy. He was a young man after all, and he recovered faster than others. Du Suxi looked at He Lian Kuang and took a deep breath. He spoke comfortingly.

"You should sleep for a while first. I happen to feel a little uncomfortable too. We will leave here tomorrow."

Helian raised his head madly, as if

He saw through Du Suxi's lies and emphasized. "Actually, I'm fine. It's just a little cold. I won't be able to walk. If you feel uncomfortable, I can carry you."

Du Suxi thought to herself, "If you carry me like this, what will you do if you faint on the way?" With such slander in her heart, Du Suxi didn't dare to say it out loud. She looked at Helian Kuang, forced out a smile and said comfortingly.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. It's just that the terrain here is steep and it won't be easy for them to find us. We can rest for a day and leave here after we regain our energy."

He Liankuang still looked at Du Suxi, thought for a while, and nodded decisively. "Okay, in that case, let's take a day off. If you have anything to do, just leave it to me." After Helian Kuang said, he stood up and got dressed. A look on my face that said I was fine.

Seeing Helian Kuang who was so domineering even when he was sick, Du Suxi felt a little dumbfounded. Sighing, knowing that according to Helian Kuang's character, he would not be obedient, he went to have a good rest. With a sigh, Du Suxi's eyes inadvertently fell on the python captured yesterday. After thinking about it, Du Suxi He simply took out the dagger he carried and handed it to Helian and said nonsense.

"Otherwise, you can use a dagger to cut this snake into pieces."

Helian Kuang's face suddenly darkened, he looked at Du Suxi, gritted his teeth and asked. "Du Suxi, do you think I'm causing you trouble?"

When the lie was exposed, Du Suxi's face looked a little ugly, but she still had the courage to explain.

"No, we'll be on the road tomorrow, so we'll have to travel a lot, don't you think? Prepare the snake meat and pickle it with salt. It can also be considered as dry food for us along the way."

He Liankuang continued to look at her, but with a half-smile on his lips, he spoke.

"It turns out that you have been preparing to flee the world with me for a long time. I am really touched." At the last word "touched", Helian Kuangguang increased his tone and spoke through gritted teeth. The momentum around him was even more intense.

I have to say that Helian Kuang is really hard to fool. Du Suxi fell silent, and suddenly felt that no matter what she said, Helian Kuang would mercilessly expose her.

Helian Kuang snorted coldly, closed his eyes directly, and said. "Don't think that I can't protect you because I'm sick. As long as I have breath, I won't let anyone bully you." After a pause, Helian Kuang opened his eyes again, looked at Du Suxi, and said seriously. "In this world, I am the only one who can bully you."

Du Suxi felt speechless for a while and responded with a cold snort.

"… you sick!"


After a while of quarreling, Du Suxi had no choice but to compromise and took Helian Kuang for a walk outside to get familiar with the terrain. If she hadn't touched He Lian Kuang's hot forehead with her own hands, Du Suxi would have been a little unbelievable that He Lian Kuang was a patient.

As long as he walks with He Lian Kuang, He Lian Kuang will definitely use his strength and domineering to open the way for Du Su Xi, allowing Du Su Xi to go through the journey safely. For this, Du Su Xi has nothing to do but Neng still allowed He Lian Kuang to follow He Lian Kuang with peace of mind, reminding He Lian Kuang from time to time about the blind spots in his sight and the dangers that were easy to ignore, but there were no dangers along the way.

It was noon in a blink of an eye. He Liankuang led Du Suxi along the way and caught a few pheasants, hares and other animals. During the period, he also encountered a colorful tiger hunting. Du Suxi originally wanted to He took action to exterminate, but Helian Kuang didn't give Du Suxi a chance to take action. He raised the knife and dropped it. The huge head rolled to Du Suxi's feet, and a bright red flower bloomed. Look. Du Suxi frowned slightly.

She shouted in her heart that He Liankuang was indeed cruel and cold-blooded, but she was not vague at all. She took a small dagger and directly disemboweled the tiger, completely peeling off the tiger's fur, and did not dislike the fresh meat. Drenched in blood, he dragged Helian Kuang directly behind him.

Helian Kuang raised his eyebrows when he saw this, and took the colorful tiger fur directly from Du Suxi's hand. He held it in his hand with an expressionless face and led Du Suxi back the way he came. Along the way, I have gained a lot. Although I don’t know what kind of place this is, it can barely be called a paradise-like place. If she hadn't known that the man in black would come at any time, Du Suxi would have even wanted to live in seclusion here for the rest of her life.

As if he had clearly understood Du Suxi's thoughts, Helian said wildly.

"If I'm not wrong, someone used the formation technique to confuse our sense of direction in order to deal with me. This should be Buzhou Mountain."

"Buzhou Mountain?" Listening to this weird name, Du Suxi felt that it sounded familiar. I seem to have heard it somewhere, but I can’t remember it.

He Liankuang looked at Du Suxi's confused look and explained generously. "Beyond the northwest sea, in the corner of the wilderness, there is a mountain called Buzhou. According to legend, Buzhou Mountain is a mountain of myth. People who come here always have a narrow escape from death, so even if the man in black wants to come, Even if you are chasing us, you must also consider the weirdness of Buzhou Mountain."

Helian Kuang spoke calmly, but Du Suxi suddenly turned pale.

The Mountain of Myths, she finally remembered why it sounded familiar to her. Buzhou Mountain comes from the myths and legends of the Classic of Mountains and Seas. In the past, Gonggong competed with Zhuanxu to be emperor, and in anger he touched Mount Buzhou, causing the pillars of heaven to break and the earth to remain intact. The sky tilts to the northwest, so the sun, moon, and stars move away; the earth covers the southeast, so the water and the dust return.

Although I don’t know what the connection between this Buzhou Mountain and the mythical Buzhou Mountain is, how can it be called an ordinary place? Du Suxi felt a little panicked when she thought about He Liankuang's narrow escape from death. She is a time traveler herself, and she already believes in the theory of ghosts and gods. Faced with this magical legend, Du Suxi is a little surprised and confused.

Seeing Du Suxi's pale face trying to remain calm, Helian Kuang laughed even more.

"Why are you panicking? No matter how weird this mountain is, it is just a mountain. Man can conquer nature. I don't believe it. I can't get out."

Seeing He Lian's indifferent smile, Du Suxi was about to say something when something suddenly came to his mind and he spoke hesitantly.

"When you jumped down, did you already know that this mountain was Buzhou Mountain?"

The answer given by Helian Kuang was decisive. "yes!"

Du Suxi felt a chill in her heart. She finally understood why the three secret guards never answered her words when she opened her mouth to explain. They knew clearly that even if they jumped down, they might not be able to get out and die here. Or was it because of He Lian's crazy command that he jumped down without any hesitation or struggle...

They knew clearly that they were going to die, but they still did not resist. Obviously, in their hearts, there was a high degree of obedience and respect for Helian Kuang. Only by keeping the coach in their hearts could they do this, put their own lives aside.

Du Suxi suddenly felt that she didn't understand the person in front of her at all. All along, her impression of Helian Kuang was that he was cold-blooded, ruthless, ungrateful, despicable, and lecherous. All derogatory words could be used to describe He Lian Kuang. Even though in Du Suxi's heart, there was a part of her that was unacceptable. If you don't admit it, He Liankuang is indeed a genius and a born king.

"Don't think so much. There must be a way out of this place. Now, let's go back first." I don't know where He Liankuang got his confidence. Even though he knew this was Buzhou Mountain, he didn't panic at all. Du Suxi looked a little angry, but she really didn't know what to do, so she had no choice but to sigh and followed Helian Kuang back to the cave with some helplessness.

Fortunately, although He Liankuang was a little embarrassed when washing dishes, his caesarean section was impeccable. Du Suxi had no choice but to light a fire aside, knowing in her heart that the man in black would not easily chase him, and even more so My mind was at peace, my spirit was much more relaxed, and I started grilling meat with great joy.

The aroma of meat lingered in the air. Du Suxi wanted to go to the lake to catch a few fish for the barbecue on a whim, but was stopped by Helian Kuang once again. She used her internal strength to stand on the water and spotted the fish, whoosh. With a few swishes, he caught a few fish and disemboweled them neatly. Du Suxi sighed as he watched, and secretly thought in her heart that it would be good to have internal strength. It would save trouble. If she had to rely on her, I'm afraid it would take a lot of effort.

However, looking at He Lian Kuang's look, he didn't seem to notice the strangeness of the lake. Du Suxi even made a few tentative remarks. He Lian Kuang just nodded, still not paying attention to the lake water, and concentrated on grilling the fish. , from time to time, he handed Du Suxi roasted chicken and rabbit meat, which was very considerate.

Du Suxi wanted to mention it several times, but she didn't know how to mention it, so she had to give up. Keep this secret in your mind for the time being and study it slowly.

(End of chapter)