Reborn Lady: Unparalleled Daughter of Concubine

Chapter 155: The same kind of people


A few days passed in the blink of an eye. Although they were living happily, neither of them was an outdoor expert. They were carefree and carefree. Du Suxi began to worry about her situation, thinking about her Moshang Xiangfang. He and He Lianheng, they were probably all on tenterhooks and worried about him in the past few days since his disappearance.

If he doesn't go back, not to mention those major forces that have been eyeing Mo Shang Xiangfang, then Shangguan Xuanying and Du Yunxi, who knows, will take this opportunity to embarrass Mo Shang Xiangfang. Although Moshang Xiangfang is maintained by the secret guards left by Murong Fu, if those secret guards are exposed, the entire Moshang Xiangfang will be even more unimaginable. At this moment, Du Suxi felt like returning home.

At the same time, Helian Kuang didn't show any eagerness at all. He looked like a sightseeing traveler. Not only was he not in a hurry at all, he often took Du Suxi around for a walk, and visited the entire vicinity of Buzhou Mountain in a leisurely manner. He was leisurely and showed no signs of being anxious. Du Suxi lost her temper and wanted to leave several times, but was defeated by the grim fact. No matter how she walked, she ended up going in circles. Can't get out.

When Helian Kuang saw this, he did not stop him at all. He still let Du Suxi do it. He even held the wine and watched Du Suxi doing useless work leisurely. He looked very happy. Du Suxi saw that In her eyes, she was so angry that she would just find something to argue with He Lian Kuang. However, He Lian Kuang was too overbearing and would always see through the essence of the matter and ignore what she said. It also left Du Suxi speechless. After doing this several times, Du Suxi learned the lesson and stopped talking at all. She went out alone every day to find a way out. At this time, Helian Kuang had to forcefully Follow Du Suxi and protect Du Suxi's safety.

Looking at the vast starry sky, even though Du Suxi was a person who never gave up easily, after half a month, she couldn't help but feel a little annoyed and uncomfortable in her heart, and her brows furrowed tightly.

He Liankuang was still holding a pot of wine, sitting very elegantly on the edge of a lake. He was admiring the moon by the lake. He was very elegant and elegant, and there was no hint of urgency at all. Du Suxi was even more itchy when he saw it. , I can’t wait to bite him to relieve his anger.

But He Liankuang seemed to have read Du Suxi's thoughts. Not only was he not annoyed, he also laughed and invited Du Suxi to come over to enjoy the moon and drink together. His leisurely and calm look made Du Suxi very happy. Teeth itchy. But there was nothing she could do. Looking around, she felt extremely lonely and silent. She had no choice but to sigh, walked forward, took a chair, and sat down beside Helian Kuang.

No one spoke first to break the silence. Helian Kuang was not in a hurry. He took a cup and poured Du Suxi a glass of wine, his eyes falling on the starry lake. Then he spoke.

"Looking at you, you seem to be in a hurry to get out of here?"

Du Suxi glanced at him and felt that if Helian Kuang kept talking nonsense, if she was not in a hurry, why would she be wandering around like a headless fly every day? Do you really think that she is idle

After taking in Du Suxi's expression, Helian Kuang was still not annoyed at all and spoke quietly. "Haste makes waste. Miss Du is too impatient. It will take a while to leave here."

"..." After Du Suxi heard this, she glared at Helian Kuang, feeling a little angry in her heart. She didn't know whether she was angry that He Lian Kuang didn't think of a way out or something else. He couldn't suppress his temper and kept it for a long time. His calmness suddenly broke, and he looked at Helian and said madly. "I don't believe you are pretending to be mysterious. You really are not in a hurry. You can really watch your throne being taken away by others. I believe that by then, even if you go out, it will not help!"

These words already gave off a bit of anger. If her master were here, he would definitely be surprised. When did this little girl start to know how to lose her temper with men

He Liankuang held the wine glass in his hand and looked at Du Suxi's somewhat manic face, but he felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart. Looking at Du Suxi, Ding Ding said.

"You really understand me. I really want to leave here, but I definitely don't want to run around like you. This place has its own mysteries."

"You..." Du Suxi frowned and was about to throw away his sleeves when something suddenly caught his mind. He suddenly looked at Helian Kuang and asked in surprise.

"Did you already have a plan and know how to get out?"

He Liankuang continued to smile, acting incomprehensible, nodded and smiled. "You finally figured it out."


Du Suxi's face suddenly darkened.

, playing with the dagger that he always carried with him, stared at Helian Kuang fiercely, and said with gritted teeth. "His Seventh Prince's injury seems to be almost healed. That's why the scar has healed and the pain has been forgotten."

Helian Kuang ignored the threat in Du Suxi's tone and nodded towards Du Suxi with a smile. "Suxi has wonderful hands and kind heart. I have been taking good care of you these days."

Du Suxi clearly saw a long tail growing out of He Liankuang's back, standing upright and wagging his head proudly towards him.

This big-tailed wolf is really hateful!

Du Suxi gritted her teeth secretly, held the dagger in her hand, looked at Helian and snorted coldly.

"Helian Kuang, I don't care when you go out, but I must go out immediately. Otherwise, I don't mind giving you a few more wounds."

He Liankuang still didn't take it seriously. He held the wine glass with his thumb and index finger and drank another glass of wine. sighed.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, women really fall out whenever they want. No wonder some people say that a daughter's heart is like a needle in the sea."

Du Suxi secretly clenched her fists behind her back to control her anger. This Helian Kuang definitely had the potential to anger people to death!

Watching Du Suxi's every move, Helian Kuang suddenly stopped his arrogant and uninhibited joking, sighed, and his expression became serious.

"If I have no way to get out and we can only stay here for the rest of our lives, can you and I start over?"

This topic jumps a bit too much. A moment ago, he was talking about how to get out, but now he suddenly asked about what to do if he couldn't get out. Du Suxi blinked, somewhat confused about Helian Kuang's thoughts, and subconsciously guarded against it. Helian is crazy. He replied coldly.

"If I can't get out, I will find a way to get out. Helian Kuang, you should understand our identities. Some things are already destined."

She originally thought that Helian Kuang would be furious and warn her again. Du Suxi had even secretly prepared herself on guard. However, He Lian Kuang went and did nothing. A half-smiling smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he nodded.

"I see."

Even Du Suxi didn't know what tricks He Lian Kuang was playing, so he could only watch He Lian Kuang warily. He spoke again.

"Helian Kuang, you are not the kind of person who loses his mind by playing with things. In your heart, you should want to get out more than anyone else. In this case, why bother..." Before Du Suxi could finish her words, He Lian Kuang suddenly interrupted her decisively. if. "I will take you out of here at noon tomorrow."

Helian Kuang regained his domineering power invisibly, like a king who had already ruled the world. Du Suxi was stunned for a moment, but she also understood that since He Liankuang had promised something, he would definitely keep it. However, Helian's madness made her feel a little uneasy for no reason. It seems that he can no longer come close to such Helian Kuang. He Lian Kuang has turned into the bone-deep arrogance he usually has when facing anyone.

After thinking about it, Du Suxi still opened her mouth to Helian. "Thank you."

The atmosphere fell into an unprecedented and unbearable silence, and even breathing had a depressing feeling. Du Suxi looked at He Liankuang, who was as calm as water at this time, and for a moment she felt that it was neither right nor wrong to leave. , had no choice but to sit there, raise his head and look at the starry sky, hiding his uneasiness.

After a long time, He Liankuang suddenly spoke, his tone unusually low and hoarse.

"Du Suxi, are you interested in hearing a story?"

Um? Before Du Suxi could answer, Helian Kuang started talking to himself.

"Once upon a time, there was a little boy. As soon as he was born, his mother died in childbirth. Everyone said that this boy was a broom star who defeated his parents. Even the boy's father believed this and was indifferent to the boy. The boy's mother was a maid in the house, with a low status. All the slaves in the house could bully the boy at will. Even the boy's brother regarded him as an alien and bullied him at will. Put sand in the boy's bowl and hang him in a willow tree overnight, and no one ever asked him if he was cold or in pain."

He Lian Kuang spoke calmly, but invisibly tightened Du Suxi's heart. She had a hunch that the boy He Lian Kuang was talking about was himself.

Helian Kuang continued to speak.

"Until the boy was seven years old, the boy's father accidentally saw the boy and felt that this would allow the boy to fend for himself.

It was not a problem for him to ignore it, so he adopted the man to his very beautiful concubine. Speaking of which, the concubine was only ten years older than the boy, but she wanted to recognize the boy as his son. Naturally, she was unwilling to do so. , but had no choice but to accept the man because of the majesty of his father. However, the woman was neither good nor bad to the boy. The boy's life was not bad. However, when the boy was ten years old, the woman became pregnant. The boy knew that if After a woman gives birth to a son, he will continue to be dispensable. Therefore, the boy directly puts three times the abortion pill in the woman's medicine, and places a large amount of vanilla at the head of the woman's bed. You may not know what this herb is. It is a magical medicine from the Western Regions. If a woman has been in contact with her for a long time, she will not be able to have children. The woman's child was aborted due to the boy's careful calculation. No one doubted the boy. "

After a pause, Helian took a sip of wine, turned his head calmly and numbly, looked at Du Suxi, who was frowning slightly, and said with a smile.

"What? Do you think that boy is cruel? Killing other people's children for his own benefit?"

He just looked at her with a smile, without any emotion in his eyes, as if all this was someone else's story and had nothing to do with him, and everything had nothing to do with him.

Du Suxi raised her head and looked at Helian Kuang, her eyes somewhat cold and cold. He spoke softly.

"If a person does not serve himself, he will be destroyed by heaven and earth. If I were that boy, I would definitely choose to do this. This world has never existed for a certain person. The so-called fairness is based on complete strength, and the winner is the winner. The king is the one who has the qualifications to speak fair. If that boy had swallowed his anger, I'm afraid he would have been killed long ago."

"The so-called fairness is based on complete strength? The winner is king. I like this sentence very much." He Lian raised his glass madly, motioning to Du Suxi to raise it, and drank it in one sip. It was probably alcohol. Excited, and maybe he found some similar aura in Du Suxi, He Liankuang spoke again.

"The boy gradually grew up, and through that concubine, he initially gained some power. He began to use this power to design to pull down his brothers one by one. The boy's father's family property was very large, and the man had many brothers. If you want to get this family fortune, then you can only get it with greater strength. Therefore, the boy began to use any means, as long as it can help himself, it doesn't matter even if it is harmful to the world. He does whatever he wants and is free. "

After Helian Kuang finished speaking, he poured himself a glass of wine and continued drinking.

Du Suxi was slightly moved by the story He Liankuang told, picked up the wine glass, drank the wine in one gulp, and said.

"Helian Kuang, maybe you can try to trust others. Maybe there will be a surprise."

The moonlight became brighter and brighter, shining on He Liankuang's body. Under the circulation of the moonlight, his handsome and charming side face became even more eye-catching and stunningly beautiful.

"It's not necessary. For me, if there is no cooperation in terms of interests, then we must be enemies. In this world, there will always be people who add insult to injury and add insult to injury. Have you ever seen someone help someone in times of need? Du Suxi, you are naive. "

After He Liankuang said this, he seemed to notice that there was no more wine in the jug. He stood up and sighed, but did not look at Du Suxi, leaving only one sentence.

"It's cold in the night, take good care of yourself. I know from your eyes that we are the same kind of people, so you should understand the meaning of our existence."

Then she walked directly towards the cave. Du Suxi looked at Helian Kuang's tall and muscular back, but her thoughts were spinning a thousand times.

It is true that they are the same kind of people, so Du Suxi couldn't even say a word of advice when faced with Helian Kuang's behavior.

say what? What can be said? The lives that died at her hands in the previous life were probably no less than those at the hands of Helian Kuang.

They are all people who do whatever it takes to survive. They laugh at fifty steps and laugh at a hundred steps. No one is qualified to make fun of the other.

Sighing, Du Suxi raised her head and looked at the moonlight. She suddenly felt that she was very lonely tonight and needed the smell of wine to accompany her.

He Liankuang had already walked out of the cave, holding a full bottle of wine in his hand. He was slightly stunned when he looked at Du Suxi's appearance, and then he invited her very calmly.

"If you can't sleep, why not get drunk together."


Du Suxi nodded gently in agreement, their eyes met, and there was an indescribable feeling of tacit understanding.

(End of chapter)