Reborn Lady: Unparalleled Daughter of Concubine

Chapter 162: Clues


Du Suxi breathed a long sigh of relief. He handed the pattern in his hand to He Lianheng and started to explain.

"This pattern should be the pattern on the soles of the murderer's shoes. He Lianheng, take it to the famous shoemakers' shops in the capital and ask them to see who has soles with such patterns."

"The pattern on the soles of the murderer's shoes?" He Lianheng frowned and thought about it carefully. A bold idea suddenly appeared in his mind. He raised his head in surprise. He Lianheng looked at Du Suxi and said in surprise.

"You mean? The footprints on the roof?"

Du Suxi nodded.

He Lianheng was stunned for a moment, and then stared at the shoe print carefully for a long time before speaking out his opinion.

"A footprint can't explain anything. Maybe it was left by someone else when they were repairing the house. Moreover, even if it was left by the murderer, there are probably not many of this type."

What He Lianheng said is correct. It would be too arbitrary to determine who the murderer is based on just one footprint.

Du Suxi smiled, a look of extreme confidence flashed on her face, and she looked at He Lianheng intently. Du Suxi explained.

"First, if it was left by the owner who lived there, there should be many similar footprints around. Moreover, that footprint is on the edge of the roof. If ordinary people repair the roof, they will never step on it. secondly, there are no obvious signs of new tile coverage or recent deliberate cleaning around the footprints. Thirdly. If an ordinary person is walking on the roof, even if he accidentally steps on the mud there, , will also leave some traces. But there are no traces around it."

Du Suxi spoke unhurriedly, with a pair of eyes full of confidence. He Lianheng felt incredible when he heard it, but when he thought about it carefully, he realized that it was not unreasonable. However, he had never noticed these. It was unimaginable that Du Suxi was so sensitive to discover such a small flaw.

Taking a deep breath, He Lianheng looked at Du Suxi with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

Du Suxi looked at He Lianheng, but once again she remained silent. "Moreover, that person should be a woman with good martial arts skills. She probably wears shoes of size thirty-eight to thirty-nine. She is slightly tall, walks with a slightly splayed figure, and weighs about 110 kilograms."

Listening to Du Suxi's extremely accurate data one after another, He Lianheng blinked in confusion, looked at Du Suxi in astonishment, and then asked weakly after a while.

"These are also the things you saw from which footprints?"

The surprised look in his eyes seemed to show that he didn't believe that Du Suxi could see it from the footprints.

Du Suxi smiled and nodded calmly. In this era, there is no Sherlock Holmes, no Conan, and no scientific solution to mysteries. Although there are works and some ingenious methods developed by people, they have not understood that in fact, in some small scenery, the more things can be found, The shadow of the murderer appears.

Seeing He Lianheng's surprised expression, Du Suxi continued to explain. "First of all, that person is a woman with good martial arts skills, because I not only found footprints there, but also found a bit of mud between other houses.

After comparison, it was found that the soil was all the same. It was obvious that someone had stepped on it accidentally and left traces. Since he could walk naturally between the roofs, it proved that this person must know martial arts. The footprints are deep in front and shallow in back, about two feet four to two feet four and a half inches in length. Normal men generally don’t have such small feet, but average women don’t have such big feet either. It is said that there is a certain correlation between the size of feet and a person's height and weight, so I speculate that this person is a woman, or a slightly tall woman. "

After a pause, Du Suxi looked at He Lianheng's blank eyes and continued. "As for why you concluded that this woman is a Chinese character, you can ask a woman with a Chinese character to demonstrate it in person, and you will find the subtle differences."

"Then how do you know her weight?"

Regarding this point, He Lianheng was even more confused. Du Suxi's previous points were very logical and could not be refuted. He had nothing to say. But this point, regarding weight, can also be seen from a footprint. This I'm afraid it's too unbelievable. "

Du Suxi's smile became even brighter. Looking at He Lianheng, Du Suxi said. "This has nothing to do with the method, it is purely personal experience. If Your Highness is curious, you can find dozens of people to take turns to experiment. In this way, you may discover the rules."

"Talk from experience?" He Lianheng looked at Du Suxi blankly and couldn't help but murmured. "What kind of life did you lead before? How do you know this? Moreover, you seem to be very good at it..."

There was already a hint of exploration in He Lianheng's eyes, and he couldn't figure out Du Suxi. When Du Suxi heard this, she was startled, and her heart thumped. Looking at He Lianheng's appearance, it didn't seem like she had discovered her secret, and a big stone in her heart was finally relieved.

Forcing herself to smile, Du Suxi explained perfunctorily.

"Actually, not really. It's just that I was never disciplined when I was a child, so I always studied things that others thought were weird. I don't know, but it turned out to be useful for a day. Maybe God took care of me."

Seeing He Lianheng's dubious look, Du Suxi felt even more uneasy and deliberately changed the subject.

"There are many women with bound feet in this world. This woman has big feet. If you send someone to the shoemaker's shop to ask, they might find out something. For the current plan, only by catching the real culprit can I prove my innocence. , Don’t worry, I will take good care of myself before that, and you should go back earlier now, after all, it will be a bit bad for your reputation if people know that you are here with me. "

Du Suxi didn't give He Lianheng a chance to speak at all, and sent He Lianheng out without hesitation. He Lianheng looked at Du Suxi's determined expression, but after all, he couldn't defeat Du Suxi's stubbornness. Although he was worried that the old Marquis would embarrass Du Suxi, he could not withstand Du Suxi's repeated attempts to dissuade him. Looking at the soft-spoken man in front of him, He Lianheng finally sighed and had to give up.

After all, the old marquis has gone to see the emperor. His father will definitely not sit idly by and ignore this matter. According to his kind character, he will definitely order an investigation into the matter. No matter how crazy the old marquis is, Arrogant, no matter how arrogant, I must be

He will not ignore his father.

Considering that Du Suxi would not be in any danger for the time being, He Lianheng felt much more at ease. Walked out of Moshang Xiangfang.

Unexpectedly, He Lianheng was riding a black horse and looking down at him. He Lianheng snorted angrily, looking at He Lianheng he snorted with some disdain.

"He Liankuang, what are you doing here? Could it be that this time, you still want to rob someone in Moshang Xiangfang?"

He Lian Kuang still maintained the evil smile that he said was unique to him, and looked at He Lian Heng, slightly curling his lips and speaking.

"Brother Huang came here this time just to know if anything happened to her. Looking at Brother Huang's appearance, it seems that she is fine. Since nothing happened, Brother Huang will leave."

After he finished speaking, he didn't look at He Lianheng at all, and flew away with an unparalleled wind. He Lianheng's teeth were itching to look at it, but there was really nothing he could do.

In the palace hall. The old emperor had a headache and looked at the old marquis who was kneeling in front of him, crying and shouting that he wanted him to make the decision for him. He felt very sweaty for a while.

"Please ask your Majesty to make the decision for me."

After the old Marquis explained the matter in detail several times, he regained his dignity and dignity. He looked at the old emperor with an invisible posture that collided with the majesty of the emperor.

In the current dynasty, he was probably the only one who dared to do this to the emperor.

The old emperor also felt a headache for a moment. Looking at the old marquis in front of him who insisted on speaking out, he spoke carefully.

"Wang Yi, this incident happened too suddenly. It would be unfair to make such an arbitrary judgment without any investigation. It would be unfair to wrong a good person. How about this? I will send people to investigate and find out the truth before proceeding. The verdict, it won’t be too late, what do you think?”

When the same words were spoken from the mouth of the prince, He Lianheng, and from the mouth of the old emperor, the results were completely different.

Although the old Marquis dared to speak wild words to His Highness the Third Highness, it did not mean that he was truly lawless and lawless. After listening to the old emperor's words, although the old marquis was extremely dissatisfied, he still nodded reluctantly and agreed.

After finally sending the old marquis away, the old emperor rubbed his temples with a headache. The eunuch next to him was very discerning and handed him a cup of ginseng tea, saying polite words about hard work and taking care of the dragon's body.

The old emperor took the tea, closed his eyes and took a rest before speaking.

"Go and find me the Third Prince and the Seventh Prince. I have something to say." After a pause, the old emperor spoke again. "Call Concubine Tian here too. The last time I was able to embarrass the girl from the Du family, Concubine Tian was already a little unhappy. Now, I can give her some face."

The father-in-law immediately praised the old emperor obediently and said that there was nothing in heaven or earth before he was ordered to leave.

Slowly opening his eyes, the old emperor looked into the void, sighed softly, and murmured to himself.

"Du Suxi, how did you get into trouble with Wang Yi, a soft-hearted man? Now, if it was really you who did it, things would be very difficult to handle..."

In the main hall, a sigh sounded vaguely.

(End of chapter)