Reborn Lady: Unparalleled Daughter of Concubine

Chapter 178: What is love?


Du Suxi went to check on the old Marquis again, and saw that the old Marquis was really drunk. Then she felt relieved and turned around and walked into Zhong Lingxi's room.

Zhong Lingxi's black hair hangs down around her waist. At this time, she has grown out, and she has shed the youthful look she had when she first came here. She has fair skin, a slim waist, and delicate facial features. Against the background of this black hair, she can be considered She is a peerless beauty.

With a bit of anxiety, Zhong Lingxi invited Du Suxi in. He looked nervously at Du Suxi's every move, his dark and bright eyes wide and completely devoid of dignity.

"Sir, why are you here?" Zhong Lingxi felt a little guilty after thinking that Du Suxi had bumped into her alone meeting with Wang Qing.

Du Suxi fully noticed her reserved expression, but without saying a word, she silently walked into Zhong Lingxi's room, looking at all the arrangements with her eyes.

Speaking of which, this was the first time she had entered her room in a long time. She looked like a person, dignified, elegant, refined and generous.

"Just now, Wang Qing told me something." Du Suxi spoke slowly, paying attention to Zhong Lingxi's every move. A flash of joy flashed across Zhong Lingxi's face as she looked at Du Suxi and asked. road. "What's up?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she realized that she had made some mistakes. She hurriedly lowered her head and asked embarrassedly.

"What's going on?"

Du Suxi was silent. At this time, if she still couldn't figure out Zhong Lingxi's thoughts, then she would be really stupid. "He said he wanted to beg someone from me."

The surprise in Zhong Lingxi's eyes became even stronger. She looked at Du Suxi who was a little worried and uneasy, but asked with some expectation. "Then, then Young Master, Young Master, you didn't agree?"

Du Suxi raised her eyebrows and asked. "You want me to say yes?"

Zhong Lingxi couldn't hold it in anymore, her face turned red with embarrassment. Seeing this situation, Du Suxi couldn't embarrass herself even if she wanted to. Sighing, Du Suxi looked at Zhong Lingxi, told the result of their conversation exactly, that's it, then looked at Zhong Lingxi and asked softly.

"Do you want to follow him? I can accept any answer."

"I..." Zhong Lingxi hesitated. Looking at the woman who was looking at him quietly, waiting for her to make a decision, a look of shame flashed across her face. Unable to bear it anymore, Zhong Lingxi knelt down with a pop. Looking at Du Suxi who has been waiting for her decision.

He said a little embarrassed and a little guilty.

"Young Master's kindness to Lingxi is like reincarnation. Lingxi has already made up his mind to follow Young Master, how could he betray him at will?"

She had already made a decision for herself.

Du Suxi's expression suddenly became profound. She looked at Zhong Lingxi, moved her lips, and spoke after a long time. "Get up, you don't have to do this to repay your kindness, I don't need it."

"Young Master..." Zhong Lingxi didn't understand what Du Suxi meant, and looked at Du Suxi in astonishment, a little at a loss. I can't see through Du Suxi's meaning.

Seeing Zhong Lingxi like this, Du Suxi let out a long sigh, helped Zhong Lingxi up, looked at her clear eyes, and looked at her very carefully. He spoke.

"Zhong Lingxi, please listen to me. No matter who you are in Mo Shang Xiangfang, you have the right to refuse. No matter who you reject, I will bear it for you, but at the same time, you also have the right to choose. No matter what you choose, I will not blame you. Even a woman should have an independent consciousness, do you understand?"

His words were light, but he possessed an invisible majesty.

Only this woman could say such shocking remarks. Zhong Lingxi lifted up

He turned his head and stared at the woman in front of him. Finally he lowered his head.

"Lingxi would like to thank you, Mr. Wang, for your support. Lingxi is willing to follow Mr. Wang."

Looking at Lingxi lowering her head nervously, Du Suxi smiled. Zhong Lingxi has never been an impulsive person. On the contrary, many times, she has benefited a lot from looking at problems. Now that she can make this decision, she really Just for a word of love? Love is so wonderful, it can make two strangers feel like this.

Unable to bear it after all, Du Suxi looked at Zhong Lingxi in front of her and asked. "What exactly is love? Can it make you do this? Lose your mind?"

She has never been emotionless and doesn't understand how an illusory thing can have such a strange impact, so naturally she can't understand why Zhong Lingxi behaves like this.

A trace of blush flashed across Zhong Lingxi's face, and she began to think seriously under Du Suxi's gaze.

"I don't know what love is. I can't explain it clearly, but it makes people feel happy just thinking about it."

"Does it make people feel happy just thinking about it?" Du Suxi murmured, the confusion in her eyes became even stronger. She couldn't understand the meaning of Zhong Lingxi's words at all.

How can it be? Does it make you feel happy just thinking about it? So wonderful

Zhong Lingxi's face blushed even more, but she looked at Du Suxi seriously. "Sir, do you have such a person in your life who will affect your thinking, your decisions, your heartbeat will speed up, and you can't wait to see him..."

As Zhong Lingxi spoke, she clenched her hands secretly, with a look of yearning in her eyes. Du Suxi was stunned for a moment, then she shook her head with a wry smile.

murmured. "I'm really crazy that I would want to know something like that."

Zhong Lingxi heard this, but Zhong Lingxi raised her lips and softly denied Du Suxi's idea. "Sir, if one day you meet such a person, maybe you won't be able to let go of him. You want to see him, but you dare not. But you can't help but think of..."

Before she finished speaking, Du Suxi raised her hand, made a stop motion, looked at Zhong Lingxi and said helplessly. "This thing sounds really scary. It can change a person so much. Then I would rather not be exposed to it in my life."

Hearing Du Suxi's words, Zhong Lingxi felt helpless. Just when he was about to explain the beauty of it, Du Suxi opened his mouth.

"Okay, I won't disturb you anymore. You can have a good rest."

Zhong Lingxi had no choice but to shut up, looked at Du Suxi's leaving figure, sighed, and murmured to herself. "I don't know what kind of talented person he is worthy of. However, the young master is only sixteen years old. It is normal not to understand what love is. I just don't know what type of person the young master likes. In fact, His Highness the Third and His Highness the Seventh are both good..."

She didn't know that Du Suxi looked sixteen years old, but she was already twenty-five years old in her previous life, and her psychology was fully mature. However, she couldn't change her sixteen-year-old body.

Walking out of Zhong Lingxi's room, Du Suxi thought of Jiao Mu next to Murong Fu and sighed softly. To this day, she still can't understand why such a cold-hearted person like Jiao Mu would be interested in Wei Qing. , is still so persistent, even if Wei Qing has entered the palace as a concubine, she still does not change her original intention. Doesn't he know that even if he keeps guarding her, it is useless

I originally thought it was just an example, but I didn't expect that now Zhong Lingxi has fallen deeply into it and been captured by Wang Qingshuo. What is the love in this world like? Why is it so scary

I want to see him but dare not see him. When I see him, my heart will speed up.

Rapid beating will affect your thinking and your decision...

Du Suxi thought about what Zhong Lingxi had just said, and a person suddenly appeared in her mind. Helian Kuang!

When he hugged her in his arms, her heartbeat also accelerated. Today, and even the last time he broke into his room, at the bottom of the cliff of Buzhou Mountain, he was invisibly affecting his thoughts, making her feel towards him. He kept his hand again and again.

But speaking of it, with his powerful martial arts, if she became defensive against him, how could she be his opponent? Thinking of this, Du Suxi became even more confused.

What's wrong with her? Could it be that he is obsessed with Helian Kuang? No, how could it be possible? How could she be madly in love with Helian? He was the murderer of "Du Suxi"!

Du Suxi tried her best to convince herself in her mind, but the more she thought about it, the more confused her mind became, making it impossible for her to think rationally.

I drank the hot soup absentmindedly and lay on my bed, but I couldn't sleep all night.

She suddenly didn't understand herself, what she was thinking, or her emotions. Because of Zhong Lingxi's words, she was touched for the first time and felt hesitant and uneasy.

Be in constant panic all day long.

I don't know when she finally fell asleep.

Darkness, darkness, endless darkness all around, unable to see anything, Du Suxi felt at a loss, but heard whimpering in her ears.

This voice passed through her soul, making her suddenly stunned. This voice is so familiar. It’s Master, yes, it’s Master!

Du Suxi's face was filled with excitement and she ran towards the source of the sound.

She saw a bright light, which seemed to be an exit. The crying was getting closer and closer. Without thinking, she rushed out of the exit.

The scene before me was all familiar. The large floor-to-ceiling windows, the beige sectional sofa, and her golden retriever dog that had been shedding all the time. This dog was obviously sent back by her. If it appeared here like this, it was probably brought back by her master.

In the large living room, a middle-aged woman wearing a plain white shirt sat on a wicker chair, looking at a black and white photo hanging on the wall, with a hint of reminiscence in her eyes, as if It's like reminiscing about something.

The golden retriever suddenly started barking loudly in the direction of Du Suxi, and the bark was extremely ferocious. Dusha was stunned at first, and then understood that an old man once said that dogs can see ghosts with their eyes, and when they see ghosts, they will bark in an attempt to scare away the ghosts. Therefore, in the last century, dogs were used in rural areas. When you look at your home, you don’t just see thieves, you also see something invisible.

This dog seems to have seen itself. Du Suxi's smile turned bitter when she thought of this. She didn't expect that she could come back here.

Ignoring the cry of the golden retriever, Du Suxi subconsciously stepped up, but found that she was floating in the air. Seeing this scene, Du Suxi smiled bitterly. How could she forget that ghosts float and don't walk down-to-earth

Du Suxi gave it a try and landed in front of her master very naturally, looking at the woman who had single-handedly brought her up.

She was still beautiful, but there were a few wrinkles from the years at the corners of her eyes and forehead, and there was a look of despair in her eyes. Could it be that after his death, Master became so haggard? Du Suxi felt a sense of sadness in her heart, and subconsciously reached out her hand to calm her master's emotions. However, she found that her hands penetrated through the master's face. This result made Du Suxi startled, but then she understood, and a helpless smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. Yes, yes, I am a ghost now.

(End of chapter)