Reborn Lady: Unparalleled Daughter of Concubine

Chapter 181: Reinvigorate


After taking a few steps, Helian Kuang appeared from around the corner. Looking at Du Suxi, there was a doting smile on her lips. "You are such a cruel woman."

Du Suxi raised her head, glanced at him coolly, and suddenly said. "If a woman is not ruthless, her status is unstable. Your Highness, Seventh Prince, should be careful. It's time for the young lady to go back."

For some reason, ever since she realized something was wrong with He Lian Kuang, she wanted to subconsciously avoid He Lian Kuang, and was even a little afraid of He Lian Kuang.

Lowering his head, Du Suxi passed by Heliankuang. Heliankuang just stood there and did not stop him. Instead, he looked at Du Suxi's back and smiled.

"I obeyed the request of Lord Junyuan and asked the lady to come to the Marquis Junyuan's house to make amends for the lady. I will pick you up in three days."

He stood there with a gentle breeze, like a graceful young master, which completely concealed his arrogance.

Du Suxi paused and continued walking forward. "Let's talk about it then."

She doesn't want to say such a thing yet.

All the way back to Moshang Xiangfang, Du Suxi didn't even see He Lianheng's face. She went straight back to her small courtyard, covered herself with a quilt and prepared to fall asleep.

The things in the dream were too unbelievable, and she still needed some time to calm down her doubts. However, no matter how she opened and closed her eyes, she could not re-enter that mysterious and mysterious feeling, as if it was all just a dream, but the memory in the dream was so vivid. The reality made it impossible for her to truly regard the collapse as a dream.

It took Du Suxi a day to walk out under the worried urging of Zhong Lingxi and everyone. Looking at the haggard face in the mirror, Du Suxi slightly twitched the corners of her mouth, trying to squeeze out a smile, but she found that , I couldn’t laugh at all.

No wonder she was able to travel to this other world. Was it originally arranged by her father? But who is her father? He can have such great power and do things that even science cannot achieve. This is really unbelievable.

The more she thought about it, the more difficult it became for Du Suxi to understand, which made her frown, and her haggard eyebrows became deeper and deeper.

Although Zhong Lingxi and others were said to be thoughtful people, when faced with Du Suxi's actions, they could only sigh lightly, not knowing why.

"Young Master, hasn't the murder case of the Wang family been solved? Why should the Young Master be so unhappy? Just now, the Junyuan Marquis Mansion sent someone over to deliver an apology gift, saying that they sincerely apologized to the girl. They In this case, why are you unhappy, girl?”

Zhong Lingxi thought that Du Suxi still had this matter in her heart, so she spoke to comfort her. Listening to Zhong Lingxi's words, all the sisters nodded in agreement and expressed their opinions. All of a sudden, Du Suxi's surroundings were filled with chaotic discussions.

However, only Du Suxi understood in her heart why she was so haggard.

According to what I saw in my dream, I was already dead in that world, and my soul came into this body due to some strange combination of circumstances. In other words, I couldn't go back. The one I had been calling for twenty-five years. The master is indeed her biological mother. This was a little hard for her to accept.

"Young master, please be more happy. Your health is not good. Now that you are looking sad, I'm afraid..." Zhong Lingxi did not say any more, but the concern for Du Suxi in her eyes revealed her deepest thoughts. .

As soon as the words were spoken, Du Suxi suddenly raised his head and looked towards her. Silently. There was a terrifying silence. It made her feel that she had said the wrong thing.

Du Suxi suddenly spoke. "You're right, bring me all the food.


To be fair, Du Suxi is not a dejected person. Most of the time, she has an optimistic and cheerful attitude. If this matter was not really unacceptable, she would not be so depressed.

Zhong Lingxi's admonition just now had indeed awakened her invisibly. She knows her own body, and Du Suxi knows how bad her body is in this world, so she feels that she should cherish it even more.

Regardless of the outcome, whether it was her master or her biological mother, she did this for her own good, and even more so that she could survive safely. At this point, she really had no right to blame anyone. On the contrary, she had been doing this since she was a child. The existing knot in my heart was also resolved.

When she was a child, she always wondered why she had no parents and why her parents abandoned her. Was it because she was ugly? Doesn't she look smart? Still, she seemed to be just a girl. When she dreamed back at midnight, she had had such nightmares countless times, thinking that her life experience was miserable...

Now that I finally have the answer, I should continue to live well. How can I despair? How can I despair

Raising his head, under Zhong Lingxi's surprised and stunned gaze, Du Suxi smiled. "What's wrong? Do I have to go and get it myself?"

Her attitude changed so quickly that people were a little confused. When Zhong Lingxi saw that Du Suxi was finally willing to eat, she didn't care about so much and kept nodding.

Someone immediately brought food for Du Suxi to eat.

After finishing the meal, Du Suxi still couldn't see anything unusual. Instead, she summoned the remaining women of Moshang Xiangfang and held a discussion meeting.

The discussion this time was very simple. To decide the future direction of Mo Shang Xiangfang, using sex to influence people was always too much to attract attention. Moreover, these women only have a few years of youth, and it is impossible for me to stay in this Mo Shang Xiang Fang for the rest of my life. When I leave, I am afraid that this fat piece of Mo Shang Xiang Fang will be targeted by someone with intentions. By then, I am afraid that the ending for these women will not be good, so Du Suxi has already made a decision, Moshang Xiangfang must change her career!

However, as soon as this decision was mentioned, it was rejected by most of the girls. Even the remaining half, most of them remained silent and neutral. The scene fell into an unbearable situation, except for Zhong Lingxi. , Qingzhuang, Hongluan, and a few others expressed that they would support Du Suxi's determination no matter what.

Du Suxi's eyes calmly swept over the faces of the women. She had already expected that her decision would be opposed by most people. However, everything is difficult at the beginning. No matter what, Mo Shang Xiangfang must Want reform! Otherwise, there would be no reason for its existence!

"Why do you object?" A cold voice spoke, and Du Suxi stared at everyone, waiting for their answers.

Although her body is only sixteen years old and has not even fully developed yet, there is a kind of shaking power in her words that can touch people's hearts and minds, making people subconsciously ignore her age.

A woman was the first to speak out.

"Girl, we are from poor backgrounds. We only know some tricks to please people, but nothing else. If you cancel the existence of Moshang Xiangfang, what should we girls do? Could it be that girl, this Are you going to force us to die?"

There was deep anxiety in her words. Obviously, this woman was also very confused about this. As soon as these words came out, most of the women who objected nodded, with a bit of worry in their eyes.

Du Suxi raised her eyebrows and stared at the woman for a long time before speaking softly.

"Why not? You have hands and feet, what can't you do? What can't you do to support yourself? Why make fun of others?"

What she said was so abrupt,

Even Zhong Lingxi and others frowned and looked at Du Suxi in surprise. Du Suxi's words were too shocking for them. Since ancient times, all women have stayed at home to care for their husbands and raise children. It is already a great luxury to be a housewife and be able to live a peaceful and stable life. But today's girls say, let them support themselves

Are you kidding me

Everyone blinked and felt a little unbelievable.

"Girl, we are just a family of women." A woman stood up timidly, looked at Du Suxi and reminded.

Du Suxi raised her eyebrows, still calm. "Why not? What about women? If you really think like this, and you are just going to be like an ordinary woman in your life, find a good man to marry, and have one or more sons and daughters for the rest of your life, and nothing remains the same, then what I said before What’s the point of the effort?”

Yes, Du Suxi had clearly told them when they were at Moshang Xiangfang.

Everyone has the right to make free choices, and everything should be done according to personal wishes. She will not force them to do anything for money. On the contrary, if someone compromises for money and opens their legs to others, she will not interfere. For this One thing, Du Suxi did it, never treated them badly, and promoted Mo Shang Xiangfang to the status of legend step by step.

In the entire prosperous place where hundreds of flowers should be blooming, he actually stood his ground and competed with others.

If people like them still think this way, then what's the point of her working so hard

Many people fell silent, thinking of Du Suxi's accommodation to them in the past.

Du Suxi sighed as she looked at the girls she had trained with her own hands. He spoke.

"If you just want a stable and ordinary life, the gate of Mo Shang Xiangfang is still there. You can leave at any time. I will prepare a dowry for you that is enough to last you a lifetime. But in the future, you and Mo Shang Xiangfang will There is no connection anymore”

As soon as these words came out, many women looked hesitant on their faces and hesitated about their decision. Du Suxi saw all this and continued to speak calmly.

"As for the ones left behind, I will lead you to a new world. If you succeed, you will be a wonderful woman in this world who is not inferior to men. Even your husband must respect you. Yes. You decide whether to go or stay, and I will never stop you."

After saying that, Du Suxi closed her eyes and waited for everyone's decision.

She has never liked forcing, and forcing them is not sweet. Today, she can use strong means to keep them all, and it is just oral. What she wants is to be convinced, truly united, a united team, Can really achieve results!

After a period of quiet discussion, several people finally chose to leave. They walked up to Du Suxi with a respectful look on their faces and bowed to Du Suxi from the bottom of their hearts to express their gratitude.

And Du Suxi, from beginning to end, closed her eyes and didn't look at any of them. His expression was calm and indifferent. Hearing their farewell words without saying a word.

After waiting for a while, everyone finally settled down. A dozen people left, but more people chose to stay.

Du Suxi finally slowly opened her eyes and looked at the person standing in front of her who chose to stay. said in a deep voice. "You must think carefully. If you have nothing to leave, you will no longer have the opportunity to leave. I never like people who give up halfway. Since you choose to stay, you must continue to do it wholeheartedly and prove your worth!"

As soon as these words came out, there was silence all around, and then two people bowed deeply to Du Suxi and chose to say goodbye. Du Suxi remained calm about this.

(End of chapter)