Reborn Lady: Unparalleled Daughter of Concubine

Chapter 199: Misunderstanding arises


"Su Xi, let's go and ignore this lunatic!"

He Lianheng didn't want to compete with He Liankuang for a while, so he took Du Suxi's hand and was about to leave, but he heard a sarcastic smile coming from behind him.

"It turns out that in the eyes of the third brother, the younger brother turned out to be a lunatic. However, the woman the third brother is holding is the younger brother's woman. Should the third brother return it to the younger brother before he leaves? After all, there is still a lot to do now. Nothing was done.”

He Liankuang's words were extremely ambiguous. If people who didn't know the truth heard it, they would definitely think that something had happened between them.

Du Suxi's face turned red again. Looking at Helian Kuang, he spoke with some annoyance and resentment.

"Helian Kuang! What nonsense are you talking about! Who is your woman! What nonsense are you talking about!"

Helian Kuang refused to comment, but he smiled with an indescribable ambiguity, looked at Du Suxi and said.

"It's not nonsense, but it doesn't count if you say it. Just now, you were chatting with me romantically, and now in the blink of an eye, you are on the same side as my third brother. Du Suxi, your ability to hook up with others is really amazing. .”

"You, shut up!" Du Suxi was at a loss for words, her face turned red, and she wanted to refute, but she was unable to refute. Although she was passive about what happened just now, she really didn't reject Helian Kuang.

She really didn't have the ability to refute this matter. I only blame myself for not pushing Helian Kuang away when my brain got hot! Now it's just getting on fire.

He Liankuang ignored Du Suxi's warning, but took a step forward, staring at Du Suxi's panicked eyebrows, with a look of confidence that he was determined to win. Continue to speak.

"What? Are you afraid that I will tell you more things and prevent you from pretending anymore? Du Suxi, you are eating the food in the bowl but thinking about the food in the pot. Aren't you afraid of playing with fire and burning yourself?"

"I, I didn't!" Du Suxi blushed, but had no way to refute. She looked so flustered that she could only say coldly. "Helian Kuang, get out of here, you are not welcome here!"

She clearly knew in her heart that He Liankuang said this deliberately to frame her in front of He Lianheng, but hearing He Liankuang's words, Du Suxi couldn't help but feel sad and uncomfortable in her heart.

He Lian Kuang ignored Du Su Xi and looked at He Lian Kuang, with an evil smile on his lips and said calmly.

"Brother Imperial, I didn't expect that your hobby is so strange. You actually like to pick up worn shoes."

Before he could finish his words, He Lianheng punched him directly, but He Lianheng, who was already on guard, dodged it. Looking at He Lianheng's frown. Helian Kuang revealed a hint of sarcasm and said.

"Why is the emperor so angry? It's just a woman? If the emperor wants it, where will the younger brother give it to him?"

There was already a hint of sarcasm in the words, and He Lianheng's brows furrowed even more. He gritted his teeth and said.

"Helian Kuang, get out of here!"

"Brother Huang is so angry!" He Liankuang also snorted coldly, looked at He Lianheng, and said.

"I also hope that Brother Huang will not regret it. This woman has too many tricks and is definitely not something that Brother Emperor can control. Brother Emperor, it is better to let her go as soon as possible.

After He Lianheng said this, he gave Du Suxi a meaningful look and spoke again in front of He Lianheng.

"Du Suxi, don't forget, our accounts need to be carefully calculated."

Du Suxi's face turned even redder. She naturally knew what He Lian Kuang was talking about, and she also knew that she really owed He Lian Kuang a favor today.

Although he did bad things with good intentions, he was actually here to save himself, so he couldn't say he was wrong.

After finally sending He Lian Kuang away, Du Suxi still felt a huge headache. She looked at He Lian Heng, who had a gloomy face in front of her and wanted an explanation.

She felt a little unsure of what to do.

Taking a deep breath, Du Suxi looked at He Lianheng and said. "Listen to my explanation."

After telling everything once, Du Suxi looked at He Lianheng's face and sighed softly. "That's what happened. He Liankuang was just helping a bad person with good intentions. This matter is not his fault."

He Lianheng snorted coldly, looked at Du Suxi with a strange look he had never seen before, and was speechless for a long time.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Do you want to take a rest?" Looking at He Lianheng's stern face, Du Suxi was a little flustered. She tried hard to smile, but found that she couldn't smile at all. He Lianheng's eyes looked at her coldly, not even remotely as elegant as before. This kind of He Lianheng was extremely strange.

Forcing a smile, Du Suxi was about to reach out her hand to test He Lianheng's body temperature, but He Lianheng grabbed his right hand. Before Du Suxi could react, Helian Kuang grabbed Du Suxi's hands.

Before Du Suxi could react, He Lianheng reached out and hugged Du Suxi's soft waist with one hand. He lowered his head and kissed Du Suxi's lips. Everything happened very quickly. , came so suddenly, Du Suxi didn't even have time to react, she just stared blankly at He Lianheng's close eyebrows.

He actually kissed her!

As soon as this idea arose in Du Suxi's mind, Du Suxi's eyes widened in surprise. Without hesitation, she reached out her hand and pushed He Lianheng away. However, He Lianheng restrained her hands and asked her to No way to resist.

However, He Lianheng's actions became more and more intense, without any tenderness, but only the most primitive robbery and possession.

Du Suxi was heartbroken and bit He Lianheng's lips directly. At first, she used a little force. Seeing that He Lianheng still didn't let her go, she gradually increased the force. She could taste a taste on her lips and tongue. There was a faint smell of blood, but He Lianheng still didn't let her go.

"He Lianheng, don't do this, I will hate you."

Looking at the enlarged handsome face in front of her, Du Suxi finally said these words helplessly.

Nowadays, her body is very weak, and her movements are not as agile as before. Otherwise, when Helian Kuang kissed her, she would have put a dagger across He Lian Kuang's neck, and she would not have done anything to He Lian Kuang. If you are crazy, you can take advantage of this opportunity!

The only strange thing is that her body is too weak! Even the movements and strength were filled with a feeling of weakness. There was no deterrent at all, and he was easily restrained. If he had replaced his previous body, how could he be like this

He Lianheng paused, looked at Du Suxi's extremely determined expression, and sighed inwardly, but still let go of Du Suxi. He looked at Du Suxi's actions with a complicated expression.

As soon as Du Suxi was rescued, she hurriedly took out the handkerchief from her sleeve, wiped some blood on the corners of her lips, took a few steps back, and kept a close distance from He Lianheng.

Seeing Du Suxi's cautious movements, He Lianheng's lips curled up with a hint of sarcasm.

"Are you afraid of me because you are like this?"

He Lianheng didn't have any gentle temperament, but instead had a depressing and breathless feeling, which invisibly put pressure on Du Suxi.

Du Suxi didn't speak, just bit her lip and looked at He Lianheng with a slightly uneasy expression.

Now, she is just a weak woman, with a martial arts soul but no body that she can control at will. Although she had no choice but to accept this knowledge, she had to accept it.

After looking at each other for a while, Du Suxi finally sighed deeply, looked at He Lianheng and said helplessly.

"He Lianheng, I have never been a casual woman. I don't like this."

I do not like this. Those six words were like a heavy hammer, hitting He Lianheng's heart hard.

A sarcastic smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the frowned brows relaxed because of this smile. However, it did not make people feel relaxed, but instead made the atmosphere more depressing.

He Lianheng stared at Du Suxi and snorted coldly.

"Du Suxi, since you don't like this? Why are you hugging Helian so much

cuddle? "

Du Suxi looked panicked, but she managed to stay calm and looked at He Lianheng. "What do you mean? He forced me to do that, and I didn't want to!"

He Lianheng's brows were furrowed to the point of knotting. He looked at Du Suxi with a deeply hurt look and murmured a sigh.

"Don't want to? Then why don't you struggle? Then why don't you push him away? Why don't you threaten him like you threatened me? Do you don't want to, or don't want to?"

"You... that's not what happened." Du Suxi wanted to explain, but found herself speechless. What else can you say after already having "irrefutable proof", saying that you have no knowledge at all, that you are simply lost for a moment? Just talking about it makes people think it’s funny.

Seeing that Du Suxi couldn't say even a single word of defense, He Lianheng's eyes became more hurt, he looked at Du Suxi and said coldly.

"Is it true that as he said, you two are really in love? If so, I will never stop you in the slightest!"

After He Lianheng said this, he felt jealous in his heart. He snorted coldly and walked away, leaving Du Suxi where he was.

Du Suxi wanted to catch up, but found that she had no suitable reason. Seeing He Lianheng striding away, she had no choice but to still stand there with a blank look on her face and a somewhat confused look in her eyes.

What happened to her just now? How could she accept Helian Kuang? It was obvious that that person had always been her enemy. How could she be so soft-hearted towards her enemy? Myself, what's going on

This question was really hard to figure out. Du Suxi sighed softly and simply stopped thinking about it. Turned around and went back to the room.

Zhong Lingxi came to see her and looked at her bleak look. Although she didn't understand what was going on, her movements became more and more cautious. It's just that Du Suxi had been with Zhong Lingxi for a long time, so how could she not understand her? mean

Seeing Zhong Lingxi's cautious look, Du Suxi said with a smile.

"Just say what you want to say. Although I am a bit fierce, I am not a cannibal."

"Young Master, Young Master, did you, did you have a falling out with His Highness the Third? I just saw that His Highness ran away in anger."

very angry? How angry are you? Du Suxi sneered secretly in her heart, but raised her eyebrows calmly on her face, looked at Zhong Lingxi who looked serious, and smiled.

"It's okay, it's just some minor conflicts. It will be fine in two days. Is there anything else? Just say it."

Zhong Lingxi nodded and said. "Peach Blossom sent someone to deliver a message saying that she will be back with Princess Mingyue tomorrow."


Du Suxi gushed out a mouthful of tea. "What did you say?"

She had been forcefully kissed twice for no apparent reason just now, and she had been able to maintain her composure. Now that she heard that Tao Hua was coming back, she couldn't calm down anymore.

Zhong Lingxi looked at her with some sympathy on her face, repeated it again, looked at Du Suxi's ashen face, and comforted her softly.

"Sir, maybe when Little Taohua comes back this time, she will grow up and become more sensible. She should not be so naughty."

As soon as she said this, a strange look appeared on Du Suxi's face, she looked at Zhong Lingxi and said.

"I also received news from the palace this morning that Princess Taohua and Mingyue blew up all the fish in a lotus pond in their palace. A few days ago, the two of them killed the very virtuous people in the palace. Fei Huanxin’s parrot was plucked…”

Um... Zhong Lingxi was silent. It can be expected that the two young ancestors were afraid of causing harm to the palace, so they moved their positions.

The two looked at each other with the same wry smile in their eyes.

These two little ancestors are here, I'm afraid they are going to cause trouble again.

But Du Suxi was worried about her own body. With Peach Blossom here, the clues about her body might be seen through by this little girl.

How should she hide it then

Thinking of this, Du Suxi felt that she had a headache.

(End of chapter)