Reborn Lady: Unparalleled Daughter of Concubine

Chapter 208: The owner of the valley summoned him


Three days later.

Du Suxi was afraid of the unknown Xiaoyao Valley, but amidst that fear, Xiaoyao Valley was still within sight.

As if sensing Du Suxi's nervousness, Shen Mu deliberately abandoned the horse, accompanied Du Suxi in the carriage, and comforted her softly. Du Suxi listened absent-mindedly, only occasionally nodding in agreement to show that she was listening, which was perfunctory. Fortunately, Shen Mu was not angry when he saw her like this. Instead, he smiled generously and continued to talk to Du Suxi without any concern.

The capital is gradually approaching.

As mentioned before, the reason why Xiaoyao Valley is a big valley. The existence of being able to vaguely become the fifth country has already shown the strength of Xiaoyao Valley invisibly.

Even so, when Du Suxi saw the tall and majestic capital city, she was still startled and somewhat understood that what Shen Mu said was true.

If Xiaoyao Valley really establishes itself as a king, it can become the fifth country with its strength.

Although she was surprised inside, Du Suxi's face remained as calm as water, and she even maintained a faint smile. She was like this, the more nervous she was, the calmer she pretended to be on the surface. After so many years of survival experience , it doesn’t come for free, it naturally has its basic principles.

Seeing her calm look, Shen Mu, who had been secretly paying attention to her, felt much more relieved. He took Du Suxi's hand and led Du Suxi to dismount and enter the city gate.

At the city gate, there was already a group of people waiting there to help Shen Mu and his party. At this point, they had come into contact with the real powerful people in Xiaoyao Valley. They were not comparable to Qianyuan and others. Du Su Xi naturally understood this truth, abandoned his curtain hat, showed his face openly, and walked side by side with Shen Mu.

She naturally understood in her heart that now was not the time for her to hide. The more people knew her, the better the outcome would be for her. At that time, the owner of Xiaoyao Valley would have more scruples about her, and the chance she would have to survive would be , the bigger it is.

This is a big gamble. Once you make a move, there is no turning back. There are only two outcomes: losing or winning. Du Suxi deeply understands this truth.

After a while of greetings, many people noticed Du Suxi's existence. After all, no matter where in the world, rumors spread the fastest. They had already heard about Du Suxi's sharp teeth, and originally thought that She is a peerless beauty, but I never thought that her appearance is ordinary, but those eyes are extremely shining and beautiful.

There were only a few old people in the crowd. After seeing Du Suxi's face, their expressions became strange, but they didn't say anything, remained silent, and even stood quietly behind a group of young people. , leaving the stage to these young people.

The greetings were lively for a while, but because Du Suxi's unremarkable appearance really disappointed everyone, everyone's curiosity about Du Suxi gradually diminished. In this way, Du Suxi was not arrogant or impetuous. Treat it calmly, there is quite a sense of romantic charm between the eyebrows and eyes. This caused several young men who looked at him casually to look straight in their eyes and secretly admired her grace and calmness.

Although this woman is not a beautiful woman, she behaves calmly, calmly and calmly, and is not surprised by favors or humiliations. She has an outstanding demeanor. She really has a temperament that can only be cultivated by a wealthy family, which is really amazing to everyone who sees her.

Of course, Du Suxi would not know this.

Follow Shen Mu all the way and stop all the way,

Du Suxi also saw Shen Mu's popularity in the capital. In my heart, I gradually believed Shen Mu's words about keeping her safe.

Yes, yes, he has this ability and can protect himself.

Thinking of this, Du Suxi's worries were greatly reduced, and a sense of brightness rose on her face. Although her appearance was not outstanding, her eyes were extremely beautiful. At this time, the depression in her heart was relieved. , those eyes became clearer and clearer.

Just like the stars in the sky, they are bright and beautiful. People directly ignored her appearance and fell directly into those clear eyes.

Those eyes are so beautiful.

However, Du Suxi herself did not realize this. She had always been mediocre. Even if she met others' covetousness, it was only because of her relationship with Shen Mu.

But she didn't know that there was a Confucian scholar who said something that became widely circulated after meeting her. He said. “Beauty is unknown but even more beautiful.”

Beauty is not self-aware and nothing worse.

The meaning of this sentence is that you are not aware of your own beauty but you become more and more beautiful. This is a true compliment. And it was recognized by many Confucian scholars.

It's just that all this will wait until Du Suxi finds out. Her reputation for beauty had spread, making her feel a little bit dumbfounded. She held the eight-treasure bronze mirror and stared at her appearance for a long time, but she didn't realize how beautiful she was. Some even question the aesthetics in Xiaoyao Valley.

All this is a thing for later.

Although Xiaoyao Valley is said to be a valley, it does not look like a valley. On the contrary, it is not much different from the prosperous capitals of the Four Kingdoms. It is really better to say that it is a country than a valley.

At least in Du Suxi's eyes, there is really no difference between Xiaoyao Valley and Xiaoyao Country.

Shen Mu's residence was very impressive, which also proved Shen Mu's status in Xiaoyao Valley. Du Suxi didn't care much about all this on the surface, but she was happy in her heart.

Shen Mu had promised to protect her safety. The heavier Shen Mu's weight was, the less likely she would be easily embarrassed by the Master of Xiaoyao Valley. Although Shen Mu told herself that the Valley Master would not touch her, she knew the person but did not know the heart. She had never met this so-called Valley Master. She was really not sure whether the Valley Master would be murderous towards her. After all, she The existence of , is the proof of his cuckolding.

In this world, which man can endure the shame of being a cuckold? Regarding all this, Du Suxi has always maintained a respectful and cautious attitude, and her heart is full of vigilance.

Just after taking a bath, the so-called Valley Master's summons was immediately carried into the mansion. Looking at the humble middle-aged man, Du Suxi seemed calm.

What is supposed to come will always come. The mysterious Valley Master has summoned her now, so she can just go. People shouldn't think that she is a soft persimmon who can be manipulated at will.

With this thought in her mind, after seeing Shen Mu's calm expression, she became even less afraid. When so many people see it, summoning her, even if you want to kill her, you have to slow down. Otherwise, if you kill someone without giving a reason, you will be in trouble. But you can use the excuse to kill her. This is the reason to test the Xiaoyao Valley Master's attitude towards him.

If it was true as Shen Mu said, that would be fine. If she had hidden evil intentions, she would have to fight for herself even if she had no choice but to do so.

Therefore, she was not afraid at all of being summoned like this. What she was afraid of was the method that came quietly. This Xiaoyao Valley Master is probably no ordinary person to be able to sit firmly in the position of Valley Master.

Full of speculations, Du Suxi, accompanied by Shen Mu, followed the middle-aged man to the valley owner's mansion.

The office of the Lord of Xiaoyao Valley seems grand yet low-key. It's not as flashy and showy as Tiansheng's. Instead, it feels like a thousand sails have passed, and a dream comes from nearby.

The mysterious Valley Master was said to be waiting in the courtyard, but he only ordered Du Suxi to go alone. Hearing the news, Shen Mu had a look of embarrassment on his face. He looked at Du Suxi awkwardly and moved his lips. He was about to say a few words to comfort Du Suxi and signal her not to be afraid, but Du Suxi rushed towards her. He hugged himself and burst into a comforting smile.

"Don't worry, I'm not that timid. I'll be scared when I see people." Knowing that Shen Mu was really worried about herself, Du Suxi comforted her softly.

She has always been like this. If others treat her well, she will naturally remember it in her heart and treat others well.

As for facing the owner of Xiaoyao Valley alone, she was not afraid at all. From the moment she decided to follow Shen Mu, she had made all preparations. She was not so timid even when meeting people. Don't dare.

Stepping across the bluestone bridge, looking at the flowing water on the small bridge and the swaying green bamboos, Du Suxi had a smile on her face, but she kept silent in her heart.

It seems that this valley owner is a person who likes elegance.

After walking along the bluestone road, the middle-aged man finally stopped. Du Suxi, who had been paying attention to his movements, stopped immediately and looked at him calmly without asking questions, waiting for his explanation.

The man saluted her and spoke loudly. "The owner of the valley is waiting for the girl in the courtyard in front, and he also asks the girl to move."

Du Suxi was startled, and realized in her heart that the man meant that she should leave on her own.

If she can walk by herself, she won't be afraid of this mysterious Valley Master. Nodding gently towards the middle-aged man, Du Suxi walked away gracefully, without the slightest hesitation or even asking the middle-aged man a word. There was quite a bit of momentum in her dignified manner.

When Du Suxi was far away, the middle-aged man raised his head, looked at Du Suxi's retreating back, and murmured to himself. "It seems that Chen Xi's daughter is very independent. She is so confident and charming. I am afraid she is better than her predecessor."

Du Suxi couldn't hear this soft murmur.

When I walked to a courtyard, I saw a black figure sitting on a stone table among the golden eyes. His back was straight. I could only see him drinking tea leisurely. Somehow, it gave people a feeling of loneliness. .

Thinking of this, Du Suxi suddenly felt a little funny.

What's wrong with you? Why would you think this person would be lonely? This golden splendor is already a rare beauty in the world. Being in such a sea of flowers, it should be too late to be happy. How can such an elegant person as the owner of Xiaoyao Valley feel lonely

"Let's sit down together." When Du Suxi finally shook her ridiculous thoughts out of her head, the man suddenly spoke.

This is an invitation.

Guests and hosts did as they pleased, and Du Suxi did not refuse. She walked towards the man with high steps, sat beside the man elegantly, and saw the man's face clearly.

(End of chapter)