Reborn Lady: Unparalleled Daughter of Concubine

Chapter 209: Adopted as an adopted daughter


He is actually a very rare handsome man!

It was completely different from the serious-faced old man I had imagined. It was really different at all!

The person in front of her had slightly upward peach blossom eyes, a high bridge of nose, tight lips, and looked at her with very gentle eyes. Due to his age, there was a touch of light crow's feet at the corners of his eyes. Not only did he not look old at all, On the contrary, it has a sense of vicissitudes of life and maturity.

Is this person the Master of Xiaoyao Valley? Du Suxi couldn't believe it, but she didn't show it on her face. She understands that judging people does not necessarily depend on appearance. Some people may look like scholars, but they may not be capable of killing.

"Little girl Du Suxi, please pay your respects to the Valley Master."

Nodding towards the man softly, Du Suxi's beautiful eyes showed no trace of panic.

There was a flash of appreciation in the man's eyes, but he just nodded towards Du Suxi calmly and spoke calmly.

"You are her daughter, and naturally you are my daughter. You don't have to pay these false courtesy to me."

Um... what kind of trick are you playing? He recognized her as his daughter as soon as he came here and wanted to be his cheap father? Raising her head and looking at the man's overly young face, Du Suxi saw a strange look on her face.

No matter how calm she was, she still couldn't see through this man. "Valley Master, I should not be your biological daughter."

In order to test this man's attitude, Du Suxi reminded him without fear of death. After saying that, she raised her eyes and looked at the man's expression without blinking. As long as the man made any unusual movements, she would immediately know it.

But the man just frowned slightly with some doubts and looked at Du Suxi in a normal and natural way, as if he was asking about a small matter.

"so what?"

so what

He said so what

Du Suxi bit her lip subconsciously, her expression becoming extremely complicated. She had been looking at him just now, seeing all his expressions, but found that this man really didn't care.

He didn't even have any murderous intention towards her.

Biting her lip, Du Suxi's brain was working rapidly. There are only two possibilities for being able to treat it so calmly. First, this matter is really a small matter for this man, and he really doesn't care.

Secondly, this man hid all his emotions, so deep that he was just confused and confused, without any murderous intention.

If it was the first type, she would naturally be fine. However, fear is the second type.

If it is really the second type, then this person has hidden himself too deeply. This kind of person will do nothing if he doesn't take action, but when he takes action, he will hit with one hit! If he really wanted to attack her, it would be difficult for him to escape safely.

For a moment, Du Suxi frowned and looked at the man in front of her with a deep and complicated expression.

"What's wrong? Are you afraid of me? Are you worried that I will kill you?" The man looked at Du Suxi's appearance and chuckled. He seemed to be laughing at Du Suxi's unreasonable worry and continued to speak. .

"I'm not a person who likes to break promises. Your mother helped me get into the position of Xiaoyao Valley Master. I will naturally treat her daughter well, that's all."

So that’s it! Du Suxi felt a lot more at ease. Although her eyes were a little less vigilant when she looked at the man, she was still on guard.

"Where is my mother now? What happened to her?"

The man frowned slightly, a little strange, with

He looked at Du Suxi with some doubts and asked. "Didn't Shen Mu tell you that your mother is dead?"

He said, don't you know that your mother is dead

Du Suxi's heart ached. Somehow, a sadness came over her, and her whole chest felt uncomfortable. Dusha understood that this was the instinctive reaction of Du Suxi's body. She did not try to stop this sadness, but let tears flow from the corners of her eyes.

"How did mother die?"

With some crying, Du Suxi's voice sounded soft and weak, and her bright eyes looked helpless and confused. Such a lovely person, I'm afraid everyone will want to lend a hand and help.

The man suddenly turned cold, looked at Du Suxi, and said decisively. "It's not your business, so don't do it. Knowing too much will do you no good!"

His face changed so quickly that Du Suxi was slightly surprised. One moment he was gentle and kind, but the next second he became cold and harsh. To say that this man was moody would not be an exaggeration.

There must be some secret in this. Du Suxi thought to herself, but her face remained calm.

Since this man said that he would treat him well, and Shen Mu also said that he could cure her body in Xiaoyao Valley, why should she be polite? Not only was there no need to be polite, but he also wanted to test and understand how tolerant this man was of himself.

Thinking of this, Du Suxi took out her handkerchief, wiped her tears, looked helpless, looked at Xiaoyao Valley Master, and spoke slowly but sadly. "Now that my mother has passed away, I wonder what the little girl should call the owner of the valley?"

Soft and soft, with a hint of Wu Nong's soft words.

There was a touch of kindness in the man's eyes, but he didn't know whether it was true or not. Looking at Du Suxi, he whispered in a low voice.

"Just like Shen Mu, just call me father."

Du Suxi was stunned and still lowered her head for a long time. "Yes." An Ran said tactfully, but it was very pleasant. But in my heart, it was still a little hard to accept that such a "young" man became his nominal "father" Du Suxi, and always felt a little weird.

But the current situation forced her to have no choice.

The two of them were silent for a moment, and Du Suxi felt that she couldn't see through the man who insisted on becoming his father. No matter how he tried, it was of no use. This man's mouth was so tight that he couldn't find out anything at all.

Whenever the key point was mentioned, the man would turn his head to one side, look at the golden cosmos flowers in the courtyard, and smile.

"This garden is full of chrysanthemums, they are blooming very well."

I really can't figure out anything crucial. Even though Du Suxi is such a patient person, she couldn't help but feel a little annoyed at this time.

Walking out of the courtyard, Shen Mu was still waiting for her. Seeing her approaching with a slight frown, he suddenly felt uneasy in his heart and hurriedly stepped forward to greet her.

"What's wrong? But the adoptive father is giving you a hard time?" Shen Mu asked, but met Du Suxi's raised eyebrows.

The eyebrows and eyes were extremely bright and clear, as if they had just been washed by heavy rain. Watching this, one can't help but feel emotional and feel a little distressed.

"Why didn't you tell me that my mother was dead?" The voice was a little hoarse, but extremely calm, and the eyes looked at him with extremely clear eyes. There was no accusation, but there was a sudden feeling of guilt in people's hearts.

Du Suxi has always understood that although her body and appearance are not stunning, her eyes are

She was born extremely well, and her grace was not inferior to that of a peerless beauty.

These eyes are her greatest weapon.

Shen Mu looked into those eyes, feeling extremely guilty in his heart. He was a little worried and uneasy as he explained.

"I, I was afraid that you would be sad. I didn't expect that my adoptive father would tell you."

It turned out that he was afraid that she would be sad, which was a high-sounding reason. Du Suxi showed a mocking smile on her lips. Step by step, he slowly approached Shen Mu, his voice calm and indifferent.

"Are you really afraid that I will be sad, or are you afraid that I won't come over after knowing that my mother is dead? I respect you as a gentleman, but I didn't expect that you would do such a villainous thing to make people look at you. It's really good , It’s really good! It’s really good!”

She said "yes" three times, with anger and anger floating in her brows. Her eyes were still staring at him clearly.

But he had nothing to say.

Du Suxi had said everything, and he really had nothing to say. Du Suxi was right, he did have such worries.

There was silence. He was about to open his mouth to explain, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, Du Suxi avoided it as if inadvertently.

"I'm tired, go back."

Shen Mu was stunned for a moment, and finally realized that this woman was disappointed with him today. This kind of disappointment cannot be clearly expressed or explained in words.

As if aware of Shen Mu's pause, Du Suxi, who was walking in front, frowned slightly, but still turned around, looked at Shen Mu, and spoke in a gentle voice.

"It's getting dark, and you've worked hard on the journey. Get in the carriage and go home."

The tone turned out to be much softer, but it had a faint flavor of alienation. Even so, Shen Mu was satisfied. Du Suxi could treat him like this, and he had clearly figured out why.

In Xiaoyao Valley, she was the only one who knew her well. There was no one else she could rely on except herself. Therefore, no matter how angry or resentful she was, she had to Let go of this resentment and speak kindly to yourself.

This was his biggest advantage at this time, and his guess was indeed good. Du Suxi was indeed like this, otherwise, according to her temperament, she would never pay attention to Shen Mu again.

As the saying goes, if you depend on someone, you have to know how to look at them. After all, she still has to rely on Shen Mu to gain a foothold here, and she really can't offend him too much.

However, it doesn't mean that she wants to flatter him.

This was never something she would do. She would never do such a thing, she has her own persistence and pride.

After taking a deep breath, Du Suxi reluctantly calmed down.

Shen Mu deliberately sat across from her and stared at her, but Du Suxi simply chose to turn a blind eye and turned to look at the scenery outside.

No one spoke. As a man, Shen Mu couldn't help but face Du Suxi's cold attitude. After looking around and talking to him for a while, he coughed lightly and spoke casually.

"Valley Master, what else did I tell you?"

Du Suxi turned her head quietly and looked at Shen Mu calmly. For a moment, her red lips opened slightly. "Nothing, just want to recognize me as your adopted daughter."

I see.

Du Suxi must be fine. Shen Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of chapter)