Reborn Lady: Unparalleled Daughter of Concubine

Chapter 28: Meet a strange man


Helian Kuang suddenly let go of Du Suxi. Du Suxi didn't stand firm. His body shook and he fell to the ground.

From this angle, Helian Kuang's face looked a little cold.

"Really? Just in time, Du Suxi, I also want to tell you that you'd better marry that good-for-nothing. If you dare to say something you shouldn't say, I don't mind letting you die again."

"..." Du Suxi didn't even look at Helian Kuang. She calmly used her strength to get up. Her eyes fell on the blue and white figure pot on the table. Before He Lian Kuang could react, Du Suxi grabbed it. A tea cup was hit hard on the corner of the table. In an instant, half a sharp piece of porcelain appeared in his hand.

"What do you want to do?" Helian was shocked. He saw Du Suxi picking up the porcelain piece right under his nose without hesitation and piercing it into the palm of his hand. He hurriedly stretched out his hand to catch Du Suxi's action. , but Du Suxi's attack was too harsh, and his movements were too fast. He smashed the cup and stabbed his hand in one go, without any pause. Helian Kuang reacted immediately, but still took a step slower, looking at Du Suxi's fair skin. The palms of my hands bloomed a bright red. said in shock.

"Are you crazy?" He Liankuang couldn't help but asked in a low voice. A sarcastic smile appeared at the corner of Du Suxi's mouth. She straightened her back and felt much more energetic. She looked at He Liankuang's surprised face.

"I'm not crazy, since you care about your Du Yunxi. In fact, I didn't do anything to her. It's just a small lesson. Since you are so nervous, then even if I am, I will return it to her, tit for tat! However, I will get back everything she owes me."

She raised her head proudly, her eyes reflected that handsome and extraordinary face, but her face was expressionless, there was no trace of pain on her face, and her voice was cold. It was as if she felt no pain.

Helian looked at Du Suxi in front of him and snorted coldly.

"I'm warning you, if you dare to touch Du Yunxi's hair, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Du Suxi said nothing, and the corner of her mouth slowly raised into a smile. She raised her eyebrows calmly, and the sunlight slanted in from the window lattice, illuminating her plain brows and eyes, making them look extraordinarily delicate.

"Su Xi sincerely wishes His Highness the Seventh Highness and Du Yunxi a happy marriage that lasts forever. If nothing happens, Your Highness the Seventh Highness, Su Xi will retire first."

These words were polite and distant. Helian moved his lips frantically, but could not find any mistakes. He felt that Du Suxi in front of him was like a hedgehog, invulnerable, but kept a very subtle distance from everyone. There is something strange about such a woman.

He frowned, snorted coldly, turned around, not looking at the white jade hand that was slowly bleeding, and warned himself in his heart.

Helian Kuang, you are not the kind of person who would selflessly help others. Don't do anything that is not beneficial. Don't do it.

He convinced himself, raised his head, and let out a cold snort from his nose.

"Du Suxi, you are simply an unreasonable lunatic."

Du Suxi lowered her eyebrows and said nothing, calmly watching Helian's back as he walked away. Then his eyes slowly moved down, looking at his bright red dress.

She tore off the hem of the bright red dress very neatly, ignoring the tiny pieces of porcelain that pierced her palms, and bandaged it very skillfully. The whole process was very fast. She raised her head and took a few deep breaths to keep herself awake. Only then did he realize that his back was wet from nowhere.

Raising her eyes and scanning the entire room carefully, Du Suxi without hesitation pulled off Du Yunxi's soft sheets, swept away all the jewelry, gold and jade on the dressing table, and carried the priceless little thing on her back. Carrying the burden, he avoided the maidservants in twos and threes and escaped from Nanyuan.

According to her memory of Du Mansion, Du Suxi flexibly escaped into a house in the corner of Dongyuan.

Smelling the smell of decay in the air, Du Suxi breathed a sigh of relief. This house was where Du Suxi's mother committed suicide, and everyone in the house said it was haunted. So no one came. Du Suxi came here several times in the middle of the night. She had long thought about the day she would leave the Du family, but she didn't expect it would be so soon, and she would also have a runaway marriage on her back.


I never expected that a daughter from a famous family would end up like this. Du Suxi showed a self-deprecating smile and looked at the bright red cloth in her hand. For a moment, she couldn't tell whether it was her own blood that dyed the cloth red, or whether the cloth was more vivid because of the blood.

That's all, leaving the green hills without worrying about having no firewood. Besides, she had abducted and sold Du Yunxi's belongings for more than ten years. Instead of playing boring intrigues with them in this big house, it would be better for her to start her own business and at least feel comfortable.

Du Suxi comforted herself, and the inexplicable sourness in her heart finally subsided a lot, and she let out a long sigh. He looked around, took out a set of men's clothes that had been prepared from the hiding place, put them on, and smeared dust on his face. Suddenly, the image of a swarthy, rough man appeared, but His stature looks a bit frail. From a rough look, he was just an eleven or twelve year old country boy. But those clear black and white eyes, not only were not covered by the filth, but actually moved as if the stars and the moon were flashing, very agile.

She breathed a long sigh of relief, carrying a small bundle made of a large bed sheet. Because one hand was weak, she accidentally sprained her foot while climbing over the wall. He walked with a limp and looked very funny.

It would have taken at least half a day to get to Moshang Xiangfang from where she was if her legs were intact, not to mention that she was temporarily disabled.

In this dynasty, carriages were still a very rare item. Either you were rich, powerful, or rich and powerful, otherwise there would be absolutely no carriages. Generally, horses are specially tamed by powerful people in their backyards. It will not be released at all. This also puts an end to Du Suxi's idea of buying a carriage. Moreover, even if she spends a lot of money to buy a carriage, it would be too conspicuous to wander around the capital like this. If she is caught, , but there will be no good ending...

Du Suxi lowered her head and was concentrating on her thoughts. Without paying attention, she felt a warm object hit her forehead. She subconsciously pulled out the knife hidden in her sleeve, held it against the visitor's throat, and looked at him with sharp eyes.

It was a very ordinary face, but the eyes were very bright, like an invisible whirlpool, attracting people to take the initiative to explore. Du Suxi was a little stunned.

For a moment, he felt a sudden chill on his neck. Du Suxi reacted immediately, her eyes regained clarity and her brows furrowed slightly. She already guessed what it was without having to lower her head. She glanced sideways at the man in black holding the knife, and then her eyes returned to the man's face with a kind smile. said softly.

"I'll count one, two, three and let go together."

"Okay." It was just one word, but it was as gentle as jade. Du Suxi began to re-examine the man in front of her. She felt that there seemed to be some secret in this man.




The two of them took back the sharp blades in their hands at the same time. Du Suxi raised her head slightly and stared at the man in front of her.

"Young Master is quite skilled." With a smile on his face, the man took out a folding fan. It was just a gentle patting motion, but it turned out to be very elegant in his hand. Du Suxi pursed her lips slightly and reached out her hand proactively. He lowered his voice.

"My name is Du Sha, the young master is quite charming."

"Du Sha?" The man raised his brows and looked over Du Suxi's body, finally landing on Du Suxi's lame leg. The meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

Du Suxi blushed rarely. Coughed.

"I accidentally fell. It's no big deal. I'm sorry just now. I didn't mean it. If nothing happened..."

Du Suxi was just about to leave, but was interrupted by the man's clear and gentle voice.

"But, I seem to have something that cannot be resolved, and I feel very uncomfortable."


Du Suxi was stunned and looked at the man's neck subconsciously, only to see that the neck was smooth and there was nothing wrong with it at all. After a pause, looking into those light brown eyes, Du Suxi lowered her eyes and spoke.

"You, if anything happens to you, you can come to Moshang Xiangfang to see me.

. I have something urgent to do now and have to leave first. "

She knew in her heart that she couldn't stay here for a long time. The longer she stayed here, the greater the possibility that she would be exposed. If Du Yunxi found out that she was not in the house and sent someone to find him for some reason, she didn't have the time and didn't want to. Implicate others. The person in front of me seems to be pretty good. If she can really be safe, then it would be nice to make acquaintance with her. However, this should never be the time!

Du Suxi weighed the pros and cons in her mind and made up her mind. But he heard a chuckle from above his head. It was like a clear ringtone suddenly came from the snowy peaks that had been silent for a long time, suddenly, but not abruptly.

"Moshang Xiangfang? The name is very elegant, but what does it do?" The man lowered his head and looked at Du Suxi curiously. There was a questioning look in his eyes, and it seemed that he really didn't know.

Du Suxi blushed suddenly, bit her lip, and looked at the man hesitantly, not knowing how to answer.

It happened that a girl dressed plainly was holding a lot of colorful paper and passing it around. The man in black who just held the sword reached out to take one and handed it to the man.

Du Suxi's face turned pale. I felt panicked.

The flyer was drawn by Du Suxi himself, using fine rice paper, and the best painter was invited to copy it. As for the content, it is naturally mainly erotic. Du Suxi followed the standards of the four beauties in ancient times. She was tall, short, fat and thin, with some revealing clothes. Her paintings were very beautiful. Based on Wei Qing's cold appearance, she also painted a very Q version of Wei Qing with a big head...

Very visually impactful.

She did this just to attract attention. Nowadays, this kind of small trick has been used to death, but in ancient times, it was very new. Many people even reached out to ask for a portion, carefully observe.

Du Suxi looked at the man's serious look and couldn't hold back the smile on his face.

Just as he was about to leave quietly, he heard the man suddenly smile.

"What kind of store is this? It's so interesting. West Wind. Did you know?"

The stern-faced man in black shook his head.

"..." Du Suxi thought to herself, it was so obvious that she designed these two pieces of wood, but she still didn't know it? It seems that these two people are quite decent and have never visited any romantic places...

You'd better not lead others into harm's way, right

Just as the man looked over with questioning eyes, Du Suxi took a deep breath and pretended to be calm and explained.

"It's just a teahouse with some characteristics. Master, I have some things to do, so I won't accompany you. Goodbye."

Du Suxi had just taken three steps when the man's voice came after her again.

"Mr. Du, your legs and feet are very inconvenient. The carriage is not far away. Why don't you lend it to me for convenience, and also to apologize for Xifeng's recklessness just now? Okay?"

Du Suxi's steps suddenly stopped. She wanted to refuse, but the words came to her lips but she couldn't.

After looking at her left hand and then her right foot, Du Suxi suppressed a sentence.

"I was too nervous and offended the young master. Please don't argue with me."

Then he got on the man's carriage with peace of mind.

Wait until the coachman delivers him to Moshang Xiangfang. Du Suxi suddenly realized that she hadn't asked the man's name clearly yet. Looking at the young man sitting on the carriage, Du Suxi asked.

"By the way, what's your master's name? Where does he live? I will definitely thank you again for today's kindness in the future."

The young man looked at her and drove away in the carriage with a "driving sound". Kicks up a little bit of dust.

Du Suxi's face was a little ugly.

Let’s not say who this man is. Everyone around him is more serious than the other. Who is he showing off to? Du Suxi was a little angry.

She suddenly remembered something her master often said. If you treat others as human beings, they may treat you as a dog!

This is so true!

Du Suxi gritted her teeth, looked around and saw that there was no one around, climbed over the wall and entered Moshang Xiangfang.

(End of chapter)