Reborn Lady: Unparalleled Daughter of Concubine

Chapter 92: It’s spring again in Moshang Xiangfang


Now that he had agreed to Xiao Taohua's request, Du Suxi began to seriously design a plan for Xiao Taohua.

She went to see Zhong Lingxi and Qingzhuang. Both of them practiced pretty well, but they were still a little stiff during the dance even though their makeup was clean. I don't know if it was because they were too nervous or something, but they couldn't achieve the natural flowing feeling.

Regarding this point, Du Suxi could only sigh. Looking at Qingzhuang's insistent look, she finally chose not to say anything. After some pointers, she let Qingzhuang practice.

There were only two days left before the performance on stage. In order to make the two of them a blockbuster, Du Suxi personally designed a series of leaflets. After sending painters to copy it, they distributed it everywhere. Now everyone in the capital has heard about the news, and they are looking forward to Moshang Xiangfang once again cultivating a being comparable to Jingwei.

The common people were all talking about this matter after tea and dinner, with longing on their faces. They wished they could turn into flies and fly into the incense shop on Moshang to watch. It's a pity that they can only talk about that place verbally. If they really want to go, they can't afford it.

Now it seems that maybe he really shot himself in the foot

What if the place is ruined? Du Suxi felt upset. Looking at Tao Hua's cheerful appearance surrounding him, an idea flashed in his mind, and he seemed to have grasped something, and his frown instantly relaxed. Looking at the peach blossoms, I had a very bold idea in my mind. Looking at the peach blossoms, Du Suxi asked.

"Peach Blossom, would you like to go on stage and be a flower fairy?"

"Huh? Is the Flower Fairy very beautiful?" Taohua blinked, her long eyelashes flickered, and she looked at Du Suxi expectantly.

Du Suxi nodded.

"Okay then, I'll be the flower fairy." Taohua blinked and laughed, revealing eight teeth as white as jade.

In the next two days, Du Suxi directly ordered Le Xiaoyou to temporarily close Mo Shang Xiang Fang and focus on rearranging Mo Shang Xiang Fang. She hardly even had time to close her eyes and take a good rest. When she was tired, she would lie down on the table and sleep for a while, then get up again and direct everyone to set up the scene. Qingzhuang and Zhong Lingxi don't have Wei Qing's stunning appearance, so they can only rely on post-production. Therefore, Du Suxi formulated a fairy tale plan.

A fairy tale for adults.

The inspiration comes from the 21st century animation master Hayao Miyazaki. In her previous life, she and her master were both fans of Hayao Miyazaki's animation. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, My Neighbor Totoro, listen to the wind, the wind is blowing, etc.

Du Suxi read it countless times, but she still felt that she was still not satisfied with it and that she was not fully satisfied.

I have an almost morbid love for Hayao Miyazaki's works.

Some people say, Miyazaki Hayao's animation. It is for adults, because only adults can understand the true meaning conveyed in anime.

Some people say that the reason why they like Hayao Miyazaki is because they like the childlike innocence conveyed in Miyazaki's works. Although they know that they are not real scenes, they still give people real feelings, making people fall deeply into them and shed tears unconsciously. , but they were all tears of joy, admiration for his passion for animation and his almost perverted seriousness.

Even the scene Mo Shang Xiangfang wants to create is similar to the Forest of Fireflies. In order to create such a dreamlike feeling, Du Suxi even sent two hundred people to catch fireflies in a remote mountain lake in the capital.

She has always been a person who strives for perfection and cannot tolerate any sand.

Le Xiaoyou felt heartbroken when he saw Du Suxi's tired look. He tried to persuade her several times, but could not change Du Suxi's decision. Looking at Du Suxi's back holding on, Le Xiaoyou felt very uncomfortable.

Even Peach Blossom, who had never been mad or crazy, became extraordinarily well-behaved when she saw Du Suxi's hard work, and she didn't even argue with Du Suxi. Listen to Du Suxi's instructions carefully.

The two days passed in a hurry, and it could even be regarded as flying by. The sky gradually became slightly brighter. If anyone noticed Du Suxi accidentally, they would definitely find that her eyes, which were supposed to be bright and moving, were dull and dull, and the few streaks of red blood were obviously shocking. The whole person looked so thin that he looked like he would fall down at any time. But Du Suxi's performance really exceeded everyone's expectations. Not only did she not fall down, but she checked all the arrangements very seriously. The meticulous appearance made everyone feel a little sad.

It wasn't until the sun rose and the rooster crowed several times that Du Suxi completed the inspection. Looking at the worried eyes of everyone, she gave a comforting smile. Then he walked back to his room under everyone's distressed eyes. As soon as I sat on the bed, I felt sore and numb all over. I didn't even bother to take off my clothes, so I just fell straight on the bed, closed my eyes and fell asleep immediately.

She didn't know how much energy she had spent in the past two days. She is indeed too tired

. She was so tired that she could even fall asleep even talking. If she hadn't been receiving mental training in her previous life, she would have fainted long ago. But despite this, she was temporarily exhausted and had no strength at this time.

"This body is still too weak." Du Suxi muttered with the last of her consciousness, her mind sank, and she fainted.

"This woman is sleeping like this?" He Liankuang finally bypassed the guards and found Du Suxi's room, but he never thought that what he saw when he entered was this scene. Du Suxi closed her eyes, frowned slightly, and wore an iron mask covering half of her face. The clothes on his body were in a mess, and the shoes on his feet had not been taken off. They were worn loosely on his feet, as if they were about to fall off but did not.

He has never seen such a sloppy woman! His good mood was instantly wiped out.

"Du Suxi, wake up, I have something to ask you!"

Really unable to bear the sight of Du Suxi's sleeping posture, He Liankuang stretched out his hand and gently patted Du Suxi's cheek, but despite his dozens of pats, Du Suxi didn't react at all. His eyes were closed tightly, looking like he was fast asleep.

Could it be that the poison remains in the body and has not been resolved? He Liankuang had such a conjecture in his mind, and immediately shook his head, denying it with a wry smile. Impossible. His people told him clearly that Du Suxi's face was rosy when she came down the mountain. Except for being a little thin, she couldn't see anything abnormal.

"Qingzhuang, your waist should be softened and lowered a little. Taohua, don't be naughty, be serious... Lingxi, you..." Du Suxi seemed to have dreamed something, her lips moved slightly, and she murmured softly, Helian Kuang He hurriedly leaned down and listened carefully, but couldn't hear anything clearly.

Looking at Du Suxi suspiciously, Helian touched Du Suxi's forehead subconsciously. Although it was a little hot, it was still normal. Looking from top to bottom, there is nothing wrong with him at all. Helian Kuang watched Du Suxi reluctantly for a moment, and finally sighed, confirming the impossible conjecture in his heart.

Du Suxi slept to death.

Looking at the body that is getting thinner and thinner. Helian frowned crazily, and after thinking for a while, he helped Du Suxi take off her clothes, mask, and shoes. He picked up Du Suxi and carefully placed her under the quilt. As if she felt comfortable, Du Suxi even smacked her mouth, moved her body with a satisfied look on her face, and adjusted her sleeping position to the most comfortable one.

Where has Helian Kuang ever seen such an arrogant and domineering woman sleeping in bed? According to his status, what woman does he want that he doesn't have? Which woman is not so charming and charming, wishing she could show off her most beautiful and moving moments? Never had she ever behaved so inappropriately in front of him.

He Liankuang felt that he should be angry, but for some reason, his heart was surrounded by a strange feeling and he couldn't get angry at all.

Hugging Du Suxi, Helian sighed helplessly in her ear.

"Why are you getting thinner and thinner? I don't like you being too thin. It's better to be fatter and more comfortable to hold."

"Uh-huh." Du Suxi seemed to have heard it, and with a cry, she rubbed Helian's crazy bear look and still fell asleep, breathing calmly and shallowly.

Helian Kuang paused blankly. Looking at the person in his arms in astonishment, a helpless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The originally cold and ruthless eyebrows gradually melted away silently and unconsciously, just like the winter snow in spring. The spring sunshine is beautiful.

If he were not a prince, it would be a good idea to spend his whole life with this woman, right

Such an idea suddenly flashed through Helian Kuang's mind, which made him feel a little shocked. He frowned, and the winter snow that had melted solidified again. He Liankuang put down Du Suxi and looked at Du Suxi's pale eyebrows. Taking a deep breath, as if thinking of something, he raised the corners of his mouth and murmured softly.

"I heard that today is the day when Moshang Xiangfang reopens, and two beauties comparable to Jingwei have been prepared. I'm afraid, they were also made by you? Anyway, since I'm here, I'll take a look, you How much talent does he have?"

Just as he was thinking about it, footsteps suddenly sounded from outside the door. He Liankuang frowned and immediately jumped onto the beam. As soon as he hid his figure, the door was pushed open. A pretty little girl walked up, looked at Du Suxi, and called in a low voice.

"Sister Suxi, sister Suxi, it's already afternoon. Do you want to have some food? Do you want..." Do you want to come and see my performance

Taohua bit her lower lip, but she still didn't ask the half of the sentence.

Helian looked at the little girl crazily and felt funny in his heart. When I called Du Suxi like that just now, Du Suxi didn't wake up. How could your voice wake up Du Suxi

He was still disdainful in his heart, but he never thought that a familiar voice suddenly broke in and disrupted his mind.

"Now, what time is it?" The voice sounded weak and powerless at first, but it succeeded in making Helian grit his teeth bitterly.

Du Suxi, what does this mean? Even though he called her so loudly, she never woke up. A little baby came and only called a few words, but it woke up? Do you pretend you don't exist

For the first time, Helian Kuang felt that he had been humiliated by a woman.

"It's Shenshi now." Taohua answered honestly, looking at Du Suxi with a little uneasiness in her eyes. It was her first time on stage, and she subconsciously wanted Du Suxi's support and encouragement.

Shen time, Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, Hai. Du Suxi calculated it silently in her heart, and immediately woke up from her drowsy state. Looking at Taohua, who was still wearing her own clothes, she urged her hurriedly.

"Why are you still standing here? Go change your clothes and I'll help you put on your makeup."

There was a trace of hesitation in Taohua's eyes, she bit her lip, looking at Du Suxi's urging expression, she finally couldn't help it and asked anxiously.

"Sister Suxi, will the prince brother come to see my performance?"

Du Suxi was startled, but she didn't expect that Taohua still remembered He Lianheng, and smiled lightly. Touching Taohua's long hair that was spread like a cloud. The voice became much softer. said softly.

"Whether he comes or not, I will always look after the little peach blossom."

They say that children have all their expressions written on their faces and don’t know how to hide their thoughts. This is true. Du Suxi looked at Taohua, and she could easily see her disappointment.

Sighed. Du Suxi stood up and found that her clothes were neatly dragged aside. He raised his eyebrows in confusion. Du Suxi looked at Peach Blossom and asked in confusion.

"Taohua, did you help me take off my clothes?"

Taohua blinked and shook her head strangely. "No, you fell asleep in bed as soon as I came in."

"Have other people, such as Xiaoyou Qingzhuang and the others, ever entered my room?"

Taohua shook her head firmly. "No, they are all busy there, how can they have time to come over?"

"Oh? That's it." Du Suxi suppressed her doubts, forced a smile, looked at Taohua who looked at her curiously, and explained.

"I probably took it off myself and forgot about it. You go change clothes first, I'll be there right away."

Taohua didn't think much after hearing this, nodded, and happily skipped away, taking three steps and two steps to leave.

Seeing Tao Hua's back disappear, Du Suxi frowned.

She clearly remembered that she was so tired that she slept on the bed without even taking off her clothes. Who took off his clothes and covered himself with a quilt? Looking back at the neatly placed clothes, Du Suxi took a long breath and comforted herself.

It should be Qingzhuang and the others, or whoever it is, there should be no malicious intent, otherwise, she would have done what she wanted to do if she was sleeping so hard.

However, Du Suxi knew in her heart that she never liked others approaching her room. Therefore, an unwritten rule was derived from Mo Shang Xiangfang. No one was allowed to enter her room unless necessary. . Therefore, there was no way anyone could come into her room.

But, who is it

He smiled wryly. Du Suxi washed her face and felt that she couldn't think of a reason, so she simply stopped thinking about it. He took out a light green men's suit from the closet and took off his clothes without any scruples. The round shoulders were uncovered and exposed to the air.

Helian's heart skipped a beat as he watched, and he swallowed subconsciously, his heartbeat speeding up involuntarily. damn it. He just wanted to go down and say a few words to Du Suxi, but he didn't expect to see such a beautiful scene. If he went down now, what would Du Suxi think? Because you deliberately hid and peeked

Thinking of this, Helian Kuang couldn't help wiping his sweat. Pay attention. Can't go down anymore.

Du Suxi never thought that someone would peek at her, naked, and wrapped her breasts around her without any scruples. After smoothing out the feminine features, he put on his middle coat and jacket, combed his hair casually, fixed it with a crown, and added a few strokes to his face to make him appear more masculine, and then he took a long breath. One breath. Walked out and closed the door.

She didn't know that Helian Kuang's face was already flushed and his breathing became heavy.

Damn it, why am I so useless? I'm just looking at a woman without clothes. It's not like I've never seen it before. Why are I so nervous

Sighing softly, Helian Kuang suppressed his random thoughts, jumped off the eaves, and after making sure there was no one outside the door, he opened the door cautiously, and the figure disappeared from the place like a ghost.

(End of chapter)