Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 562: Report back


Chu Han glanced quietly along the crack of the door, saw that both of them were resting, so she didn't go in to disturb her, but took Xing Minzhi's sleeve and walked towards the house where she lived yesterday.

Chu Han was very curious about how the house was burnt last night. She was in the house when the incident happened, and only saw pieces of raging flames surrounding her. Now that she saw the tragic state of the house, Chu Han finally Feeling scared for a while.

I saw that the houses in front of her were all burnt black, the houses on both sides were okay, and the original frame could still be seen clearly, but the one she lived in was scary, the whole collapsed, really It turned into ruins, and the several rooms next to her room were also crumbling because they had no mutual support. Chu Han had no doubt that if there was a strong wind at this time, they could be blown down in minutes.

Smoke was still wafting out, and the surrounding air smelled of burnt things. In order to prevent the fire from re-igniting, there were people guarding with buckets around the pitch-black shelf.

Standing in front of the ruins, Chu Han stared dumbfounded. She clutched Xing Minzhi's sleeve tightly, feeling a twinge of fear in her heart.

If Qing Yun hadn't brought her out yesterday, wouldn't she really be burned to death? Chu Han had never faced death so directly, even last night she was not so afraid.

Xing Minzhi was also frightened for a while. He really couldn't imagine what he would be like if something happened to Chu Han last night. He held Chu Han's hand without thinking, and said solemnly: " I will follow you wherever you go in the future, and I will never let you fall into such a dangerous situation again."

Chu Han was startled for a moment when Xing Minzhi held her hand. Feeling the big warm hand holding her hand, Chu Han's face turned red all of a sudden, but she was not willing to twitch. When he came out, he lowered his head shyly, quietly looked at the hands that he and Xing Min held together, and felt an inexplicable satisfaction and joy in his heart.

It was also at this time that Xing Minzhi realized that he held Chu Han's hand in a moment of excitement, and his palm was sweating in a thin layer of nervousness in an instant.

Xing Minzhi glanced at Chu Han cautiously, saw that she lowered her head slightly and couldn't see the expression, and felt lost for a while, he tentatively tightened his hands slightly, seeing that Chu Han still did not refuse, Xing Minzhi just I'm sure Chu Han is willing.

He felt the softness and smoothness of the catkin in his hands, and even his heartbeat accelerated a lot in an instant, but he didn't show it at all, and asked calmly, "Why don't you answer my words?"

At this time, Chu Han's mind was also in a mess, but he pretended to be calm and replied solemnly: "After we get married, my father will not let you follow me before we get married."

Xing Minzhi looked down at the little girl's hair and said: "Then you are not allowed to go out of Beijing anymore, you just stay in the palace peacefully, waiting for me to marry you."

Why is he so overbearing

Chu Han blocked her mouth, and immediately raised her head to look at him, but because Xing Minzhi was leaning against her head, and he was very close to her, when she raised her head, her forehead and his lips were immediately stuck together. place.

Chu Han was startled, and Xing Minzhi was also stunned.

Feeling the warmth and coolness on his lips, Xing Minzhi kissed her lightly on the forehead. There was no expression on his face, but his heart was beating non-stop - if this matter was told, no one would believe it.

It was different from the time when Chu Han took the initiative to kiss Xing Minzhi that day, when Xing Minzhi's lips touched her forehead, Chu Han suddenly felt a numbness along her forehead and invaded her. The strange feeling in her body made her take a step back immediately, she didn't dare to look up at him, but said in a low voice, "Why are you so close to me?"

Xing Minzhi heard Chu Han's coquettish anger, and his heart beat even harder. He looked down at the shy little girl, and slightly curled his mouth: "How kiss me back again?"

Chu Han's cheeks flushed immediately, and he pulled his hand back: "No one is serious! I'm ignoring you!"

Xing Minzhi held her hand tightly, and said softly: "Okay, teaser, stop talking, watch your throat."

Hearing this, Chu Han struggled back again, but Xing Minzhi refused to let go. Chu Han pouted and looked up at Xing Minzhi, but for some reason, he looked up and saw his smiling eyes, Chu Han lowered his head shyly, letting him hold it without struggling anymore.

Xing Minzhi held Chu Han's hand, glanced at the still smoking ruins and frowned, but pretended to be relaxed and said to Chu Han: "Let's go back."

Chu Han nodded slightly, all the way quietly staring at the hands he held with Xing Min, couldn't help pursing his lips and snickering.

Before entering the room, the two of them separated their hands, but Xing Minzhi's palms were covered with fine sweat, while Chu Han's hands were warm and moist from his grip. The sudden separation made Chu Han feel a little uncomfortable.

As soon as Chu Han entered the room, he saw Zhuangtou and his wife kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy. Chu Han probably meant that Su Yan wanted to drive them away because of this incident.

Hearing this, Chu Han walked over to Su Yan and asked, "Concubine Mother, what's wrong? Didn't you say that the servant girl knocked over the candle? The fire has nothing to do with them. What are you punishing them for?"

Su Yan glanced at her silly girl, and said: "This matter has nothing to do with you, go out with your uncle and wait, and we will go back to Beijing after I finish handling the matter."

After finishing speaking, before Chu Han had time to refute, Chu Han was dragged out by Xing Minzhi.

"What are you doing?" Chu Han glared at Xing Minzhi displeased.

"Your mother and concubine asked me to pull you out." Xing Minzhi shook the pot thoroughly.

Chu Han pouted: "Just now you kissed me, why did you turn against me at such a young age? My concubine asked you to drag me out and you dragged me? My father asked you to stay away from me. How far away are you from me?"

Hearing the little girl's eloquent words, Xing Minzhi shook his head helplessly, and said softly: "Your concubine mother has her own reasons for wanting to punish someone, so don't meddle in it."

Chu Han was unhappy, and it happened that Chu Mu also came back at this time, so Chu Han trotted to complain to Chu Mu.

Seeing the little girl turning her head and pointing at him from time to time when she complained, Xing Minzhi just shook his head helplessly and chuckled.

After all, she was still a little girl. If he wanted to marry her home, he might still have a long way to go.

Su Yan handled things very neatly. She took care of all the things in Zhuangzi in half an hour, and brought Chu Han and Princess Jinyang back to Beijing.

This incident taught Su Yan a lesson, and after the incident was over, many more people were sent to protect Chu Han.