Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 580: She doesn't want to do things that are sorry for the girl


When they arrived at the door of the study, Xing Minzhi ordered Qing Yun and Qing Zhi to wait outside, but Qing Yun suddenly stopped Chu Han, looking hesitant to speak.

Xing Minzhi's eyes fell lightly on Qing Yun's troubled face, and no emotion could be seen.

"What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?" Chu Han asked looking at Qing Yun's somewhat ugly face.

Qing Yun opened her mouth, glanced at Xing Min from the corner of the eye, hesitated for a long time but didn't say anything, just shook her head and said: "It's okay, the maid just wants to remind the girl not to stay too long, the banquet will be over soon The empress will definitely look for you later."

Chu Han didn't think much about it, and just said that he knew it well, so that Qing Yun could rest assured.

Chu Yan's study room was always guarded by guards. When they saw Chu Han and Xing Minzhi approaching, the guards who guarded the door stretched out their hands equally to stop them.

"Why? Why can't I enter my father's study?" Chu Han frowned delicately, and looked at the guard at the door with dissatisfaction.

One of the guards said: "May I ask if the prince knows about the girl's coming?"

"I don't know." Chu Han said very honestly, and then asked, "What's the matter? Do I need your permission to enter my father's study?"

The guard cupped his hands and said: "Please forgive me, princess, no one is allowed to enter without the prince's permission."

Chu Han also understood, she said: "Then let me go back and ask for my father's warrant, you guys let me in first."

Looking at this little princess who has always been delicate and savage in the mansion, the guards guarding the door exchanged glances.

On the one hand, the prince loves the little princess very much. Even if the prince's message is delivered, they will have to let people in, so it will inevitably offend the young master. But on the other hand, it was their duty to guard the study, and it would be considered dereliction of duty if they let go.

For a while, both of them were in trouble.

Seeing the two indifferent guards, Chu Han became unhappy. Every time she finds a way and begs her uncle for help. This time, it is not easy for her uncle to use her. Why are these two guards so ignorant

Seeing Chu Han's displeasure, the two guards exchanged glances and then stepped aside together.

Chu Han was about to open the door, but one of the guards suddenly reminded him: "Miss, the warrant from the prince..."

Chu Han immediately ordered Qing Zhi to pick it up, Qing Zhi just turned around, but Xing Minzhi suddenly interjected: "Let Qing Yun go." After speaking, Xing Minzhi explained to Chu Han: "Qing Minzhi Rhyme is fast, and we don't need to waste long looking for books."

Chu Han felt that what Xing Minzhi said made sense, so he nodded and let Qingyun go.

Qingyun was not surprised by Xing Minzhi's proposal at all. She blessed Chu Han and walked out of here with a heavy heart, but she didn't go to where Chu Yan was, but found a very hidden place to hide He got up and took out a jade pendant from the pouch around his waist.

Qing Yun held the jade pendant tightly, her hands trembling slightly.

Bitter in her heart, two lines of tears ran across Qing Yun's face, and she didn't want to do anything to be sorry for the girl... But she...

Qing Yun's hand tightened more and more.

After a long time, she wiped away the tears from her eyes, pretended to be nonchalant and went back to the door of the study, showed the jade pendant to the guard guarding the door, and said: "My lord is busy with guests, so I don't have time to write the warrant. Then ordered me to bring this jade pendant."

The guard glanced at it, and recognized that it was the jade pendant carried by the prince, and thought that Qing Yun was the maid next to the girl, so he didn't take a closer look, and cupped his hands and said, "Miss Qing Yun, please."

Qing Yun smiled, shook her head, then turned her head and said to Qing Zhi who was standing at the door: "Sister Qing Zhi, I will return this jade pendant to the lord, if the girl comes out first, you can tell the girl, don't wait for me .”

"Okay." Qing Zhi nodded.

Qing Yun breathed a sigh of relief, turned and left holding the jade pendant in her hand.

Let's talk about talent.

Leaving the waiters outside, Chu Han entered the house and found the eating place in Chu Yan's study with ease. He took out a piece of red bean cake and took a bite. The sweetness in the mouth almost made Chu Han's heart tremble. Melted, she smiled and asked Xing Minzhi: "What book does uncle want to look for?"

Xing Minzhi rummaged through the bookshelf and said: "I don't know if you have heard that there was a flood in Jingdong County, and the people sent were helpless to deal with the situation there, and the emperor was also in a state of distress because of it. I remember there were some The method of opening the canal is written in the ancient book, so I want to find it out and learn from it.”

Chu Han nodded after listening to Xing Minzhi's explanation, and couldn't help but said: "Those officials are usually raised with salaries and big ears, but when they encounter serious business, they show their original shape, and I don't know what the emperor usually does. Selected officials."

Xing Minzhi just smiled at Chu Han's dissatisfaction.

Chu Han looked at Xing Minzhi looking for a book, and was still muttering: "I heard from my mother and concubine that every time there is a flood, there will be plagues. It seems that my father and king are busy again. "

"Little girl knows a lot." Saying that, Xing Minzhi looked back at Chu Han who was eating red bean cake with relish.

Chu Han proudly raised his chin: "That's right."

A smile flickered across Xing Minzhi's eyes, and when he put his eyes back on the bookshelf, the smile in his eyes gradually dissipated. After searching for a long time, Xing Minzhi took out a few books and held them in his hand.

At this time, Chu Han was almost finished eating. Seeing that Xing Minzhi seemed to have finished selecting the book, he wiped his hands with a handkerchief, got up and walked towards Xing Minzhi and asked, "Did you find it?"

"Yeah." Xing Minzhi responded and showed Chu Han a look at those books. They were all books on flood control, and the covers were old and out of shape. Chu Han had no interest in this at all, so he just scanned Turned around at a glance: "Then let's go."

Xing Minzhi suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

When Chu Han heard this, he stopped in his tracks, turned around and raised his head slightly, with questioning eyes.

Xing Minzhi was speechless, holding the books in his left hand, stepped forward a few steps and stretched out his right hand to remove the pastry crumbs from the corner of the little girl's mouth.

Chu Han looked up at Xing Minzhi's serious face, his cheeks turned red again, and Chu Han felt his hands tingle and numb wherever he passed on his face. His hairs seemed to stand on end.

However, Xing Min's beautiful eyes were still looking at her with a smile: "What a girl, she still looks like a child."

Even if it's the beginning of love, Chu Han is just a little girl who doesn't know too much. Facing Xing Minzhi at this time, she just blushes instinctively, but she doesn't have any other thoughts.