Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 584: Board


What happened in Prince Jin's Mansion was immediately blocked by Chu Mu, and no news came out, but those who were interested still got the news.

Like the one in the palace.

After hearing Xu Qing's report, the Supreme Emperor coughed lightly, and there was a hint of satisfaction in his cloudy eyes.

Finally, he finally waited until this day, and his ten-year forbearance and planning were not in vain.

Before the Supreme Emperor could say anything, another message came from outside. Xu Qing went out to pick up the note, and when he came back, he said to the Supreme Emperor: "There is news that the Emperor has gone out of the palace to Prince Jin's Mansion."

The Supreme Emperor nodded, indicating that he knew about it, but he never said anything about it.

Standing beside the Supreme Emperor, Xu Qing felt for the first time that he could not understand the Supreme Emperor's mind. After thinking for a long time, he tentatively asked: "The Supreme Emperor, the death of Prince Jin is of great importance. Would you like to take this opportunity to take this matter to the next level?" If the matter is publicized, there will definitely be some disturbances in the capital, and you can take advantage of these disturbances to do something, and it will be convenient for you to assist the young master in the future."

The Supreme Emperor frowned, and raised his hand to stop Xu Qing from continuing: "Although Chu Yan is dead, his subordinates are loyal. You must not make a big fuss about him."

"The slave is stupid." Xu Qing said softly, then stepped aside and stood respectfully.

The Supreme Emperor slowly closed his eyes, quietly thinking about the follow-up. Now that Chu Yan is dead, I am really happy. And Lao Qi without Chu Yan is nothing to be afraid of. It seems that the day when he avenges himself is not far away.

The room fell into absolute silence for a while.

The Taishanghuang didn't make a sound for a long time, and the whole person leaned on the chair without making any sound.

Xu Qing quietly raised his head and glanced at the Supreme Emperor who was leaning on the back of the chair, squinted his eyes and approached him, just when Xu Qing was about to walk in front of the Supreme Emperor, he stopped abruptly, turned and went to the couch Taking a thin blanket, he walked to the Supreme Emperor's side again, and gently touched the tip of the Supreme Emperor's nose by covering the Supreme Emperor with a blanket.

Feeling the warm breath, Xu Qing was relieved.

Just when he was about to take back his hand, the Supreme Emperor suddenly opened his eyes, and his withered hand grabbed Xu Qing's wrist very forcefully. After seeing clearly that it was Xu Qing, the Supreme Emperor slowly let go of his hand, and asked lightly: "What do you want to do?"

Xu Qing immediately withdrew his hand, bowed and said: "I am afraid that the Supreme Emperor will catch a cold, so I want to cover you with a blanket."

The Supreme Emperor glanced at the blanket on his body, hummed, waved his hand to make Xu Qing retreat, and continued to close his eyes and meditate.

Xu Qing broke out in a cold sweat. Standing by the side, he couldn't help being afraid, but he was also thankful for his caution.

The past few years were fine, but in recent years, the Taishanghuang's health has deteriorated day by day, and he is much more cautious than before. Many times he feels that the Taishanghuang looks at him with probing eyes.

Time continued to pass minute by minute in silence like this, but after a specific amount of time, the door of the Supreme Emperor's palace was suddenly kicked open with a "bang".

Xu Qing immediately ran out of the inner room to the outer hall, and saw Xing Minzhi stepping towards him with a cold expression. Xu Qing's eyes flashed, and he immediately stepped forward to meet Xing Minzhi: "Young Master, why are you here at this time?"

Xu Qing smiled all over his face, but what he got in return was Xing Minzhi's merciless kick.

Seeing Xu Qing being kicked out, the people waiting around couldn't help closing their eyes, unable to bear to see Xu Qing's miserable state.

Xing Minzhi was still advancing, he strode into the emperor's bedroom, opened his mouth and asked loudly: "Why did you do this?"

The Supreme Emperor slowly opened his eyes, facing Xing Minzhi's questioning, he was noncommittal and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Xing Minzhi's face was serious, and he looked at the Supreme Emperor as if he wanted to eat people: "If you don't want others to know, unless you don't do it yourself! In the whole capital, who has the courage and means to harm the prince, besides the Supreme Emperor, who else is you? The Supreme Emperor You don’t have to prevaricate me with other words!”

"Okay, why be so angry." Facing Xing Minzhi's monstrous anger, the Supreme Emperor's performance can be called indifferent. He slowly got up from the chair, pulled a stool over and said to Xing Minzhi: "You sit first, let's talk slowly if you have something to say."

Xing Minzhi ignored the Supreme Emperor, still staring at him angrily, his joints creaking.

The Supreme Emperor turned around and sat down slowly. He raised his eyelids and glanced at Xing Minzhi: "If you want to give up everything you have now and kill the widow to avenge Chu Yan, then you can do it."

After the Taishanghuang finished speaking, he looked at Xing Minzhi quietly, without any fluctuation in his heart, because he was sure that Xing Minzhi would not do anything to him.

In the previous contacts, the Supreme Emperor had basically figured out Xing Minzhi's character. He knew that although Xing Minzhi valued friendship, he was really good at judging the situation. Now that Chu Yan is dead, Xing Minzhi has no backer. Apart from relying on himself, Xing Minzhi has no other way to go.

Sure enough, as the Supreme Emperor had guessed, Xing Minzhi clenched and loosened his fist, loosened and clenched again, but in the end he didn't swing that fist at the Supreme Emperor.

At this time, Xu Qing also walked into the inner hall clutching his chest, and when he saw Xing Minzhi's appearance, he immediately ran to the Supreme Emperor and said to Xing Minzhi: "Young Master, don't worry, the Supreme Emperor also has painstaking efforts in doing this." ,you… "

Before Xu Qing could finish speaking, Xing Minzhi yelled at him, "Shut up!"

Xu Qing immediately fell silent when he heard the words, but still stood in front of the Supreme Emperor, making it clear that he wanted to protect the Supreme Emperor.

The Supreme Emperor coughed lightly, looked at Xu Qing who was grinning with pain in his back, and said, "Xu Qing, step back first, I have something to say to Min Zhi alone."

"The Supreme Emperor..." Xu Qing seemed a little worried, but under the insistence of the Supreme Emperor, Xu Qing still walked out of the house step by step.

Facing this restless young man, the Taishanghuang behaved much calmer.

He slowly turned around and took a fruit-peeling dagger from the side of the fruit plate and put it in Xing Minzhi's hand. His old voice was exhausted: "If you don't have enough ability to take revenge, then I advise you to learn to forbear first. One day you will be able to control everything, and you can stab this sharp knife into the chest of the widow to avenge Chu Yan. But now..." The Supreme Emperor smiled: "Now, you still have to recognize the reality."

After hearing what the Supreme Emperor had said, Xing Minzhi looked down at the dagger in his hand, and said calmly, "You promised before that you would not touch Prince Jin."