Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

Chapter 11: 11 encounters


Feng Yixuan looked at the girl who was slowly walking towards him, she was indeed still a child, she looked only ten years old, her face was covered with a veil so she couldn't see her face clearly, only those eyes that were as pure as the sky could be seen.

As soon as the girl in front of her appeared, Fengyixuan felt that the world was darkened. Wherever she passed, it seemed that even flowers would close their petals in shame. It has been carefully arranged by top artists, and it is so elegant and pleasing to the eye that Fengyixuan can't take his eyes off no matter what.

Feng Yixuan himself felt very strange, how withdrawn or desolate he was, let alone a girl or a child, he was also full of vigilance, but now in this wilderness place, a strange face appeared Not to mention the little girl, I didn't have any intention of rejecting this girl, perhaps because those eyes were too pure.

Feng Yixuan looked at Lan Younian, and suddenly he remembered that his eyes had returned to purple, anyone in this world who saw the color of his eyes would be killed by him, but this girl was not surprised when she saw the color of her eyes Or afraid, just like myself and others, it was the first time that someone looked at my eyes with the most ordinary eyes.

Lan Younian looked at the man who was sitting on the ground but didn't lose his kingly demeanor at all. This man was only about sixteen or seventeen years old, and he was very tall from a distance, at least one meter tall. On the 85th, the man wore a long-sleeved gown with cloud pattern, the jade-colored texture was luxurious and comfortable.

He has long black hair, handsome facial features as if sharpened by a knife, a pair of deep purple eyes under thick sword-shaped eyebrows, a high and straight nose, thin rose-colored lips slightly raised, the sun hitting his skin, The whole person looks wicked.

Lan Younian could not deny that this man was unparalleled in style, but she was not really ignorant of girls, her heart was a pool of stagnant water, so Lan Younian just took a look, came to Feng Yixuan's side, squatted He lowered his body and looked at Fengyixuan.

Feng Yixuan's body froze. Since he was sensible, no one had been able to get close to him. No matter male or female, his obsession with cleanliness was very serious, but at this moment he didn't shoot this girl away. He could even smell the girl's body. The fragrance brought by it is not any spices and powder, but a natural sweet smell.

Lan Younian looked at the poison on the man's body, and knew that it was a very poisonous poison, and it happened that she had this kind of poison in her hand. Lan Youlian opened the bag she was carrying, took out a pill and handed it to the man in front of her. Whether she believed it or not was his business, and whether she took it or not was also his business. She, Lan Younian, didn't have much kindness.

Feng Yixuan looked at the slender hands with ten fingertips like bamboo shoots, picked up the medicine in a strange way, and just took it, forgetting his cleanliness and his cautious character.

After the pill entered his body, Feng Yixuan could clearly feel that the poison in his body was gradually subsiding, and his internal strength began to recover.

Lan Younian watched the man in front of him take the medicine and took it without asking, it was very strange. After all, she could see the suspicious character of this man, and she probably wouldn't trust others at all, but these problems had nothing to do with her, Lan Younian Nian stood up and prepared to leave without looking back.