Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

Chapter 315: 49 children's names


Lan Younian stood on the tower of Fengguo capital, looking at the soldiers below and the generals in front.

After Feng Yixuan helped Hua Xiuyi stabilize the battlefield in the first two months, Hua Xiuyi's injuries also quickly healed under Gui Yi's care, and after all it was a war, Feng Yixuan returned with Lan Younian the capital. However, Feng Yixuan and Hua Xiuyi have secretly reached an agreement, that is, the Feng Kingdom and the Hua Kingdom will conquer the Moon Kingdom at the same time, and the two countries will win the Yue Kingdom and divide the power equally!

It is not Fengyixuan who is fighting this time, after all, Lan Younian is five months pregnant, no matter what Fengyixuan says, he will not continue to fight, and many good generals in Fengguo also think that Fengyixuan is not In every battle, he needed to go to the town in person. Later, Lan Jianjun recommended himself to be the leading general in this battle against the Moon Kingdom.

Lan Jianjun was dressed in armor, with a dignified body and a dignified appearance, with a pair of staring eyes, two eyebrows like lacquer, a broad chest, and an invincible majesty. And behind Lan Jianjun stood Lan Moxian and He Chuyang who were also wearing armor, and beside them stood Yuliuli and Jing Wuan in Tsing Yi.

"I will live up to your Majesty's favor and take down the Moon Kingdom!" Lan Jianjun saluted Feng Xiaqi who was standing there, and the people behind him saluted respectfully and reverently as usual. They are not friends but monarchs and ministers. Feng Xia Qixu supported Lan Jianjun and others.

"I'm waiting for the triumphant return of all the ministers!" Feng Xiaqi was dressed in a bright yellow robe and forcibly suppressed the gentle temperament on his body, took the wine handed by the eunuch and everyone cleaned it up.

Lan Jianjun came to Lan Younian who was standing at Feng Xiaqi's head, and asked worriedly, "Why is the child still not pregnant at five months?" Staring at Lan Younian's stomach, everyone was worried, the ghost doctor was so annoyed that he almost packed his things and went back to Medicine Valley.

Lan Younian smiled lightly, an ordinary woman's five-month pregnancy must have a full belly, but her belly is only slightly undulating, many times you can't see that you are pregnant if you don't pay attention, but fortunately, the master's pulse tells you that there is something in the stomach The child is fine and healthy.

"Father has asked me many times, and Master also said that there is nothing wrong with it!" Lan Younian explained, she also knew that Fengyixuan was supposed to play this time, but everyone was considerate of them so they didn't say anything, but It was for him that his father went to the battlefield himself, Lan Younian was slightly moved in his heart.

Lan Jianjun glanced at his daughter and said, "As a father, I will definitely work hard to take down Yueguo and come back when my little grandson is born!" Although the others didn't speak, they all thought that way in their hearts. Now Feng Xiaqi and Yue Bailian have no children, Jing Wuan and Yuliu also have no children, everyone is now waiting for the birth of the child in Lan Younian's belly, Lan Moxian's child is very good, but Hua Muqing's baby is very Don't let these big bastards play with her precious children at all.

"En!" Lan Younian nodded, she also hoped that her child would be surrounded by so much company and love when it was born, this is a mother's wish.

Lan Jianjun walked down the tower without saying a word and led the soldiers away. Lan Younian held Hua Muqing's hand standing beside him, and his voice contained comfort, "Father will be fine, and brother will be fine too." !"

Hua Muqing nodded, and then began to feel proud of her father and husband...

In the days that followed, Lan Younian began to cultivate and wait for the arrival of the child with peace of mind. Although Feng Yixuan did not go to the battlefield, there were still non-stop reports flying into Hades Palace every day, and Feng Yixuan was always relaxed. Dealing with the affairs of each battlefield.

"Be careful, Nian Nian!" Feng Yixuan supported Lan Younian to walk slowly in the garden of Hades Mansion, Feng Yixuan watched Lan Younian get nervous every few steps, wishing to hug Nian Nian, but Master But it is said that pregnant women should walk properly so that the delivery will be smoother.

"Xuan, you're making such a fuss!" Lan Younian said angrily, and was about to let go of Feng Yixuan's hand and take a few quick steps, but was stopped by Feng Yixuan's quick eyes and hands, and walked slowly. walking.

Lan Younian herself was also very surprised. Originally, her stomach didn't seem to show anything at all, but it was only a month ago and now she has been pregnant for six months, but her stomach has bulged up like an inflated balloon, and now The belly of only six months looks very big, as if it is about to give birth. Now Lan Younian walks and everyone is a little terrified. After all, Lan Younian's body is too thin but his belly is too big. Everyone always feels that Lan Younian It's like it can't support this stomach.

But after walking for a while, Lan Younian felt very tired, and her feet had already started to swell, and it was even harder to carry such a big belly. Many times, Lan Younian felt out of breath even when she was sleeping. Feeling, and at this time, Feng Yixuan always stays up all night, hugs her and walks around the room to coax her to sleep. The hard part of her pregnancy is her body, but Feng Yixuan's pain is indeed psychological. Now Lan Younian Although she was a little skinny without gaining any flesh, Feng Yixuan lost a lot of weight very quickly. Everyone was afraid that other children would have problems before Feng Yixuan was born.

"Tired?" Feng Yixuan picked up Lan Younian, who was still very light even though she was pregnant, and sat down in the pavilion in the garden. Everyone said that pregnant women would get fat, but Feng Yixuan knew that Nian Nian not only didn't grow On the contrary, the meat has lost a lot of weight. If it weren't for the weight in the stomach, it might be as light as a feather. Everyone also thought of many ways to nourish Lan Younian, but Lan Younian couldn't eat it at all, and would vomit most of the time. Look at Feng Yixuan Looking at the thinner Nian Nian and the gradually bulging belly, he scratched his liver and lungs anxiously.

Lan Younian gave all the weight of her body to Feng Yixuan, because her feet were swollen and her stomach was too big. Lan Younian couldn't see her toes when she walked, and every step was very difficult, but thinking of what Master said, pregnant women should walk more So every day Fengyixuan will accompany Lan Younian to walk in the garden.

Put Nian Nian on his lap and sit down, Feng Yixuan stretched out his slender fingers and slowly massaged Lan You Nian's leg. The massage technique was very skillful and natural, which made Lan You Nian a little tired from walking His legs suddenly felt a lot easier.

In fact, when Nian Nian's feet started to swell, Feng Yixuan found Guiyi when Nian Nian was asleep, and learned how to massage his legs. At first, Feng Yixuan had to practice slowly on himself and later became proficient. It is not in vain that he has been studying for many nights, so now the massage makes Lan Younian feel very comfortable.

Lan Younian looked at the man who was massaging his legs with his head down, his face as handsome as a knife cut was full of seriousness at the moment, his lowered eyes were full of pity, but the hands that were supposed to point the country were now Dressing, washing, massaging and taking a bath by herself, Lan Younian felt indescribably guilty for a moment.

"Xuan..." Lan Younian stroked Feng Yixuan's thinning cheeks, "Thank you for your hard work!" There was no apology or thank you between them, no matter what, they were willing to share weal and woe, but Lan Younian still felt a little distressed, but thinking of the pain in his stomach, His child, Lan Younian, felt that all these were worthwhile.

Seeing that Lan Younian became more comfortable, Feng Yixuan stopped his hands and hugged Nian Nian tightly, his voice was full of distress, "Nian Nian, I regret it!" Regret for making you pregnant, regret for making you work so hard , I feel so distressed, what kind of child is not important to me, the important thing is that you are well.

Lan Younian listened to the beating of Fengyixuan's heart, and took Fengyixuan's big hand to caress her belly, "This is our child. As a mother, I don't find it hard, and everyone needs to go through a pregnancy. These, Xuan, you are too nervous!"

In fact, Feng Yixuan also knew that Lan Younian was lying, because of her physical condition, the pregnancy was very hard, but she deliberately pretended not to know without telling Feng Yixuan. For countless nights, Feng Yixuan really thought about taking away this child, but he couldn't do it no matter for Nian Nian or for the father's love in his heart.


"Nian Nian..." Feng Yixuan looked at Lan You Nian excitedly, his voice stammered a bit, "Move...he moved...he moved!" The once majestic Pluto was nervous and incoherent when the baby moved for the first time.

Just now, when Feng Yixuan's big palm was pressed against Lan Younian's belly, he suddenly felt Nian Nian's belly move, and Feng Yixuan even felt that child kicking him. Feng Yixuan was a little at a loss.

Lan Younian was also very surprised, when there was no fetal movement since she was pregnant with this child, Lan Younian originally thought that her baby was different. Although Lan Younian was also very excited, he also knew that this was normal, so he didn't appear as bewildered as Fengyixuan.

The palms of the two gently placed on Lan Younian's stomach, and a smile bloomed on the corner of Lan Younian's mouth, "Look, the baby likes you very much! I talk to him every day and he ignores me!" Lan Younian Said like he was jealous.

Clearly knowing that Nian Nian was trying to comfort him, but Feng Yixuan couldn't restrain his happiness in his heart, staring at Lan You Nian's bulging belly, he said sternly, "Mother has worked very hard for you, from now on, I must treat Mother well!"

As soon as Feng Yixuan's words fell, there was another movement in Lan Younian's stomach, and now I don't know why the child kicked a little hard and kicked twice, Lan Younian suddenly bent over in pain, brows furrowed tightly Frown.

"Nian Nian?" Feng Yixuan hastily and gently stroked Lan Younian's stomach. Just now he could feel the movement in Nian Nian's stomach was really loud. For a while, Feng Yixuan felt that he should love this child well in the future The mood suddenly disappeared, Niannian worked hard to grow up at such a young age, Feng Yixuan felt that it would be better to give the child to Brother Huang after it was born.

"It's okay!" Lan Younian's pale face was still filled with a smile, "Xuan, now I believe what you said is a boy in the belly, and a naughty little boy!" Maybe it's really mother and child, Lan Younian Nian now also feels that there is really a boy in her stomach.

Feng Yixuan put Nian Nian on the chair covered with mink fur, squatted down and put his ear close to Lan You Nian's belly, feeling the baby in Nian Nian's stomach was still moving, but not as much as before. Stronger, Feng Yixuan threatened viciously, "If you are being naughty, wait until you come out to see if my father won't spank your ass!"

I don't know if the baby in my stomach really understands, but Lan Younian felt that the child in her stomach became much quieter. Lan Younian put her arms around Feng Yixuan's neck, "You scare him at such a young age. See if he doesn't mess with me anymore!"

Feng Yixuan smiled triumphantly, "It's good to know that you are afraid, if you always make trouble like this, then it's okay!"

"Xuan, have you thought about the name of the child?" Lan Younian asked, no matter what, you should come up with a few names first so that the child will not be panicked and randomly named after birth.

Feng Yixuan picked up Niannian and prepared to go back to the room because the wind started to blow outside, and said as he walked, "Why don't you let Master come up with a name!" Feng Yixuan didn't want to name the child, but Feng Yixuan knew very well that the ghost doctor The meaning of the son to Nian Nian is not only the master but also the relatives to rely on, so he hopes that this right can be given to the old man who has loved Nian Nian for so long, so that the ghost doctor can be happier.

After thinking about it, Lan Younian knew why Feng Yixuan did this, and said emotionally, "Why don't Master give you a nickname, and you can use a big name!" Many royal children have two names, although Lan Younian didn't originally have two names. I think it's necessary, but now I think it's good to have two names.

"Okay!" Feng Yixuan felt very happy for Nian Nian thinking about herself like this.