Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

Chapter 73: 73 Lanzhi's Marriage


"Master, Young Master An is here!" The butler came to the study and reported the matter to Lan Jianjun.

Lan Jianjun was discussing military affairs with Lan Moxian in the study, when he first heard what the butler said, he couldn't help but asked with a bad face, "What is he doing here?". Lan Jianjun didn't forget what An's family wanted to do to his daughter and son that day, and now he has broken his face with An's family.

The butler said helplessly, "It's for the second lady's marriage!" The butler felt that the master was too indifferent. How could he say that the daughter was also his daughter in name? My father even forgot.

"Second Miss?" Lan Jianjun thought about it, and he already knew what happened that day. It seems that the Anfu was going to marry Lanzhi back to offset the scandal that day, and Lan Moxian had already married the day's wife. The matter was told to the father, so he had no sympathy for the daughter Lan Jianjun who had lost her innocence.

"What else do you need to discuss, just take it to the An Mansion!" Lan Jianjun is now eager to drive Lan Zhi out of the Lan Mansion, and the province's daughter will be upset when he sees it.

"Father, no matter what you say, she is also a daughter who went out from the Lan Mansion. You should go and have a look, otherwise you don't know what kind of moths will come out of the An Mansion!" Lan Moxian said. Although he usually behaves very sunny, he is not A kind-hearted person, not to mention that among those who want to hurt is his own sister. Although Lan Moxian was Pluto's man, he never participated in the seizure of the throne, but now he has decided to stand by Pluto's side to help the four... The prince seized the throne. After all, the fourth prince and himself have some kind of friendship, and it's good to be a one-time big man, and if the second prince is allowed to ascend to a high position, he will not only lose his sister, but also the Blue Mansion. Since he is bound to enter this whirlpool, then he will also You can only stand on the boat of Pluto.

"Well, okay, let's go and have a look!" After speaking, Lan Jianjun walked to the hall with Lan Moxian.

"Join General Blue!" Young Master An Pin stood up from his seat and gave a salute. An Pin was wearing a royal blue long robe today, and his face was dark yellow and haggard. Can you not be haggard? Ever since Anping knew that he had Hualiu disease, he had been looking for the ghost doctor in the Wuqing clinic, but he sent people to find him many times, and the ghost doctor was not in the clinic. No matter what he tried, he couldn't find the ghost doctor. son.

Although today's Anpin doesn't look like anything on the surface, something is wrong inside, and the reason why it looks safe on the surface is a kind of ointment that Anpin bought from the Ruthless Medical Center at a great price. The ointment can heal the blisters on his mottled skin, but it does not cure the root cause. Anpin has never slept peacefully in the room of his wife and concubine recently, and his body itches unbearably every night. Thinking of the suffering he has suffered, Anpin wants to Killed Lanzhi, so now Anpin came to Lanfu to welcome Lanzhi into Anfu, and then he could torture Lanzhi as he wanted, so that his anger could be appeased.

"Well, I don't know what's the point of coming to Lanfu today?" Lan Jianjun said straight to the point, really angry when he saw Anfu.

"My nephew and my cousin Lanzhi are in love with each other, and please ask General Lan to agree to let my cousin Lanzhi marry my nephew as my concubine!" An Pin said with a smile. Originally, he wanted to marry Lanzhi's cousin as his concubine, but now his She wanted to kill Lanzhi, so she would only give Lanzhi the status of a concubine. He was not afraid that General Lan would not agree. After all, everyone knew about Lanzhi and himself. Who else could Lanzhi marry if he didn't marry him

"Well, good! I don't know when Lanzhi will be brought in?" Lan Jianjun didn't care whether Lanzhi was a wife or a concubine at all.

"If Lan Jianjun agrees, my nephew hopes to bring Lanzhi's cousin into the door tomorrow." An Pin was overjoyed. Sure enough, Lan Jianjun did not object to him making Lanzhi his concubine. Concubines do not need to marry. It is enough for the woman to be carried into the mansion from the side, which is also the tragedy of being a concubine.

"Okay, since you have nothing to do, let's go back. Remember to come tomorrow and bring Lanzhi back to the mansion." Lan Jianjun has already started to chase people away. He is a military officer who really hates dealing with people with ulterior motives like Prime Minister An's family.

"General Xie, my nephew will leave!" An Pin had already got what he wanted, so he left the Lan Mansion very happy, thinking about how to bring Lan Zhi into the mansion, how to destroy Lan Zhi, and how to destroy Lan Zhi. Lanzhi.

Lanzhi was lying on the bed at the moment, ever since Lanzhi knew about the Hualiu disease she had suffered, Lanzhi had been unable to get sick, but Aunt An was also resourceful, she took out most of her dowry to seek medicine from the Ruthless Clinic, and What Aunt An didn't know was that Lan Younian had already received the news when she went to ask for medicine.

Lan Younian asked the steward of the medical center to give Aunt An the antidote. In fact, what Lan Zhi and An Pin got was not Hualiu disease at all, and Lan Younian took a poison from Guisan, the nature of the poison was very similar to Hualiu disease , General doctors can't diagnose it at all. And since Aunt An gave so much money, Lan Younian also kindly gave the antidote, which made Lanzhi recover slowly, but the scars on her body could not be removed.

I still remember that Lan Wu asked her own lady in confusion, "Miss, why did you detoxify Lanzhi? After all, isn't it good to torture Lanzhi like this?"

Before Lan Younian could answer, Lan Qu answered Lan Wu's question for Lan Younian, "Miss must find it not fun to do this, and detoxifying Lanzhi made Lanzhi think that there is still hope in life, and when she is intact When you marry into Anfu, it will be more painful for that Young Master An, isn't it?"

Lan Younian nodded his head to agree with Lan Qu's statement that poisoning Lanzhi was just a punishment. Not only did he get Aunt An's money, but also allowed Lanzhi to enter the Anfu, and if he didn't detoxify, Lanzhi would have already had a negative impact on life. No hope, then no matter how much An Pin tortures Lanzhi in the future, I am afraid Lanzhi will not feel it, but now it is different.

"Ma'am, did Young Master An from An's Mansion just come to the mansion to propose marriage to Second Miss?" Qiu'er told Aunt An and Lan Ya who were by Lan Zhi's side the news she found out. Still need to rest more, so Aunt An and Lan Ya come to talk to Lan Zhi when they are free.

"Really? Has my cousin proposed marriage to my father?" Lan Zhi suddenly sat up and said excitedly, God knows how worried she is that her cousin will not marry her these days, so who else can she marry in the future? Although she used to always want to marry the prince, but now things are like this, and after the persuasion of her mother and sister, she already knows that marrying her cousin is the best way at this time. It's not unlimited.

"Back to Second Miss, it is indeed Young Master An who proposed marriage to the master, and I heard that the master has already agreed!" Qiu'er said.

"Zhi'er, you see that mother didn't lie to you. Pin'er will definitely marry you. Although she is only a concubine, as long as you have the means, you will definitely become a regular wife in a short time." Aunt An also relieved her heart. Let someone send news back to her natal family to tell her father that her nephew should marry Zhi'er. She knows that her nephew's main wife will definitely marry a lady who is useful to the An family, but Zhi'er can also be a concubine. After all, as long as Zhi'er gives birth to a son, she will definitely be able to help of.

"Well, Zhi'er must remember her mother's words!" Lan Zhi said shyly, thinking that she would marry her cousin Lan Zhi was still a bit shy.

"Ma'am, Uncle Lan is here!" Qiu'er came to Aunt An and said, and they all laughed. Uncle Lan would definitely tell them about An Pin's marriage proposal and discuss the matter of getting married.

"Let him in quickly!" Aunt An said with a smile, and Lan Zhi shyly held Lan Ya's hand and lowered her head to snicker.

Uncle Lan walked into the outer room, stood in the outer room and bowed to Aunt An and the others in the inner room and said, "Aunt An, the master ordered the second young lady to pack up and get ready for marriage."

Aunt An asked puzzledly, "Has the master already chosen a date?" Ordinarily, when a woman gets married, as long as she is a concubine or main wife, she needs to choose an auspicious day to marry. The wedding banquet, that's why Aunt An wondered how the date had been chosen so quickly.

"Yes, the young master of the An family will carry the second lady into An's mansion tomorrow, and please make preparations for the second lady, don't delay the time." After Lan Bo finished speaking, he stood where he was, and the mother and daughter in the back room were completely Was stunned.

"Mother, how could this marriage be so hasty?" Lan Ya also felt the difference, and asked with a frown.

"Mother, what's going on? Tomorrow? How could my cousin and I get married so hastily? Even if it's a wedding banquet, it will be too late!" Lan Zhi grabbed Aunt An's cuff and asked nervously.

Aunt An walked out of the back room and asked Lan Bo, "Lan Bo, this marriage is so hasty, I'm afraid it's too late for the wedding banquet to invite guests? What's going on?"

A meaningful smile appeared on Lan Bo's vicissitudes of life, "Aunt An is thinking too much, but how can she need a wedding banquet if she is just a concubine? Tomorrow, someone from Anfu will bring the second lady into Anfu!" Lan Bo left after finishing speaking up.

"Concubine servant?" Lan Zhi shouted, how could it be a concubine servant? Didn't mother say that even if she can't be a regular wife, she is still a concubine? How could I become the lowest concubine now

Aunt An was also puzzled. After all, her father promised him that Pin'er would marry Zhi'er as his concubine, but in the blink of an eye, her daughter became a concubine. What Aunt An hated most was the concubine, because she herself was a concubine. Concubine, I used to love Lan Jianjun so much that I desperately wanted to become Lan Jianjun's woman, even if I was a concubine, I was willing, but after so many years, I am still a concubine, even though the position of wife has been vacant for so many years I still couldn't support myself as a regular wife.

"Mother, you promised that your daughter will become a concubine. How can your daughter serve as a concubine?" Lanzhi cried and begged, what face did she have as a concubine, "Mother, don't marry my daughter, please grandpa Okay? Let my cousin marry me as a concubine, okay? Zhi'er doesn't ask for a main wife, just a concubine, mother!"

"Enough!" Lan Ya scolded her sister, and slapped Lan Zhi casually.

"Sister?" Lanzhi couldn't believe that her sister was still yelling at herself at such a time, "You hit me? If it wasn't for your poor plan, how could I lose my innocence that day, but why is it not you who lost my innocence? Why is it not you who got sick, you still beat me now?"

"You have to marry if you marry, or you have to marry if you don't!" Lan Ya didn't look at her sister crying, and still scolded her in her mouth. My younger sister has already lost her innocence. If she doesn't marry her cousin, then everyone in the capital will be alarmed if she makes a fuss, and her reputation will definitely be affected. If that's the case, she will marry her in the future It may be difficult for the fourth prince, so she will not allow her younger sister to block her way, even her own sister!

"You..." Lan Zhi looked at such a strange sister, trembling and didn't know what to say to refute.

"Okay!" Aunt An sighed in a low voice, and said to Lan Ya, "Ya'er, you go back first, I will stay and talk to Zhi'er"

When Lan Ya left, Lan Zhi cried with tears, "Mother, now that the eldest sister has abandoned Zhi'er, don't you want to help my daughter?"

"Hey, Zhi'er" Aunt An held Lan Zhi in her arms and said in a loving voice, "Do you know that you have given your innocent body to Pin'er, if you don't marry Pin'er, who else would you marry? Who would dare to marry me?" Marry you? Mother knows that you are wronged, but you must marry no matter whether it is a concubine or a concubine, otherwise what will you do in the future?"

"Mother, I..." Lanzhi was ready to refute unwillingly.

"Zhi'er, my mother told you that as long as you have the ability, even if you are a concubine, you can climb up to the position of the main wife, and your mother will help you. Besides, don't you still have your grandfather and uncle in Anfu? If you If you don’t marry now, it will be difficult for you to enter Anfu in the future!" Aunt An comforted, although she didn’t know what happened in Anfu and gave up her daughter, but if she is against her mother’s family now, then in the future It will be more difficult to walk by yourself. Although Zhi'er can only do this, she still has Ya'er. If Ya'er can marry the prince in the future, then she...

Lanzhi thought for a long time without saying a word, then raised her head and looked at her mother, "Mother, my daughter understands, marry her!"