Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

Chapter 87: 87 embarrassment


"Sister Nian'er!" Hua Muqing looked at the bottomless gap and abyss at the bottom of her feet, tears streaming down her face, she blamed herself so much that she was about to jump down to save Lan Younian.

"Are you crazy?" Lan Moxian pulled Hua Muqing up and dragged him to a safe place, Hua Muqing lay on Lan Moxian's shoulder and cried loudly.

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't insisted on picking oranges, how could this have happened! If I hadn't been playful, sister Nian'er would have fallen to save me! I'm damned!" Hua Mu cried loudly, watching helplessly. The friend she wanted to protect, the sister she wanted to protect, fell for him, and all of this was because of him. If sister Nian'er had something good or bad, she, Hua Muqing, would never be alive!

"Mu Qing! Be sober, younger sister Nian'er will be fine, Pluto has already gone down to save her, younger sister will be fine, Mu Qing, calm down!" Lan Moxian's heart is also burning with pain at this time, he has always wanted to The younger sister whom he wanted to protect and spoil disappeared in front of his eyes again, and his elder brother couldn't do anything. But he knew that Hua Muqing couldn't be blamed for this matter, and it was hard for him to see Hua Muqing blaming himself for pain.

"Yes! Sister Nian'er will be fine! I'm going to find Sister Nian'er!" Hua Muqing stood up anxiously and stabilized her mind. It was Lan Moxian's words that woke her up, or it was this man. Her comfort made her understand that crying was useless.

At this time, An Yi and An San were also very anxious. They carefully inspected the cliff where their master and Miss Lan rolled down. What they were worried about was Miss Lan. Now not only the master puts Miss Lan in their hearts, they also regard Miss Lan as the mistress from the bottom of their hearts. Miss Lan falls down first, wondering if something will happen...Thinking of things The seriousness of the situation, secretly sent out a message to summon the other hidden guards of the palace, and must find the master and Miss Lan as soon as possible!

Yu Liuli was also extremely anxious and followed An Yi and An San to start walking down the cliff, while Lan Moxian and Hua Muqing were also looking for it. They were all worried about Lan Younian in their hearts, not because they were not worried about Feng Yi. Xuan, but they all know Fengyixuan's martial arts and abilities, but except for An Yi and An San, they don't know that Lan Younian knows martial arts, so it's inevitable that they feel very uncomfortable!

"Everyone, don't panic, the master will definitely protect Miss Lan if he jumps down to rescue them!" An Yi looked at the three of them looking like they were about to die, and kindly persuaded them, the master's thoughts on Miss Lan and the guards all knew, With the master's care for Miss Lan, although it can't be said that Miss Lan is unharmed, she will definitely not lose her life.

"I hope Pluto can give me a helping hand. I, Lan Moxian, will repay Pluto even if I am a cow or a horse in this life!" Lan Moxian pulled Hua Muqing down the cliff carefully, but he was worried in his heart. My younger sister is different, just now I jumped down with my sister Nian'er in such a shocking way, but he has followed Pluto for so many years, Pluto's temperament is really unpredictable, he never winks at women, now I don't know if Pluto will Try to save.

"Since Yixuan jumped down, he will definitely save Miss Lan. Don't blame yourself too much!" Yu Liuli also saw Lan Moxian's remorseful expression. Lan Moxian and Hua Muqing would blame herself too much in her heart.

A group of people prayed silently and searched hard...

Although Fengyixuan's back was injured by the cliff, it did not affect Fengyixuan's actions. He took Lan Younian's little hand and began to look for a place to rest at night. After all, finding a way at night is really dangerous. Otherwise, it would be safer to rest for one night and find a way out at dawn tomorrow.

Feng Yixuan led Lan Younian to find a cave, and by the moonlight, he could see that although the cave was simple, he could barely rest for a while, Feng Yixuan frowned and carried Lan Younian into the cave.

"What are you doing? Let me down!" Lan Younian was taken aback by Fengyixuan's sudden movement.

"The ground is dirty!" Feng Yixuan walked into the cave with Lan Younian in his arms, found a relatively clean place to put Lan Younian down, then found some firewood near the entrance of the cave, and skillfully lit the fire. The fire light illuminated the entire cave, adding a bit of warmth to the cold cave.

"Do you want to rest for a while?" Feng Yixuan asked, and then said with red ears, "The ground is dirty, how about I hug you to sleep?"

Lan Younian didn't think that Feng Yixuan was too lustful, but that his young body was not lustful at all, but even now Lan Younian didn't have that vigilance towards Feng Yixuan, and he was very lecherous. She's used to this man, but she still can't sleep in his arms like this.

"No need, the night will be over soon!" Lan Younian sat beside the fire and warmed up, the flickering light made Lan Younian's dusty face slightly warmer.

"Well, if you're sleepy, just say it!" Feng Yixuan didn't argue about anything, he was really afraid that the relationship he had finally improved would be messed up by himself, so he took off his robe and covered Lan Younian's body. Sitting next to Lan Younian in a thin inner robe.

"This snow-capped mountain is cold at night, you'd better put it on, I'm not cold!" Lan You thought that he was already wearing a wind wing, and now sitting by the fire did not feel too cold.

"I heard that girls' bodies can't bear the cold, so you still wear them!" Feng Yixuan said with a rare smile, but the intolerance in his words was very obvious. The batch of clothes slowly waiting for the arrival of dawn.

Today's day of play made Lan Younian fall asleep leaning against the cold cave wall, or even she herself didn't expect that she could sleep peacefully in such an unsafe environment, maybe it was because the man beside her made her feel It's so reassuring.

Feng Yixuan looked at the girl who seemed a little tired leaning against the cave wall and fell asleep peacefully, carefully took the girl over and leaned against his broad shoulders, while his own arms held the girl into his arms, constantly warming his cold body The girl, Lan Younian seemed to have found a more comfortable place to sleep, so her frowning relaxed a little, and she leaned slightly into Feng Yixuan's arms, as if she was very greedy for the warmth of Feng Yixuan's body. Feng Yixuan looked at the girl in his arms who was obedient and dependent on him, with an unbelievably gentle and doting expression, and his arms held the girl in his arms even more motionless, for fear that the girl in his arms would disappear if he didn't pay attention.

In a daze, Lan Younian always felt that he was very safe. It seemed that even if the sky fell, someone would take care of him, and he approached the warm place in a daze. He slept very well without being disturbed by nightmares. It was stable, but in the middle of the night, Lan Younian's forehead began to sweat, and his face also turned pale.

Feng Yixuan was holding Lan Younian in his arms and looked at the girl in his arms in a daze. Later, he didn't know if it was because Ruan Xiang was in his arms, so Feng Yixuan just sat upright and squinted for a while, but in the middle of the night At that time, it was obvious that Nian Nian's body in his arms had become colder, Feng Yixuan woke up in an instant, and carefully looked at Nian Nian who hadn't woken up yet. But at this moment, Feng Yixuan was very anxious, because Nian Nian in his arms started to sweat coldly, and his face was quite pale. What made Feng Yixuan even more anxious was that he could clearly feel the slight trembling of Nian Nian's body, Why are you trembling? It's either cold or it hurts!

"Nian Nian?" Feng Yixuan called softly.

Lan Younian felt chills all over his body, and the pain in his lower abdomen was severe. This kind of pain was not the pain every time the poison occurred. Why is the poisonous hair so painful, and why is the abdomen so painful? The pain that seemed to be tearing the abdomen made Lan Younian curl up in extreme discomfort. Suddenly a gentle voice came from his ear, and Lan Younian struggled to open his eyes.

What caught Lan Younian's eyes was the worry in Feng Yixuan's concerned eyes, and she was being embraced by this man, Lan Younian did not refuse this embrace, her current body temperature was too cold and she was not feeling well, she Trust Fengyixuan.

"What's wrong with you? Tell me what's wrong with you? Nian Nian..." Feng Yixuan looked at Nian Nian and opened his eyes and asked immediately, wishing to find a doctor right away. With medical skills, Nian Nian seems to be sick but he doesn't understand anything.

Lan Younian just nestled in Feng Yixuan's embrace and didn't speak. She didn't even know what was wrong with herself. Although she studied medicine from a ghost doctor, she learned more about martial arts, and her medical skills were really not special. Well, although with my own qualifications, if I study carefully, I can surpass Ghost One.

Just when Lan Younian felt the unbearable pain in his lower abdomen, Lan Younian froze, as if he had received something terrible, and Feng Yixuan, who hugged Lan Younian tightly, also felt Nian Nian's body for the first time. Stiff, and asked distressedly, "Nian Nian, where is your pain?"

The heat flowing out from under her body made Lan Younian very clear what was wrong with her, because it was her first menstruation, and it was still in this situation, because her body was buried for a few days in a heavy snow day. The foundation has been frozen, and now the woman's supposed menstruation is a disaster for her, because her abdomen hurts so much that Lan Younian can't get up at all.

Feng Yixuan smelled the smell of blood sensitively, and he was even more worried and didn't know what to do. He kept muttering "Nian Nian, are you injured somewhere?" Hold up and look for wounds.

Lan Younian's trembling body trembled even more, and it wasn't pain but anger. She didn't expect Tangtang Pluto to anxiously find her wound to apply medicine to her after she came to the moon. Ray thing? Lan Younian really wanted to slap Feng Yixuan at this moment, but she really didn't have the strength.

"Nian Nian?" Feng Yixuan saw the blood stains on the hem of Lan You Nian's clothes and the blood on his own clothes, and cried out worriedly, his voice trembling with fear.

"I'm fine!" Lan Younian said with a flushed face, she really didn't know how to explain to Feng Yixuan, and was even more embarrassed by the blood on Feng Yixuan's clothes, Lan Younian wanted to faint.

"Why are you okay, you're bleeding!" Feng Yixuan roared slightly, and he was about to take off Lan Younian's pants, "Did it fall from the top and broke somewhere? Don't worry, I won't worry about it." I will look around, I just look at the wound!"

Lan Younian covered her dress, and shouted angrily, "I'm having my period!"