Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 116: I can only say that you are too troublesome


Yuan Jun was completely frightened, so he came over to congratulate his competitor Ye Chui on his prosperous business, and then he babbled a lot of words, roughly meaning that he would never mess with Ye Chui again, and that he was in the process of handing over to the school and preparing to stop contracting the school cafeteria. Even his son Zhao Hongyu would transfer to another school. He hoped that Ye Chui would forgive him for closing the school to exclude Ye Chui. This terrified expression seemed to have regarded Ye Chui as an unforgivable bully...

Ye Chui was speechless about this, but he had never intended to make things so extreme. Since Zhao Hongyu had done this much, he immediately said that he would no longer mind what Zhao Yingjie had done before. Only then did Zhao Yingjie leave the hotel with satisfaction.

It was getting close to noon, but there were fewer guests in the hotel than usual. Come to think of it, there was a food poisoning incident in the hotel. Even though Qi Qi had clarified the matter this morning, the bad impact had already been caused and it would definitely keep some guests away. But Ye Chui was not worried, as he knew that it wouldn't be long before the guests would return one after another.

At this time, Xing Sen, who Ye Chui originally thought would never come back, appeared outside the hotel. In front of Tian Xiaodu, Han Yuyan and others, he always looked very miserable. He greeted Ye Chui listlessly: "Boss, the hotel seems to be fine. I'm back to continue working."

Seeing Xing Sen, Ye Chui was somewhat surprised. He stood up and said, "Help me get the food truck ready first." With that, he and Xing Sen left the restaurant. When they reached the street outside, Ye Chui turned around and looked at Xing Sen. He continued with some surprise, "I thought you wouldn't come back."

"Your work here is so tiring, do you think I want to?" Xing Sen probably knew that there was no need to hide in front of Ye Chui, so he returned to his original form and stretched lazily, "You are quite capable, I thought this matter would be very troublesome for you. You were almost scolded to death by that tomboy... But when you woke up, you solved the problem by yourself."

"Jin Bing helped a lot. You introduced him to me, so I have to thank you." Ye Chui looked at Xing Sen and asked tentatively. "But, can you tell me who you are first?"

Xing Sen hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded and said, "There is no need to hide it... Don't be surprised to hear this, I am actually the legendary food detective."

Ye Chui nodded calmly: "It is indeed the case."

"What do you mean by as expected?" Xing Sen was very unhappy with Ye Chui's reaction, "Why aren't you surprised at all?"

"Please. I'm just a chef, not an important person with a prominent status. Someone with an official background suddenly appears to protect me. This is obviously related to food. It's not surprising to guess that you are a food detective." Ye Chui said with a roll of his eyes.

The Food Police is a special department set up for this era, and it is also a product that appeared in response to the food era. The name of the Food Police sounds like it has a "cute" temperament, but in fact it is a department with extraordinary action capabilities. Although it has a slogan that sounds empty and anime-style, "Save the Food", what they do is much more important and serious.

"Sometimes I really doubt whether you are a teenager. Your mind seems to be more mature than that of an average adult." Xing Sen sighed and said, which made Ye Chui's heart jump. Fortunately, Xing Sen just expressed some feelings casually and did not pursue the issue in depth. He looked at Ye Chui and continued, "I'm afraid I will have to keep an eye on you for a short time."

"Why?" Ye Cui said nervously, "Am I in danger?"

"You are indeed a bit dangerous." Xing Sen nodded, "I am now sure that the group of vegetarians have set their sights on you."

"A vegetarian?" Ye Chui asked curiously.

"The Vegetarian Sect." Xing Sen said the name.

Unlike the Food Detective, the Vegetarian Cult is not a well-known existence. Xing Sen's expression became a little serious, and he continued to explain to Ye Chui: "The Vegetarian Cult is a group of people who are extremely fanatical about vegetarianism. The significance of the existence of the Food Detective is actually closely related to this Vegetarian Cult..."

As we all know, the vegetarian movement 80 years ago caused a huge disaster to the world. This movement was caused by a crazy vegetarian businessman. After this disaster, the inheritor of the vegetarianism did not die out. A group of crazy worshippers guided by his will formed a vegetarian sect, and they regarded vegetarianism as their own belief.

Faith is the most mysterious and unfathomable thing, just like a devout Buddhist who has been ordained for life. The boring life that ordinary people find hard to endure is sweet to them because they have faith.

Although this belief in vegetarianism seems inexplicable and incomprehensible to many people, the vegetarian movement has attracted a group of loyal followers who believe that there is no difference between humans and other animals on the earth and advocate equality between humans and animals. If there is any animal in the world that is guilty, it is humans themselves - so they never hesitate to kill for what they think is a "noble purpose."

In fact, over the years, the vegetarian sect has gradually been defined as a terrorist organization, a group of extremists who pursue vegetarianism!

After the vegetarian movement eighty years ago, animals were considered poisonous, and during these eighty years, most of the meat recipes were lost. This was all because of the vegetarian cult that fanned the flames. They were the ones who caused the loss of countless classic meat recipes. There were even several times in these eighty years when people had the possibility of producing a vaccine for the vegetarian virus, but they all failed due to the sabotage of the vegetarian cult.

The lifting of the meat ban two years ago was a big victory for the vegetarian community.

In recent years, the power of the vegetarian cult has not been as strong as before, but they are still active in secret and secretly looking for targets, such as Ye Chui - Ye Chui has been in the limelight recently, making many people suspect that he has ancient recipes, which may lead to the full revival of meat delicacies in the future. This is something that the vegetarian cult absolutely does not allow, so they will go to great lengths to target him.

"After Wu Haimei's birthday party, we suspected that you might be targeted by these vegetarians, so I was arranged to be by your side. This was originally just an ordinary three-month 'protection' mission, but I didn't expect that these vegetarians would really find you." Xing Sen sighed after explaining.

"Does He Chengfei have any relationship with the vegetarian sect?" Ye Chui asked thoughtfully.

Xing Sen shook his head and looked at Ye Chui with strange eyes: "According to my estimation, Yin Feifei and He Chengfei are two completely different things, but they both came to you at the same time... I can only say that you are too troublesome."

Ye Chui: “…”

"We have already investigated Yin Feifei. This woman's identity is not simple. There may be someone behind her. But we dare not act rashly now." Xing Sen continued, "I have said before that the current vegetarian cult is defined as terrorism. We must find out who is around her and uproot them... By the way, Ye Chui, I told you these things because I saw you were involved. I hope you don't leak it to others."

"Don't worry, I will keep it a secret." Ye Chui nodded, and then said seriously, "But I hope you can ensure the safety of the people around me."

"You can rest assured about this." Xing Sen smiled confidently, "That's what I do. I'm the most professional at lurking and protecting."

"Really?" Ye Chui laughed. "In order to avoid being exposed, you should set up the stall quickly. It's almost time for school to end at noon. You will definitely be busy later. By the way, since you are on a mission, your department will definitely receive subsidies, right? Why don't we all waive our salaries?"

Xing Sen: “…”

The man who was bribed by He Chengfei to poison is still being held by Jin Bing, and he will be controlled by Jin Bing for a long time. This is Ye Chui's trump card against He Chengfei.

Because Ye Chui told He Chengfei to get out of Xizhou City, he was busy leaving Xizhou City recently. The transfer procedures at the school were being processed. The luggage that had been moved from Yanjing was also being checked in. In the evening, He Chengfei finally had some free time. He came to a bar alone with a depressed look on his face, and sat at the bar, drinking silently. He wondered if he should go see Qi Qi before leaving...

At this time, a graceful figure sat beside him. It was a beautiful woman wearing a red short dress, giving off a sexy temptation. In the past, when seeing such a woman, He Chengfei would definitely be in the mood to invite her for a drink, but now he definitely didn't plan to do so. A trace of boredom appeared on his still slightly swollen face, and he turned around and planned to leave.

"Mr. He." The beautiful woman, Ruoran, suddenly said, "Are you leaving so soon?"

He Chengfei looked at the other person strangely: "Do you know me?"

"The eldest son of the He family in Yanjing, how could I not recognize him?" Ruoran smiled charmingly. She suddenly thought of something and showed a surprised expression on her face. She took out her phone from her bag and started playing the video to He Chengfei. "This video is wonderful, right? I have watched it many times. How could I mistake you for someone you look like?"

"..." He Chengfei's face showed great fear, because the video was playing the scene that happened in Qi Qi's ward last night! At that time, he hurried to the monitoring room, but found that there was no one there. He was relieved and hurriedly deleted the surveillance videos, but... how could this woman still have them? He Chengfei couldn't help but tremble, "You... how did you get this video, who is it?"

Ruoran did not answer He Chengfei's words, but just smiled faintly and said: "If this video is circulated, Qi Zhiming will definitely not let you go. Moreover, the scene of you kneeling down to admit your mistakes to Qi Qi and begging for mercy from Ye Chui will definitely attract a lot of people's interest, don't you think?"

"You...what are you going to do?" He Chengfei asked with cold sweat on his head and body.

"In fact, our goals are similar. We both want Ye Chui to learn a lesson, so..." Ruoran looked at He Chengfei with a bit of charm, "Are you willing to do something with me?" (~^~)

PS: ps: The vegetarian cult uses their own beliefs as the standard of action, which is simply incomprehensible to ordinary people, similar to the religious extremists in the real world~~~ In addition, you can rest assured, I know that many people don’t like to see too many conspiracies, and don’t like to see He Chengfei show up again, but Cannon has set the outline before, and has done a lot of preparation for the final climax of this volume. It can’t just end like this, so He Chengfei will continue to appear for a while, but I promise that when he ends, many people will get what they want... After all, when designing the outline, Cannon felt that it would be too easy for such a scum to just be put in prison~ Everyone can look forward to how he will eventually die~~