Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 16: Just wait and see


The next day, Ye Chui came back from the market after buying mutton on his tricycle. When he arrived at the gate of the community, he saw a car parked downstairs from afar. When he got closer, the car door opened and Fang Tao came out. He was obviously assigned by Tian Xiaodu to call Ye Chui, with a smile on his face. It was hard to tell whether the smile was real or not, but he was very conscientious in saving face.

As soon as Ye Chui stopped the tricycle, Fang Tao immediately came over to help Ye Chui move things. Ye Chui did not refuse and simply handed all the more than 50 kilograms of mutton to Fang Tao. Fang Tao's brows trembled, but he still didn't say anything. He helped Ye Chui move the things into the residence with a stern face.

"Mr. Ye, I was wrong about what happened a few days ago. I only met Master Cao Kang Cao once. He asked me to help him run a roast lamb stall, and I helped him without thinking too much... If I had known that he was going to go against you, I would never have helped him."

After finishing all this, Fang Tao explained to Ye Chui with a humble look on his face.

Ye Chui was amused. Who was he trying to fool by saying this

But he didn't point it out, instead he said jokingly: "Why, did your master ask you to apologize to me?"

"He said that if I don't take you to Wan Lai Fu today, I will no longer recognize him as my master." Fang Tao also said with a smile, and a trace of anxiety appeared on his face again, "Mr. Ye, I hope you don't make it difficult for me."

"Don't worry, I will never go back on my promise." Ye Cui said with a chuckle. Of course he would not go back on his word, he was still hoping to make a fortune from this matter.

After simply tidying up the house, Ye Chui left with Fang Tao and took a car to Wanlai Fu.

Fang Tao kept saying nice things on the way. He probably saw that Ye Chui was only a teenager of seventeen or eighteen years old, and thought that if he said these nice things, all the previous grudges would be eliminated. But he didn't know that if Ye Chu really didn't like someone, a few nice words would not make him change his mind.

When the car was about to reach Wanlaifu, Ye Chui suddenly thought of something and asked Fang Tao curiously: "You should know Lin Wei, right?"

"Lin Wei?" Fang Tao nodded, concentrating on driving. "I heard Cao Kang mention it to me. What's wrong, Mr. Ye?"

"Tell me about her background." Ye Chui said. To be honest, his understanding of this girl was limited to knowing that she was a little greedy cat, born into a wealthy and beautiful family, and her family should be quite prominent. As for the rest, he knew nothing.

Fang Tao seemed to hear the love for this girl in Ye Chui's words, and his subconscious reaction was disdain. A kebab seller at a night market actually had his eye on a rich and beautiful girl like Lin Wei? Just because he knew a few ancient recipes, did he really think he was so great? A girl like Lin Wei was only someone a young master of Cao Kang's level was qualified to pursue.

And it was just pursuit. If Cao Kang really wanted to catch up with this girl, he didn't know how much energy he would have to spend. Ye Chui? Just go to bed.

Fang Tao glanced at Ye Chui quietly, with a hint of smile in his eyes. Even someone as outstanding as himself didn't have the courage to pursue the beautiful Lin, so Ye Chui really dared to think so... But even though he thought so in his heart, Fang Tao was good at being a man, and he would not show it on the surface. He smiled faintly and told Ye Chui what he knew about Lin Wei -

Lin Wei's father, Lin Zhengdao, is a business tycoon. The Lin Group is well-known throughout China, and Lin Zhengdao is even more powerful in Yanjing. But not long ago, because of something, he moved his family to Xizhou City and bought a property here. It seems that he will live here for a long time. Lin Wei is Lin Zhengdao's only daughter, and he has always loved her as a treasure. Lin Wei herself is also beautiful and intelligent. It is said that she is a very famous little beauty in Yanjing. This time she came to Xizhou, and there is no telling how many suitors she has.

"Lin Wei has quite a few suitors, and most of them are very capable. Mr. Ye has to work harder if he wants to succeed." Fang Tao smiled meaningfully at the end. The subtext of his words was naturally that Ye Chui, a little chef with nothing, would never be able to compete with a famous young master like Cao Kang.

Ye Chui smiled slightly, and naturally saw the contempt in Fang Tao's words, but he was too lazy to explain to Fang Tao, so he just waited and saw.

As they were talking, they had already arrived in front of the Wanlaifu Hotel. It was just past ten in the morning, and there were not many diners. The hotel was not busy. Fang Tao led Ye Chu directly in through the main entrance and all the way to the back kitchen. On the way, Fang Tao secretly looked at Ye Chui's expression. Wanlaifu was one of the best hotels in Xizhou City. Ye Chui would definitely be nervous when he saw the magnificent decoration of this hotel, right

However, what disappointed Fang Tao was that Ye Chui seemed extremely calm along the way. Fang Tao even saw a hint of... disdain on Ye Chui's face

—Don’t even mention Wan Lai Fu. Ye Chui has seen countless hotels that are several times more luxurious than this one. Going in and out of the hotel is like playing. How could it make him nervous


In the kitchen, dozens of chefs in brand new white chef uniforms were busy cutting vegetables, preparing food, and preparing side dishes in an orderly manner. Tian Xiaodu, wearing a chef hat that was more than a foot taller, was walking back and forth with his hands behind his back and a serious face. However, when the fat man saw Ye Chui, he immediately forced a smile on his fat face and walked up to Ye Chui: "Little brother, you are here, what do you think of the kitchen of our Wanlaifu Hotel?"

Ye Chui looked around and nodded calmly: "Well, it's okay."

A simple word "it's OK" would have been enough to make the whole restaurant excited if it had come from Ye Chui's mouth in the previous life. But now, when the chefs heard Ye Chui's calm evaluation of it with just a simple "it's OK", they immediately became dissatisfied and started talking about it. Where did this kid come from? Why is he pretending to be so arrogant

"Everyone get to work!" Tian Xiaodu's face darkened and he shouted in a low voice. Suddenly the whole kitchen became busy again.

Tian Xiaodu continued to look at Ye Chui with a smile: "Little brother, don't be so polite, you are all a bunch of people who have never seen the world!"

"Haha, it's okay, I don't mind." Ye Chui said nonchalantly. That demeanor and style, if he didn't really have the ability, then he was definitely pretending... However, Ye Chui was obviously the former, but the busy chefs became even more unconvinced, and they really didn't understand why their chef had to flatter this kid so much.

At this moment, someone suddenly walked into the kitchen. It was a short, fat young man wearing a pair of glasses and a well-tailored suit. As he walked in, Fang Tao was sharp-eyed and immediately called out, "Manager Yang."

"Little brother, this is the manager of our restaurant, Yang Yong." Tian Xiaodu hurriedly introduced Ye Chui, and he introduced Ye Chui to Yang Yong, "Manager, this is the little brother I told you about, Ye Chui."

"Mr. Ye Chui, I heard that you can cook chicken dishes?" Yang Yong looked Ye Chui up and down for a few times, then asked leisurely, with a bit of contempt in his words - in the profession of chef, the depth of skill can be directly seen from the age. Tian Xiaodu became a five-star chef in his thirties, which is already a remarkable talent, but Ye Chui is only seventeen or eighteen years old, what good dishes can he make


Today is the first update. Cannon has to attend a classmate's wedding today, so I can only release it on time~~~ There will be another chapter at 8:30 pm~~ In the next chapter, Ye Chuizheng's first cooking will begin. Please vote for recommendation~~~ We are now around 40th place. If we get the top 10, we will update more~~~