Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 31: Invest in a chicken farm


Just as he was thinking about all sorts of things, the "squeaky" sound rang out again. Ye Chui hurriedly stood in front of Lin Wei and shouted coldly, "Who is it!?"

No one responded and the grass returned to silence, but a few weeds shook, and there was obviously something inside.

Ye Chui couldn't help but feel a little worried at this time. Could there really be some wild beast on the hill? He clenched the kitchen knife in his hand.

At this moment, the "sizzling" sound was heard again. Ye Chui waved his hand, and the heavy kitchen knife flew out of his hand with a whoosh, spinning towards the bushes.

“Oh my god!”

There was a scream from the bushes, and Ye Chui cried out in his heart, "Oh no!" There was actually a person in there. He might be hurt by his own kitchen knife. You have to know that Ye Chui is a chef. In addition to excellent skills, chefs also require physical strength, especially wrist strength. After being reborn in this world, Ye Chui has been training his wrist strength intentionally or unintentionally. The power of the kitchen knife thrown just now was absolutely extraordinary.

In a flash, the kitchen knife flew over the weeds with a rustling sound, and the half-man-high weeds were cut off one after another. Bang! The kitchen knife finally stuck into a locust tree growing in the grass, and just happened to chop a branch as thick as a wrist. With a snap, the branch as thick as a wrist actually fell down. This shows how powerful this knife is.

If this were to happen to a person, he would definitely suffer.

Ye Chui was nervous. He just heard someone shouting inside. Could someone be hurt

He hurried over to check, and just as he got to the front of the bush, he saw Yu Yan, a tall man, coming out with an angry look on his face. He originally had a short crew cut, and his hair was very neat, but now there was a layer of hair missing from his forehead. At first glance, it looked like someone had slapped his forehead with a frying pan...

"Uh... why is it you?" Ye Chui couldn't help laughing. He never thought that the tall guy was hiding in the bushes. It was really thrilling just now. His hair was only a few millimeters away from being cut to the scalp...

Lin Wei was also in shock. After she ran over and found that Yu Yan was not injured, she became angry and glared at Yu Yan with her hands on her hips, saying, "Brother Yu, why are you here? Are you secretly following us?"

Yu Yan touched the missing hair on his forehead, glared at Ye Chui unhappily, then smiled and said to Lin Wei: "Isn't this the boss's order? I work for him and there is no way I can disobey him."

"You scared me to death just now!" Lin Wei complained unhappily.

"I'm the one who was scared..." Yu Yan turned his head and looked at the kitchen knife that was still stuck in the tree and kept shaking, "If I had dodged it a little slower, I would have been dead!"

Ye Chui smiled awkwardly, walked over and pulled his kitchen knife down from the tree, then wiped it clean carefully. Knives are indispensable for chefs, and any truly successful chef will surely cherish his knives. After confirming that the blade of the kitchen knife was not bent, Ye Chui breathed a sigh of relief - this made Yu Yan even more unhappy.

He pointed to his forehead and said, "Can you care about me like this?"

"Your hairstyle is actually quite handsome." Ye Chui walked up to Yu Yan jokingly and asked curiously, "You have been following us today? What happened to you in the bushes just now?"

"What else could it be? A bug crawled into my clothes. It was so itchy that I couldn't help scratching it, and that's how it got exposed. Otherwise, with my lurking and tracking skills as a special forces soldier, you would never have found me!" Yu Yan said proudly, and then his eyes leisurely looked at the beggar chicken that Ye Chui had just cooked, "This chicken tastes quite delicious."

"… "

Ye Chui seriously suspected that Yu Yan had just smelled the scent of muscle and couldn't help but reveal his whereabouts...

With Yu Yan in the mix, the three of them found a place to sit down. Lin Wei was very unhappy - such delicious chicken had to be shared by one more person, and Yu Yan's body shape meant he had a huge appetite. For a foodie, this was definitely the most depressing thing...

So Ye Chui couldn't help but comfort her: "Whenever you want to eat in the future, just come to me. Let's go here and catch a chicken to make you a beggar's chicken, okay? In addition to this beggar's chicken, I know a lot of other ways to roast chicken."

"Okay, okay!" Lin Wei laughed immediately after hearing Ye Chui say that.

Yu Yan couldn't help but roll his eyes - Ye Chui was definitely trying to find a way to get Lin Wei out, but you know what, this method was definitely the most effective for this greedy little cat...

Yu Yan ate half of the whole fat chicken herself, and gave most of the rest to Lin Wei. Lin Wei looked slim, but she had a big appetite. However, the best advantage of a foodie girl like her is that she can eat and knows how to eat, but she just doesn't gain weight.

After eating the beggar chicken, Ye Chui carried the three chickens he caught down the mountain. Yu Yan asked Ye Chui curiously, "I heard that you were going to prepare the ingredients for Mr. Han, but there are still five or six days left. Why are you taking the chickens back now?"

"The choice of ingredients is crucial. I plan to raise these chickens at home for a few days and cook them well, so that they can reach the highest level of meat quality." Ye Chui explained with a smile. One of the dishes he was going to make for Mr. Han required the chicken to be cooked using a special method. The live chickens had to be fed with special feed for a few days before being slaughtered to achieve the ultimate flavor.

Yu Yan smiled naively: "There are so many tricks here. Mr. Han will definitely be satisfied with the dishes you cook."

"Of course they will, Ye Chui's cooking skills are the best!" Lin Wei said to Ye Chui with a grin. She is now Ye Chui's number one fan.

The three of them went down the mountain chatting and laughing, met with Chen Sitang, the owner of the chicken farm, and paid the price for the three chickens plus the beggar chicken that was already in their stomachs.

When he was about to leave, Ye Chui suddenly said to Chen Sitang: "Boss Chen, I want to discuss business with you."

"Business?" Chen Sitang's eyes lit up, and he looked at Ye Chui and said, "Mr. Ye, what business do you want to discuss?"

Yu Yan and Lin Wei also became curious, wondering if Ye Chu was planning to have a long-term partnership with Chen Sitang

Ye Chui turned his head and glanced at the small hill of Maple Leaf Mountain, then continued to say to Chen Sitang: "I want to invest in your chicken farm and build a chicken coop. What do you think?"

"Build a chicken coop?" Chen Sitang was stunned. He frowned and said, "Mr. Ye, didn't I explain it to you just now? It's not easy to raise chickens in a coop. I have no experience at all. Not only me, but there are not many people who have this experience now. It's okay to raise a dozen chickens, but it's impossible to manage more than that."

"It's okay. I can pay for building the chicken coop. You just need to do it according to my instructions. I see that you have a large place here and sufficient manpower. You can just build the chicken coop at the foot of the mountain. You will know if it works if you give it a try. Once it succeeds, you can expand the scale." Ye Chui said with a smile.

Chen Sitang was still skeptical, but when he heard that the money for building the chicken coop was all paid by Ye Chui, and it could be considered as Ye Chui's investment, and he only needed to provide some manpower, he thought that he would not suffer any loss, so he nodded and agreed. Then Ye Chui found paper and pen and listed the structure of the chicken coop in detail on the paper.

This first chicken coop is just a small one for testing the waters. It can raise 500 chickens at a time. Ye Chui has already thought about the types of chickens to be raised. He will use dwarf broilers with a relatively calm temperament. All the materials plus future manpower and feed will only cost 20,000 yuan in the early stage. It takes less than two months for the chicks to grow up and be released from the cage. This makes it easier to control and catch than raising chickens in the mountains.

Of course, Ye Chui had never been involved in chicken farming, he had come into contact with it many times when looking for food and had some understanding of it. He was not sure whether this method would work or not and needed to practice it more.

Chen Sitang didn't take it seriously at first, but when he saw Ye Chui explain the structure of the chicken coop in detail and even mentioned some key points of future breeding, he was surprised. In the end, he just nodded repeatedly with a flattering look on his face. He thought to himself: "Just now I thought he was a idle young man, but now it seems that this is not the case at all... This person is really capable."