Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 346: Dongpo pork elbow, Dongpo pork, preserved vegetable braised pork, twice-cooked


In any case, Ye Chui was determined to prepare a whole pig banquet at the Spring Banquet. Tian Xiaodu and others were already accustomed to Ye Chui giving orders regarding the operation of the hotel, so seeing that he had made up his mind, they didn't say much.

And although they were vaguely worried about the whole pig feast that Ye Chui was going to prepare, due to their long-standing trust in Ye Chui, they soon became very interested in Ye Chui's whole pig feast.

However, in the next two days, when Han Yuyan, the second disciple, saw Ye Chui, her eyes were always strange, with unspeakable resentment. When Ye Chui spoke to her, she only answered Ye Chui with monosyllabic words...

This was the first time that Ye Chui had seen this sister get angry with him since he met her. Although her anger was more like a temper tantrum, and to be honest, the way this sister puffed up her face and opened her eyes wide to stare at Ye Chu was more or less cute...

"Who told you to feed Sister Yuyan that kind of food? It makes me sick just thinking about it." Lin Wei also felt that Ye Chui was a bit too much to feed Han Yuyan pig blood tofu, and this girl also thought of other aspects. She put her eyes close to Ye Chui's face and asked with a bit of interrogation, "And how did you know that Sister Yuyan was having her period? You even prepared this pig blood tofu to replenish her vitality... Is there some hidden relationship between you two?"

"..." That bowl of pig blood and tofu soup brought out all the melodramatic ethics dramas... Ye Chui rolled his eyes and said, "Weiwei, you think too much."

"Then how do you know about her... This kind of thing is very secretive, right?" Lin Wei's face turned red when she said this.

"It's very secretive, but who can blame me for having a naughty kid at home..."

Ye Chui felt funny talking about this. Han Yuyan, who always got up early to run, suddenly stayed in bed that morning. Ye Chui thought she was sick, but he was too embarrassed to go directly to the girl's room to ask about her condition, so he asked Wang Shiyu to ask her what happened. As a result, Wang Shiyu came out of Han Yuyan's room with a horrified face and told Ye Chui that her sister had a heavy bleeding and was dying...

Because of this matter, Han Yuyan almost strangled Wang Shiyu to death.

However, as a master at the time, Ye Chui felt that since he knew about this matter, he should at least show some appreciation, so he specially made pig blood and tofu soup. With his careful preparation, the soup was naturally very delicious, which made Han Yuyan very happy. However, considering that pig blood and tofu might not be easy for ordinary people to accept, Ye Chui did not tell Han Yuyan what it was...

"So that's how it is." After knowing the whole story, Lin Wei breathed a sigh of relief, and then stared at Ye Chui, "Have you ever fed me anything like this before?"

"Everything I make is delicious, how can it be called a mess? Weiwei, don't think too much." Ye Chui immediately said seriously, thinking that he should not tell others about the crystal jelly made from pig skin...

Han Yuyan continued to be in a cold war with Ye Chui, but at the end of the first month of the lunar year, things took a turn for the better.

That day, Qin Feng came to find Ye Chui from Xizhou City and brought some things with him.

Ye Chui needs a whole pig to prepare a whole pig banquet. As Ye Chui pursues perfection in pork, he naturally wants the pork used in the whole pig banquet to be of the best quality. However, good pigs are hard to find. Ye Chui has tried pork from several pig farms in Yanjing, but felt that they were not satisfactory and did not meet Ye Chui's requirements. So Ye Chui asked Qin Feng to bring pork from Xizhou to see if the pork from Xizhou is suitable.

"Brother Ye, I almost didn't get through the airport security with all this pork. It took a lot of effort to get me through." Qin Feng complained to Ye Chui helplessly when he got out of the taxi carrying an insulated box. Then his eyes were attracted by the magnificent Manhan Building again. His complaints turned into exclamations, "Brother Ye, this is your restaurant... Isn't it too big?"

Who could have imagined that a small vendor who set up a stall at the night market would own such a magnificent hotel half a year later? Things are unpredictable, Qin Feng felt that he had really followed the right person.

"A restaurant is never too big. How's your barbecue restaurant going recently?" Ye Chui said with a smile. Qin Feng took over Ye Chui's barbecue business. However, fewer and fewer people were willing to go out to eat barbecue in winter, so Ye Chui gave Qin Feng a sum of money and let him open a barbecue restaurant in Xizhou City. Ye Chui was nominally the owner of the barbecue restaurant, but Qin Feng was in charge of the operation. This was also a small investment. Ye Chui also specifically asked Qin Feng to promote the concept of self-service barbecue, which attracted quite a few customers.

Add to that the several fast-food restaurants in Jinbing, and Ye Chui is now considered a catering giant in Xizhou City...

"The barbecue restaurant's business is very good, but it's definitely far behind your place, Brother Ye." Qin Feng sighed.

"Don't be envious. I will help you open another large self-service barbecue restaurant in Yanjing in a while, build a brand, and turn it into a chain. The business of this kind of specialty chain restaurant may not be worse than mine." Ye Chui said to Qin Feng with a smile. Ye Chui recognized this young man who dropped out of college. Qin Feng also played an important role in his future plans.

When Qin Feng heard Ye Chui's words, his eyes lit up immediately and he laughed, "That's great. Hey, I was kicked out of school, but now I'm back again."

Chatting and laughing like this, Ye Cui brought Qin Feng into the kitchen of Manhan Building.

Tian Xiaodu knew Qin Feng, and immediately came over to greet him with a smile, then went back to his busy work.

Qin Feng looked at the extremely busy kitchen and couldn't help but ask Ye Chui, "Brother Ye, it's only ten o'clock in the morning and you're so busy here? The restaurant's business is really good, so the daily turnover is a lot, right?"

"Well, now you have to make a reservation to eat at Manhan Building, and when it's busy, you have to wait until three days later. The restaurant's turnover is indeed good. When it first opened, it was over 300,000. It has dropped a little now, but it basically remains at 270,000 to 280,000." Ye Chui said casually as he looked through the things in the thermal box brought by Qin Feng.

After the Man Han Lou opened, the business was so booming that it exceeded Ye Chui's expectations. According to a rough calculation based on the first month of opening, the restaurant brought Ye Chu a revenue of more than four million - this was among the best among all the large hotels in Yanjing and even in China.

Qin Feng was surprised: "Three hundred thousand a day... It's amazing. My barbecue restaurant only had a turnover of two or three thousand when it was doing the best business."

Ye Chui smiled and took out the frozen pork from the insulated box, including a few pieces of pork and some strange ingredients in a bag - that was mutton offal.

During this period of time, Ye Chui had been preparing for the whole pig banquet, and suddenly he thought of some delicious snacks. He remembered that Qin Feng's father, Qin Bo, had been running a mutton stall and was very familiar with the slaughterhouse, so he specially asked Qin Bo to get some mutton offal. He wanted to cook a pot of mutton offal soup for Tian Xiaodu and others to taste - Ye Chui also hoped that this soup could change their views on some ingredients such as pigs, sheep, and cattle.

"I brought four pork elbows and a few pieces of top-quality pork belly, all freshly slaughtered this morning from the best farm in Xizhou." Qin Feng introduced, "My dad got those mutton offal, and he even cleaned them many times... But Brother Ye, is this edible?"

"You'll know tonight whether you can eat it or not. You can stay today and enjoy it." Ye Chui said with a smile.

Ye Chui spent the whole day in the kitchen until the evening. He attached great importance to the whole pig banquet, so he took care of everything. In order to test whether the pork brought from Xizhou met Ye Chui's requirements, Ye Chui made several classic delicacies with the pork.

When the dishes were served at the table in the evening, everyone sitting around the table opened their eyes wide. The dishes made by Ye Chui were all famous Chinese dishes, but for some reason, they did not appear in the Manchu Han Banquet, let alone on the menu of Manhan Building.

Some of these dishes were the first time even for Tian Xiaodu, who had been with Ye Chui for a long time.

"This is Dongpo pork elbow, which has a close connection with the great writer Su Dongpo. It is a delicious way of cooking pork elbow. It is said that it was created by Su Dongpo's wife accidentally. This dish is called Dongpo pork. Xiao Du has eaten the braised pork I made before. The two are similar, but definitely not the same." Ye Chui introduced the dishes on the table with a smile.

"This dish is related to Su Dongpo, so Su Dongpo must be a big foodie." An Xiaoxiao at the dining table immediately expressed his opinion.

"Su Dongpo was a foodie and a great writer. There are many poems and articles about him in the high school textbooks to learn." Ye Chui said with a smile, "Xiao Xiao, you will learn a lot in the future."

An Xiaoxiao's expectant expression immediately drooped. Ye Chui helped her with the transfer procedures. Starting the day after tomorrow, she would go to a nearby private middle school with An Jing and Lin Wei...

This is something that has been bothering her for some time.

She looked at Ye Chui pitifully: "Master..."

"Don't try that." Ye Chui had a determined look on his face. Ye Chui had already developed immunity to Wang Shiyu's cute and begging tactics, so he wouldn't fall for it.

Then Ye Chui continued to introduce the dishes on the table: "This one is pork with preserved vegetables, and this one is twice-cooked pork. They are both classic delicacies of top-quality pork belly."

"Master, what is this?" Listening to Ye Chui's introduction, everyone at the table had already deeply felt the temptation of these pork delicacies. Even Han Yuyan's resentment towards Ye Chui was diluted a lot by these delicacies. She would definitely forgive Ye Chui for what he had done. She saw a large soup bowl placed in the middle of the table. The food inside was still steaming. The soup was dotted with a few strands of coriander and was filled with a strong fragrance. So while Ye Chui was introducing it, she served herself a small bowl. At this moment, she was taking a sip with a small spoon. She felt that the taste was very good and could not help but ask.

Ye Chui's eyes shifted to the bowl of soup in Han Yuyan's hand, and sweat broke out on his forehead in an instant: "What... That's mutton offal soup..."

"What is mutton offal soup?" Sister Han asked innocently as she took another sip.

"It's a soup made from sheep's offal..."

“… ” (~^~)