Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 348: The best place to breed the Tuhe Black Pig, a high-priced pig!


"Exorbitantly priced pork?"

After hearing what Mr. Han said, everyone at the table was drawn to their attention. What kind of pork could be called high-priced pork? Carefully raised, with expensive ingredients, no worse than what people eat, and also played music to the pigs every day

Imagine a pig lying in a pigsty with a speaker next to it playing Beethoven's Sixth Pastoral Symphony...

This scene is too beautiful to imagine.

Dong Youyou couldn't help but ask, "Are these pig farmers just bored? Is the pork raised this way really useful?"

"Of course it is useful. Some time ago, as a gourmet, I participated in the appraisal of this kind of pork. At that time, I randomly selected a pig from a group of pigs and slaughtered it on the same day. The pork has a completely different warm feeling from ordinary pork. It is delicious and memorable. It is the most delicious pork I have ever eaten... Unfortunately, the chef's skills were not good at cooking. He was only a six-star chef."

Old Han said this with a look of reminiscing, and a look of enjoyment on his face.

But his words obviously left Tian Xiaodu, Dong Qian and Qin Yiyue speechless. Six-star chef, and just that

It turns out that these three six-star chefs are not even worthy of the spotlight in Mr. Han’s eyes…

Of course, the three of them would not be angry about this. After all, given Mr. Han’s status, he was really qualified to say so.

However, Dong Youyou didn't care about Mr. Han's status. She said unhappily, "Anyway, I don't think the pork raised in this way is delicious. There are no animals raised in this way in the world."

"Why not?" Old Han was very angry at Dong Youyou's questioning. This old man often showed his mischievous side. He glared at Dong Youyou with an angry look and said, "I heard that Japan has recently developed a super food ingredient. It is a breeding method they found in some ancient books. The beef raised in a special way is delicious and has been rated as the best by countless gourmets. Although I haven't eaten it, I heard that the meat is really good. I would like to taste it if I have the chance."

"Is this true?" Dong Youyou said in disbelief.

But Ye Chui suddenly thought of something: "Mr. Han, are you talking about Kobe beef?"

"Huh?" Old Han stared at Ye Chui, "Boy, do you know this?"

Everyone else at the table also looked at Ye Chui.

Ye Chui coughed hastily, "I've heard of it. I saw some information about it online... It's said that raising this kind of Kobe beef is extremely difficult. They have to be fed wine and beer on weekdays. The feed is also carefully selected, and there are people who massage them every day."

"Fuck, you're crazy!" Dong Youyou immediately shouted. Raising cows and feeding them wine and beer, and most importantly, giving them massages? This kind of treatment made Dong Youyou want to be raised like a cow...

Old Han still looked at Ye Chui with some surprise in his eyes: "Boy, you shouldn't be able to see these on the Internet. It is said that the method of raising Kobe beef is top secret."

"Uh..." Ye Chui didn't expect that the information that was available everywhere in his previous life is still top secret now. He said with some resentment, "There are so many people on the Internet, there will always be some leaks..."

Lin Wei was eating a piece of Dongpo pork in small bites. When she heard Ye Chui's words, she looked up curiously and said, "Ye Chui, don't you not go online?"

Ye Chui: “…”

Old Han was not so easy to fool. He did not believe that Ye Chui had seen this information on the Internet. "Boy, how much do you know about Kobe beef?"

"..." Seeing that he couldn't fool the other party, Ye Chui had no choice but to say, "Well, I do know a little about Kobe beef. It is indeed very troublesome to raise Kobe beef, but the most important point is the bloodline of this beef. Kobe beef can be said to be a certain type of cattle. Raising Kobe beef requires that the bloodline is free of impurities. From this point of view, it is impossible for Japan to cultivate the most perfect Kobe beef now."

"Is Kobe beef really delicious?" Mr. Han continued to ask.

"How should I know this?" Ye Chui knew he couldn't say any more. "I'm just an orphan who has never been abroad. How can I have the chance to taste such a lost delicacy?"

"Then how did you know about Kobe beef?" Lin Wei asked curiously.

"Kobe beef has been very famous for more than a hundred years. I inherited the ancient recipe of the Manchu-Han Banquet, as well as some introductions to various delicious ingredients, including Kobe beef." Ye Chui continued to talk nonsense.

Until now, many people, including those around Ye Chui, believed that Ye Chui was fortunate to inherit ancient recipes to have such advanced cooking skills, and that this was a personal secret. They had not asked too many questions, but when they heard Ye Chui say this, they immediately dropped the topic.

"I see." Old Han had a look of regret on his face. "It seems that it is not easy to eat authentic Kobe beef."

Ye Chui had eaten Kobe beef in his previous life. The taste was indeed outstanding. In China, the price could even be sold for thousands of yuan per kilogram. Unfortunately, for some reason, China began to ban the import of this top-quality beef in 2001. If you want to eat pure Kobe beef, you have to go to Japan...

Dong Qian then turned the topic back to the high-priced pork: "How does the high-priced pork we raise here compare to the Kobe beef?"

"It depends on the type of pig." Ye Chui thought for a moment and asked Old Han, "Old Han, what type of pig was the expensive pork you ate?"

"It's a black pig." Old Han replied, "It is said that this kind of pork comes from Shandong. After the gourmet food movement, there are less than 20 pigs left and they are raised in some state institutions. Even now that gourmet food is revived, they are replaced by white pigs on the market. The number of black pigs is still very rare. But according to the man who raises the high-priced pigs, this kind of pig is the most suitable for breeding high-priced pigs."

"Black pig, from Shandong... Could it be Tuhe black pig?" Ye Chui's heart moved. In his previous life, this kind of pork could be said to be one of the best breeds of domestic pigs, but the breeding cycle of this kind of pork was too long, three or four times that of ordinary pigs. With the introduction of foreign pigs, this kind of pork gradually decreased and was on the verge of extinction, becoming very precious. Now that the delicacy is revived, it has not received strong support due to the breeding cycle of this kind of pork. However, it is undoubtedly very appropriate to use this kind of pig to breed high-priced pigs.

"It seems that this expensive pig will be the most perfect ingredient for the Spring Banquet. Mr. Han, please tell me the owner who raises the expensive pig." Ye Chui smiled and continued to say to Mr. Han, "I have been looking for the right pork ingredient for some time. Mr. Han, this is a timely help."

"If you want to thank me, please prepare the full version of the Manchu Han banquet for me as soon as possible. I haven't had enough of the simplified version of the Manchu Han banquet for the New Year's Eve dinner." Old Han said happily. He said so much, but his eyes were always wandering around the table. At this time, after finishing what he wanted to say, he finally had some free time. He suddenly pointed his chopsticks at the mutton offal soup in the middle of the table, "What is this? It seems to have a strong taste. Hurry up and serve me a bowl."

"Grandpa, let me help you." Dong Youyou was very excited at this time, and hurriedly helped Han Lao to serve a bowl of mutton soup and handed it to him, "Why don't you try what this is? Sister Yuyan burst into tears after eating it just now."

"Tears?" Old Han was stunned for a moment, then he realized that Han Yuyan was not at the table, "What do you mean tears? Is Yuyan okay?"

"She's fine, she's in her room..." Ye Chui explained awkwardly.

Old Han said "oh" and didn't mind. His attention was completely attracted by the mutton offal soup in his hand. He looked at it for a while, scooped a spoonful with a spoon and put it into his mouth. Then he saw a look of surprise on his face. He quickly ate the small bowl of mutton offal. Then he handed the bowl to Dong Youyou and asked Dong Youyou to help him get another bowl. As a result, Dong Youyou was so surprised that she was stunned. Seeing this, Old Han got another bowl himself. He drank three bowls in a row before he stopped. His face was full of satisfaction, "It tastes so good. I haven't eaten such a wonderful broth for a long time."

Dong Youyou finally realized that this girl was also holding back evil, and she smiled and said to Old Han, "Grandpa, guess what this soup is made of."

"Want to test me?" Old Han looked at Dong Youyou with disdain. "From the first bite, I knew this was made with sheep offal. I remember there was a famous snack in Yanjing called mutton offal soup. Is this it?"

"Yes, that's it." Ye Chui nodded with a smile. Old Han had experienced the era when meat was poisonous. At that time, mutton offal soup was already popular in Yanjing. The Hui Muslim mutton offal soup in old Yanjing was very famous, so it was not surprising that Old Han had eaten it.

But Dong Youyou's wish to see Old Han lose his composure was dashed. The girl said to Old Han with a depressed look on her face: "Grandpa, is Sister Yuyan really your granddaughter? Why is there such a big difference between the grandfather and granddaughter after drinking this soup..."

This caused everyone to burst into laughter.

Mr. Han was already full at the moment, but he still missed the food on the table, especially the mutton offal soup. When he left, he asked Tian Xiaodu to pack the soup for him to take back. This made Dong Youyou, Lin Wei, and Wang Shiyu, who had not tasted the mutton offal soup, suddenly feel a little regretful...

Before Mr. Han was about to leave, Ye Chui mentioned the matter of the sky-high price of pork to him again.

"The farm is in Donghua District of Yanjing. Yu Yan knows the place. The boss also knows Yu Yan. I have already greeted him. You can just ask Yu Yan to take you there tomorrow." Old Han told Ye Chui with a smile.

"Okay, I got it." Ye Chui nodded, and then he couldn't help thinking in his heart that Han Yuyan was currently quarreling with Ye Chui, and going out with her tomorrow would be a good opportunity to adjust the situation.

However... it was not until the next day that Ye Cui realized that he had been thinking too beautifully.


Han Yuyan's resentful voice came from inside the door. This sister is still in a bad mood... (~^~)